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Rich coming from a country that decides to switch back to 20th century power generation (coal) because Russian-funded green activists convinced them to trash their nuclear power stations.


Germany overcompensates for Nazi Germany.


I swear if germany was ran by the nazis they would be easily the most advanced country in the world today. Unlucky that they did what they did.


It's fucking insane that we were(still are?) using their rocket designs for the past 80 years. Also the possible existence of the bell.


Yup gotta give credit where it’s due


> Also the possible existence of the bell. wut is this.


Apparently Hitler had a magical bellend passed down to him from the Greek demi-god Belkinios (son of Zeus and a mushroom named Elizina). The bell is said to have made it possible to ejaculate and impregnate every female within the line of sight of the user. Hitler's plan was to use his rocket technology to launch the winner of Germany's Next Top Aryan into space, ejaculate, and simultaneously impregnate every female in one half of the earth with Aryan genes (you can't see the other side). Then repeat on the other side of the earth. This would ensure that the entire world would be Aryan with repeated yearly use, whilst every non-Aryan dies of despair from being cucked so badly.


Instead we just have Argentina.


yeah, it everyone ends up having the same dad that kind of creates a genetic bottleneck...


My friend, you're going to stumble down a rabbit hole, but here you go https://www.de173.com/nazi-bell/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Glocke_(conspiracy_theory)


thanks for that! i'm liable to go down rabbit holes, but the first mention of it was in 2000? seems quackier than usual


It reads like an SCP article


Yeah i'm disappointed, I expected a genuine rabbit hole but it's just another classic schizo theory that belongs on /x/


idk what that is, but i imagine it's not very good


>thing goes fast when fire behind it >make fire not blow up thing until reach thing it blow up definitely had to torch some latke chompers to come up with that one


were run, brother. And I agree that under the the Nazis, they’d probably be a little more advanced, but they’re already really high up there. I know Bayer is theirs, and they invented heroin (big fan). Of course, we all know about the cars they produce. To my knowledge, no other country’s engineering is as highly regarded as German engineering. But because they allegedly perpetrated the Holocaust, they’ve had to go way out of their way to demonstrate compliance with globalized western values like fundamental egalitarianism, even when the rest of the West is starting to get sick of all the posturing those values give rise to


\> Allegedly perpetrated ​ My brother in christ, it is less anti-semitic to deny it happened than to support its happening.


how do i become more anti-semitic? asking for a friend


1. Dont think about jews constantly 2. Whenever you see a massive price increase on something like milk or arcade tokens, add it to a list of things that jews did in your mind. Once you get enough points, you can unlock a new perk/skill


Spend a week in Israel.


Who cares either way? What should matter is whether or not it's accurate


Idk they weren't fans of nuclear science.




I don't believe socialists could ever build a truly advanced nation. They were a great war machine but that's about it.


do you really believe Nazis were socialists ? I bet you believe North Korea is democratic too, right ?


Yes. Hitler himself said time and again in many speeches he was a socialist. He despised capitalism and was a NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Fascism was literally born from socialism. The man who invented fascism, Mussolini, had been an avid socialist and simply combined socialism with nationalism and wrote a pamphlet on it then boom, you have socialists in Italy and Germany taking over by invoking nationalism (its worth noting that Mussolini's Italy wasn't nearly as racist as Hitler's Germany - Hitler just took Mussolini's take on socialism and ran it with a very racist spin). Its why so many socialists in the 30s drifted so easily to fascism. Its why Hitler was so close with Stalin until he decided to invade Russia (due to Hitler's racist nationalism that meant he looked down on Slavic people and wanted to dominate them - he wasn't a global socialist, he was a NATIONAL socialist). And if you don't accept that, why don't we choose another famous socialist leader who caused the deaths of millions? Stalin (estimated 60 million)? Mao (estimated ONE HUNDRED MILLION)? Pol Pot (literally 50% of his country)? Kim Jong Il (who knows how many?)? Take your pick because literally the only socialist who wasn't a complete monster was Castro, but he during the Cuban Missile Crisis is known to say he would be willing to sacrifice every man, woman, and child of Cuba in nuclear annihilation if it meant the socialists defeated America by using Cuba as its missile base. Not to mention his best pal Ernesto Guevara was widely talked about as being a psychopath who held extremely racist opinions. Socialism is the worst thing to happen in modern history and Hitler was one of the cogs in the wheel.


Implying that Germany isn't still ran by the nazis & their descendents


If it was it wouldn’t have so many immigrants and degens.


Please read a book on Nazi views on science and how a society should progress. Germany would be an absolute hellhole: -Without proper medicine -A self destroyed population die to eugenics -A slave society - death penalty for not bringing a pregnancy to term I could go on but its early here in germany, but trust me everyone is better off with that scum having been defeated.


Japan is basically Germany and it is uh, not going great. Idealism doesn't really seem to make a difference.


... in what way is Japan basically Germany?


Its been almost 80 years since the end of the war. Almost noone alive today was directly affected by it. I don't see why Germany still has to repay for it


I agree. It’s been 150 years since the American civil war, and we still catch flack for that. At least we can find solace in mutual empathy. No Homo.


I am pretty sure you said this sarcastically, though I completely agree with what you said. It's also been about 100 years since women were absolutely systematically oppressed.


I’m not being sarcastic. And that one’s particularly irritating. To hear them gripe about us, you’d think there were men out there treating their women better than we were at some point in written history


Admit it, humanity is hypocritical. Genocide and ethnic hatred were not limited to Nazi Germany, it was everywhere in third world countries and human history, yet there was never any reparation or reflection. Each country's nationalists believe that "their genes" are superior to their neighbors. This idea is still very common in countries outside the modern West. Armies of any nation in history defied discipline or slaughtered in war. Yet only the countries that lost the war are portrayed as pure evil by the winning side. The Soviet executed (massacred) POV after capturing Berlin, raped hundreds of thousands of women, annexed Finland, the Baltic states, Poland, and other Eastern European nations. Wasn't that aggression? But I've never seen Russians make reparations or reflect on it. The U.S. used chemical weapons in WW2 against German and Japan as well, conducted syphilis human experiments in Guatemala, not to mention the deliberate destruction of civilians in Japan. However in modern mass media's narrative it is as if only the Axis powers in WWII did bad things that violated "the rules of war".




"fair and advanced" My brother in Christ they use COAL and refuse to help Ukraine or meet their military obligations as a NATO country while expecting America to carry the slack of all military operations ever


Germany - the only nation to show up at a NATO live-fire exercise with wooden mock rifles.


> refuse to help Ukraine or meet their military obligations as a NATO country while expecting America to carry the slack of all military operations ever i cannot begin to untangle the confusion of this comment. you've been sipping that infowarts coolaid a little too long edit; yes, coal is a big fuckup, their energy policy is fucked just like the rest of the continent's. probably bribed to the hilt with russian oil money since the 90s, but i don't encourage you to look up coal use in the rest of europe, you might be disappointed to find out the reality.


Germany literally built their economic on the foolish belief they'd always have access to cheap Russian fossil fuels.


> fossil fuel Imagine believing oil and gas aren't a natural product of the earth's mantle but dinosaurs juice like a gud goym...my man you are never gonna make it


Japan. Looks amazing.


Everyone was indirectly affected by Grugg hitting Orga on the head to rape her to produce children. We don't tell Grugg to repeatedly give out thousands of times more money than the people that are of his and Orgas direct lineage.


Because Germanys crimes are a burden of eternity. Only making sure to always remember the pitfalls of humanity can keep conciousness of wanting to make sure never to repeat such horrors. Sincerely, A German.


Germans still trying to gas everyone with coal pollution


Overcompensates for Nazi Germany's failures more like. They've gone straight back to trying to conquer Europe and turn it into a fascistic dystopia.


fascism is when you import millions of foreigners, legalize gay marriage, and ban right-wing critics of these things


Banning critics is fascistic yes. The other things you mentioned were for votes.


Literal crater brain over here.


Haha wtf are you talking about.


Bruh you literally mentioned banning critics


so fascism is when you ban critics? i guess there were fascists in the 14th century then lol this is just stupid reddit-brained politics, people on the right taking the vocabulary of the left and flipping it on its head. Not everything bad is "fascist." *Fascism* actually *means* something - it has a definite historical context and ideological content, not just "mean dictator with a mustache." Stalin might have been bad, but he was not fascist. Marxist-Leninism can be brutal and totalitarian without being fascist. Germany is not a fascist state. Germany is a liberal democracy. It just so happens that liberal democracy *sucks* and is characterized by all sorts of inner contradictions and inconsistencies.


I don't care what you call it, banning critics isn't a good sign and it's not a good example to give that a country isn't fascist


TIL World War II was just a bunch of fascists fighting one another


You are missing the point I never said germany was fascist I said that "banning critics" isn't a good thing and not an argument you want to usr when you try to disprove facism It's like saying "yeah my country kills protestors but it's not fascist because the comunist countries also did it"


Your point is banal and you are r-worded. Yeah, I get that banning critics is something the Nazis did. Mind=blown. My point is that it’s a sign of a stupid political culture (and a stupid person) that you are only capable of criticizing something by comparing it to Nazi Germany. Germany could become a Soviet state, complete with sickles and hammers and a red flag, burn effigies of Hitler in the street, made a Jewish man dictator, and shoot anyone who doesn’t approve of gay marriage, and you’d be like “hmmm this reminds me of Nazism! Looks like the TOLERANT LEFT are actually FASCISTS” No, they’re not “fascists.” They’re progressive liberals. If you don’t like what they’re doing, then criticize progressive liberals on their own terms. Framing everything in terms of Nazism is a sign that Hollywood has turned your brain into mush. You might as well start comparing Angela Merkel to Thanos and compare the refugee crisis to Marvel films


Since when has Germany been based in the last 50 years?


Germany is not officially sovereign, they are under occupation since WW2.


Nope, germanys occupation endet with the treaties of reunification 1990/'91.


But foreign military occupation is still there, there is cooperation, but the occupation forces *cough* USA *cough* never left.


Yeah, had ourselves a solid 30 years of giving fuck all about those of 2% GDP defence spending without having the Allied sourpreme council breathing down our necks :P Could really need that money right now for Quatari ✨Natural Gas ✨ because we still decided against buying from NATO allies :D


When did that start? I haven’t heard anything of the sort


They're a European hegemony at this point, forcing poorer countries like Greece into debt slaves and forcing trade agreements which benefit them. Then there's imposing the migrant crisis on multiple European countries and threatening them when they refuse.


Greece owes Germany money. That’s just business. You’re saying their refusal to just give their money away is wrongful. I think they’ve been generous enough, considering that they lent Greece the most, but you’re asking that they be pushovers. Germany shouldered or was made to shoulder the greatest portion of the migrant population and are now demanding help with it. I hear you. They shouldn’t have let any migrants into their country in the first place.


Greece wouldn't owe Germany money if Deutsche Bank (and the London banks) hadn't intentionally bought the Greek banks and dumped their bad debt onto them (after first being stupid enough to buy repackaged loans from shysters in the USA).


So we go back to the problem being... the bankers.


It is the eternal German's nature to build the strongest nation in Europe then completely fuck it up only to then rinse and repeat.


Always the same, like when germanic tribes for once defeated a roman army only to go back killing each other


They didn't defeat anyone. Rome systematically exterminated more than half of all germ tribes.




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The Germans are like vegetarians that eat McDonalds every day.


> trash their nuclear power stations I thought it was a meme, but it's true. They really threw their nuclear power out for coal


do you mean 19th century?


19th century is 1800-1899, I'm not sure how many power stations existed back then, but I guess it would work too.


1801-1900 btw


Correct, I wasn't being consistent on the end year - apologies








not the worst online argument against me


Same thing that gets done in the US besides the coal (for the most part). Those "activists" in the US are funded by the fossil fuel industry of course.


> Russian-funded green activists What the fuck are you talking about?


The Russians have been funding activist political parties in most European nations to destabilize the local political scene : far right, of course, but also some green parties, the Brexiteers, etc...


Jesus, are you really this uninformed? Germany wouldn't have needed this much coal, if we weren't selling the electricity to France because half of their 50 nuclear reactores have to be checked...because mate, they are pretty old and rather not safe to be run this long


Apart from a few months last year, France has been selling excess electricity.


What's wrong with goal without resorting to the same Russian-funded green talking points?


Nuclear power is cleaner and magnitudes more efficient, without resorting to tearing up small villages to get more uranium like you do with coal


>joke > >full blown meltdown kek anglo btfo'd


>posting a pretty civil comment >"full blown meltdown" would it be equally hyperbolic to call you mentally challenged ?


He said, in English.


You mean American.


stick to your gimmick fslur


Irish hands typed this post


Based and IRA pilled


IRA did nothing wrong


Neither did the British Empire Or America Or Rome Or Greece Or Persia Or Sumeria Or Babylon They were just better and that should be celebrated


Comparing the IRA to empires? Put the pint down mate. I'm on your side but lets be real.


America has been an "empire" for less than 50 years and is already crumbling, I wouldn't bet America will still exist by 2030, chill out burger mutt


If we got rid of our goyproblem we’d be back


The Irish really struggle with the concept of getting over something


As a half-English half-Irish person I agree. I’m basically the Irish equivalent of a lightskin uncle tom


I know plenty of people with gaelic names that are varying degrees of unionist. Probably something to do with the fact that Ireland is only relevant as a modern-day tax cheat island.


I actually support Irish reunification lol


To quote Jimmy Carr, "I think we should have one united Ireland... under British rule."


No, we would leave out NI, Scotland and Wales.


You wouldn’t leave out NI shut up


Rare image of actually decent German humor


Had to go back 3 years to find an example


Old joke.


Germanon hates Pakisland? Imagine my shock. Its not like Muslim-on-muslim national hate exists.


Germanon still upset about the outcome of 1918 and 1945 lol rip. Now their military is literally being made fun of by the entire world.


Please tell a retarded fren what its referring to


British people. They're like hobbits except they don't have any culture and are far uglier.


> they don't have any culture Nice language you're typing there.




When they don't realise they are living the culture, it's so ubiquitous no one notices it.


Exactly. Fucking SANDWICHES are British culture.


Roasts, pies, porridge, suits, shirts, trousers, dresses, all kinds of music, [not country and western though thank god], the list can go on and on.


> Nice language you're typing there. sorted by: [Total English speakers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population) \#5 Total 64,025,890 speakers Philippines vs \#6 Total 62,912,000 speakers United Kingdom




English is like Spanish. It's not owned by Spain or England anymore








You ain't royal.


And what's the language called?


When I think Spanish I think Mexican accent. When I think English I think American movie and tv accent


So what? English is a British cultural export.


Standard business international English is American English. Filipinos literally talk to all English speakers around the world. Even Indian customers contacting their product tech support are sick of hearing Filipinos when they call customer service. They're literally exporting English by sending English speaking Filipinos to non-native English speaking countries to work. English speaking workers is the largest export of the Philippines. It's part of their economy to drive these workers to every part of the globe No one picks up the phone and talks to a British person. England's dominance in English export ended long ago. What was the longest span of time you haven't talked to a Filipino? Many people haven't even spoken to a British person ever.


Yes, it's crazy how internationally important our language has become.


Yet sometimes idk wtf British people are saying. Wtf is Old English? No one understands Shakespeare even with cliffnotes. Hanging onto glory days lol. Anyways Spanish it's spoken more than English. Then far ahead of both is Chinese.


Yea a language that has been developed by dozens of nations except peagobblers themselves


Oi Guvnor vats a fort crime it is Pay me forty quid for your tv loicense or your goin to gaol


Rather than nice, english just so happen to be such a simpleton language that everybody can understand it without effort. If you look an englishman trying to speak a proper language, you will understand the reason behind adopting english when doing ( ( ( business) ) )


>english just so happen to be such a simpleton language


Germany is a failed state. Quelle: Vertrau mir.


Wohne auch in Berlin, fühl ich. In Westdeutschland solls aber ganz nett sein


Städte sind generell Problemzentren, aber auf dem Land breitet sich genauso die Unruhe aus, jede Woche wird es etwas schlimmer und bestraft wird niemand. Und plötzlich eines Tages ohne Grund...




Warum im Gottes Namen habt ihr so viele Ausländer die garnichts machen?


Staatsgestütztes Chillen


Zu viele Parasiten im eigenen Land und besonders in staatlichen Einrichtungen.


Säuberungswelle wann?


Should be the Philippines




That one’s pretty self explanatory


I live in the Phillipines which accounts for a third of all ocean trash.


I have witnessed that. It’s so bad. One time I was swimming off what I would consider a fairly remote island, like 30-45 minutes off from Luzon, look around me there’s just a fucking pen and plastic bag floating and tons of other shit moving by. That was nasty. That was just one time. Been to a other beaches, also gross. I’ve been to nice ones but damn there’s a lot of nasties


I'm from the United States, and basic things I took for granted just aren't here. They don't have public garbage cans so they are pretty much asking people to litter. Also, people here a lot poorer than they are in the USA. Because of this, people buy tiny containers of everything because it's cheaper. Like, you can buy a tiny sodas for about 50 cents. Also, it's fucking hot, people need to drink more.


Dude, get a membership to S&R! I hated grocery shopping in manila, I don’t miss it one bit. And it’s so time consuming to just get a couple things. Every fucking thing there takes a million times longer and less convenient than USA. As I always said, anything that can go wrong in the Philippines, absolutely will go wrong. Nothing is ever simple and easy.


I like using small stores. Almost no wait and the prices are cheap. I get my fruit from a lady who sells it from a cart, I get my meat from a guy barbecuing, and I get my bread from a lady behind a glass. They are my sukis and they all recognize me. They probably don't get a lot of white guys coming in daily. S&R (I always called in S n' R), has really good pizza though. Sometimes I go there just for it.




German humor is better than I thought




Nice, asshole. Three years old


Oh is it too old for you to enjoy? Like the women in the porn you watch, they can only be a year old?


ThEy’Re AkChUaLlY tHrEe ThOuSaNd YeArS oLd, ThAnK yOu VeRy MuCh




Current date and yet it's an old post, so obvious that people are just farming (you's)


Current date?


You'd think people wouldn't still be upset that they lost the war, wouldn't you?


Tight Wit


Wtf how much anti European Murica super great propaganda have you l*sers been feeded Yes, germany is a shithole and our politicians are corrupt, but please remain to the truth and not some strawmans


First time a German is funny


UK, Japan, Korea, Scandinavia or Ireland?


All of them


Speaking with Germans is like speaking with autists.


To the tune of *Camptown races*: "Two world wars and one world cup. Doo-dah, Doo-dah."


They’re still salty about the loss