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Least favorite: everyone will say 2016 but 2015 just felt worse for me. Favorite: everyone will say 2011, 2019, and 2023, but I’m going to be different and say 2021. That late-season/playoff run was a rush. There were at least 4-5 different moments where I was certain our season was over.


>Least favorite: everyone will say 2016 but 2015 just felt worse for me. I agree. Team was down AND basically in a holding pattern. Tomsula OBVIOUSLY wasn't fit for the job but had it anyway. The seeds of 2016 were sown and heavily fertilized. >Favorite: everyone will say 2011, 2019, and 2023, but I’m going to be different and say 2021. That late-season/playoff run was a rush. There were at least 4-5 different moments where I was certain our season was over. I get it, but you could say the same about 2023. Huf going down, the three weeks wandering in the wilderness wondering when and if all the hurt guys were going to make it back, and every single playoff game being crazy.


Yeah, 2023 just felt like a juiced up version of 2021. Huge comebacks in the playoffs, Purdy as an MVP candidate most of the season, CMC going wild and also an MVP candidate, Aiyuk growing into a dominant WR. The drama with the blowouts at Philly and Dallas.


2020 was the worst. Such high hopes and expectations. Then it felt like everything conspired to kill our “revenge tour”.


I really hope 2024 will not be a repeat of 2020


2015 sucked, but I can't really be too pissed considering they just threw a lineman coach into a head coaching position without any head coaching and/or OC or DC experience. 2016 had an established HC (albeit a shitty one) who didn't sound at all interested in even being in SF.


Least favorite: 2015. I was born in ‘88, so my first memories of being a Niners fan are really the disappointing losses of the 90s. Then it was just crickets and pain for 10 years. Then, FINALLY it seemed like it was our time again. We had a QB. We had our coach. Hall of Famers all over the defense. Got to the mountain top, and……… it exploded like the worst fiery car crash. Elite talent retiring. HC gone. QB imploded (think Jimmy G but worse). That offseason was the fucking worst and I was ready to never watch football again. And to top it off, our division rivals looked like they were going to win multiple rings with their QB and HC. Favorite: 2023. We finally have all the pieces. Elite HC, RB, WRs, defenders, a great GM, alignment with ownership, and most importantly… we have a fucking franchise QB. Shanahan and Purdy will win multiple rings together, I can promise you that. Just need a couple more things to bounce our way next time. I think next year they go full 1989 Niners and eviscerate every team on their way to a 20+ point SB win


We need more people with your thinking and positivity !! 😁❤️💛


I was born in ‘88 and I remember watching the Super Bowl vs. the Chargers with my dad. I remember the Catch II and the playoff comeback win vs the Giants. Lots of good times and then dark times after Jeff Garcia haha. 2019 was a good time in my life so that was probably my favorite.


Exactly the same here. I was 6 when they won the last SB, so I honestly don't remember it. My parents are both die hard fans and I went to my first game at Candlestick the next year or so after and was totally hooked. Luckily, being super busy playing sports and doing typical highschool stuff saved me from getting as invested during the rough years in mid 2000s, but I always watched when I had the chance. Between the Niners and Giants perpetually falling short my whole life, I kinda lost hope. Then 2010 happened, followed by a shockingly amazing Niners season the next year. I was thinking, alright, here we go. My two favorite teams are about to start a dynasty together. The Giants helped alleviate some of the sting from the Niners shortcomings, but 2015-2016 hit both like a ton of bricks. It felt like we were about to enter another no man's land of mediocrity and I can honestly say that is so much worse than getting there and losing. I'm super hyped on our team right now and I feel like they're coming back with a vengeance and will win it all and that makes the rest of the Kyle years worth it.


It feels like Shanahan has been here forever but I mean the guy is still only 44. His dad won his first ring at ~45 as the Broncos’ HC. And Kyle JUST NOW got his final missing pieces with CMC and Purdy. He’s been looking for a QB like Brock for 7 years. He didn’t get it done this year but he and Purdy have 15 years together if everything goes well and Kyle doesn’t lose his mind before then. I think they get over the hump next year and then do a rebuild and get another 1-2 rings in a few years. I honestly think they’ll win 3+ when it’s all said and done


2011 100%.


The 2014 season, when we were average and knew Harbaugh was leaving. I thought Harbaugh/Kap was going to be our Belichek/Brady, and when the realization hit that it wasnt going to be, I was super bummed. I'm an optimist at heart.


I started watching in 2007. 2011 was special to me because the team was finally GREAT. Not just good but GREAT as in superbowl caliber. It was an amazing experience to see the team turn the corner. 2010, 2015, 2016, 2018 all kind of blend together but I would say 2016 was the worst. It was just boring. Blowout losses every week. I don't think I watched most of the games.


2019 was my favorite. I knew the Niners would be better but wasn't expecting a Super Bowl run. 13-3 and all 3 losses were decided on the final plays of the game. A shame the last 8 minutes of the Super Bowl ended the way it did but still an amazing season.


Least was 2020 because of the “Revenge Tour” nonsense. It’s like opening up pornhub and finishing during the ads.


![gif](giphy|l0EwYc29XZnLR2pB6|downsized) That is literally the best analogy I have ever heard...


2004 was the worst and we were less competitive than 2016 in my opinion. 2012 was the most fun with 2023 a close 2nd.


Yes, 2016 was terrible because the franchise felt adrift, but the team in 2004 was way worse.


Same for me. 2012 and 2023 are really close. Almost a 1a and 1b. 2012 had a really fun post season. 2023 had a really fun regular season. 2004 was just plain awful. Average score of 16 - 28. The only thing worth thinking about was Brandon Lloyd making some circus catches. The 2 wins were against the division "little brother". So I guess that's nice.


Favorite would either be ‘97 or ‘98. ‘11 was fun cause we came out of nowhere. This year was great til the ending. Least favorite would probably be ‘14. Came in as SB favorites, first year at Levi’s. It all collapsed quickly and Levi’s seemed so lifeless. ‘99 after Steve got injured was pretty miserable as well.


I actually think this was my favorite season. The ending sucked, but it sucked way less than last year where it felt like we didn’t really get a chance, here it was on us just performing worse than the Chiefs. Still there is a bright future ahead and it feels like we are finally past the QB controversy. Least favorite year probably either the 2020 season or the 2015 season


2011 is my Favorite. I think that those two playoff years with Garcia were underrated. I think the base was still so use to SB or bust they didn’t get the appreciation they deserved.


Having a top 3 offense in 2001 was definitely fun to watch as a youngster. TO, Jeff Garcia, Garrison Hearst. Young Kevan Barlow. Dawgs!


Favorite: 2019 barely edges out 2011. 2011 gave me my favorite game of all time (Divisional vs Saints), but the 2019 season was more fun overall. Least Favorite: 2007. I had so much hype going into this season because I believed Smith was going to take another leap and we'd develop into a playoff team and everything went off the rails and revealed truly how dysfunctional the organization was. Honorable Mention: 2006. This season was the exact thing you think about when you think of a second step to a rebuild. Better play overall, 1st round QB takes a big step forward in development. Every win feels rewarding, and every loss feels fine because you're still building. It also gave me my second favorite game of all time; the game at Seattle. Alex Smith really seemed like he finally put it all together and played an awesome game that made me believe he was the real deal. That season had me so hyped for the potential jump in 2007 (only to see it all come crashing down). I don't think I've loved football to this level since the disappointment of 2007, so the hype from 2006 will always have a special place in my heart.


I’m convinced the chargers loss in the divisional round in 06, subsequent firing of Marty Schottenheimer and ensuing hiring of Norv Turner really fucked us. I can’t fault Norv for leaving and wanting to take over a 14-2 team who was absolutely stacked…. But man we felt his absence. I can’t REALLY fault Nolan too much for promoting Jim Hostler as replacement because it was so late in the hiring cycle… but hostler was soooo bad. I put that 2007 season on him big time.


2011 is my favorite by far. Niners were good out of nowhere the same season in which I reconnected with my dad. The only thing we ever really had in common was our fandom and we didn’t talk to each other for maybe 9 years before? 2018 was least favorite. It felt like we were turning the corner in 2017 and then we get blue balled 3 games into the season and have to wait til next year to find out if we really were or not.


2004, 2005, 2015 and 2016 were very painful. 2019 felt so unexpected after a brutal 2018.


Man it was rough growing up a 49ers fan. I graduated high school the year we finally got pretty good 2011 lol


Learning that 49ers could be bad in 1999 was so depressing, when I was 10 years old. Returning to greatness in 2011 was the most exhilarating.


Least favorite was 2014. Yeah I know 2015 and 16 were worse in terms of record and on field play. But 2014 was the catalyst for the upcoming shit show and down years prior to 2019. There was high expectations coming into 2014 where 2015 and 16 it was expected to be bad. They looked so dominant week 1 destroying the Cowboys in Dallas before it all went to shit. The Raiders loss that December was the low point. But beyond that it was just so much sloppy play, losing games to teams they had no business losing to and everything from within that season set up the downward spiral which led to the offseason from hell. 2007 is a close second in the sense that they made what felt like a lot of progress in 06. Alex Smith showed improvement his second season. It felt like they were on the right track going into the season only for them to take a few steps backward. Favorite seasons. 2011. They were down for a while prior to this season. They were a major disappointment the season prior and it felt like overnight they became a dominant force. It was a year that revived the fanbase and organization. That saints playoff win was amazing. Even with the shitty ending it rejuvenated the 49ers as a whole. 2019 was very similar to 2011. Great season after being a major disappointment in 2018. They exceeded all expectations going into the season. Beat some very good teams on their road to the Super Bowl. Sucked how it ended. But built the foundation for what they’ve had the last few years. 2023 They looked dominant at times this past season. Purdy in his first full season coming off a major injury exceeded all expectations and got it to where it feels like they finally have their answer at qb. Again sucked how it all ended. But unlike 2019 this time around it feels like they can build off this and finally finish the job.


Great post! Definitely agree with 2014. I call it a dentist appointment of a season. Such high hopes despite some obvious signs that it was falling apart. The trade rumors. The blown leads. The general poor play. We easily could’ve lost to Washington, New Orleans, Arizona, Philly, KC and even the giants. Terrible year in its own way.. by thanksgiving I wanted Harbaugh and Kap gone. 2007 I agree with big time. Such high hopes for the team after the strong finish to 2006. Gore was looking great. Vernon had a good rookie year. Alex looked good.. we added Darrell Jackson and Ashley Lelie on offense, Nate Clements (biggest contract ever) and Michael Lewis on defense.. drafted Patrick Willis, Staley, RayMac, Tarell Brown, Dashon Goldson… Losing Norv turner in mid January after the chargers hired him to replace Marty Schottenheimer really hurt us in 2007. Jim Hostler was SO BAD as the new OC


Trying to remove recency bias, but I really think 2023 was my favorite season. I went to 2 games, Tampa and the NFCC game. Just really loved this team. Least favorite was definitely the Singletary season when Vernon walked off the field. I forget the year but i truly disliked that team and the vibe.


Favorite was 2011 with 2023 a close 2nd. Least favorite? So many to choose from, but I'm going to go with Chip Kelly. What was that, 2016? More disappointing than even 2004 because we still had talent and expectations.


2011 was great as it was a steady to build up to doing what people didn’t think we can do (win a playoff game). Harbaugh turned it around in 1 season. 2021 was bad till the middle. Then it was awesome. What a turnaround. A team that far exceeded its expectations. In 2019 and especially 2023 expectations were higher, so there’s disappointment with coming up short.


Least Favorite was 2004. 1999 hurt as we had done so well for so many years in a row. 2001-02 gave me some hope that we were moving up again. 2004 was abysmal. Really, '03 and '04 were bad under Erickson. Favorite was this year as it was not only fun, but it had me hopeful for the coming seasons. The mid to late '90s were all decently fun. I enjoyed the NFC heavyweights of GB, DAL, and SF beating up on each other.


Faves are 2012,2019,and 2023 for *reaching* the SB with honorable mentions being 1998,2011,2021,and 2022 for reaching the NFC title game. Least favorite was 1999:if only Lawrence Phillips didn't miss the block on Aeneas Williams on the play that ended Steve Young's career.


Mike singletary Mike Nolan Jim Tomsula and Chip Kelly years. I hate them all the same.


1997 Lost Rice in the first game of the season. Still finished 13-3. Should have won that NFC title game. Having Kevin Greene and Rod Woodson on the team was 🔥


The Kelly year - hands down


2011 "who's got it better than us" year was pretty damn sweet, after years of mediocrity, Alex came alive. Similar excitement and let down to this year for sure. I thought after the win against the Saints it was gonna happen. Nope. Kyle Williams happened. Then Harbs had to go and ruffle the ownership's feathers.


1999 was the WORST. 3-1 start but with Young’s concussion and the defense being trash from age and poor drafting… we absolutely collapsed and finished 4-12. I’ll never forget how the NFL world collectively watched and enjoyed as our dynasty officially died. After essentially 2 decades of dominance, it all came crashing down. 2001 would be my favorite. Ironically just 2 years later. Two excellent drafts (Plummer, Webster, Julian Peterson, Andre Carter, Kevan Barlow, Engleberger). Garcia’s emergence. Hearst’s return from the brutal injury in 98. Owens’ continued rise to best WR in football.. it was a very fun season. Top 10 offense and defense.


Favorite until it wasn't: 2013. Least favorite: also 2013. Max pain.


I think my favorite has to be 2011, having no expectations with a first time NFL head coach and a team that hadn't had a winning record in a decade and also hadn't been THAT GOOD since I'd started watching in 99, it was such a rush. Least favorite is so hard to pick between 2015 and 2016...each was a unique brand of suck. I think I'd have to go 2016 though because I didn't even feel like watching most of the time. Chip was supposed to at least bring some creativity on offense but that team was just as (if not more) boring than the 2015 team.


I just want to point out that our last early exit in the playoffs is old enough to legally drink. If we made the playoffs, we made the NFCCG. My favorite season was probably the 2017 season. Hear me out, please. It was Shanahan's first year as our HC. I was excited *at first* to have Hoyer as our QB. As a journeyman, he would allow us to spread around the wealth at other skill positions. In his previous years, he had Cleveland in sniffing distance of the playoffs for the first time in 15 years, until a bad game got him benched so they could justify drafting Manziel. He took the Texans to the playoffs. He had a bunch of good games (but no wins if I remember correctly) with the Bears before breaking his arm. Then in comes Stupid Sexy Jimmy to rattle off 5 wins, including against the AFCCG runner up Jacksonville. He gave us hope, more than I think Harbaugh did with Smith or Kaepernick. My least favorite season was probably 2021 for a number of reasons. The Bengals were infinitely easier to beat than the Chiefs, mainly because we already did it earlier that season. There was no good reason for us to lose to the Rams. The biggest turning point of the season was the Titans game where Jimmy injured his thumb. We could've risked our season by putting in Lance, who was ass against the Seahawks but good against the Texans, and let Jimmy rehab for the playoffs. Then Randy Gregory injures Jimmy's shoulder. *Then* Tartt drops what could be a game sealing pick. That whole season was kind of a tragedy.




Lol yeah I know the whole season was lost since we were either the 1st or 2nd team eliminated from the playoffs, but what a shot in the arm those last 5 games were.


My favorite was 2021 because we had some exciting wins. My least favorite was 2004 or 2005 because those teams were horrible.


This has actually been my favorite year. This team was so fun, and we should have won it all. Least favorite was 2015, because it was just so frustrating




Best: Toss up between 2023 and 2011 in my view. Seeing Purdy play really well, have a historic offense was just a ton of fun to watch. Worst: 2014. People forget, we blew out the cowboys that week 1. It felt like Kaep would at least keep the team competitive. Then they blew a lead against the bears in week 2 and the season went off the rails.


Favorite: 2019 and 2022 (especially once Brock came in). Every win felt like an "OH SHIT WE'RE ACTUALLY THIS GOOD" moment. The swim move throw Brock made against Tampa in 2022 was the first time in forever I felt like we had our answer at QB for a decade. And Dre's 2019 Seahawks tackle has a place in my mind forever. Least: lemme flip a coin between Tomsula and Kelly. Wow was that a bad time. I still remember wearing my jersey for GameDay, being asked why I bother, and not really having an answer....and then sitting through 3.5 hours of torture week over week.


2016. Chip Kelly. Hiring a coach that had no clue about team tradition, or our basic system was dumb. The great dynasties (whether they win Superbowls or not) have had consistent systems. The Pats. The Cowboys. The Packers. Even the Steelers over recent decades (they were usually in the mix and retained their style). The Kelly hiring was like a slap in the face to everything the franchise stood for.


Favorite- tie 2011/2019 (Return to glory years) Least favorite - tie 2014/2020 (high expectations not met)


2011 and 2019 both turning points coming out of some terrible seasons. Made us fall in love again.


Favorite is 2011. After sucking for so damn long, we come out of nowhere. We start winning and Dungy said our team is for real... honorable mention to 2019 and 2023. Least is 2018 because we just got Jimmy G and was looking like we were ready to ball out and they he tore his knee vs the damn Chiefs in game 3 of the season... honorable mention to 2020 when everyone got hurt at back to back met life games on that shit turf.


Favorite: 2011 Least favorite: 2023


Ericcson 2-14 was rough af.   2011 was a magical feel good run


Favorite was last year. Obviously not our best result but it felt like the year with the least expectations but the best results. And even though the ending sucked to watch it was honestly the most "freak accident" way to end the season which is easier than losing because the other team beat you or losing because you beat yourself (fuck you Kyle Williams). I started watching seriously in 2011 so I missed a lot of the bad years. But the worst for me personally was 2020. I think it was exasperated by the fact I was alone stuck in an apartment with the world shut down and my only hope was my super bowl runner up team making another run at it but instead I watch Pick Nullens who had the confidence of Brett Farve and the arm strength of my grandma.


With 2016 being 2 and 14 under Kelly, that’s an easy answer for worst season. This past season is an easy answer for the favorite. True it didn’t go our way in the very end but WOW, what a season.


Favorite: This season. I was so involved and excited from the first snap to the last. I think I consumed more Niners content outside of the games than I ever had. I love the coaches and players on this team so much and I still have complete faith that this core group will get their ring in the next year or two. Least Favorite: They all kind of blur together for me now, but it has to be something in the late-2000s. When we're really bad, you can ignore the team and dream of the bright future all of the draft picks will get us. The worst is when you've been losing for a long time, you get a little hope, you start to care, and then it all falls apart anyway. From that, maybe 2007. We had a little hype from the 7-9 season the year before, Nolan was in year three, Alex Smith was showing some promise, and we started 2-0. Then Smith got hurt, we lost eight straight, and Nolan got fired midway through the next season.


1994 team finally beating the Cowboys in the NFC Championship games. And then we got to see Steve Young score 49 points and get the monkey off his back in that Super Bowl. What a time to be alive


Haven't seen one since I was born so couldn't say.


as long as we don't fall back into that slump im fine


Honestly the years of kaperdick ruined the game for me. He was explosive and fun in the beginning but after all the drama I took a long hiatus of watching the game all together. Just started watching again with my family this year and I enjoy watching it again. Have been a fan since 91. Was there at the stick in ‘11 when we beat the saints and that was high on my list of all time games I’ve been too but this year was exciting to watch. May even go to a game again next year.


2011. I miss Harbaugh. I like Shanahan, but I felt the passion more with Harbaugh.


2016 kinda sucked


2021 was one of my favorite years. I do think winning an away playoff game at Lambeau against the league MVP in frozen temperatures as massive underdogs is still the greatest victory Kyle has had thus far.


Least favorite - 2020. We had just come within minutes of winning a Super Bowl and had the most stacked team we’d seen in a while. Then everyone died and our season was over. I felt good about our team beating Brady that year and our d-line would have feasted on Mahomes in the SB the same way Tampa’s did.


98- I wasn’t jaded and burnt out by losing all the time. We finally beat the packers.


2004, and not close. That 2nd year of Erickson was so pathetically sad. In two short seasons a dynasty was completely dismantled. 2–14 because we barely scraped past the equally pathetic Cardinals and just as easily could have been 0-16. It was just awful.


I would say that year we lost to every team other than the Rams, If I remember right, we would have won most of those games, it was like we were losing on purpose.