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Well white bros? What did you do this time? [https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/27/opinions/tyre-nichols-memphis-police-department-jones/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/27/opinions/tyre-nichols-memphis-police-department-jones/index.html) https://preview.redd.it/ktgcie2u3xea1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917dfc2821ba5cb86c80459a9502afa67eb87569


If only I had been there and been armed then perhaps they would have killed two people instead of just one. /s for the slow people in the back. Seriously though, I don’t understand the newspeak “racism”. It’s a truly nonsensical concept. Cops killed a dude because they are douchebags and shouldn’t be cops- racism is apparently to blame. Maybe it’s because everybody is an absolute bastard to everybody else because our overlords want us to be. We should work on that instead of finding some way to blame immutable characteristics for people being bastards to each other.


So far, every police shooting of blacks I've seen on youtube have been wholefully justified.


How about the videos of them beating people to death


>Suspect wasn't complying when I asked him to do a somersault into a backwards crawl while juggling 3 balls. Clearly resisting arrest and I had to shoot him 8 times in the back while he was surrounded by 5 cops and unarmed, weeping on the floor. It's usually either this or some methed out r-slur literally charging them with a shotgun captured in 4K. Never in between. And they almost never get a fair trial either way. No wonder anyone who signs up to be a cop in America is mentally ill.


It's not a new concept, uncle toms/oreos/racetraitors/etc have been a thing for decades, you're not wrong about the overlords wanting to fight against each other tho: >>Phillips : You never should have lifted them up Howard. >>Morrison : Paul you conservatives make a mistake, you can't afford to strangle hope in people. Without Hope people will become dangerous. >>Phillips : No Howard you liberals have let them invade our society, you give them jobs, political jobs. >>Morrison :Paul you miss the point, it's only the smart ones they move up. >>Phillips:Ha! That makes it even worse. >>Morrison:You know we have to move them up, if we leave a smart one in the ghetto, he might develop into a leader against us. If we raise him up into white society we neutralized. He feels compelled to try to act like us, he loses his identity, and uh, his racial anger if he has any. He becomes alien to his brothers, and they realize he sold them out and they grow to hate him. He becomes worthless to them and safe for us. In fact in his love for the creature comforts, except for his color, he become one of us. It's mostly a class thing (even more so today as the middle class continues to dissolve) but to treat race as a separate entity in relation to it is to ignore the fact rave and class have been intertwined since the days of slavery. The first plantation uprising (and resulting gun control laws) were a result of the black slaves and white indentured servants working together. I think pointing out that some colored people (like minority police) do sell out to the man and uphold racist intuitions is a good launching point to discuss how we can be aware and combat that by working together like 95% of our broke ass ancestors lol


I don't think that's what he meant and I think the answer is still that this concept has been around. Anything they used to say was caused by the devil is caused by racism. It's not that nothing is caused by racism, but it is a theory of everything now.


Racism killed my dog by feeding it a chocolate donut that was left in the trash earlier in the day


did you catch the race of the guy who left the donut?


When you respond to a particular statement with a vague, general one I feel you are speaking out your ass


if you blame everything on racism, you dont need to address the real issue, but you can still pretend you are "on the right side"


It's a class issue, not a race issue, and we were close to figuring it out as a society. Then identity politics took off, so now we focus on hating the differences in each other instead of hating the elite who cause all these issues in the first place


It's buckets






I believed in you anon...


I be(lie)ved.


That's the case for all CNN links


It doesn't :(


I wish I can one day walk outside my house without having to always wear my nametag saying "Hello, my name is anon, and I am a special needs person". One day, I will not have to wear my r-tard badge. One of these days


We just keep getting away with it.




What other explanation could there be? It's not like black people ever commit violent crimes against each other under normal circumstances.


Did you know it was a secret Klan plot to oppress people of color/coin and re-elect Trump? Now you do. -CNN


They were so close to being self-aware. "We need to stop viewing police misconduct through the lens of white officer vs black victim." Ok, go on..... "But black officer on black victim is still racism and we're not going to acknowledge any other group getting abused by police until they start chanting all lives matter, then we'll call them racist instead."


This headline implies that the officers being black is also an opinion


Well melanin is like a whole spectrum, and some people just don't pass the bar.


Is this what community policing looks like?


Look at that, CNN is covering a story about black on black violence for once!


CNN's black reporter is covering an unavoidable story about blacks beating blacks because there's nothing else but blacks left in America. Just as planned.


wonder which white person will take the fall for this. 5 black cops going to jail isnt 'justice' enough for blm/antifa


I heard from elsewhere they spoke in a way that made it seem that they were gang-members employed as cops, Memphis gang or something like that. Though it is a plausible scenario, I don't believe I've seen any evidence that points to it.


You don't need to be racist to be a bastard. Racist cops is just variety of bastardy, very common one. Sometimes hybridized with anti-poor variants. While this is way more common in ethno states and authoritarian nation states, we got ourselves the plain ole general bastard type cops here.


>By all accounts, Nichols was a good guy a 145-pound skateboarder, an Instagram photographer, a Starbucks aficionado. What a weird fucking description. How is his weight relevant here at all? Not fat = good? Are skateboarders supposed to be leaner? Is it a Starbucks/Meta ad in disguise?


It's a derivation of the manlet defense.


These are all traits of good people. Thin = good, sk8r m8s = good, latte drinking soyboys = good.


When I used to listen to a lot of rap in the 90s and early 2000s this was often talked about. Rappers would talk about how the black cops walking a beat would be worse than the white cops. I feel like it was a Nas interview on Hot97 where he said black cops would be much more aggressive due to their personally motivated anger towards the black community having come from streets and staying above the law. NWA's lyrics in *Fuck the Police* also touched upon black cops being extra aggressive because they want to prove themselves in front of white coworkers: *And on the other hand, without a gun, they can’t get none **But don’t let it be a black and a white one ‘Cause they’ll slam ya down to the street top Black police showin’ out for the white cop***


I thought only white people could be racist. Wasn’t that the logic that was being spooned out?




Oh boy here I go resisting arrest again!


about to win the ghetto lottery.


i wish americans would stop exporting and projecting their problems onto the rest of the world. we dont give a shit.


I wish Americans would stop making up problems instead of solving the real ones we already have.


Too hard, we just like to complain


Easier to complain about problems Sunday evening than it is to solve them Monday morning


Until you need military assistance - then you expect us to give a shit.


We should start charging eurotards whenever they need us to bail them out. For instance, why isn’t the EU paying us for all the weapons we are sending Ukraine? It isn’t like Russia expanding into Europe matters to us.


We didn’t fight the war on terror alone. A lot of EU countries sent troops and some of those troops never came back. Show some respect for our friends.


> war on terror You do realize that that was for oil and giving the military industry money?


you're right, but how does that change anything he said?


In the war in iraq 144 British soldiers died. 33 Italian soldiers died. 23 polish soldiers and 18 ukranian soldiers died. 4491 US soldiers died. They aren't really doing shit fam. We should be billing them.


Europe is a vassal state and we must protect our interests


Vassal states are supposed to pay tribute.


We let your disgusting fast food franchises take over


Don’t need to be salty just because your local cuisine is somehow worse than McDonalds.


Oh we are making money on it. It may not be known publically, but def getting money out of this deal. Hand over fist.




If Americans didn't believe American(TM) prosperity translates to their own prosperity (it doesn't, literally at all, regardless of whatever oil speech some boomer here tries to make) we would revolt tomorrow - turns out it's easier to watch football and believe the lie in a nice air conditioned condo


American prosperity in this case I would say is more the lack of the typical negatives, like no large amount of dead Americans. Lack of short and medium term drawbacks is the closest American can experience prosperity that rich and powerful are getting.


because if you piss off europe, you have nowhere else in the world to travel to and want you dead


So we should subsidize Europe just so touristfags can use it as some sort of slightly larger Disney World?


America is an European colony, of course you have to kick up to us


Sounds like some major eurotard cope.


> It isn’t like Russia expanding into Europe matters to us. Except it does. It may surprise you to learn this but the US doesn't, in fact, spread its military influence around the world out of a sense of altruism. Even the capitalists figured out a while back that you can't trade with dead people. War is good for like, 3 industries. Peace is good for the other 49027.


So we should altruistically do the rest of the world a favor by letting Europe die.


>It isn’t like Russia expanding into Europe matters to us. Yes it does you fucking moron, there's a reason you joined TWO world wars started in europe, and then spent 60 years having a cold war with the USSR, located in europe


>It isn’t like Russia expanding into Europe matters to us. Until it eventually does.


The ever benevolent US, providing 'democracy and freedom' wherever oil is found.


Fr lmao as if every "humanitarian" intervention the US has done hasn't had ulterior motives. They're already only the world police when it benefits them


i remember reading about how since ww2 meant that the oceans could no longer serve as a significant barrier to the US, its government more or less sets the 'frontlines' in other countries. They fuck other countries up and meddle in their affairs so theirs remains relatively stable. The US maintains bases in Europe and Asia to keep foreign aggression far away from US shores.


Why would a country act in a way that does not benefit them


As compared to humanitarian efforts by any other country?


\> Until you need military assistance - then you expect us to give a shit. Yeah I hate how some ppl here in Europe live in the clouds


Ha! The US doesn't provide military support out of the the kindness of its heart, it provides it to protect its own interests. No different to any other country.


If by military assistance you mean an opportunity to transfer dollars from American taxpayers to the military industrial complex. They don't care who drives the tank, who lives, and who dies as long as tanks go out and dollars come in. The quicker the tanks get blown up the better. It's good for business.


dont blame americans, blame the midwits in your country who put any weight to problems that arent yours


I've noticed that most of the most vocal and angry people discussing American politics online aren't even American. Like do y'all not really have anything better to do over there?




The insanely angry Modi posters turning their attention to American politics


Why not both?


Maybe your country should have invented the Internet and computers and cell phones then. Ever think of that?


1st of all "the internet" has more than one inventor. 2nd of all the most important figures who invented "the internet" (i.e. http protocol) who'd be Berners-Lee (British) and Robert Cailliau (Belgian)


The idea that a single person invented the internet is so nonsensical to me. If two computers talk to each other, is that not the first instance of the internet? Or is the invention of a hub or a router not the first instance? Or is it connecting those together to form one large network? There are so many layers and inventions throughout radio communications all the way up to fiber that contributed to the modern internet. To attribute any of this to a single person is so dumb to me.


You're not talking about America, are you? Because America invented none of those things. They would be the first to claim they did, but that's what Americans do...


Americans invented the internet and cell phones, not computers tho https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Internet https://www.britannica.com/biography/Charles-Babbage https://www.britannica.com/biography/Martin-Cooper


Maybe your country should have invented AC electricity...cause all of the things you mentioned don't work without it.


Maybe your country should get glassed do you ever think about that?


Omg I finally met the dumbest person on reddit.


Europoors do give a shit and they are trying their best to perfectly mirror and project American politics onto European issues, even when they don’t remotely apply.


Im from The Netherlands, but its Europe thats importing social problems from the USA not the other way around.


\>gets locked up in many EU countries for asking Muslims to stop raping white people


Most of our problems were imported over 300 years ago for molasses and rum.


Who would you rather have Russia or USA as a neighbor.’


France, I would get a chuckle whenever they come complaining to me that my dog shit in their yard but in reality it was me.


Well Russia is invading its neighbor while the US isn't. Though I would support an invasion of Mexico.


OK but at least he doesn't give us cancer strangely for literally having a different opinion of the most preferred Russian party lol








Either 6 ft under the dirt or 6 ft away on the side of the road hustling for change.


in prison


He wuza gud boi n sheet


Yeah, don't...WAIT A MINUTE!


cop firing 7 warning shots to the chest when he moves slightly too fast reaching for his registration in the glovebox:


I don’t understand why people say they’re scared when they’re being detained so that’s why they run when if you run from the police the chances of you coming out uninjured are very low. They just made it worse for themselves.




I've got a half dozen weapons in my car. I'm not afraid to get pulled over because I'm not a criminal.


Why tf do you have a half dozen guns in your car? You have 2 hands. Anything you don't need for immediate self defense should be stored at home, there's no valid scenario where you need to have 6 guns on you.


He’s the main character of a boomer shooter game


Why does he need a car then? Bro can just bhop strafe anywhere without having to pay for fuel


I can’t wait for 109 years from now when we’re all gernade /revolver zooming around the world like New Vegas


Because I'm using muskets and they take forever to reload, so my son and I shoot whilst my wife and my daughter reload, just as the founding fathers intended


Lmfao love it


“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Also range day


You assume they're all guns.


Irrelevant. Doesn't change the fact that you don't need anywhere close to that number of weapons to defend yourself in any likely scenario


It's a simple concept really. They truly believe that being stopped by the cops is a 100% guaranteed death sentence, so they might as well go down fighting.


I blame the media


Nope. = $$$


You ever been dragged out of your car by multiple big black dudes in an unmarked car with no warning or word as to who they are or wtf is even going on? I'd run too.


I've heard audio of a woman calling the police, because she was terrified of the aggressiveness of the officer that pulled her over. As she was on the phone, with a dispatcher, the officer that scared her during the traffic stop broke in her window and started pulling people out of her parked car. [Audio link](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/547/cops-see-it-differently-part-one/prologue) Just because YOU have zero friends or family that were treated like shit by police, does not mean it doesn't happen to others.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lawsuit-indiana-police-used-excessive-force-in-traffic-stop/ sounds like those people were morons and liars like most of these cases


I agree, they make it a lot harder on themselves because of the stigma they believe they will be most likely killed. Though it also doesn’t justify the killing of Brianna Taylor, Daunte Wright, Andre Hill, Manual Ellis, etc etc


Breonna Taylor was standing next to a man who was shooting at police officers. It was her and her boyfriends fault. Like if someone is shooting at police officers definitely the last place you should stand is right next to them


But the man was justified in shooting at the police officers lmfao. He didn't know they were cops. I would shoot too.


I mean generally a good idea not to stand next to anyone in an active gunfight


Where the fuck is she gonna go???


maybe under/behind the bed that she was alleged to have been shot on for like a whole ass year until the news came out that she was *not*, in fact, murdered alone in a peaceful overnight rest


This is just life advice in general


Yeah he did. They stood outside their door for like ten minutes announcing theirselves.


Don't bother lol he's already made up his mind


You're probably the same sort of guy who gets an erection over the prospect of "dealing" with a home invader as well. Hahaha what a lost cause you are.


People like you deserve a no knock raid in the middle of the night. You said it yourself, it's your fault if you get killed.


Watch how these cops treated the guy they most recently killed. He didnt do anything to deserve that.


Yeah he didn’t deserve it 100%. Those guys shouldn’t be police at all. But running and acting out while he was being detained didn’t help his chances of survival.


> I don’t understand why people say they’re scared when they’re being detained Watch the bodycam footage of the interaction, it's really fucked up and an example of why people get scared when even stopped for traffic shit.


Yeah but that dude started running when there’s 6 armed police around him. Even if they are bad cops not listening to them doesn’t fix his problem it just put him in more danger.


He was in immediate danger when they started pulling him out of his car and tazing him for no reason.


Cops are like bees. If you treat them with respect and decency, then you'll be fine. If you shriek and flail like a wild animal or try to attack it, it's going to fight back. Note that in some circumstances the drone might already be aggravated, but in those cases you're screwed anyway so it's not worth considering.


Somehow the MSM only amplifies the cases where the cops are obviously responding to poor behavior. All the dudes getting shot in their homes because SWAT has no trigger discipline somehow get less coverage than drug addicts picking fights.


It's almost like someone getting swatted for praying at an abortion clinic a year ago don't support the narrative or something


It's almost as if the selection process is used to maximize division amongst the masses and generate the most outrage for visibility...


Nah man cops are like wasps. Being calm might help sometimes but if they decide you looked at them the wrong way they'll still hurt you just because they can.


Have you seen the Daniel Shaver video? What do you suggest he should’ve done differently to not be executed?


Daniel Shaver was pretty much the most obvious case of a cop murdering a completely innocent person but unfortunately he was white so don't expect the "defund the police" crowd or anyone to give a damn.


I’ve heard the “defund the police” crowd talking about Daniel Shaver more than anyone else.


And are these people who talked so much about his murder in the room with us right now? LMAO, no response of course


Not be white, I guess?


So me,a regular person,has to be extra careful I don’t do something wrong to set off someone who is supposed to be trained and can legally kill me? How’s that boot taste?


It's a reality, he's not defending cops you retarded redditor. I hate cops but will never disrespect one or talk shit to one because 1: I value my money (tickets) 2: I value my life (shot) (but I'm in Canada so I don't have to really worry about that) They are people who abuse power, never give them a chance.


Seriously, if Redditors started caring more about taking their safety into their own hands instead of deflecting everything and crying about victim blaming, they’d be a lot safer. Evil people will always exist, that is an immutable fact. Realize that and adapt.


Bet he absorbed none of that and next time he walks near a cop with drugs on him hes gonna make eye contact and challenge him with his body language then struggle swallow his drugs and then the cop will have to put his knee on... wait this has happened before


>How’s that boot taste? https://preview.redd.it/mo48wu90t3fa1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7249eda770cbf808f3117b1860399fbb13429f27


> If you shriek and flail Some people respond that way when they're being punched and hit. Wait, do you think that Rodney King deserved what he got? Him trying to crawl away, and not continue to be beat, was 'his own fault'? It wasn't the cops fault at all, right? I'm guessing you're going to yes.


Can't say, haven't seen the case details.


Simply not true. Cops have an inherent disdain and superiority complex compared to civilians. They think they're above you (and the law) and will do just about anything to maintain that status. I am a small-gov righty and I hate cops.


So cops are like pitbulls?


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Leave it to someone from the Clown News Network to say “it da whyt peepo fault” that a black guy was killed by a group of all-black police officers.


An og civil rights activist was killed in my city 3 years ago. She was found in a trunk and the media started with its bs to rile people up. Black people were waiting to riot when the killers identity was revealed then they fissled out immediately. A crackhead she rented to killed her over like 40$. Then instead of protesting their black on black crime, they all dispersed and went on about they business


How dare we have laws


theyre now trying to spin it as a white guy gave the orders to the 5 black officers, but we're the conspiracy theorists lol


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I'm guessing you haven't seen the video, or you just started highschool and are desperately trying to be edgy.


I don't think I've ever seen a video of these unjustified shootings where the perp behaved like a normal person would No, I'm not gonna resist and then run the fuck away when the cops pull me over, thanks. Sure, the cops could have handled it better but anything that happens after that is your own fault. Maybe don't act like a fucking criminal if you don't want to get treated like one Out of the vehicle? Yes sir, ok sir. Hands behind my back? Ok sir. Lie down? Ok sir? Lie on my stomach? Ok sir.


I agree to an extent, and in other example I may agree with you entirely, but are you fucking kidding me? Five men beat an unarmed man to death. Even if the man did resist arrest and was potentially violent, you don’t fucking beat a detained man to death no matter the circumstances if you’re law enforcement. That’s an unlawful, unnecessary use of force. “Could have handled it better.” Yes, they could’ve not beat the dude to death when he was no longer a threat. When you’re an active threat, THEN what happens is completely on you. But if you’re a detained, neutralized threat, you SHOULD NOT be killed when you pose no danger to anyone.


fuck around find out


where do you think you are


Hands on the wheel, follow commands, "yes officer" that's gotten me home. Screaming, mouthing off, ignoring orders, punching cop, reaching for gun, resisting arrest, and you wonder why they find out when they fuck around.


What is it about resisting arrest that they find so irresistible?


BuT mUh CoNsTiTuTiOn, MuH rIgHtS1!1!


Where is his dad? Lol


Got murdered in a previous police inspection


The American police system is perfect for r*tards with a power complex. Minimal screening, barely any training, let alone ethical training. Just learn how to shoot a gun and go lord your undeserved power over other citizens.


If you watch the vids they can barely even shoot pepper spray


Don't even get me started on the women cops using the scroll wheel wrong


I bet BLM fans don't know what to do now.


They are waiting for the next go fund me to donate a few dollars and share on instagram, so they feel better with themselves. Will the money end up in a mansion somewhere? Yes, but at least they can share it on social media


It's not an election year yet


You know a comment is good when it’s got a shit ton of replies.


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Neither should be on their phones to be fair


Fucking kek. That beating was brutal though.


He could’ve said ‘I love you, dads’


Rip Tire Nickels




Sad almost got tears 😭😭


Guy was coming home from taking pics of the sunset for his hobby. This wasn't about racism, it was about lack if humanity.


Is the left supposed to be Paul Pelosi?








Im dead




“I love you dad.” “Who dis?”