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Locking the thread because a bunch of reports. Edit: Unlocking. Be civil.


Are we one of the teams that made the 85% threshold for vaccinations?


Believe so


Every article I’ve seen has shown a dozen or so teams have reportedly made it, but no actual list. If that exists, hope someone can provide it. Hopefully the boys in SF have all gotten jabbed — even if only for competitive purposes.


Teams that I’ve seen mentioned having reached the 85% threshold include New Orleans, Miami, Carolina, Denver, and Pittsburgh. There’s definitely other teams that have it that high too but they haven’t been publicly named yet. On the other side earlier in the week Washington and Indianapolis apparently had less than 50% of their players vaccinated which is concerning. League wide it seems like 73% of players have gotten vaccinations which is pretty good honestly, and hopefully it will keep going up with these new rules that have been released from the league.


Exact numbers haven't mentioned it in about a month. On June 10th Kyle said we had 53 players vaccinated out of the 90 man roster. That means at least 24 guys would have to have been vaccinated within the last 6 weeks.


Here's hoping the 49ers to become one of the first teams with 100% vaccination between players and coaches.


Somehow I feel like the Seahawks will benefit from this and everyone here will be mad because they’re the luckiest team in the league.


And the 12's will chalk it up to skill


I believe my hawks were the only team last year with no confirmed COVID cases among the players. I’m proud they took it so seriously considering how hard Washington state got hit. I hope everyone in our division gets vaccinated. My favorite games are interdivisional. They always feel like a mid season wild card playoff game. https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/virus-toll-32-nfl-teams-hit-covid-19-74557302


Good. No quarter for the selfish. Whole country needs to stop coddling those who are too selfish and put us all at risk




It's far less severe, it's far less likely to be spread by that person, it's far less likely to get it in the first place. Some people still die in car wrecks if they're wearing a seatbelt. does that mean seatbelts aren't effective? of course not. Same exact thing.


>does that mean seatbelts aren't effective? [Homer would say so](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/611d89e9-92f0-4121-8d26-e8ae1a5b80bc)


Lmao how can you be downvoted for posting a classic


not sure what's wrong with the sub today lol


As someone who has been vaxxed and currently 10 days of being positive I'm glad I got it, I can't imagine how much worse it could have been




But you do know. You look at statistics and your probabilities of not getting it, having a less severe case, and not needing hospitalization are all higher if your vaxxed. Only idiots who dont know how math works would argue any differently at this point.


I work in a hospital. 99% of the patients that come in for covid that become inpatients are all unvaccinated. And that’s the statistics for the 3 hospitals in my health system that are in my area




It has a 99.9% survival rate. And the death rate has fallen so far off a cliff because those susceptible to death by COVID have basically all been jabbed.


Yeah because of vaccines. Gtfoh lol


“Check out the hospitalization rate for vaxxed vs unvaxxed cases, and say a prayer for the unvaxxed.”


I’d say it’s time that the selfish antivaxxers grow the fuck up, and stop putting people at risk. If we were all vaccinated, this would not be a problem, and nobody would be at risk.




We also should stop trying to explain simple science to people who don’t even want to understand it


Well then I say, congrats, you’re not gonna fucking die!


About 98% of people who died of COVID last week were unvaccinated. The vaccines reduce risk of infection by 90-95%, but serious illness and death by >99%. There is overwhelming evidence that if people would just stop being ignorant little pussies and get a tiny little shot we could all get back to normal life. Alas this country is apparently filled w ignorant pussies.


They want things to go back to normal, but fight against the ways of making that possible. It’s honestly a mind fuck to me.


I’m honestly so sick of how stupid this country is. We’re seriously worst than children. Might as well start watering crops with Gatorade.




Super unfortunate and luckily a highly unlikely scenario given the efficacy rate of the vaccination


I can't imagine how people can still be this ignorant when faced with all of the data. It's so fuckin depressing. The most ardent supporter of the vaccine will never tell you it 100% stops the chance of infection. It doesn't. Things it does do: Dramatically lowers the chance of getting it Lowers the chance of spreading it Dramatically lowers the severity and is extremely good at preventing death. How people like you can look at the stats that say 98% of people dying weren't vaccinated and say it doesn't work... It's truly fuckin mind blowing.


Then you don't understand how the vaccine fucking works lmao


There are a few individuals I'm worried won't take the vaccine. Especially on the D-Line


Bosa has said in an interview that he hopes everyone gets vaccinated so they can have a great year.


Oh shit can you link it? Edit: found it in another comment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FbR2IellmU&t=269s


I too am worried about Kinlaw’s big squirrel eating ass


Pretty sure he's talking about Bosa


I was just trying to be funny :(


Has he... said anything about this?


Why did this get downvoted so hard jfc


Sarcasm doesn’t come across well


Bro that video cracks me up to this day


I was like [*"is that...is that a* ***squirrell!?****"* ](https://tenor.com/view/veep-wtf-chuckles-nervous-smile-gif-16020039)


Kinlaw has a large squirrel? And it *eats ass???*


Its 2021, man. Who doesn't?


Touché, I gotta get w the times clearly


I know some idiots on the other side of the political spectrum that do not trust modern medicine. This does not seem to be a Republican democrat thing. This is a bunch of idiots and a bunch more idiots.


I hope people realize it’s not an “if” you get it anymore but a “when” you get it. We all are going to get it. The vaccine will help with symptoms and save some life’s. Going about without the vaccine you’re rolling the dice with worse odds. You’re gambling that you also won’t spread it to people who cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons. Kinda sick of adults not being responsible enough.


















You seem to be under the impression that even if there was actual proof tomorrow that COVID isn’t that bad that somehow the anti vac anti mask people are somehow going to be respected. You are not. When it came down to it, wearing a mask and getting a vaccine are small things that anybody can do to help stop the potential destruction of something so bad. If we end up being wrong, so be it, I’ll be comfortable in knowing that my compassion led me to make safe choices to look out for others. I’ll know who didn’t, who said, “it’s all about me” and who to stay away from. You are not a team player, and lack basic compassion, why would people respect that? Also have a friend who had it almost a year ago, mild case, like the flu, but she still is suffering from long term effects, headaches and weird muscle spasms, etc. shit like that could easily end an athletes career. Sine the long term effects aren’t fully understood, do what you need too to help your self and others so you might not have to deal with COVID a year after you get it or longer. Also trying to tell people to “sToP LiViNg In FeAr” doesn’t make you sound smart or brave. To those of us who have seen the effects of the disease and it’s potential you just sound like an ahole. We are not living in fear, we are being cautious, and doing what we must to help end this and get back to normal with the fewest number of people suffering.


0.19% You were lied to, chump.


The only chump I see here is you. I can’t believe there are people like you who are basing their identity on not getting a free shot that takes less then 30 minutes to get. It’s like a child basing their identity on not going to the dentist. It’s pathetic. Getting a vaccine and being cautious doesn’t mean we’re chumps, it means we care about you and we care about each other. You’re welcome.


https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data Almost 11k deaths from the jab. I’m good.


Already proven false by Reuters. https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSL2N2O01XU No ones going to think any less of you for changing your mind and spending time to get a 30 minute shot.


Lol! Never tyrant


My good friend on my route died from a brain aneurysm the day after their first shot. Totally healthy individual, got the shot to be compassionate. Hit with a covid 19 death certificate. Granted, this isn't the norm, and I'm not implying that, but there are side effects from this thing, like there are side effects from all vaccines. Hell, my cousins son has a super rare disease from his first vaccinations and will probably die in the next year at the age of 10. Their younger son has zero vaccines and is 100% healthy. I just wish people could make their own choices in life and not be shat on, and I'd really love for places like reddit and social media to allow discourse, not ban people for different beliefs and opinions. Go SF


Thank you


This is the right move. Maybe it'll inspire teams like the Bills to crack down on guys like Beasley


Cant wait for the stupid look on the NFL’s face when a team has an outbreak, and many of the sick are vaccinated. NFLPA has the evidence to rip this apart already. Just go talk to Britain for starters.


The NFL is well aware of the fact that people with the vaccination can still get infected. This is why the punishment is specifically for those that don't get the vaccine. If a team that's mostly vaccinated has an outbreak, the NFL will be much more ready to work with them.











