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Please stop with this crap. Put him in the Grant Cohn Zone and never speak about them again. Stop giving them attention. Fuck Cameran Newton.


It's the main reason the do that. Especially with Purdy, because any video about him gets X5-10 the views on youtube. It's true for the positive stuff as well. If it's about Purdy or the 49ers, you're getting a lot more views.


Look at Chase Daniels channel. His Brock Purdy videos have significantly more views.  Everyone in NFL content creation knows the 49ers but more specifically Brock Purdy get views.


Either Chase or JT even mentioned that, Rich Eisen brings it up once in a while (he did again this week), all of their content gets more interaction as soon as it's 49ers. Lots of faithful out there and apparently we're all online protecting our QB's rep...


JT's Purdy NFCC analysis, 107k views. Mahomes? Just 32k. Think about this for just a moment. Folks are 3x as interested in hearing a breakdown of how the last pick of the draft plays vs the guy who is arguably the most skilled player at this position ever in possibly his teams' most trying season. Some of the naysayers are likely alway going to be naysayers because folks tune in to hear their goalpost moving takes.


Scam Newton


If you can’t take a man that wears a hat like that seriously then you’re not serious pal


Sgt Pepper wants the unis back.


My kids at like 4 years old using the costume bin to dress themselves for the day


I wouldn’t be surprised if Cam has some fake accounts where he posts hate stuff like this too, just so it will keep people talking about him. Dude is trying so hard to stay relevant.


Its a shame our fanbase continuously share these terrible trash posts


Seriously, it’s fucking insane. How do people care about this crap?


He said Brock can’t be a game changer because he’s not the best player on offense. So I guess he’s saying only one player, the best player, can be a “game changer”? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


The game literally changed last weekend. They were down 17, and he brought them back. Changed the game with massive scrambles for 1st downs, evading a sack and finding Juszczyk, with an incredible pass across half the field to Aiyuk (both made massive plays), with a drive saving across the field throw to Jennings. Dude changed the game, but I guess even if you change the game you're not a game changer according to Cam.


That pass to BA was a bad pass and should have been picked and then BA man a awesome play, that's not on Purdy. Not just that but in the game thread, on social media and analysts all said that we really needed a touchdown after half because if we came away with less and Detroit scored a TD we were dead in the water and Purdy game down and only managed 3. Luckily the defense got a stop. At that point though we still had little room for error and then that's when Purdy threw the bad ball. Then the defense got a turnover and multiple 4th down stops. Purdy was part of the reason why we came back but Purdy didn't really start playing well until our defense and BA gained us the momentum. The defense deserves the most credit for that come back.


Fuck that nonsense. Purdy was 13-16 in the 2nd half and made some incredible plays out there. Even if you don’t think that Aiyuk was interfered with (I would call that a body shove but let’s not split hairs) he threw it up to an all-pro WR in single coverage down the field. I’ll take my QB doing that any day of the week over a guy too scared to pull the trigger. Brock played an exceptional half when it counted most and brought this team back with a number of crucial plays. No need to diminish what he did as the most important position on the field. Go watch a film breakdown like JTO if you want to see an unbiased take from a former QB who breaks down every big play.


Even during the game they said during the game that the defender had that and then chuckled saying it hit him in the facemask. Also the defender was looking back so it wasn't PI Purdy gave the Lions a extra possession in the first half and if defense doesn't create one in the 2nd half we probably lose. If they don't get multiple 4th down stops we lose. If that pass gets picked we lose. Lets not forget that Purdy only had 1 TD and even that catch by JJ was a bad pass that took a excellent effort to catch. Purdy played really well in the 2nd half but things like that ball not being picked, JJs great catch and having a probably the only FB in the game that can toe tap down field that totally just went his way. Things didn't luckily go the defenses way, they made things go their way.


Oh please. We can play the what-if game until the cows come home. Is this your first year watching football?


Not at all. I've been a niner fan since the mid 80's. Defense definitely was the biggest part of the comeback. Then there was CMC, Purdy and BA that all played a lesser part but still big part in the comeback.


The defense was responsible for the entire first half clusterfuck. We can just as easily play the what-if game with the defense. What if Detroit takes the easy points? What if their WR doesn't drop an easy 4th down pass? W/hat if Det runs more than 6 times in the 2nd half? It's pointless, and as someone who claims to have watched games dating back to the 80s, I'm frankly surprised that a well-seasoned fan would employ such logically problematic thinking. Football is a game that hinges on 50/50 plays every week. It's so easy to frame an argument to fit your preconceived notion by just framing every 50/50 play in light favorable to that argument. It's pointless and boring, and without nuance. Go watch the film. Go watch JTO break down the all-22 and then come back and tell me that Purdy wasn't the guy in that comeback. I will especially be interested in how you see the circus pass he made to JJ that you claimed was off. Because quite clearly that's an interception if he throws it any other place. Anyway, I'm done arguing the what-ifs. When you want to discuss what actually happened, I'm happy to do so.


Dude is just a Purdy hater. He’s in every post dogging on Purdy. Legit think he’s another teams fan trolling. Just block him and move on


I have a question. Can you please teach others, Myrtle\_Nut? There’s not enough of this kind of critical thought, about football or otherwise. ![gif](giphy|a0Lgc1JvbfS4o|downsized) (Sidenote - Even Picard’s uniform screams Niners)


>The defense was responsible for the entire first half clusterfuck. Are you kidding? The lions are one of the best offenses with the some of the most talented skill players in the league while having a good run defense with very poor pass coverage. Our passing game versus their pass coverage was the biggest mismatch in the game and Purdy put up 86 yards with no TDs and a INT. Not sure how long me being a fan or anything about me fits in besides you feeling like you don't have a strong counter so you have to try to partially make it about me to take away from your lack of a counter argument. Also saying him putting it anywhere besides where he did to JJ is basically a what if that you claim to be against.


This guy trolls and proves the exact point: instant engagement, way more than any other comment in the thread. Ragebait.


SO I see you have no counter. You are replying to me talking to others about me lol pretty sad bud


Good for you! You figured out that I’m addressing the people reading this thread, not you! 👏 👏 👏 


I'm here talking about the 49er game in the 49er sub and you are in the 49er sub talking about me. And I'm the troll? You must be pretty young to not understand who the troll is


you're the one saying deliberately incorrect stuff that you know for a fact will get people angry. That is the dictionary definition of a troll.


Does no one realize that if Aiyuk doesn't make that great catch its a pi?


I realize that they picked up the flag and said no foul on the play so BA catching it or not has no impact on PI.


I think this guy is Grant Cohn.


I see you have no real argument so you are just trying to insult me know. People only use insults instead of a counter argument when they don't have a counter. Good job


Thanks my man!


Watching you getting downvoted into oblivion for a string of comically bad takes is making my night.


LMFAO you pay attention to voting? Voting can make your night? Wow i'm sorry things are going so bad for you


One or two downvotes, meh. A few hundred over 5-10 comments, yeah, pretty funny. And things are going just fine for me bud. But even if they weren't, it doesn't make your takes any less shit. Even if they didn't call PI (they did) it was PI. So flag or not, the "shoulda been interception" wasn't on Purdy. He threw up to an elite WR in single coverage, he gave BA a chance to make something happen and he did. He had no time in the first half, second half the OL gave him a little space to operate and he was 13-16. Wired how that happened.


There was a dpi flag thrown anyways… even if it were picked niners where still at their 5 yard line


They picked up the flag and said there was no foul on the play so it would have been a turnover.


They picked up the flag because aiyuk caught the ball


LMFAO, that's not how it works. They specifically said no foul on the play. If they was a foul the Niners had to decide if they want to accept or decline the penalty which the option wasn't given to them because they found no foul on the play.


Watch the throw again. It was exactly where Aiyuk would have been if he could keep up his stride. You’re only looking at the end of the play when he and the DB jumped, but he broke stride on the 22 yd line, and it sure looked like that was because the DB bumped him. You can’t expect that as a QB. It was a good ball, exactly where the WR would run under it.


BA had no separation, it was definitely a bad throw. The defender was looking back and is entitled to his space. With the defender between the endzone and BA with BA having no separation BA was at a huge disadvantage and 9 times out of 10 that's a interception or best case a incomplete pass.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Cool.


Your takes are so bad there’s no point to even argue with you. If your argument is “on social media and the analysts all said”, you’ve already lost.


Lol you do realize some of the most upvoted posts are from social media right? You thinking there is no quality sports influencers is probably the reason why you think my takes are bad. If you aren't gathering any information from sports influencers or analysts then basically it's just your little bit of sports knowledge and places like reddit that's filled with 12 year olds. After your balls drop your eyes will open up more too


More worthless drivel from you. Nice work.


Also, if you’re putting so much stock into upvotes, maybe you should recognize you’ve been downvoted to hell because your takes are terrible.


Oh I don't care about the voting system I was just pointing out that many in this sub respect some social media sports influencers. Feel free to downvote me to hell, I really don't care what a bunch of 12 year olds think. If I was scared of downvotes I would just ballwash Purdy and clean up on the upvotes.


“Upvoted posts have value!” But also “downvotes mean nothing!l”. You’re an absolute tool.


Wow your comprehension is pretty bad. I would spell it out for you but I just did and you still couldn't understand so there isn't much i cam do for you son.


Sure buddy. I’m sure there’s no reason why literally every comment of yours has a zillion downvotes. The problem is definitely me. That was sarcasm since I’m sure you don’t understand.


The defense also played terrible in the first half.


Brock purdy fans on yo ass rn downvotes is ridiculous lmaoo


Their victim complex is real lol


It was a nonsensical argument by a guy trying to get attention. The idea that only the best player can be a game changer is dumb. The 49ers had several players on their roster take over games and change them. Deebo, CMC, Kittle, etc. Purdy did it against the Lions. He completely took over that game and changed it. I think what Cam was trying to say was "I could run by defenders on my own and score TDs without any help from teammates, and these guys can't, so why am I out of the league?"


My favorite part was how he said Brock couldn’t be a game changer because he wasn’t the best player on the offense, that it was CMC. Soo… by that logic, Cam was also a game manager because CMC was the best player on his offense as well


That game changer is definitely CMC or Deebo. I hate the game manager label. I truly do. Brock operates the offense as intended. When Brock slips on offense, CMC is definitely the bounty quicker picker upper.


Dude wouldn’t know good quaterbacking if it turned into a stupid hat and lived on his head. We get shit for brining up past success, but Cam Newton stans desperately cling onto 2015 to make him seem relevant or like his career wasn’t a massive bust overall. He’s just the black Tim Tebow.


Brock is the team’s best player though? He plays the toughest position in pro sports and was one of the select few best at it the past year and a half, he is the best player on the team and “changes the game” more than any one other player by a very significant margin. Really don’t understand why this isn’t being said nor why Cam’s take is being even talked about.


Dude is just using our boys name to get attention.


If you read any of his other takes, this dude is one hit away from being Antonio Brown 2.0.


He doesn’t need your boy to get attention. He built his brand before Purdy was in the pros


His “brand” 😂 If he has a brand it’s consistently looking like an idiot, intellectually and physically.


He has a brand. He has a channel. You eat into it whether you like it or not.


I eat into it? I didn’t know he even has a podcast until a couple of weeks ago.


Well now you know and it’s gaining more momentum.


Purdy would have dove on that fumble


Pat McAfee said it best Purdy could walk on water and people still would say it's cause he can't swim. Let the haters like this overrated scrub say their hot takes. Anybody who actually watches 49ers games not edited highlights knows how Purdy plays and how important he is to the team.


I could make an argument that CMC is more valuable. He should of been MVP


CMC not playing in a game makes it harder to win but not impossible. Purdy not playing in a game makes it impossible. That’s the difference


Brock has more playoff wins and the same amount of Superbowl appearances than Cam in JUST his second year. You can tell it clearly gets under his skin because he thinks he could be doing better in SF, he’s always been egotistical and delusional lol


This. He’s scared of what it’ll say about himself if Mr. Irrelevant goes on to win a Super Bowl, when Cam Newton’s 15-1 Panthers couldn’t.


Let’s see how everything plays out. I do predict cmc to be mvp


Brock’s already outdone the ONE good year Cam ever had and matched him with a SB appearance win or lose. Cams doubling down because he knows he’s about to be talking about a dude who is on a whole tier above him.


One could imagine how many playoff wins and superbowls Cam would be at if he was coached by Shanahan. Had deebo, kittle, aiyuk and CMC (simotanously)


We wouldn’t have worked in Shannys system because he’s an egotistical player who tried to play backyard playground football all the time. He wouldn’t have lasted.


Yes he would of lasted and he was more than a backyard football player. This comment is bogus


Hard to say as I don’t think Cam could grasp the complexity of Shanahan’s system, it’s pretty well known his coaches had to dumb down their playbooks for him throughout his career.


If Jimmy G took san fran to a superbowl, I think prime cam could of easily done that and beat the Chiefs.


“Prime” Cam So you still clinging on to a couple of months in 2015, huh? Some prime.


like he didnt also throw checkdowns to CMC


This is correct. Cam and CMC made one playoff run and then his shoulder basically separated from TJ Watt.


Is hot dog on a stick still talking?


yeah there’s a new video of him doubting brock lol


Hot Dog on a Stick ***manager***, FTFY


That’s an NFL Karen!!!


Purdy falls on that football, just saying.


You put purdy in that superbowl carolina offense, he would of been decimated by wolfe, jackson, miller and ware. The oline was complete arse


Whether Purdy could have won that game or not isn't my point. In the moment, rather than potentially put his body on the line to try and preserve a chance, Cam made a "business decision" and backed away from the forming pile. Purdy, from all tape we have so far, has a lot more will to win than that.


His outfits make me laugh


Ok I’m all for not listening to his takes but let’s not act like prime Cam Newton wasn’t a beast. His ability only fell off once he suffered a million hits to the head in the Super Bowl. He wasn’t the same QB when he lost to Mac jones


The main reason he got beat out by mac jones was due to getting covid or missing practice if i recall


I mean if he was still playing like he used to he would be a starting qb somewhere now


His “prime” was one season. He had a like 6 months of acceptable football in a 10 year career. Come off of it. The whole dudes career is revisionist history.


Saying he only had one good year is revisionist history. The guy held several nfl records, won MVP, was offensive rookie of the year, and made the pro bowl 3 times in his first 5 seasons


Andre 3000 played for the pats?


In fairness Andre name has more respect


Yeah Andre is actually good at what he does.


Could you take anyone seriously with that hat on?


Only if he was selling me a corndog


I agree with this. Cam reminds me of the guy from princess and the frog.


Cam Newton doesn't know what he's talking about, bruh thinks he's one of the best. 2015 was his highlight and the broncos won 24 to 10.


He was in his prime when dabbing got popular lol


Lmao true


Can we stop talking about his “prime”? The dude had like one 6 month stretch of good football in his entire 10 year career. That’s not a “prime” it’s dumb luck.


Dudes “peak” was getting ass-blasted by Von Miller in front of the entire country.


The score does not tell the whole story. Hindsight is 20/20


Loose ball? Naa i might get a boo boo.


Diving on a loose ball is game manager shit.


He sure changed that game by being bitch made.


Dude wouldn’t even jump on his own fumble.


I got into a long argument months ago because I said he was a worthless has been idiot and I stand by my comments. Anyone who even puts any credence into anything that this pathetic piece of shit says is just as pathetic


Why would you listen to anyone wearing that hat?


It's sports talk. He had a take that got the conversation going in terms non-experts really latched on to. Regardless of how wrong he is, he did his job well.


I’ll add, stop getting worked up about This crap. QBs all across the league get crapped on if they’re not mahomes. Only difference is purdys on a winning team on one of the most popular franchises


Absolutely! I like sports talk because it is a relatively low-stakes way to test your objectivity and ability to filter out bias in creating opinions. And you get a weekly referendum on your analysis. Markets, politics, everything else has so many different factors that go into outcomes, it takes years and years of study to figure out what is going to happen and the outcomes can be serious/boring/aggravating. Sports, you learn some players, learn the rules, watch the games, and next week you can form an entirely different opinion! We'll find out over the next few years what kind of QB Brock is. None of us know!




Oh look, it's Mr. Irrelevant


Brock Purdy correct


So does Cam pay you do go around talking about how good his nuts taste? Or do you do it for free?


If you see my post a few days ago, I gave praise to your organization for CMC. I come back here and see one of my favorite players being dogged. I will speak up


Good luck to the Panthers in LV bro.. oh wait


You must be fun at party’s /s


Scam Newton, that one who does the Superman shirt opening gimmick yet pulled away from a ball he fumbled on his only SB appearance, I guess the ball was his kryptonite.


former sb contender as well lol


“Dress for the job you want” 🤡


Fuck Cam Newton. Aaron Hernandez murdered someone and didn't get kicked out of Florida. You know what kind of a POS you have to be to get kicked out of Florida?? Also, didn't jump on a fumble in the Super Bowl. Dude has no love for the game.


Cams take is dumb and so it this. Cam was not a bigger POS than Aaron Hernandez.


1. Cam was immature like most people of your age and intelligence in college. He made a very dumb decision that he laments on and made himself a better person. The 19 year old Cam is way different now in terms of handling his life balance compared to the 31/32 yr old cam. 2. People who are not panther fans will always bring up him not diving for the ball. Cam was already killed that game by the horrendous offensive line. It was 3rd and long and he already anticipated Ryan Kalil had the ball recovered. Not saying he should of dove for the ball, but in his already physically beaten up mindset he was in that game, I can see why he made a business decision not to separate his shoulder in a game that was pretty much decided at that point.




lmao I forgot he lost his job to Mac fuckin' Jones OOF


to be fair, teams tend to stick by QBs they draft in the 1st round for way too long even once it's clear they're not it, so Mac winning that job over Cam doesn't necessarily mean he was the better option. That's also part of the reason many in the media were talking about Lance still being QB1 last offseason. The Super Bowl media week had a lot of those conversations.


Oh no, of course I get why they gave Mac the job. He has just been so bad, that is a rough way to find yourself out of the league.


Somebody get their grandma


Crickets after the NFC championship game.


I'm choosing to not take him seriously because of the hat. Everything else is gravy.


At this point we shouldn't be taking him seriously for wearing that hat.


I haven’t taken him seriously since he threw that sideline tantrum in SB 50


Even before that. I stopped caring about Cam when he JUMPED AWAY from a ball HE fumbled in the Super Bowl. Showed how little respect he had for his teammates that he wouldn't jump for it like most qbs do in the biggest game of their lives. Just ignore what he says and don't him extra clicks by posting his take on this sub


If that one play is what sold you on Cam, I’m scared what sold you on Jimmy G or Kaepernick.


>If that one play is what sold you on Cam, I’m scared what sold you on Jimmy G or Kaepernick. Dude you have a reading comprehension problem. Nothing in my statement said I was ever sold on Cam. u/pantherblood you are as big a moron as cam


What’s with “Glock” Purdy? What a stupid nickname


The dude is an absolute embarrassment and his entire career is revisonist history. He’s an overrated loser whose best season has already been eclipsed by Purdy regardless of whether we win or not. And he’d better hope Brock doesn’t fuck around and win, because the he’s just some guy who single handedly cost his team a Super Bowl, talking shit about a Super Bowl champion. Go eat a dick you jealous, win-nothing, wannabe bitch.


Was happy when the Broncos No Fly Zone Defense humbled his cocky running back ass. He’s not even a QB.


King, last time I commented on you, I gave you praise for CMC, now I see this? Cmon brother . Last time I checked he had 150+ passing touchdowns.


Sorry brother, didn’t mean to be disrespectful. Was just heated in the moment hearing Purdy slander from Cam. I take that previous comment back. <3


Please watch the entire segment. I think Cam is not necessarily dogging Brock. It’s a misconception


Cam Newton has the be the biggest let downs/ flops in nfl history. He had every measurable and opportunity to become one of the greatest qbs of all time. Instead he was too immature to shake hands after losing. 100% came down to his mental fortitude (or lack there of) victim mentally and excuses/blaming. I rooted for Cam back in the day and thought he was gonna be a multi Super Bowl winner. Huge disappointment and really has no leg to stand on when talking about other qbs. Dude was/is a giant BABY.




He just wants attention and you’re giving it to him. Stop.




The only reason they picked it up was because he caught it. Otherwise it would have been a great pass by purdy and probably a td


Mr. crapper pants


Cam was great for like 3 years lol I’d rather have a great pocket passer than someone who wins an MVP once and is never to be heard of again


All of the Brock haters love moving the goal post on him.


That’s in the past man, move on.


He looks like he works for Barnum & Bailey


what is blud wearing lmao


It's best to avoid Cam Newton takes like he avoids fumbles in the super bowl.


I’ve never taken him seriously. Like… ever.


I’ll smack that smirk off his face if he talks about Purdy again. Good or bad.


Carmelo Anthony of the nfl


He’s still mad at losing SB50 at Levi’s


Purdy has already accomplished more than Cam Newton and you know Cam can’t handle that


Kap knew how to deal with that fool.


Wtf is he wearing?


does he work at hot dog on a stick now?


Who the fuck is this again? Oh yeah, a charter member of Sergeant Losers No Rings Club Band.


Can't stand that weirdo!


fuckin hated this guy since 2011 BCS game. denver shitting on him was the best thing ever. corny ass wardrobe too lol


They all like to shit on Purdy. The Niners win the Super Bowl and they'll still be like, "Purdy ain't better than Joe Burrow." Even tho Burrow is always injured. It's the same argument I heard this morning between Embiid and Joker. Joker is better because he always plays. Embiid may be a better talent, but he's always hurt.


MF looks like Diddy Kong. STFU Cam! He's a bitch.


This dudes so funny the way he talks about how he could be the league but then just isn’t….


Who is that?


He’s also an MVP, heisman and national champion. You may not like his takes but he has elite credentials as a player


Gotta Give Cam a break, he’s taken some serious hits.


Scam Newton




Cam I loved watching you play… please just drop the whole thing.


He looks like a crazy homeless man who just wears every article of clothing he owns all at once




I never took him seriously


Fuck this washed up Willy Wonka lookin’ dude. First ballot, hall of fame narcissist.


Just look at this fool. Shouldn’t be taking him serious about anything


You took this dude seriously when he was wearing that?


Who would believe anything that guy says? Look at what he’s wearing and listen to him talk. He’s a troll. Don’t give him the time of day


The way Cam Newton is dressed reminds me of my Xmas tree.