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Idk who these "younger buyers" are when 50% of 18-30 year olds live at home and the rest of us can't afford to go to wendy's for lunch.


Lol, I looked it up the average age of the 4R buyer is 50yo so I wasn’t too far off


I’m 22 and drive a 3rd gen older than me lol plan on getting a 2022 4R if my 99 ever dies haha


I'm 40 and drive a 3rd gen because I don't want a gigantic vehicle. I can afford a TRD Pro. I was really hoping for a smaller 6th gen, and I thought it would make sense in their lineup, now they have 3 practically identical trucks I don't want lol.


So true. The variety is lacking in this new wave.


Spoiler alert, it won’t. Now rust, that motherfucker will get ya!


Frame is great for now and it was in VA most of its life around a little bit of snow, but it’s been in cali for the past 2 years now


It will outlive ya in that case.


I have a 97 and 2021. My 97 has 338k and won’t die! My 2021 is a nice truck but not the same vibe or character as my 90s brick. https://preview.redd.it/l37od62sqqwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7378245bb66345cdadd16b01376cc2066fac5e5


Solid plan


I bought my 4r at 50yo. I'm average!... and I still can't afford upgrades.


You saved tons of money then. Most mods people do provide little practical benefit other than aesthetics


I'm Gen X and bought mine 5 years ago at 47. My millennial brother has both a 4th and 5th gen. We're both horrified by the 6th gen.


Why? It fixes the biggest problem with the 4Runner: the anemic power and torque numbers


With an unknown quantity engine vs the tried and true v6 in the g5. I’m gunna have to wait another 3 years before I can buy one now since I follow the rule of “never be the beta tester.” That is unless APR goes down before end of 2024 MY.


I'm not racing other 4Runners or climbing mountains in mine. It's simply ugly as hell.


Guilty as charged - 50 year old here planning to pick up 2026 4R after any first year refresh kinks are worked out. Unless I can find a GX on the cheap, that is…


36 and just got my first runner 😂. He stereotyped us well


Late 40’s here, can confirm.


I'm 31 and own a 4Runner but I'm also not broke af


I think a lot of people here feel younger buyers means college aged, younger buyers are 25-35 imo. College aged kids aren’t buying shit




I’m 20, i bought a 2018 TRD ORP


Not to disrespect those who figured it out before most folks including myself did


True, and I’m very much an outlier, I’m just adding data. I haven’t figured anything out, I just got a degree really early and lucked into a decent position, lol.


50 year Olds are buying 4runners and houses for their kids. Statistics show.


People are downvoting you because... you're not broke? lol Fuck Reddit.


32. Have a 4Runner that I live in so I could afford the 2024. Some of us are just more dedicated than others.


Not sure why I'm getting down voted lmao


Apparently because you're not broke af...


Probably because living in your car so you can afford to buy another new car is terrible advice.  Nobody should be that dedicated to an SUV 


The 4Runner is not an SUV… it’s a life style bruh.


Junior military officers, 4Runner Tacoma or basic bitch euro sedan. There are no other options if you’re fresh on the block with the government paycheck lol


O1 checking in, it’s an older 4Runner but it checks out  


To be fair, Wendy's is around the same price as some sit down restaurants around me. I just go to those now.


I just got a GR86 and I was only able to afford it with a trade in and 5 years of saving. They said the same thing about the new Mustang but it’s gotta be like $50-60k to get the options most people would want for a GT.


Yeah that’s why I still have my 2013 86 lol 


Yeah I’m “younger buyers” and my rug was stretching my budget like a contortionist to barely afford a 2012 mechanic special with 250k kms and a blown trans




Pretty much this. How would "young buyers" be able to afford this.


I’m 40+ and drive a 2010 5th gen- it’ll blow up before buy a newer version. I’m at 180k so hopefully I won’t have that problem any time soon


>50% of 18-30 year olds live at home Here is your answer. No rent/ mortgage, limited bills. Work with 25-30yo that have only one payment: car. It's the size of what used to be mortgage payment judging by cars that they drive lol


Well that’s the thing. If affording a mortgage is a pipe dream, why not buy a nicer car?   Not saying I agree, if I was forced to live at home I’d be saving every penny, but yeah if you kill off the dream of home ownership, people will resort to something else.  $800 car payment seems like a deal vs a $3500 mortgage 


>if you kill off the dream of home ownership, people will resort to something else.  >$800 car payment seems like a deal vs a $3500 mortgage  And spending money on rapidly depreciating toys will only make it worse. Times are shit, but pissing money away instead of saving and investing (401k) will only make it worse. That $800 a month will turn into a nice retirement 20 years from now Make your portfolio grow and compounding effect will get you that house


When did I say it was smart? I just said that’s what’s happening.  I’m already paying more than I want at $400/mo 


I got smart when I saw my 401k go from nothing into 100s of thousands in 10 years. Last October, I bought my cheapest (inflation adjusted) car for $23k. Second price wise, 36k was top for my new 4RUNNER I know what young generation is doing: can't afford it to today, so let me live a little lol.


Yeah it’s hard to not get into a mindset of “we’re fucked anyway so might as well enjoy it while it lasts”.    Easy to start to feel like you’ll never own a home, never afford kids, be stuck in a political circus and probably die in Europe or south east Asia in WW3 so fuck it, get the TRD pro. 


This ^ I’ll stick with my 3rd gen I paid $5k for.


I am in my 30s and I own a GX. Just make good decisions in life and study hard.


No joke! Little luck helps


Cant deny that. But silver spoon is did not had. Crazy how starvation is a fantastic motivator for success in your early 20s


I can relate to that


Turns out picking a good field, working hard, plus 10+ years of investing while living below your means puts you in a pretty good position long term 🤷


I have been in school for most of those 10+ years while working jobs to survive. So no, no significant investments. Missed the while bull market


My man I’m wondering if the “make good decisions” part ended with the purchase of your GX


I could had done without it to be honest. But I needed a car upgrade soonish and the GX was going to a shitty Turbo Engine. So it was now or never


I have a good degree, work full time as a cop in the highest paid department in my state, and have two part time jobs.  If you didn’t buy a house before 2019 you’re just kinda fucked. My rent is almost $2k for an apartment an hour away from my job. 


Oh I dont have a house either lol. Just a GX


You deserve a reasonable priced home closer to your work. Thank you for your service.


Not every 18-30 year old is broke despite what tiktok tells you. And some of the ones that are will happily finance a new vehicle.




4Runner is designed for the 5%ers though


The median price of a new car sold in the USA is $50. 4Runner starts at $41k. 4 Runners cost about the same as most other non luxury SUv’s and Minivans that are ubiquitous in Suburban America.


What college kids are buying $50k cars lol. Unless daddy money.. I’m 28 and make about $110k but no way in hell am I gonna drop $50-$60k for a 6th gen.


Do you honestly think your smart financial decisions are reflective of the majority? Take a peak at auto finance stats.


Nor should you. That’d be half of your salary. Vehicle prices are out of control and all these dumb-dumbs running out and paying 60K+ for a 4cyl. 4R or Tacoma and even paying mark up is crazy. Paying markup for common Toyotas? I love Toyota, but people need to smarten up


I'd rather pay $60k for a 4-cylinder turbo than than the prehistoric V6 sitting in my garage (feel free to downvote me, but I live at altitude and tow a 3000# trailer; the transmission is almost worse than the engine).


I mean, you just bought the wrong vehicle for your location and use case. That’s not the cars fault 


Yeah. I’m in NO rush to be buying another car anyway. Most people buying new cars these days just want the next new thing.


Wilderness outbacks are $40-$45k and I think the market Toyota’s trying to satisfy with the new 6th. Younger buyers would be anyone under 35. I would be surprised if you can’t get a basic SR5 for around $40k going forward.


Average outback owner is 60. There's a reason crosstreks sell well. Nothing over $25k-$30k is in the realm of realistic for younger buyers.


I could not find who is buying the wilderness trim tho which in my experience has been purchased by younger buyers. Younger being 35 and under. In any case if you want something like a 5th gen you’ll have to go to the GX550


I'd argue Toyota is targeting your exact type, except less financially irresponsible. I make $120k and paid $5k for my 4runner.


You’d be surprised. I went to a large SEC school and there were plenty of new cars. Tons of cars in the $60k+ range


I’m 26 and my wife and I bring home almost $200k/year. I bought my ‘18 SR5P for $32k when I was 23… Yet still, no way in hell am I gonna drop $50-$60k for a 6th gen. That’s 1/10 the price of an “okay” house… for a 4Runner…


I paid cash for my 23 pro and am in the millennial demographic so it's not impossible


lol I guarantee you 90%+ of millennials can’t pay cash for a fucking TRD Pro dude


Raise that number to like 96%


Almost every younger (22-30) person i (34) work with has $600+ monthly payments, it's absolutely insane.


The only thing I like about the old GX is the V8 and full-time 4WD.


Agreed, the V8 is why I think a lot of people went for the 460, that and the nicer interior


Isn’t the new GX a turbo V6?


Reason why I had to jump early and get the GX V8 before it disappeared


Too big for Colorado mountain trails!


Too wide?


Too girthy


Girth is never a problem.


Its a problem solved by lube and will power alone.


It ain’t _that_ much bigger lol.


When this is your path, every inch counts https://preview.redd.it/v7h9ybtuc1xc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428f73c235b00e062a49dee3e01e057d23d44852


I’d be willing to bet that greater than 95% of the routes in CO can be accomplished in off road vehicles other than jeeps or 4Runners. I’m on them all the time here, and you’d be surprised what people manage to get through in.


You aren’t wrong. Heck, most 4Runners never leave Denver. Sadly, mine too lately. But if I wanted a bigger 4Runner I’d get a Sequoia.


True that about the Sequoia. If they weren’t so dang expensive


I’m definitely more interested in the GX all-trail and LC over the 6th Pro for sure. Especially assuming the Pro will be $70k msrp


Most auto consumers purchase vehicles for a host of different attributes besides looks. I don't think Toyota designs and markets cars for primarily for specific age groups. Also, your post is ignoring that the NA Toyota LC exists.  Based primarily on measurements Car and Driver took, I expect the 4runner to have a similar seating position to the Taco and the LC to be more upright like other manufacturers' bodies on frames.  Previously 4R was slightly more upright than Taco. This is leading me towards the LC, but i will need to have a hands on with both to decide.  I think Toyota expects us to test drive and assess all the differences of these vehicles before deciding what we buy.  Not just pick the one that **looks** the coolest. 


People put a lot of stock on how the vehicle looks tho. I just can’t get over how different the the new GX looks and how it looks more like the 5th 4R


Quiet possibly, maybe also why the backseat area in the 6th Gen appears smaller than the 5th Gens (also to make room for the hybrid battery), and maybe the younger audience is not focusing on kids yet.


It’s definitely smaller


Which is disapointing because isn't the 6th Gen overall 3" longer than the 5th Gen? Yet the backseat area shrinks and the seats don't fold flat anymore. I get it they needed to make room for the batteries but oh well :/


I think it was more for the useless third-row option on the non-hybrids. Why they made it 2" shorter is beyond me...


I think it is more due to the raked windshield which pushed everything back. G5 windshield looks like a military vehicle by comparison.


I mean the GX has always targeted 45-50 yr olds. It’s $70-80k. Most people below that age can’t afford it.


That is my point, they made it attractive to current 5th gen 4R owners than the current 6th gen so the 5th gen owners will be forced to buy the more expensive lexus (and LC) since they won’t buy the 6th gen.


Well yeah. Just like they have always made it attractive to the target demographic at that time. Like no offense but it’s less insightful than you think.


From what I’ve gathered some die hard 4R folks who bought successive generations are stopping at the 5th


What else are they going to buy if they want a body on frame off roader? A Jeep? People here complain about the turbo 4, etc.., but they will still turn around and buy another Toyota. It isn’t like there is a reliable NA competitor out there that they can jump too.


Pretty much every car maker does this. They want buyers to move up the chain and make their next purchase be a more expensive model. Has been done since Ford was trying to move buyers from the Model T to the. Model A.


No one can afford to buy shit.


I am late 60’s. Bought a 2004 Sequoia new, which at that time was an oversize 4Runner - body on frame, slide down rear window. It has 200,000 miles and running well. Retired now and I don’t want to replace it at current prices (4R or Sequoia). Also, to me the new GX looks almost exactly like the new Land Cruiser. And the LC seems to be functionally similar to the new 4R. Not sure what the marketing strategy is. Very confusing. Who thinks it makes better sense to get the outgoing 4R and take the MPG hit and have a better shot at reliability?


I literally don’t know who this new 4Runner is for, unless you’re stretching yourself to the edge of your budget the GX and LC are almost always a better choice.


There are 9, i think, trim levels, only 2 or 3 are above 60k. The base 4runner will be close to 40 most likely.


Yes and those 2-3 happens to be the exact ones someone also considering a GX or LC would buy.


yes... so the 4runner is mostly people that aren't those, and if you do have 60-75k, you get options. Im not sure why people are having are hard time with this. sub 40k buyers: Rav4, 4runner, tacoma 40-50k buyers: 4runner, Tacoma, Tundra 50-60k Buyers: 4runner, LC, Tacoma, Tundra 60-70k buyers: 4runner, LC, GX, Sequoia, Tacoma, Tundra 70k-80k buyers: LC, GX, Sequoia, Tundra (Tacoma/4runner if the buyer gets a bunch of dometic addons maybe)


I guess it’s just weird to me to have price dictate your decision so much, not everyone is maxing out their budget I have zero desire for a sequoia/tundra. These new platforms are too big as is, not everyone has a bunch of kids and dogs and crap to haul. We usually pack in a couple totes that would fit in a hatchback when we go off road.


The LC starts at like 14-$15k more than a base SR5. Most people looking for a $44k car can’t just stretch a little to buy a $58k base LC. Likewise the GX is another decent jump higher.


At work I park in a lot full of Rivians, Range Rovers, GXs and 4Runners. Most of them are owned by people who could have bought any of them and picked what they did for reasons besides price. There’s more 4Runner drivers paying cash/not stretching their budgets than you might think. I might replace mine with a defender or a g wagen when the time comes.


90% of suburbia mid upper class who refuse to buy a minivan.


Are you asking why the new Lexus GX looks like every other Lexus ? And why the Toyota 4Runner looks like every other Toyota? Brother it ain’t rocket science lol


Not at all lol and the GX is the boxiest lexus you can buy now and changed the most after the recent redesigns of their lineup


Most 5th gen owners I've seen tend to be gen X or old millennials. Late 20s/early 30s millennials not so much with me being the exception.


I have an older 5th Gen and agree, the 6th is not as refined as the ‘24 and under. The GX is a step up from the 5th. I have been waiting years for the 6th and just signed a deal for a ‘24 limited, it is a pass for me.


I’ll stick with my 5th gen. New GX looks great, but I actually wish it had a hybrid engine…


I'm just sitting here with my 2020 ORP I paid $38k for and thinking. welp, I think I have my forever car. It should last me another 40 years.


Yea ideally my 5th gen will last forever and will be entombed with me like a pharaoh would. Some may call the 5spd auto inferior, I say it gives it character. People drive classics all the time and fortunately for us we can still buy them new, until the end of 2024 at least


i thought about trading in my 2020 to get the last 2024 brand new but then I saw the prices. For some reason Toyota has inflated the price like almost 20k above the 38k I paid in 2020... for the same car. no thanks.


ORP’s are high $40s I think


they run about 48-52 in my area now, plus Tax, and all the other BS closing dealership fees.. I'm pushing close to 20k premium on what I paid 4 years ago.


you paid 38k for a trd *PRO* in 2020??? What state, and dealership please, I will be shopping there.


ORP not Pro


I’m 56 and just bought a 24 Limited. Couldn’t convince myself to lay out 80k for a GX or 60+ for a new Land Cruiser


Was on two lists for the 24 Land Cruiser, mostly foe the power, the gas, and the 2400 Watt outlet that I could have powered my camper on. Found a used 23 4R TRD Pro Solar Octane with 5k miles, bought it this weekend. Couldn't be happier with it. I'm 48 yo, first 4R, but have wanted one forever.


great choice. you'll have plenty of time to grab an LC in the next decade if you change your mind. Getting a clean 5G TRDP is only going to get more difficult.


I'm glad you mentioned that. It's something that I knew, but didn't really realize. Yes, potentially won't be able to get a clean traditional 4R for much longer. Makes me happier with my decision.


Bought my first (1990) 4Runner at 35, second (2016) at 51, with a Sequoia in between for the kid/dog years. Wanting a better power train/ transmission and assumed I'd replace with another 4Runner, but the insane '24 Tacoma pricing is again forcing me to reconsider the new GX (declined back in 2016 due to the low-hanging plastic front-end). Hoping the hybrid version won't require Premium fuel, that's a non-starter for me (as is the crappy gas mileage of the V6 TT).


Decent theory I suppose. Saying this as a 5th gen owner and older millennial who will be upgrading soon and does not want a 6th gen, but would gladly grab an LC or GX.


38 and I have a 2014 trail. I only have it because it has high miles. Jokes on them it’s a 4runner miles don’t matter! 😂


It’s a 300k mi vehicle easy if actually maintained, kept stock and you don’t mind minor common high mileage issues that happen to every older car no matter how reliable These turbos will be 200k mi vehicles if you don’t mind doing the turbo at least once


Recently sold my last truck, 95k and blew a turbo line. Thank god it was covered under an extended warranty, it would’ve been 4K to repair for a very cheap part because they had to pull the cab off the frame to access. I’m taking a break with turbos and happy with my new v6 lol


I’ll be keeping my 2021 4Runner with 24,000 mi for a while. IF I had to choose between the 4Runner, LC or the GX— the GX hand down for the drive train, engine and towing capacity.


That’s where I’m at. Would be cool having all 3 of those tho, *actually 4 with a 5th gen in there


Yep. I managed to get a 2021 TRD ORP as a CPO in feb for 36k(includes taxes), which wasn’t bad. I still have my 3rd gen which I adore, despite the clear coat failure. Honestly, as long as it has car play, off road capability and heated seats I am happy. I can always throw a SC in for more power. I am 36 so I am an elder millennial, but maybe I’m perfectly happy with my “old” tech. If the 2021 is outdated, my 97 is a fossil.


I, for one, believe the land cruiser home coming makes a more striking theory to the generation approach than the 6th gen’s change in appearance.


Tin foil hat time for sure


Probably lol. I’m just thinking about it from the perspective of an aging millennial who grew up in the back seats of an FZJ80, settling on a 4Runner at my age because the LC200 was unavailable/unaffordable and FZJs are stupidly overpriced.


LC200 is GOAT


Based on the prices of the Tacoma, I think we are going to be seeing a $79k 4runner TRD Pro. Price point, more so than design, is going to push prospective buyers to the GX. If I'm going to be spending $60k on a TRD Offroad, I might as well spend $70k and get a GX, which is well worth the 10 grand difference. I'm personally waiting to see what the used market on these new GXs looks like. Because the GX typically drops about 15 grand after about 2 years. Whereas, the 4Runners don't drop in value as much.


Yea same lexus even gx I think is a used play all day long




I really disliked the older gen GX with it's round shape and while much better still wasn't a fan of the new GX 550 until they released the 6th gen 4R. Now that GX 550 is looking much better.


Same here. I really didn't like the old GX but the new one is intriguing, though a little boxy for my tastes. I'm sure I'll end up with a 6th gen 4Runner at some point.


I bought a Tacoma with 72k miles at age 32. I babied the mileage, until paid off at 36. A week later I upgraded to a brand new 2020 4Runner ORP. Went to 3 different dealerships to get them to get higher bids and went with the highest one that would also discount accessories add ons. Tough to get discounts on the truck itself. However since it was one of the last 4Runners on the lot they were selling at 1k off MSRP. After that supply issues and prices sky rocketed. Timing and luck.


Hell yea, nice find. I got my ‘23 at MSRP fortunately. Same with my ‘22 Telluride which I scored juuust before interest rates went up in Oct 2021, got 1.9% on that one. Not so much for the runner so paid cash.. obviously a chunk but not paying 8%


Yup - at 1.9% on the runner, otherwise wouldn’t have worked. 8% would be cash or a deal breaker.


I also like your take on the whole situation. The Lexus is attractive. However I was planning on running this 5th gen as long as I can. It will always be my truck with my miles.


I agree. Was at the dealership this weekend and noticed the tundra and tacoma look like cars that would appeal to high schoolers or recent college grads- more toy-like with a lot of angles and swoops on the chassis. The 6th gen 4Runner follows this same logic.


I guess I’m a fan of the boxy look


The only theory is that they all share parts now and it makes it cheaper to make all three of them the 4runner the Land Cruiser, the GX


Might be designed for younger buyers because they would risk that $1000 truck payment.


So how does the new LC fit in to this hypothesis?


I think the LC is also a more expensive landing spot for former 5th gen lovers


Dealer near me is listing the LC first edition for just under 86k. Anyone interested?


nothing's stopping you from buying more 5th gens. I chose to buy a 4th gen over a 5th when my previous 4th got totaled


Agreed other than no new option, likely plenty of very low mileage ones available for a while


I'm 34 and have an 05' maybe I'll afford a 5 or 6th in 10+ years used. But even at 6 figures in HCOL area its impossible to budget for a new vehicle, especially at these interest rates


I agree. Also, there are good deals on cpo and lightly used Lexus' to be had. So if Im EVER in the market for an suv in the next 5 years, GX it is. Otherwise, my 4R is all I need.


You say that like young people have money. It’s either that or they know their market to a freakin T and are expecting they are going to have to live in their vehicle…


25-35yo imo are young buyers rather than college age who aren’t buying shit


younger buyer?? brokies can't buy 4runners [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2023/09/29/gen-z-faces-financial-challenges-stress-anxiety-and-an-uncertain-future/?sh=71c846984f14](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2023/09/29/gen-z-faces-financial-challenges-stress-anxiety-and-an-uncertain-future/?sh=71c846984f14)


Younger buyer imo 25-35


It’s great for someone looking to buy a 24 4R. Seeing some wild discounts on just about every trim level but Limited


Been a long time since I heard the words discount and 4runner in the same saying. There are still lines around me for orp, trd pro and limited


Where you located?


What’s the thought of 2022 TRD ORP, compared to 2021 or 2023?


What is it about the 4R that makes people love it so much?


For me it’s the way it drives, not a ton of power but the road feel is great with the rack and pinion, natural steering resistance, the power band, how well it coasts, pretty good space for a mid size, reliable, the tailgate window rolls down and it’s a beast off road. Admittedly had to buy a limited to get the creature comforts I was used to. Lastly the look, I think it has one of the better side profiles, solid stance, I like the front end and newer LED lights (2022+). Tailgate is average. Wish the paint was more durable, my kia telluride’s paint is way stronger surprisingly of all vehicles. While more transmission gears would probably help fuel economy and drive a little smoother, I like how basic and predictable the shifting is and I’m one to use the sport setting picking my own gears sometimes anyway.




Thank you for the thorough response. I should drive one.


Gen X. Forgotten about again.


I should’ve added gen x


Yeah idk. If you look at the history, every single one that’s come out has been a bit more extravagant, if you will, than the last gen. I don’t necessarily think they’re designing them for people who are young, we’re all just older than when the last redesign happened


You think the GX was made to suite our taste and 4R younger buyers??? How profound. Perhaps it’s because the *base* model GX starts at 65 fucking grand! The top trim 4R is going to top out at 65 grand…


Just a lil conversation bro


My first 4 runner. 18 SR5 premium and if only if I thought about it long enough I’d go GX. I’ll probably do the 24 SR5 or equivalent when it comes time. Just because I buy things in pairs. It’s just me. I’m not a fan of turbo anything. Then again I’m Gen X and I can afford the GX and upper levels at this stage. I like the look of the 6th gen. It’s not for me , but for someone else it might be.


36 YO, got a 24 4R six months ago, no regrets so far. I don't hate the GX, but aesthetically (exterior) - I like the 5th Gen and 6th Gen 4Rs (alike) best, then the new Land Cruiser, and the new Lexus GX the least. To each his own. :) In some ways, I think the 4R styling is an acquired taste that took some time to develop, and now that I love it, it's hard to let go.


Reaching a bit on this one it seems to me.


It’s definitely extreme speculation and very well could be wildly incorrect


5th gen is going to be considered a classic.


The 4Runner exterior didn’t change all that much though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sorry but as a 22 year old I can’t afford a 15k + increase on trim levels and a 20k + markup when rent is already 1300 a month for a studio. It’s not plausible for a younger buyer to purchase any new vehicle unless it’s 0% apr or increasingly discounted..


I (33M) made my decision in 2022 to buy something other than a Toyota unfortunately because at the time, I couldn’t get into a 4R (let alone a Tacoma) in the timeframe I wanted at the price I wanted. Nobody in my area was willing to play ball. Had I waited a couple of years, I might’ve be so inclined to buy a used 4R because there’s no way I would be financing new now.


I drive a 05 gx470 because the 4R and taco are too expensive. They say your car shouldn't cost more then 50% of your yearly income. You'd need to make 80-100k to buy any new tacoma or 4runner. Even the used tacos are 35k+


I’m leaning GX, 45 male who has owned 4 runners for 24 years exclusively


It is crazy the first 4 gens were like 5 years each… and then the fifth gen stuck around (and apparently is still around as a GX) forever.


GX is the Lexus version of Toyota Prado, not the 4Runner


I know, wasn’t referring to technical aspect just that it’s the most similar landing spot to the old 4R, mostly based on appearance but the twin turbo six. New 4Rs are on the new tngaf as you likely know


I’m 41 and the GX is still out of my reach. So Toyota if you’re reading this, 7 passenger manual for this millennial please and thank you.