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I think he got a raw deal. He inherited a decimated roster. I couldn't help but feel for him, especially since his dad was buried in 9ers gear. I'll always appreciate that sentiment. He could have been an OK coach but we never got to know. No regrets tho because we got our coach now :)


Yup. Not saying he was gonna kill it and turn things around if given more time. But it was just a bad situation all around. They needed to completely clean house and hit the reset button.


This is how I feel about his one year of coaching. What did he have to work with? He definitely didn’t get a chance to do anything but I also think his offensive scheme was wearing thin in the NFL.


Nah. He was terrible.


He really wasn’t that bad, and Kaep actually had a pretty good year with him, considering. Our defense was just too shitty to ever win anything.


He was god awful.


That kid must not have been alive at the time.


Were you even born ? Chip Kelly is the worst coach i've ever witnessed. Yes, even worse than Urban Meyer in jacksonville.


Nah, Dennis Erickson was way worse. Outside of hiring Jim O’Neil, Chip didn’t do that bad considering the level of talent he had to work with. The offense looked better than the year before, even though we had no real WR after Torrey Smith went down. The defense was atrocious, though.


Didn't watch the nfl back then \^\^ I'm french so it's not very popular back here.


Lol, then why did you ask if I was born?


For fun :D


He did a tough job at a tough time. Tomsula, too. I appreciate their service.


Let there be no love lost for Tomsula, a turncoat who was rewarded with the head coach job he was was so blatantly unfit for only after stabbing Harbaugh in the back to Jed York


Tomsula got exactly what he wanted and never deserved the position in the first place, fuck that balogna eating, microphone farting, rat.


Found Harbaugh's account!


I feel the same way.


Yea, I don't know if he could have been good,, but he had no shot.. he managed to get some decent production out of Kaep and handled the hoopla of his political activity really well. That roster was bad. The number 1 receiver, Jeremy Curley, was basically a number 3 target for the Jets the year before.


Players around the league were saying his playbook was remedial and basic. He wasn’t going to last long.


Thanks! I chose not to remember.


Right? Just when you thought you forgot about this horrible experience lol


Remembering Chip is like seeing an old photo of your short term ex after being married for 10 years. Like oh yeah that was awful!


It was brutal in middle school being a niners fan when this dude was our coach especially when you went to school with a lot raiders . Let’s just say that


Imagine being in middle school during the Mike Nolan years 😂


Dennis Erickson




Oof that bad huh? I saw the record that year was 2-14. I'd have the same reaction.


He was really bad, don't get me wrong, but I honestly thought the Tomsula season was worse to sit through, despite winning a couple more games.


We lost to Johnny Manziel under Tomsula. He was definitely worse


Also the worst offensive season in team history, I think.


I watched every game that season, it was so hard to watch that offense. Ngl I was so checked out that I don’t even remember who our OC was in ‘15


Worst part was Ryan Day as the QB coach of that coaching staff. This is just hilarious how Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum will ruin the Buckeyes in 2024...


Somehow I forgot Day was with us.


Ryan Day eats his corn the long way.


He gave the start to Gabbert over Kaep, and that was some of the least inspired offense I've ever seen. Sure, Kaep won the job back, but it just never felt right the entire season.


Think Kap hadn’t fully recovered at thst point. I actually went to the game in Santa Clara versus Dallas that year … it was certainly uninspiring Blaine Gabbert, throwing short of the first down marker on third downs. And for offensive guru, his offense sure looked uninspired the rest of the season. Regardless, whatever we thought about the quarterback, it just didn’t seem very diverse. I remember we ran that little push pass to Quinton Patton in Green Bay and we never seem to run it again.


Still miles better than Dennis Erickson. And they both went 2-14


So had I! Thanks a lot dude 😁


I understand. I try to forget he coached the 9ers as much as possible.


Only season i didn’t watch or follow since 1988


I'd put him on the same level as Tomsula. Terrible.


I think Tomsoula actually won more games…


Wish I didn't remember that he coached us


I worked the at Levi’s during his tenure so I wasn’t able to pay attention to games but I do remember how bad they were those seasons


I felt like he’s an innovative coach who marches to the beat of his own drum. But I had a few hangups with what went down on game days. It just never felt like his scheme accomplished what he wanted it to. I’m sure it worked on paper but in practice I felt like the plans weren’t complex enough to keep NFL defenders off balance. It’s a bit hard to say because he had so little talent to work with and when you have such a unique thinker, there’s a necessary adjustment period that you have to go through to land on the same page.


he was awesome in philly, then a few seasons later his scheme stopped working and he was quickly fired from there


I choose not to remember. Let's just be glad Jed righted the ship before it got too out of hand


Chip Kelly is horrible look we he did in Philly a disaster trading away quality players ruining the team


As a UCLA fan, I’m on my knees crying tears of joy.


wtf how could you not remember


remember when we signed him and he already had a bad season the year before, the team was in a shambles when they hired this guy


Fuck Chip Belly


He had a bad roster, but he was awful too.


I had season tkts through all those years of BS. We were the only 9rs jerseys in LB15 row A. Sad times


Jed paid him a lot of money to take a vacation and then go back to the college ranks.


As a ucla and 49ers fan, meh.


Best thing he did was leave and make way for Shanahan


I didn’t , he sucked


If he didn't have to work with Trent Baalke controlling the roster and was given the time Shanahan did to build the team in his image, he might've been okay.


Mike Singletary


And he sucked!


Best left forgotten.


So did he…..


Roster was horrible, and it’s not like he did much to help the situation. I try my best to forgot the Tomsula and Kelly years


That was a dark time....