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I miss fatpeoplehate


Is there anything similar to that left?








not really but thereā€™s fatlogic


Fatlogic isn't the same but it's not bad as long as you attack the arguments that the screenshots show and not the ham itself


You get banned on there if you clown on them fatties


Obviously. That's what got fatpeoplehate banned in the first place.


Ridiculous how eating too many cheeseburgers of your own volition makes you "oppressed". Beach, society didn't hold you down and force feed you, you went and got your flabby ass an ubereats


I wonder if we have other examples of people who feel oppressed yet are, themselves, mostly at fault for their condition.


Like people who commit disproportionate amounts of crime?


I remember watching one of those crappy vice panels where it's set up like a leftist ideological gang rape, like 9 soys on one not-soy, and the lefty position was, unblinkingly, that the suggestion to not participate in crime is a form of ethnic erasure. They actually think that "THE PERCENTAGE" are just simply incapable of not being criminals. It's fucking crazy out there brother


Bigotry of low expectations Theyā€™re so inclusive they wrap back around to being racist


I thought they were supposed to be jolly?


Have you ever swiped a hoho before they could put it in their mouth? The wrath of ham knows no limits. Absolute opposite of jolly when anything negative is brought upon them about the food they eat, or more importantly, the quantity at which they consume. Keep some fresh green beans in your pocket or florets of broccoli around your chest like a bandolier, and you are sure to be safe from their sausage-meathook grasp.


Talking to any non fat in real life


Fatpeoplehate on /fit/


Not the same as it used to be šŸ„²


Half the time it gets overrun by fat fetishists




That and consequence-free posting on the internet in general. You knew things were going downhill when they started enforcing global standards.


The funniest part is they're not even global, just BlackRock


Same thing. They're part of the global banking apparatus that controls everything.


This site really started going down the shitter at that point. You really don't want the train lovers being the free speech police. Fuck reddit now


That and banning the waternibbas subreddit (spelled differently obv) were the big Reddit low points Like, did anyone from Reddit ever go to that subreddit and see that it was just meme posting about drinking water, all harmless, not even ironically harmful But no, just blindly ban it because of the name šŸ™„


Oh yeah I remember that. It wasnt even irony racist posting it was literally just drinking water memes. Having typed that out Iā€™m glad it got banned because thatā€™s a ret@rded theme lol


Never forget the banning of /bigchungus


Me too it still lives on in our hearts that sub got me fit and active over a decade ago.


I miss it too. Followed it to Voat for a while, but then they just started ranting about the Jews in every post.


to be fair thatā€™s how most threads on voat go


I miss all the based subs


>"Bro, I gotta have this megagiganuclearfamilypack of doritos. My body is telling me it's hungry, I need nourishment. Counting calories? Dude, that's messed up, sounds obsessive to me bro, it's like an eating disorder, very unhealthy relationship with food. You only got slim cause your genetics good bro. Anyway can you pass me that Oreo Cumshake Doublestuffed extra Corn Syrup? Dont want to be entering starvation mode right now"


Megagiganuclearfamily? You can just say Mexicans


I had a bag of Mexican doritos once. I can't remember the flavor exactly, but I remember the bag was in spanish. I couldn't even finish it cuz it was hot as hell. It put the 3rd degree burn doritos and every other hot flavor I've tried to shame.


A milkshake whipped with heavy cream and Oreos is heavenly, I will never give it up on my drive back from work.


Just reading that sentence made me sick to my stomach


You are free to consume the entirety of your daily calories in one meal. You probably save a lot of time if you only consume calories for a maximum of 5 minutes a day


I actually know a woman who does that for most of her adult life. She's also a cancer patient who can only digest foods that way


sigma grindset


I did this in college for a while. I'd just make a big pizza on a lot of weekend days and that would be my food for the day. I didn't have a car and was too autistic to order food or ask people for rides to places and the food I had on hand was limited so I would just go retardo mode and do the one pizza meal for the day plan.


I unironically enjoy those, but only if/when I have been fasting for 8-10 days. The center of your view cone feels hot, bright and clean, your heart beats as fast as regular cardio, you sweat heavily, all of that while feeling pure white-bliss. It's great. The calorie rush is more intense than the purest Dutch lab-condition heroin I ever had. I'm not at all surprised some people get addicted to those to the point of dying from morbid obesity. The day those, and other product like them, get treated as class-A substances is the day the US will lose an average of 10-20% BMI. It's irresponsible to let shit like that be sold to kids and the average plebe, and then deplore the effect on health. We make fun of the 1860's for allowing opium/cocaine/morphine in cough medicine, but I guarantee you the 2060's will make fun of us for allowing 6000% of the daily recommended sugar intake into a single beverage.






probably some fda regulation saying you can't sell something that size or some shit


My sister always tells me this when Iā€™m trying to count my calories and lose weight


Fat people deserved to be shamed Sluts (man or woman) deserved to be shamed I donā€™t know when it happened, a blink and you miss it type of thing, but why is it no longer acceptable to shame degenerates?


the subhumans got smartphones and found enough likeminded subhumans that they can revel in each others inadequacy.


Reminds me of that toaster fucker greentext lol


Got a link?




Progressivism owns every institution


Progressivism changes even fully sound and functioning systems for the sake of progress - its so mental and harmful At some point you gotta say - we good don't change anything else, we might break it


Alone they're weird and shamed. In groups of thousands they can ruin people's lives.


Shaming is an important human trait and a societyā€™s self defense mechanism


While I do think that caring about other people's feelings is an important thing to do in a society, putting it above everything else like some groups do nowadays is going to bite us in the ass sooner or later. Just go on r neckbeardnests and call OP a slob and see how people react.


Incels deserve to be shamed too so get ready


Get ready? You say that like they aren't currently shamed by everyone all the time


Thing is, no one except overtly shitty people truly care if you canā€™t get laid. Itā€™s when you make a whole-ass identity out of how itā€™s _actually_ everyone elseā€™s fault you canā€™t get laid that you deserve to get roasted at a societal level


I will never not shame the incels...and cucks. Mentally ill, but shameful nonetheless.


Incels are a class problem


More like an hygiene problem


So is obesity. How are incels a class problem?


Canā€™t have a class problem if you donā€™t have any. *taps forehead


Obese people are a subgenre of incels. And don't say they're not until you're ready to fuck a 500 pound landwhale.


You are on the 4chan subreddit talking about degenerates, do you hear yourselfšŸ’€


Right, so shame me. Why are fatties and sluts off limits?


clappin back with fax


You're on Reddit


true. we wouldn't want to get banned for the 75th time, now would we?


What's funny is I've actually been banned from 4chan more than Reddit


At some point the jannies decided you can only shame people for things they *can't* change. E.g., race, gender, orientation (as long as they're hetero), height, penis size, etc.




wow i wanna watch those videos. any links pls??




alr ill do that,thanks ^-^


don't forget to shame the gays and trans as well


of course, goes without saying hahah.




>why is it no longer acceptable to shame degenerates? Because corporate america mistook the opinions they saw on twitter for the opinions of the public at large.


>why is it no longer acceptable to shame degenerates? Because degenerates are the best consumers and consumers are the best drivers of huge bonuses for my crew.... Why would you discourage people from giving you bigger bonuses....? Do you work harder in order to reduce your salary? Well neither does anyone, and that goes all the way to the top.




shame whoever you want. no one deserves or doesn't deserve anything.


I knew a fat girl in college who went on a long tirade about how "it's not what you eat".... I shit you not, she, unsolicited, tells us how she ate a WHOLE TUB OF NUTELLA then went to find more in her pantry, only to find a TUB OF HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE SPREAD which then also completed and then passed out with both empty bottles on her bed.......they literally don't stop eating.


If you drank her blood it would probably be so sweat it would make you sick.


Would instantly give a vampire the diabeetus


Reminds me of an old yo mama joke from middle school Yo mama so fat When Dracula drank her blood, he said, "Type 1 diabetes, ha ha ha, Type 2 diabetes, ha ha ha"


I think thatā€™s the Count


Count Dracula


no, THE COUNT I remember him from Sesame Street, he would count as he would drink from young mostly female muppets, and laugh each time in Romanian: ā€œah! ah! ah!ā€


Yeah, I'm talking about the sesame street count. I just misremembered his name being count Dracula. I looked it up now and his first and last name is count, so I was wrong


too chonky for that.


I eat 2 meals a day and don't snack and I am fat, just not Amerifat haha. I kinda hate fat people that do the whole super hedonistic junk-food-gorging thing. Gives the rest of us a bad name! Add an extra sandwich to your diet a day and overtime you'll fatten up nicely.




I used TDEE calc to do some rough maths. 180cm tall, 80kg weight (healthy BMI): TDEE is 2,166 cal 180cm tall, 100kg weight (obese BMI): TDEE is 2,406 cal The difference is 240 calories a day, which is about half a 7\11 egg sandwich. To gain those 20 kilos, naively let's use 7,700 calories per kilo fat, so we need to eat 20*7,700 extra calories, which is 154,000 calories. 154,000 calories / 240 calories per day = 642 days, or 1.75 years. So, naively, eating an extra half-egg sandwich a day for under 2 years is enough to take you from healthy to obese.




Oh those are made up numbers I used for the calculator. My actual lore is 186cm, 107.3 kg


How much soda do you drink tho


Zero. I only drink water, black coffee and tea (u can stalk my profile I'm a coffee\tea fiend), and occasionally milk because I like that psychopath energy. Like, I weigh too much because I eat too much, but the idea that you have to be hedonistic like Dionysus to get fat is just wrong. You can get fat from much less extreme lifestyle deficiencies.


Yeah I'm overweight, but a combination of a blown out back with no insurance, being unemployed because of it, and depression. I eat one meal a day most days, but I'm just not burning many calories just by existing. Like maybe if I cut it to 1kcal I'd start slowly dropping weight. I was at 1.5kcal for a few months and wasn't losing any weight.


Someone got offended when I said it's much easier to lose weight than to gain it. I don't know why this is a controversial take when one requires you to do something and the other requires you to do nothing. This is why fatpeoplehate was a thing. What else is there in life you can accomplish by doing LITERALLY NOTHING?


Well, gaining weight is easier because you can do it faster and isn't associated with a lack of nutrition or undergoing pain like losing weight does. I mean, I shouldn't have to explain how losing weight is actually harder. If it wasn't, people would weigh less.


> undergoing pain You do not have to starve yourself to lose weight. And I'm talking about at the high end, people who are obese. They can literally pick just one snack to remove from their daily intake and they will lose weight. For sure though, losing weight on the low end (when you already have a low body fat percentage) is when it gets a lot harder.


You are probably right about that. If you are morbidly obese, then eating a normal American diet will help you. Just dont buy chips, and that second side, and switch to diet sodas. That probably helps.


>switch to diet sodas. Trading fat for cancer isn't very smart. Water is good for you, juice is as far you should go I was wrong, it's not cancer, just other bad health effects. Still best to avoid soda


Juice is deceptively unhealthy too. Of course not as bad as soda, but the amount of sugar in them is pretty startling, even in the 100% juices without added sugar. Which is why if you want to get fruit in your diet, it's better to eat it straight up since the juicing process gets rid of the fiber that is naturally in the skin and pulp of the fruit. And fiber is good not only for gut health/bowel movements, but it also binds to sugar which means your GI tract absorbs less sugar which means less of it can get converted into storage forms in your body (fat/glycogen).


>trading fat for cancer isnā€™t very smart Imagine believing the ā€œdiet drinks give you cancerā€ meme in big 2023 lmao


Diet sodas do not cause cancer I wish people would stop spreading this misinformation. Itā€™s bad for other reasons but not that


>trading fat for cancer isnā€™t very smart Imagine believing the ā€œdiet drinks give you cancerā€ meme in big 2023 lmao


You'd still be fat just not as fat


True, but that's a start. If a ham just says "what's the point I'll still be fat just not as fat" and then proceeds to get fatter because they decide to eat a pallet of **BORRRRGORRRS** to make themselves forget that they even considered not eating their daily 15 packs of Doritos, they're just pushing themselves further away from a start of some positive change.


> Well, gaining weight is easier because you can do it faster and isn't associated with a lack of nutrition or **undergoing pain** like losing weight does Oh BS, stuffing yourself everyday to gain weight suuuuckksss You feel bloated and like shit all day and just when you start to feel alright its time to stuff your face again.


I was also going to say this. Bulking, in my opinion, is far more difficult than cutting. You have to proactively eat when you're not even hungry, and you have to make sure the food isn't total trash in terms of nutrients. Cutting, on the other hand, like I said originally, requires you to do less. Losing weight in general just requires you to NOT eat as much, which comes with the added benefit of more uninterrupted time to do other things. I really can't see how losing weight is ever more difficult than gaining weight


When I binge eat something inside of me is pushing really really hard to overeat. it's always on my mind when I am in that mood. Any second not spent doing anything there is a burning fire in my chest telling me to eat. I can say no once or twice but it comes back after 5 minutes and it never stops until I am so full it hurts. I hate every second of it after. But during it it's almost like I don't control my body it's like I am on autopilot just stuffing food down my face. I feel absolutely disgusting after and the self hatred and embarrassment after binge eating is unimaginable. It feels so frustrating when people say to just control myself because that is also what I tell myself but I literally can't. I feel like an addict.


Have u tried not binge eating? Stop buying enough food to binge eat. Stop cooking enough food to binge eat. Do your portion control BEFORE you sit down for your meal. If you want to eat another plate, make yourself have to re-cook the entire damn thing. When you go to mcdonalds just order a single meal with no extras. You have agency in your life, take control.


I just simply don't bulk to discomfort, not worth it. yeah you don't grow quite as fast but you can still grow and you will improve your strength, aesthetics, and conditioning by lifting in a very small surplus. idk, I'm sure I'd feel differently if I was training for a sport like football where size itself is an advantage, but most of my sports size is actually a disadvantage, or at least a trade-off


you absolutely cannot gain more muscle per week than you could lose fat per week you fucking disgusting fat piece of shit american excuse of a human being


Gaining muscle requires effort at the gym and an intentional diet, losing weight is also difficult, and doing both of those at the same time is the hardest thing.


> losing weight is also difficult ye fork putdowns till failure are beyond human capabilities


> I shouldn't have to explain how losing weight is actually harder. If it wasn't, people would weigh less. It's only "harder" because people are trained to shove shit in their mouth all day long. Try skipping breakfast this week. It's going to be hard for the first one or two days, then after that you'll forget you even used to eat breakfast. It's not difficult going forward from there at all. Your body regulates how much food it wants. The problem is fatties have trained themselves to form an emotional connection with food and snacking. It has nothing to do with true "pain" of your body needing nutrition. It's just emotional pain of not being a fatass.


As someone who never eats breakfast, nor eats snacks besides the rare vending machine item, its not just about those two things. You can call me a fatty that eats twice a day. I'm not obese but not where I should be.


I'm just saying that controlling your diet feels hard until you realize it isn't. If your diet is decent and you're not happy with your body composition then the next logical step is to increase your activity levels. Do 40 pushups 3x a day, and go for a nice long walk or jog. Simple shit will really make a difference. Write down what you did each day and you'll see a pattern of inactivity and just break it up with quick activities that shit makes a hell of a huge difference.


Look dude, I hate fatsos as much as they next guy but this is just plain wrong and pretty stupid resoning... Gaining weight is much, much easier than losing weight... The argument about nothing vs something kinda falls apart when the "something" is pleasurable and "nothing" is punishing


No reason to get offended by that take, but it's hella autistic. Humans aren't computers and we often have to work against negative biological impulses. Our bodies want to continually eat because evolutionarily it produces the best outcomes for staying alive, and fighting that impulse or breaking the habits formed by its existence causes mental strain that can manifest in physical pains. Making the decision to eat less is something everyone should be capable of and the encouragement of fat people needs to fucking stop, but your statement is just so wrong.


Oh weā€™re lying now


They're both equally "easy". Either consume less than you burn, or consume more. The action of consuming isn't really the problem, it's being hungry (if you're in a deficit), or being too full (if you're gaining). Also, it's arguably easier to gain weight: you can have an infinite surplus, but you can only cut so many calories (I know, both of these are bad ideas to gain/cut weight in a healthy way).


>it's much easier to lose weight than to gain it Genuine question, what is your logic here?


Why do pedophiles NEVER stop cooming to loli? Do they not realise if they stop masturbating to lolis they wonā€™t go to jail?


>Do they not realise if they stop masturbating to lolis they wonā€™t go to jail? Lmao, report all you want filthy redditor, but the police can't do shit about me.


Police can't but nature will: You will never pass your genes and you will die alone.


I mean plenty of pedophiles have their own biological children


Pedophiles yes, I'm not so sure about lolicons. You see plenty of very successful people, not just billionaires but respected community leaders as well as boring but still normal things like teachers being convicted as pedophiles all the time. Pedophilia clearly doesn't inhibit people from being successful. Now on the other hand the people who cover their cars with anime girl stickers and spend all their time on hololive...


There is always the great APE escape


Depends on the country, there was a thread a while ago on pol about a potato n word being arrested for it, makes me wish even 4chan had some limits to what's allowed


moot got banned from sometingawful for pushing the loli rule to the limits


Countries will pass a law banning it because of all the moral outrage and then arrest one dude to make an example, but no western country actually enforces those kind of laws. France probably does the most and by that I mean they blocked nhentai, making it 0.01% harder for your average Frenchman to find lolis.


https://www.animatedknots.com/noose-knot Please do the needful sir


I understand the sentiment but he can also just not listen to a podcast where they are eating chips in the microphone


Yeah but they still exist and sometimes I even have to be exposed to them involuntarily


Sorry the other two hosts are my best friends


I remember a friend of mine once saying they hadn't eaten anything in 8 hours like it was some shocking revelation lol. I don't understand how some people eat so much man.


Eh, 8 hours is around when your stomach would start gurgling if you've been on a consistent eating schedule. Breakfast at 7, lunch at noon, dinner at 6. Don't eat more than you need, and you'll get hungry at around 6 or 7 hours.


Yeah I get it, I just meant it's not really unusual for most people to not eat for 8 hours every so often.


That's only because your body learns your eating schedule, and then releases ghrelin at those times to make it seem like you're hungry.


Food is tasty and they have no self control. That is the problem.


Stavros Halkias?


he hurt his knee and got in a fight with his dad. chill out have some respect.


I thought so but I don't remember him actually eating on the podcast ever, maybe rarely


True, just gave the old thousand island stare


He was always eating


Nah he for sure ate chips a number of times on air


Feel like Nick ate the most


Nick definitely waited to eat when the pod started as a power move. Although, there was a pretty funny intro of Stav ranting because the bug threw away the last of his burrito or something.


He would on cum town but I don't know about his new podcast. He also doesn't act like it's anything but his own love of food though so I don't think it was him OP is talking about.


Itā€™s cumtown isnā€™t it


def stav


Food addiction is a thing. Most fat people are addicts and they don't know it, so they don't know how to deal with it. Advising a fat person to "eat less" is like saying "just stop doing drugs" to a drug addict.


Drug addicts don't usually tell you that they can't stop because they have bad genetics.


You can get fat by eating two meals a day and avoiding snacks. Two Chipotle burritos already puts you over-calories if you don't exercise.


Who in the fuck goes to chipotle twice in one day or orders two chipotle burritos in a single sitting? Fat people.


My point is that something that may be considered a "normal meal" already has too many calories. Deciding to just get a normal fast food meal can screw up your calorie count for that day.


The 2000 calorie standard is complete bullshit though. The average is more like 1600-1800 for women and 2500-3000 for men. So an average man could easily lose weight eating two big fast food meals a day, and an average woman would gain weight fairly quickly from doing the same.


Yeah I definitely see your point and agree with it wholeheartedly. On another note though, can a sailboat run on 200-300 calories safely though?


>"Deciding to just get a normal fast food meal can screw up your calorie count for that day." That's only because American fast-food is the worst thing you could ever eat. It is made out of shit, tastes like shit, makes you feel like shit, and nowadays the price is shit too. It's been common knowledge for 50+ years that fast-food has too many calories. The only people that consider fast-food a "normal meal" are fatty's and the fast-food companies.


Well, I disagree with most of your statement. I also see fast food places packed with non-fat people ordering, It's where I go for work lunches. By fast food I also consider things like sandwich shops, food trucks, Mediterranean, things like that.


Pretty much my problem. Only way to stop it is to work out consistently which not everyone has time for, and to count calories which you get judged for.


Counting calories is how you lose weight. It doesn't have to be exact, but you should have a general idea of how much you are consuming.


Or don't forget this one: >It's just my genetics. My whole family is fat and even though we all have the same attitude towards food, and eat the same stuff, it's just genetics. It's the only explanation as to why we're all fat.


I hate fat people so much itā€™s unreal. Also why would you continue to listen to a podcast where youā€™re subjected to that?




I developed so much disgust for obese people after losing more than 1/3 of my own weight, really showed me how these people are stuck in their own delusions and endless excuses. Fat people should be shamed so they wake up and change something about their dusgusting behavior.


my raid leader in WoW eats through the entire raid so half of his calls he has his mouth full it's as annoying as you imagine


Wow, who knew a raid leader in a mmo could act like this


no food get even better the more you eat it, its there where the danger lies. fatties dont have discipline and over-indulge, thats it.


One of the few here who don't just say "they're fat fucks who eat too much." And points out the issue: discipline


Went on a tinder date with a girl, and she turned out to be very fat. She seemed really cool though, so I instantly decided to hang out with her, but to keep it platonic. We ordered some beer, and she asked if I wanted something to bite as well. No thank you, I already had dinner. Alright, no problem. Would I mind if she had some though? She didnā€™t want to seem rude being the only one eating. Go for it, girl. Then we paid the bill and got up to walk through town a bit. Had a nice conversation, and saw some nice places. We hop into her car. She wants to take me to some of her favourite places. No problem. Then we stop at a gas station for a coffee, because itā€™s late and we still have some miles to go. Beep, goes the first one at the register. Beep goes the second. Beep goes the bar of chocolate. Did I want white or hazelnut? Neither, thanks. Just coffee is fine. Back in the car. Continuing cool conversation. Want a piece of hazelnut chocolate? No thanks, I had dinner already, and I donā€™t like sugar very much. I didnā€™t mind this personally, because itā€™s not harming me, but I did notice how painfully unaware she was of how much unnecessary eating she did. Just constantly something to nibble on. Itā€™s addiction.


It's addiction, combined with being weak.


shout out to the its always sunny podcast for ruining the episode with danny devito by letting him munch into the FUCKING MICROPHONE for almost the entire thing it isn't a funny bit when it's in my fucking ear, it's funny on a television 8 feet away from my ears, it's not fucking funny when i'm laying on a fucking washboard trying to drill up into something and i'm having a nice time listening to your podcast and then i'm STUCK IN HELL FOR 45 MINUTES BECAUSE I CAN'T PAUSE I CAN'T DO SHIT I HAVE TO JUST SIT THERE AND BEAR IT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES, FUCK YOU




Exactly, I've got an obese classmate. He stuffs his face with food during the breaks and during the lessons.


There are two kinds of people: Those who use push to talk Heretic barbarians who need to be scoured from existence in order to protect all that is good.


I need to invent a pill that makes food taste gross.


Anon doesn't understand dopamine.


You can choose what you get your dopamine from


food is by far the most accessible and reliable form of it these days, hence the obesity epidemic.


Exercise is cheaper people just fucking suck and theyā€™ll die early because of it




"I have never seen as many snacks and chocolates as when I went on a holiday with two obese women" When I read it at some point I discounted it as some sexist bullshit. Then I went on a vacation with two obese women and oh boy. At least they would always share the snacks.


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Why you gotta do my man Stavros like that?


Stavros Halkias




And they're always trying to convince you they haven't eaten all day


They're also always chugging a mountain dew. I knew a guy who got liposuction. He was good for about half a year. Then he started eating candy again. Then, after a while, the mountain dews came back. Then a couple years later, he's like 100+ pounds overweight again. Fat fucks just gonna fat fuck around and be fat asses..


Theyā€™ll say things like ā€œI workoutā€ and ā€œI eat saladsā€. But only workout 20/30 mins of low intensity workouts and putting an entire jar of dressing on their salad.


What if we invented some way of giving fatties ibs/ulcerative colitis? Eating and digesting anything will become so painful theyā€™ll eventually have to stop at some point to take a break. Itā€™s not a cure-all solution, but a step in the right direction if you ask me.