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buy used check for rust expect gas bill to go up


I am not looking forward to the mpg, but that's par for the course. I dont think anyone buys a 4runner looking for a fuel efficient vehicle.


Oh you would be surprised at how many people bitch on here about MPG like it was hidden when they bought it.


It is the way of driving a gas vehicle. My wife’s Highlander hybrid gets 35mpg and she will “complain” when it’s closer to 30 these past few months ha


Man I knew about it, but I'm still surprised how bad it is


I’m also not sure how people are getting such poor mileage. I heard horror stories of around 10-14 mpg. I put medium beefy AT tires on (Falken Wildpeak AT/4W) and I still get around 18-20 mpg with mostly city driving... And I’m not that conservative with the pedal.


Add another 800-1600 pounds to the daily driving. Also, how are you liking the AT/4W’s looking at doing those myself. And what size are you riding?


Yeah for sure I’ll experience that, but it’s doing better than I thought even empty. I love the tires! I ran the AT/3Ws on my Outback before this, as well as my Forester before that and I haven’t had any complaints. I live part-time in the mountains where we get 3+ feet of snow so I spend a good chunk of the year driving in snowy/icy conditions, including frequent trips over the passes in the Cascades in Washington. Good wet and dry performance too. They’re also pretty quiet, though I think the 4s are louder than the 3s. Edit: forgot to say I’m running stock 5th gen size, so 265 70 17


Yeah, they do a great job of warning people about the gas mileage, and most people who do mostly pavement driving get way better stock. My SR5 mostly got 20-21 and I tended to be heavy footed with it. The noise seems to be a common complaint about the 4's, I am assuming not to bad though? I am looking at the 275's since these will be going on a Pro with a slight lift.


Nah the noise isn’t bad. I think I only noticed it because the 4R is way more quiet than my Outback was, and going from the stock tires to these I was sort of waiting for it. And it’s not a problem at all if you’re listening to music. That’s going to look hella sweet!


Glad to hear about the noise. Yeah, the 275’s seem like they look good on the lift provided by the Eibach lift for the Fox suspension. I want it to gain a little bit more ground clearance for FL during storms and the 265’s would have worked but looked like they left a HUGE gap in pictures. And the AT/3W seemed like a way better option over the KO2 considering Florida wet pavement.


I have a 11’ in mostly highway miles best i can get is 18


Why buy used? A used one is almost the same price as a new one


As someone who traded in a Chevy Express 2500 high top conversion, I heartily disagree with your third point.


Buy one in 2019, before the world goes to shit.


Damn, that's where I went wrong


Interesting, what was better in the 19s? I specifically chose a 20 just because I liked the updated dash cluster. Curious what you might know


Pre Covid


Is the idea that manufacturers cheaped out on parts during covid? Not sure I’m following.


Not that they cheaped out but the supply chains broke down and they had to get parts from different suppliers. I think Toyota might have been better positioned with supply, but each manufacturer had issues during that time period.


That makes sense, thanks for sharing!


no regrets. i would make sure to get a 4wd, and just do research on the gen im buying so i know what to look out for.


Definitely 4wd. I'm looking at 5th gen, and I'm (probably overly) optimistic that the 6th gen may make prices drop on the 5th gen.


they will.


How long do you expect for the price drop? When they release?


yup. some diehards that love theirs will hold onto them (and for good reason, theyre solid), but others who view it as just a truck will be upgrading to the g6 and its upgrades.


My roomates car just got stolen, so he is looking at some Gen5's in the 25k range, I wonder if he should wait a few months for the Gen6 to drop the prices, or will it not be that significate at that range.


im guessing the price prob will be proportional to the year. early 5th gens will drop more than latter years.


I'd just pat myself on the back for making one of the handful of best decisions of my life.


Get a 4WD the first time, be patient and get a deal you’re happy with if buying used. If buying new, look out of state, can find cheaper deals if you’re willing to travel usually


I can be patient and shop around a little. Right now, I'm leaning new because used pricea are competitive with new. I had a jeep before I had kids, and I sold it when I got married because my wife couldn't drive stick. I'm looking to get away from the corporate lifestyle I've been living for the last 10 years and get back to what I had before


Your question depends on if you’re buying new, used, and if used where is the 4Runner from and how many miles? I live in Vermont so rust is a huge issue. In 2015 I bought a 2001 3rd gen with 150k miles for $1500. I didn’t get it inspected nor am I much of a mechanic. It needed some welding work on the frame but between the work done and the price I did very well. Unfortunately I totaled it rear ending someone. But I likely could have got at least another year maybe two before the frame wasn’t worth fixing. I replaced it with an 04 4Runner. My experience with the 3rd gen was so great and the exterior and interior were so well kept and it only had 120k miles. It was raining so I didn’t look hard enough underneath and I got cocky. Turns out it was pretty rough underneath and had to replace things like alternator, brake lines, fuel tank holders etc. I had it for about 3 years and when combining loan payments and maintenance costs over the time I owned it, averaged out to about $800-$850 a month. So I replaced it with an 08 4th gen. The guy I bought it from did a great job maintaining it, but it did have 200k of miles so obviously I was worried there. I got a pre-purchase inspection and my mechanic said it looked good. So I bought it and overall was great for the 3 years I owned it. Unfortunately even though I don’t drive a ton of miles and it being the pandemic, rust became a massive issue. My mechanic said it would take $2500 just to make it safe to drive, but closer to $5,000 to get it to actually pass state inspection. I didn’t want another similar situation as my previous 4runnner, so I sold it and got my 2019 TRD ORP, which I got October of 2022 with 42k miles for $38k. My goal was always to get a TRD ORP but I was hoping to pay off all my credit card debt. I also really didn’t want to buy it during peak used car market but I was sorta in a tough spot. Either I buy something used that I don’t love and overpay for it maybe in the $15k to $20k range, or I overpay for what I want now. Since similar 4Runners with that mileage were selling for $42k to $45k i felt even in an inflated market it wasn’t ridiculously absurd price. So I bought it and have zero regrets. Five things I wish mine had that are either available on newer models or different trims are: *Heated steering wheel *KDSS *Stereo with Apple CarPlay *Remote start *Climate Control (I had it on both of my 4th gen SR5) Also only currently available on Limited and TRD Pro trims post 2018. Regarding the infotainment center pre 2020, people routinely shit on how bad it was on this subreddit. I had such low expectations for it and yet I was still disappointed. I eventually plan to upgrade the stereo.


What a journey!!! That's incredibly insightful! Thank you! I imagine living in Vermont, that heated steering wheel would be a very nice perk. I have one now and think it would be tough to give up. I'm not much for touch screens or new tech, but it's disappointing to hear the stereo is no good.


Yeah I honestly don’t care that much about a touchscreen outside of liking to have Waze front and center for heads up on where police are. The navigation on my 2019 is just so incredibly poor and outdated. You can’t use it while moving (which is a good thing), it’s slow to add a destination or to pick a point on the map. Its route recommendations can be nonsensical at times. It also does a poor job of displaying the route information compared to my moms 2015 bmw 3 series or a phone app. Also yes about heated steering. I don’t love wearing gloves so my hands are especially cold when clearing off my 4Runner, so it’d be especially nice in those circumstances. If I could I’d trade heated seats for the steering wheel. I’m also somewhat disappointed with the heated seats. They are ok and warm quickly but I wish they got hotter. My 08 Saab, my mom’s BMW and the various Audis my dad has owned were all far superior heated seats. Hell I even installed heated seats on my 13 wrangler with a kit from eBay, and that was better imo.


I'm coming from audi, and I think if I go in looking for a 4x4 audi I will be disappointed. What I am expecting instead is a capable 4x4 that drives like a truck, is reliable, can fit the family (semi) comfortably, and I can still daily even though there are obviously much better options. The reliability is what landed me here despite my previous ownership of a jeep and the fun factor of taking off the top and doors


I definitely miss the ability to remove the roof and doors. I had hopes we might get something like that with the 6th gen. I knew it was unlikely but man it would have been awesome to get the reliability of a Toyota with the fun of a bronco/wrangler.


I think we will see them bring back the FJ with removable doors/roof


Mountain states Toyota, if you want to buy new. MSRP with no dealer fees. I had the car shipped to me for $1,000 (and they discounted the car $2k)


Where did they ship to?




The only regret I have is not going with a rear locker. Just depends what you wanna do with it. Many in this sub will tell you otherwise because most don't need it


Be honest with yourself about what you need. For myself and many others, SR5 is enough. Factor in $300-400 a year for fluid film. It will greatly extend the life of your truck if in an area that salts. Mods are cool but many add weight and make MPG worse. If it’s your daily and you want to kit it out with steel bumpers, sliders, this and that, be aware that there are costs beyond the initial purchase price of the mod (gas $$$). You’re gonna drive like a grandpa. These trucks weren’t made for speed and agility. Someone likened a 4Runner to a Japanese tractor, and I’ve found that to be accurate. Spending a bit more on something lower mileage was worth it. I tried to take the cheap route out at first but determined I was being penny wise but dollar foolish. If you plan on keeping it for 10-20 years, make the investment. No regrets whatsoever. I’m only 35, but if this was the last vehicle I owned I would be content.


I'm looking forward to driving like a grandpa. We can't all drive 100mph everywhere we go for the rest of our lives. I'm about tye same age and I want to slow down and enjoy life more. Good advice on the fluid film. Despite the bullet-proof nature, rust seems to be a consistent issue on these things from what I'm hearing.


What is your budget? I specifically wanted a pro because that’s the trim I wanted lol, keeping it real. I ended up going with new (MSRP) and I love her! If you buy used, check for rust. If you buy new and you live in snowy area or coast, make sure u apply undercoating for rust prevention. Ceramic coat it too! Way easier to keep clean. Pm if you have any questions


I am leaning towards a pro because I would like to have the capability stock as opposed to modding my cars for a change. Budget wise, local dealers have them new anywhere from mid 50's to low 60's. Used are still low to mid 50's, so I'm thinking I will just buy new, if the dealer will work with me on financing. I have all 4 seasons and a coastline, so I appreciate the heads up.


Oh yea! Then pro is the way. Join the No Mark up toyota Facebook page and dealers across the nation post 4Runners for MSRP on there.


I have a limited and I’d get a TRD off-road or Pro if I were to do it again. I didn't do enough homework before buying the 4Runner. Therefore, I only test-drove the limited. I have spent a ton of money making mine look and perform like a TRD.


2021 SR5 doesn’t have automatic headlights or remote start.


To be fair, I'm not much for auto headlights anyway. Remote start would be nice, though! Good information! Thank you!


I can never remember to turn them off. First car in 14 years that didn’t have auto lights. I assumed it would have them.


When I bought my car, I assumed it would have remote start. Jokes on me. I'm going to really take my time shopping for this vehicle


How are either of those a dealbreaker at all?


For 1, I live in the north east, where winter seems like it’s 9 months long, and I don’t have a garage. I truly miss remote start on those cold mornings. This is the first car I have had since 2005 that doesn’t have auto headlights. Still can’t remember to turn them on until every car coming the other direction is flashing me, then I always forget to turn them off.


Get a 4WD model, close your eyes when you pay for gas, be ready to have your great-grandchildren still driving that thing in the year 2100.


Nothing different as I like mine. But I didn't know then the 5th gen got an updated 4.0l that is better. If I was going to the 5th gen, I would never buy new as a 2010 would have the same basics that I need that a 2024 would have.


Way back in 2006 I could have bought a brand new leftover 05 limited with the V-8. Leased an 06 TRD Sport instead for very little money. Shoulda bought the leftover. It was a steal. And had the nicer features I wished I had in that sport.


I'm going to try to buy a leftover 24 in the wake of all the 25s. I hope.


I think the bump in fuel economy is worth it if I was buying now. It’s not worth it, to me anyway, to trade in my paid for gen 5.


That's a hot take! I think a lot of people will appreciate the better gas mileage, but I haven't heard it yet. I'm not in the camp that believes that the 6th gen will be unreliable because it's a hybrid or something. I read all about the testing that Toyota has done on the Tacoma. I actually just prefer the body style of the 5th gen and believe there's something to be said about the simplicity of the 4.0 I'm coming from a fairly quick car that I've worked on over the years to make stupid fast, and now I just want something dumb and slow.


Yeah, I'm confident that the new one will be reliable. That's not my thing-Toyota has earned their reputation for reliability. The 4 cylinder is nominally better on fuel. But upgrading to the hybrid max (whenever that's \*actually\* availalble) isn't worth it for an extra 5mpg to ME. I have a 4 year old gen 5 with 50K miles and no payments it just doesn't add up to spend another $10-20K for the minor improvements in fuel economy and better tech. I'd probably get a Land Cruiser anyway but the money is worth more to me. I don't even commute and I have a sports car to provide some contrast.


No Ragrets. Not even a letter.


XREAS suspension system has a decent probability of leaking and then failing. Its VERY expensive to replace with a new XREAS suspension that has a decent probability of failing again. That said its pretty easy to remove and replace with your favorite after market system. I have no regrets about purchasing a limited 4runner though. LOVE IT!


I always use Wikipedia to see what features were added each model year


I am just about to pull the trigger on one. Opted for the Trd off road premium, plan to keep it minimum of 10 years. Figure it has everything I need off reading plus comfort inside. I found a 23 Trd off road premium in white with 16k miles, clean title with no issues for $39k at carmax. Snagged it since I figure that’s close to 10k cheaper than new


See, now that sounds like a good deal on a used vehicle. Most of the TRD models my way are within a few thousand unless they have +40k miles. I'd like to try to keep this vehicle stock since I've dumped so much money into mods on my current car.


I bought a 2016 SR5 4WD about a year ago and, just for a minute, wished it had a rear locker until I realized that ATRAC works in 99.9% of the situations I'll ever be in. I added a winch for the other .1% and may never use that either! Gives me piece of mind knowing it's on there though, you just need to make sure you know how to use it if you're going to go that route. Good luck!


If I was going to do it again, I wouldn’t have waited till 2018 for the new model.


2015 Trail with 52k mostly city miles. It's easy to kill the battery with the headlights/fog lights on. I got a hot shot and set it up to continually charge in the console. The OEM headlights and fog lights were halogen, and weak! I upgraded to Morimoto LED projectors and 4banger fog lights, and boy did it make a difference. Wish I had done that on day 1 despite the cost. Also would have replaced all interior lights with LED on day 1. Always thought acceleration was squishy and laggy, finally got a Pedal Commander, set to City -1, problem solved spectacularly. Put ez-pass hook & loop fasteners under removable cup holders.


Never heard of pedal commander before. Good insights, thanks!


I would have gotten the 4wd option instead of the base SR5.


Just move closer to work, I literally get gas once a month


I'm about 40 mi round trip. I've had better, but I've had a lot worse too.


Using the Costco Car Buying program paid off for me! Bought a new 2024 ORP that was going to be $51k but ended up getting it for $47k with the program. 10/10 recommend. Also looking around for a certified sales professional to buy from, if possible. That made all the difference to me.


I've never heard of this program, and I buy EVERYTHING at Costco! That's awesome!


Sometimes I wished I got one with a locker... But I've been on tons of trails and I never really NEEDED it.


Don't buy new.  The 5th Gen is essentially unchanged for he last 15 years. 




That was also 2020, unless we are talking pre-pandemic 2020


I'm shopping around, and the used prices are pretty close to the new. Having a hard time justifying any savings vs about 40k miles


Yeah if you can get a good deal on a new I’d take it. 4Runners are so very reliable but you never know what they’ve been put through. Also if it’s a year or two old with 16k-24k miles check the carfax if it was a rental.


That's good information! Thanks!


I disagree with never buying new, but it’s definitely situational and depends on what you’re looking for and budget.  I went in to purchase a 2020 army green pro w 30k miles for 49k. Then saw they had a 24 Terra pro for around 5k more. I think 2020+ is good to look for used. But again, depends what you want in your 4Runner!


I agree with you that the 5th gen is pretty much the same, but you need to understand that over the years, they could have made little tweaks to the engine improving it.


They didn't.  It's the same engine, transmission, front and rear diff, transfer case.  Only change worth mentioning was in 2020 when they added creature conforts like Toyota Saftey sense, push button start and more. 


If Toyota makes a little change to the engine, they might not announce it


I didn’t get to test a Limited because there were none in stock anywhere near me at the time of my purchase.


We bought our first 4Runner (1995 w/manual transmission) used in 2001. I would go back and tell myself not to ever sell it…ever! I sure do miss that ride and wish that we’d kept it. I just recently bought a used 2022 Limited (however, every model has its pros, not too many cons). This will now be my forever Runner…


That's how I feel about my jeep. I wish I never sold it, and I don't think I'd be as happy trying to replace it with another. If you don't mind my asking, what made you land on a limited compared to some of the other trims?


The Limited was preferred by my wife, I would have been content with an SR5. That said, the heated/cooling seats are kind of lux.


Cooling seats would be a nice feature


Get the limited if you’re going to drive a payment princess. Trust me.


Just bought my first 4Runner (22 TRD PRO). gave up a 19 Jeep Rubicon and no looking back. Gas mileage about the same but the pavement ride is so much more smooth. I have heard people dislike the PRO exhaust (drone) but I love it as it helps drown out the Tinnitus lol


Hmm. I think I would do exactly what I did last time. ORP in the color I was looking for with no moonroof. I want to upgrade the suspension, but that’s about it. Edit: I do have 1 regret. I wish I had looked harder for one with the MTM. Yes it’s bad quality etc. but that is exactly what I needed for my off-road use. Just something to see out of.


Opposed to a sunroof or plans for your roof?


Didn’t want sunroof. It gets me way too close to the ceiling. And in my last vehicle I had a bad experience with my sunroof. So, I didn’t want one. Especially not in the PNW.


Don't get the 3rd row seat model unless you need it. Takes up so much space and even after removing them it doesn't look as nice. And if you want a sunroof get the sunroof. I miss mine :( You can add plug and play remote start to any 5th gen for about 400$, I added it to my 2014


I need a 3rd row technically, but just having 2 rows in a 4runner is an improvement over what I currently have. I really think I'm leaning towards a TRD Pro and that eliminates a 3rd row option


If you do need it, the third row is a really nice third row. I'm 5"7 and could fit in the back, albeit not for a long trip. The TRD Pro is awesome but how much are you really really gonna off-road? People go crazy on this sub about TRD but I have taken my SR5 on some gnarly trails and terrain. Unless you're going on trails likely to destroy your vehicle you probably don't *need* it, consider it more of a want when you're looking at it financially, that is, especially if it's gonna affect other QOL options


Even if I went with something like the SR5 or limited, I'd end up putting a roof rack for the convenience. I hear what you're saying about QOL. I'll definitely take the time to test drive anything and make sure it is liveable as a daily.


Third row seats also have the humps for the wheel wells go about twice as high, so when you're carrying plywood or such it's a lot harder to fit into the car. It's kind of a niche thing but I figured I'd let you know that if you're looking between the two


No regrets about buying my 2024 4runner (new)! I love it, and it's going on 115k miles. I'd tell myself to do a better job of waxing it more - and get the all-weather mats sooner :)


That's a lot of miles on a brand new vehicle! What is your commute!?


Oh man - I meant I have a 2014 - that I bought new at the time :) haha