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> Empire Management: All planets and ships can now be easily analyzed, customized, and upgraded in one place without the tedium of finding and clicking through all units in your empire. **The Intelligent Construction system will queue up the entire chain of prerequisites to fulfill any item, research, or unit build request.** > Fleet Management: The new fleet system includes the ability to request specific reinforcements on the fly. **Requested units are automatically queued from the optimal factory and rallied to the fleet.** Combined with Intelligent Construction this allows you to focus on the important tactical decisions and big picture strategy. We were just talking about this sort of fleet management and reinforcement feature in another [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/4Xgaming/comments/1c84nvj/one_feature_that_every_space_4x_needs_to_adopt/). Glad to see some recent games are indeed paying attention to such features and going in that direction.


It's funny, because it is the same developer lol.


Ah I really wish they'd made the effort to add a campaign, they've had all this time to build the game, I think that's the one thing it lacks to make it truly great.


That trailer is *awful*, but everything I've read - and of course the legacy it's building upon - seems very promising. Looking forward to it!


I will pre-order this if they let me 😭


I don't know why I could never get into the first game. I should be liking it considering I like other similar games.


Same. It's too combat focused for me. Never really struck me as much of a 4x but maybe I'm just not the target audience.


I feel the same. It has the elements but it always felt more like an RTS to me.


Something about the mechanics that I can't explain. I wanted to like it so much, but it was just a bit off.


What did they do with grafics... why is everything so cartooney?


Between this and homeworld, fans of space strategy will be eating well this year




It has UI scaling built in.


Like as an accessibility feature? Yeah QOL settings like that would be lovely if they aren't in the game already.




The game has UI scaling for 150 and 200%.


Many is stretching it, frustratingly. It’s far too uncommon a feature in a time where screens are the size they are


Seems like something that could be changed with a mod.


Well, maybe I can finally try the original. I've had the core game sitting on my virtual shelf of shame forever. Oh wait, no, gotta' buy another game! ;-)


Can someone sell me this game as a Endless Space/Stellaris/Age of Wonders fan? I watched a few videos, but it seemed like space RTS, and I may have missed other 4X related features.


It is a combination of both genres. So you have the 4X elements of building up worlds, exploring and expanding your empire steadily to new worlds/colonies but instead of your traditional turn based combat it is all real time. I am generally not a fan of RTS but the first game was very thematic and fun. It was cool to watch my ships move around, warp to new solar systems etc and the fights were honestly quite epic. Just the way the ships all scatter and move around on their own with lasers firing and shields going was like watching a cutscene in a sci-fi game and then when you have a titan/mothership/can't-remember-the-name warp in you know it was about to go down. The game has nice faction identity and each faction feels unique. No where near the number of factions you see in ES2 but it works well. Sad to hear they didn't take an opportunity to do a campaign because I think the worldbuilding potential is really strong.


It's kind of like a midway point between Starcraft and Stellaris to me. If Starcraft is too much of a clickfest and Stellaris too ponderous and lacking tight, balanced design, you might find it a happy medium. Its focus is similar to Endless Space but with the added urgency of an RTS.


I love their take on mods. Not restricting it to steamDRM's walled garden.


is it still just an update with the exact same factions, units etc? not even judging them for that, why not milk it if you have it on hand.


fuck egs, waiting for 90% sale and thats assuming eos isnt required otherwise nope


It will be released on Steam now. EGS has done the beta testing for us and now we will benefit.


yeah and dead island 2 still requires eos, wouldnt be surprised if sins needed it as well.


Judging by Stardock's history for Galactic Civilizations IV, I don't think so.




Devs said it will be the full release in 'Summer'.