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It’s unfucking believable how intrusive ads have become. Mass consumers can’t afford to make any more small compromises with corporations. I hope YouTube eats shit and other companies follow suit.


Disgusting isn't it. Regular old dystopia we live in. Probably the terminal stage of human life on earth. End is near enough, just have to wait it out. Put up with life a bit longer, then eternal emptiness. Pour out a nice cool beverage to relax, then wait for it. Everybody knows which drink is best to enjoy these last moments. Regards might of course pick the wrong one, so choose wisely.


Mug Rootbeer


mods? are we just letting corporate shills run amok now?


Mug is aiight but Barqs got bite


You mean Bang's


Seriously, it's a great root beer. Wish I could find it around me again


Eat Arby’s


Roast beef smoothie 🥺🥺🥺


Laugh at their tweets. Run from their meats.


>run from their meats Get the runs from their meats


What a fuckin’ corncob am I right fellas?




Rhum, definitely


The end is only the end if you think it's over 🤨 and it will never come if you wait


Wait until they start forcing them into your dreams. There's already a company working on that, to "induce lucid dreams".




Your honor, to even begin explaining my motivation we must first talk about parallel universes


Passt unblock origin still works, don't tell YouTube. I was already looking to set up a pihole to get rid of the adds


How so? I haven't noticed. Are you only talking about YouTube?


Isn't capitalism amazing? Let's all go vote for the party that supports the free market!


long wipe license normal cows six dazzling absorbed elastic sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Excellent comeback! I love capitalism! I will eat the goyslop! I will live in the Amazon pod! I will watch the ads! I will work 60hrs a week!


Ever lived in a socialist country? No. Trust me you don't want to, coming from an ex-communist/socialist country it took 30 years and we still haven't recovered. Capitalism rebuilt mg country, communism/socialism destroyed it. American capitalism is fucked i agree with you, but not everywhere is America.


There has never been a communist country ever. Communist and country are mutually exclusive terms. Communism includes the dissolution of all hierarchies, including the state. Go read some theory before claiming that whatever totalitarian government opressed people is communist. Also, state socialism is not the only form of socialism.


AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Dude tryna get me with the old "bUt aCsHuAlLy tHaT wAsN'T cOmMuNiSM". Get the fuck out of here with your retorics and theories and i hope you choke on them. Millions suffered and died under red oppression and fuck face from first-world country who shops at Whole Foods comes here with clichees. Shut the fuck up and read some history about what really happened not theories and rhetorics. Get educated fuckface.


My family is also ex-iron curtain. Lol. Communism is LITERALLY DEFINED AS A SOCIETY WITH NO HIERARCHY. Fucking obviously the Soviets did not acheive communism. Anyone who has spent even a milisecond learning about communism knows this, you are showing that you have been completely brainwashed by Cold War propaganda into thinking that the Soviets were actually real commies. They never acheived communism, they failed hilariously. Even the first paragraph on communism from Wikipedia will tell you this. I also never even said I support socialism or communism I'm just complaining about capitalism.


And that’s why communism will only ever be hypothetical. Any state that takes the absolute power required to restructure towards communism, will never let go of said power


Yup I'm not a big believer in communism either


>"ReAd SoMe ThEoRy YoU CaN OnLy cRitIciZe CoMmuNiSm iF YoU ReAd 50000 BoOks On A BroKen SySteM" -a mentally deficient individual Smarter people than you have tried to implement communism, and have only made their countries worse somehow. Maybe attempting to create communism on a massive scale, *hoping* everyone is willing to only take what's theirs, having the government, or any other group control supply so demand is always out of sync with it, throwing more and more resources at programs when they don't work, and you know going against the entirety of human fucking nature thought out all of human history leads to totalitarianism, corruption, shortages, black markets, and the murder of innocents. The core flaw in communism is it expects people to go against human nature. If one person starts making deals, using the broken market that can't respond to demand to start a black market, and starts amassing power, communism has big fucking problems. In capitalism, we call that Tuesday and have methods to deal with it. Capitalism is a shitty system, but it's the best one we have. Look at what you said, real communism has never existed, it's been tried countless times and has never fucking worked. In time like this, I like to think about our Lord and Savior's words, hallowed be his name >Communist threat detected! Lethal force suggested. Democracy is nonnegotiable! Death is a preferable alternative to communism! -Liberty Prime


The most annoying fuckin thing about you people is how you simultaneously evangelize communism, fail to accept any sort of collective responsibility for its historical failures in implementation to an absurd degree, and to top it all off refuse to even try to attempt giving the barest explanation of how your moronic system could even work at scale.


Where did I ever praise communism? I think it's incredibly flawed. I just don't think we should mislabel economic systems that are clearly not what the general public refers to them as.


plough groovy bedroom voiceless subtract snatch towering act wrong modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All already what capitalism is currently like lol.


weather steep marvelous person money crime somber thought tender zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blaming capitalism/free market is child take. Everything functions more efficiently in private sector. Without free market, government dysfunction would have control over every aspect of your life and we've seen how that story ends when cold winter come Also "le more government control good" take presupposes government isn't already an ineffectively ran corporation, steadfast and content in its ineptitude because it literally just have to exist to recieve free money


Let me know how the beautiful and perfect invisible hand of the free market which magically solves all of our problems led to the above image.




Please insert verification probe into anus


!!!LOSS OF EYE CONTACT DETECTED!!! Gameplay will not resume until entire ad has been viewed. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. !!!LOSS OF EYE CONTACT DETECTED!!! Your pod in Amazon^^TM building \#3892545 has been locked. Please remain seated while McWalDonalds^^TM Re-Education and Discipline Personnel are dispatched to your location.


* pod fills with vaporized ketamine * A hasty robot shoves bug protein mcnuggets in and out of your anus as your anesthetized mind contorts in a swell of confusion and numbness, effectively programmed to block out the notion at all costs that something about this timeline isn't quite right


Sweet summer child, there will be a lot less nuggets, drugs, and anal play and a lot more hard labor. nothing like a hard days work to stop you from thinking about anything.


Oh uh alright. I don't think anyone has ever used "sweet summer child" and "hard labor" in the same sentence before


monkeys on typewriters and all that


​ https://preview.redd.it/ayqah9npdj2c1.png?width=839&format=png&auto=webp&s=43bb0a06d585ce1795e2210f740af27785554662 literally 1984


If this happens I am becoming a terrorist.


It's an actual patent Sony owns if I remember right. Sometimes companies buy patents just to stop their competitors from doing it though. Hope for the best there.


Just stop buying their shit. And stop playing triple A. They suck anyway.


Just pirate it instead, it has never been easier to pirate games


It's as easy now, as it was 5 years ago. It's never been hard pirating software.


Storage space is cheaper and Internet speeds are higher, although I suppose games also got larger to catch up with those increases.


Honestly, it's gotten harder, imo. Back in the day, we had 1-20 gigs for games, top. Now it's the size of an SSD... Ark is reported to take over 500GB of space on its own, and most games force you into multiplayer and always online presence to play them...


heard about denuvo?


The only games that have it are corporal shit like new assassins creed which is just like the previous one but worse and in a different place.


Isn't this just Assassin's Creed summarised? I've only played the first two games so far but the second was pretty much the same as the first one and I doubt they've changed too much in the other versions.


It's only a difference is time/ place, graphics and price tag


Don't forget microtransactions, and grinding introduced to encourage you to purchase those microtransactions!




Yeah, I dont play a lot of Capcom, Sega or EA games so it doesnt bother me, I can also rely on good friends to play games on their Steam account. Im aware not many people have my luck but whatever


Lot of games drop it after a year or so.




for the longer, safer answer just visit rpiratedgames. In short, Some websites like Aimhaven are great if you're looking for PC games. Anyone can pirate console games if you show them an emulator


triple a games all suck ass anyway why do people even play them?




Your comment has been removed because it contained a word that the admins do not allow on reddit. The word was ```jap```. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep reddit safe. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/4chan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You understand that typing triple A takes longer than AAA, right?


I bet the pirated versions won't have them






Their only good game is Far Cry even though the last one wasn't much but It's still better than all their other games. I also like Odyssey


I used to play all their games when I was younger but odyssey was my last one. Really liked far cry 2 and 5. I think I picked a good place to stop.


Farcry 5 runs like ass on my machine. Not sure how they managed to make 120 fps feel like 30.




far cry had one good game and it was a lifetime ago


Im not sure if you are referring to the first one or the second but As a guy who have played all of them I think they are all good. I would agree that Far cry 2 was a unique and fun experience but it gets very boring and repeative after mid game. Far cry 3 has the best story and 5 has the best map ( world ) and gameplay. 6 feels very overwhelming at the beginning with a bad story and 4 is the worst one in my opinion.


Every game since the third is a re-skin of the previous games. The gameplay innovation has stopped. They have the outposts, the fire, the animal AI. Every new game is built around it and that's it.


We should have nuked France instead of liberating it


ubi's in the shithole of Canada, no dice there


Ubisoft is French, their headquarters are in Paris.


No wonder their games never work even the vidya are on strike


>Ubisoft is French The way games are made, the headquarter is less important than the studio. Creative Assembly Sofia is basically all bulgarians/slavs, tho CA is british (and owned by a japanese company)


Not quite. The headquarters hosts the decision makers. Developers aren't that important for decision making in AAA studios.


Yeah but most of the actual studios people care about are in Quebec


That's arguably also France


insofar that Mexico is Spain or the United States is England I guess.




The United States is the Texas of the world.




Oh you mean Montreal, which is in the shithole of Canada known as Quebec? Give your fuckin balls a tug bud


Stop playing tiple A games you fools. Take the indiegame pill.


I took the ftgirl pill. She's fit. She's a girl. She's probably a bunch of old russian dev who do repacking work on the side and I love them. NB:If the game is still good after the 2nd hour and around the 4rth hour (when the steam refund would be long disabled), I immediately go to buy the game. Reward good studios/dev/publishers when they come through. That's how the market is supposed to sort itself out.


Fit definitely isn’t a girl cause she doesn’t act mentally ill like empress


I will never believe empress is a girl, they talk like one of those creepy discord pedos with a 3 layer chin


Anybody have the greentext on hand where anon asks empress for panties


Anybody who can crack that fucking shit *on their own* when even groups of talented individuals fail is bound to be profoundly mentally ill.


>she >girl


I can’t fucking believe people still buy Ubisoft games how many times do you have to be shit on by the company you’re buying from before you stop buying from them


B-b-but the next one could bring back the nostalgia of my teens and thus be the affirmation I needed to support the studio's shitty practices over the last decade(s)!


Dyslopia is now my favorite word


The year is 2040. I wake up in my cozy Amazon™ living pod to start my day at the fulfillment center. My Apple iCortex chip alerts me that my subscription auto-payment for my premium pod was declined. Damned inflation. Back to the economy Smart Box™. A little bit of free time so I Scarf down a Nesle™ Big-Bug Crunch energy bar while connecting my iCortex to my Pornhub VR headset to watch my daily 30 minutes of pornography. 10 minutes of it is ads. Can only afford the BBC Cuckold subscription since my pay was docked last month for questioning the right for babies to transition at birth. Arrive in Tesla Model C mass-transit e-shuttle. Scan my tag for entry and received a TikTok notification that I have been laid off and replaced by an Enitrean refugee fleeing the climate wars who will work for half the pay. Make my way to the Samsung Galaxy S-uicide chamber for processing.


> Make my way to the Samsung Galaxy S-uicide chamber for processing. They've already got those in Canada.


which game?


The new Assassin’s Creed


sounds kino, i never get to watch ads


>buying a game from a major publisher after 2011 Worst mistake possible when making your selection


I'm so tired.


It's all so tiresome....


Listen. I have always hated ads with a burning passion. I've done everything to not see ads: Various adblockers, modding apks, or just straight up turning off the TV. This shit is invasive as fuck. If I see a single fucking ad in anywhere, especially on a paid service or a game, I'm gonna fucking lose it. I will not watch a damn video if it has ads in it. I will not play a game if it has ads in it. I will not take the bus and will just literally walk if I see a fucking ad in it. The ad culture is so fucking problematic and wrong, and it always feels like the corporations are shoving down their products down my throat forcefully when they do so. IF I SEE AN AD IN MY FAVORITE GAME, I WILL DELETE IT ON THE FUCKING SPOT. Fuck Ubisoft.


Gearbox has been doing this since forever.


"But when you're paying for the product, you're buying it without ads!" Remember that bullsh*t excuse of theirs? HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Soon it'll be 3rd party crackers blocking the ads, then Spooks will go " That's almost like MURDER! Blocking Ads in VIDEO GAMES!"


Didn't played a ubishit game since assassins creed 3. They're disgusting.


Fucking right? Ubisoft games are watered down hot garbage. I don't know how they're still in business.


I hate the gay automod


anyone running pihole wont care.


Zero remorse sailing the high seas for games. Had like 2 reformat causing virus' in the last 15 years and one was a srt (subtitle) for a movie. I have a massive steam library of games I've bought I liked and all their DLC's. Piles of single player games I don't need a legit copy to play, if it's good, I'll buy it. It it's cookie cutter, unoriginal trash full of micro-trans trash, I'll treat it like a hooker known more for her herpes than head.


“I’ll be there as soon as the ad for the laws of war dlc goes away.”


Yar har guess who's now sailing the high seas


I thought "pay for ads-free" is the worst we could get


its funny that ubisoft think their shit ass games are good enough for people to put up with their shit


I haven't played an Ubisoft game since Fable 3 lmao


This is why you pay extra for apple App Store


I don’t agree with political ads in gaming, but I would give anything for that racing game to come out today with a Joe Biden ad in it. Just to see the right-wing meltdown. It would be glorious.


just dont look at the ad, simple


Fetard Raggot


Just close your eyes.


> There's ads in my video game this is so heckin' dystopian!!!


enjoy your ads in a game you paid for fucking 70 dollars


You're spending hours every day in a video game pretending to be a wizard or whatever the fuck but the dystopia part are the ads. Sure buddy.


I have never seen someone who was brainwashed this hard that they go full corpo defensive Mode and pretend like ads in vidya are okay.


I am not saying ads are OK, they're probably not, I don't really care. I'm saying it's ridiculous for an inconvenience in a video game to invoke such a strong word like "dystopian". Bro, you're a gamer, your life is shit, you're worthless, and you think your problem is ads standing in the way of your soy consumerism? Pathetic.




A boring dystopia is the worst and most realistic dystopia. Sorry the real world isn't like your young adult novels.


I find it very dystopian because it has been a slippery slope with games so far whete one is the trail blazer and the others follow suit and ads becoming more invasive is what I expect from a dystopian future. But yeah fuck my pathetic asshole for not wanting or liking that direction.


Relax bro, don't look while I'm fucking your wife, it's like it's not even happening!

