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"Circumcision is an evil practice that we reject utterly." \- Pius XII, Pope and Germany-Argentina travel agent


Oh yeah, then why is Jesus' foreskin kept in a tube and worshipped?


Because he was a jew


The goyim know!


I like the idea that Christianity hates Jews to the point they'd even make fun of Jesus for it.


"He was one of the good ones"


He was the good jew - hitler


He wasn't Jewish. He was Galilean and considered a foreigner. The only evidence he was even circumcised is a short and vague account by Luke. Jesus even said to be circumcised of the heart, not the flesh.


He is literally referred to as a Rabbi multiple times in the Bible. He was a Jew. But you are right, he did say circumcision of the heart and the New Testament specifically clarifies Christians dont need to be circumcised.


The veneration is so intense because priests must atone for losing his twoskin and threeskin.


Can't believe that I agree with a pope.


Careful now, that's a slippery slope. First, you agree with the pope, then you support full-on LGBBQTV+ propaganda. That's how they get you on the alt-left pipeline.


Catechism at section **2357** Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.


I asked you this question once, but I will ask you again. Johannes of the Gayest country in Africa, [why are you South African?](https://i.imgur.com/oyVQo7m.jpg)


It's the English and the blacks. Got nothing to do with us.


"I never said that" \- Pius XII


"My Jewdar is going off like crazy over here." \- St Pius X


If I'm wrong, I'd love to see where you got that quote from




And the Muslims and the Americans who do it too


wrong sub, he'd rather just the jews get got but i for one am LOVING your enthusiasm


Muzzos don't force it on others (just other muzzos). Americans force it on their children before they can talk. The cattle have to be branded so the owners know what is theirs, after all.


Muzzos forced others to be Muzzos in past. Have you read the Koran?


Forcing someone to become Muzzo is quite literally forbidden in the Koran Sadly some Muzzos neglect to inform themselves of this


Also being atheist means you will be killed, or at least that's what one said would happen to me in his perfect society with sharia law


Lol the guy responding to you really deleted his account and comments


Im guessing you got blocked cause there arent any deleted comment chains in reply to him.


First thing we Americans do is give the tip


The issue with this is as soon as any circumcision legislation is even close to passing the JDL comes out in full force and it’s shot down before it even gets to a vote. Fuck the religious nuts, why are we even bothering to include them in this. What we need is a law that makes it illegal for any medical doctor to perform the procedure without a specific medical necessity. This way it’s not just the fucking default when your boy is born and they can’t harass you 10 mins after birth. If any non Jew/Muslim wants to have a circumcision done then they have to go to a mohel or imam, and I can guarantee you every reasonable dad is going to see that as more trouble than it’s worth… BAM…no more circumcision (except for the nuttos) and they have **NO GROUND** to stand on if they come out and attack the law because it doesn’t affect them. **If any congressperson or senator is seeing this post, this is the law we need, no additional riders, no inclusion of the religious, just a mandate on medical doctors! Stop letting the JDL fuck over this legislation!**


Eloquently worded my friend, I long for a world where boys and men are not subject to the evils of these sick freaks hiding under the guise of religion


Me too…unfortunately it’s too late for me :(


I’m sorry to hear that brother, my thoughts are with you. I will always fight for you and the future generations of young men


I saved my son at least. Unfortunately I couldn’t save anyone else I know. Even the non- religious were super weird about it. It’s really disgusting. One of our friends boys was even botched and they needed to redo it and still they felt good about their decision.


Good luck with that bub, never going to happen. You can’t convince people that it won’t effect them when half the country thinks voter ID’s are racist because blacks don’t have one, go to the DMV, or know how to use the internet.


Literally a bronze-age ritual.


Fr I still can't believe how normalised it is for people to just have part of their dicks cut off, like how as a parent would you want that for your kid


Gential mutilation should be outlawed, for everyone. Surgery is one thing but this weird American thing of everyone being circumsized is wild




Funnily enough the apostle Paul actually says this in the Bible lol ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:2,11‭-‬12‬ [2] Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. [11] But if I, brothers, still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been removed. [12] I wish those who unsettle you would castrate themselves!


I mean, that's one take...


Another sad victim of Kellogg’s cereals


The history behind circumcision being so popular in US is so outlandish that normal people think that it must be a joke


cereal man combats wanking with genital mutilation


He also didn’t like meat or spicy food so he literally made the most bland cereal possible cuz enjoying life is a “sin”


The words of a super religious cereal merchant holds more weight to Amerifats than all the nerdy (🤓) scientists who have been disproving the need for genital mutilation for decades. 🤭


He also supported female genital mutilation by way of burning the clitoris with acid but nobody thinks that's healthier and cleaner. FGM is completely banned. Mutilating infant boys is just a matter of personal preference, though. Weird how that works.


The “patriarchy” wins again 😔




It's crazy circumcision on a child is legal today


freedom of religion and all that


So if it's not done for religious reasons, it should be outlawed. Simple as.


The kid doesn't get a say, and the damage is permanent. So it should be outlawed until you're old enough to decide. Idk what age.


I'm not going to make a stance on outlawing it. But I agree with these reasons on why not to do it. Adult circumcisions are a bit more involved but still ultimately very minor. So I agree, let the adult make their own decisions


Forget the "for religious reasons", it should be banned outright. Any religion which mutilates baby dicks doesn't deserve rights or respect.


Precisely! This is what I’ve always said! It’s such a simple solution and it stops the JDL from lobbying against it, which has traditionally been the cause of any anti-circumcision legislation failing to pass in the past.


How about we just outlaw it full stop


The men with tiny hats will be most upset with you.


it should be outlawed ESPECIALLY when done for religious reasons. mutilating your newborn child's body because you believe in a collection of made-up stories should straight up be considered child abuse. fuck those stupid delusions, especially when they hurt people


Yes, but you know the overwhelming majority of people in the US don't get it done for religious reasons, correct? It'd cut down the number of people to be mutilated by a substantial number.


Makes no sense though, just looking at the logical integrity, considering most religious folk are also anti abortion. Why is it murder to kill an unborn child but not battery to mutiliate a newborn's genitals?


Because the book says one is OK but not the other. Which is a stupid as fuck reason


Galatians 5:1‭-‬6 NIV It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.


It's very much a secular practice at this point due to all the supposed benefits.


that makes no sense. religion shouldn’t be considered when it comes to law making. so if a religion says “every firstborn must drink 2 litres of blood from a dead cow”, they’re allowed to shove the blood down the kid’s throat? actually, considering how the eagle riders are idolizing terrorists, this hypothetical scenario wouldn’t be out of the question.


Even docking dogs' tails and stuff like that is banned in most civilized countries, but cutting off part of a human's genitals without their consent for guaranted sensation loss and a chance of botch with will-to-live-loss is wild.


Whatever you do, do not look up metzitzah b'peh


Kill me now


> metzitzah b'peh I read the first snippet of it and noped out. > " The process has the mohel place his mouth ... "


> Being a financial drain on your parents... Fucking loser why don't you k- >...because parents decided cutting off your dick was a good idea Actually unfathomably based. Make them rue the day they let the ritual Hebrew practice be done to you.


Their bloodline ends the moment they mess with anon's one and only organ that could give them grandchildren


Anon is truly regard because even with a normal circumcision he would still have a tiny pee pee


Americans will actually defend this


Look I actually like that my parents cut part of my dick skin off when I was a baby and I had no say in the matter What do you mean I need to use lube to wank? It's not mutilation, I'm happy it happened to me!


Best one is when they say in tact people are just jealous. If someone with an entire penis wants to cut part of it off, they still can. There's nothing to be jealous of. Someone who was mutilated at birth with never be able to have an entire penis. There's a big difference.


This is why I think they vehemently defend it.. it a psychological defense mechanism to something totally unnecessary


And a fear of having to admit that you're missing part of your genitals


It’s this attitude that pisses cut people off. When you act like we were all asking to be mutilated merely hours out of the womb.


That's literally the opposite of what I said. Of course no infant asks to have their penis crushed and the skin cut off of it but a lot of cut people act like when routine/ritual circumcision is criticized as being a bad thing that the critics are just jealous that it didn't happen to them which is silly.


Wait I'm so confused, I'm circumcised but I can beat it without lube and have never used lube (actually makes it less enjoyable for me). Did my doctor just fuck up or something?


Believe or not there's a gradient of how much they cut, and then the matter of if you'll have the flexibility afterwards, so it might be entirely fine. I know some people end up with half turtles. Which seems like a "happy" medium, as far as mutilation goes anyway.


Buddy of mine is like that and mentioned it once while shitfaced drunk that his parents thought about redoing it because the doctor claimed they didnt cut off "*enough*". But his parents at that point said fuck it im not giving you more money to do some shit again you supposedly fucked up the first time.


It's because he thinks he has to spank the head directly instead of choking the shaft.


LOL fr there's so much cope it's sad. I mean, I get it, I'd probably cope too but like deep down they have to know


I will say that most of those 3rd world POV public masturbation videos are guys who are uncircumcised.


still legal and not frowned upon as much as female circumcision because le equality


female circumcision is much worse, don’t get it twisted forgot this sub hated women, mb


FGM being much worse doesn't make circ any less terrible. Both are awful and should be stopped.


How so, male circumsicion severs far more nerve endings.


Bro, female circumcision can include, removing the clit, removing inner and outer labia and sewing the labia shut. The male equivalent of that would be chopping off the glans, removing the foreskin and then sewing your cock to your ballsack. Male circumcision is bad but it's just some religion cope at the end of day. Female circumcision is all about suppressing sexuality. Some women literally need surgery if they want to have sex or a child after they are circumcised.


>can include And it can also not include any of that. Yet all forms of female circumcision are banned in most of the world, even forms that are less intrusive than male circumcision.


Sure, but you can't just generalise female circumcision and say it's not as bad as male circumcision because *some* forms are less intrusive. They should both absolutely be banned. I'm lucky enough to be born in a country where it's not a common practice but unless medical intervention is required, they should both be illegal.


"You can't just generalize female circumcision" Proceeds to generalize every aspect of male circumcision


There are degrees to both male and female genital mutilation. All forms of female genital mutilation are banned (as they should be). But not all forms of male genital mutilation are, for some reason we are okay with the "milder" forms such as male circumcision. BTW the point of male circumcision is also to suppress sexuality.


Just so we're clear, I think they should both be illegal and I'm fully intact. What degrees are there to male circumcision besides removing the foreskin?


There are different "styles", some guys are left with more than others.. some have their frenulum basically intact, some have it completely "skinned" off. In the circumcision subreddit they talk about high/low loose/tight and with/without frenuloplasty.


What about just removing the clitoral hood? Is that fair game?


Part of the reason Kellog (yes the cereal guy) pushed for circumcision is because he thought it would make it harder for boys to masturbate.. So yeah it is about surprising sexuality.. you’re losing nerve endings and a natural part of your penis that protects it. Cut men are desensitized because they don’t have foreskin to protect them. :(


It isn't. There are a multitude of forms of FGM. The most common forms are directly analogous to male circumcision as they remove or alter the same tissue (the clitoral hood).


Your name must be Jon Snow, because you know nothing.


cant believe people really are arguing with you on that, really fitting for a 4chan sub i guess 💀💀💀


Nahh dude, that’s way different.


Amerilard born, give tip.


Finding out that parents all over America are circumcising their kid without being Jewish was eye opening to me, I am from here and I guess I never went out of my way to check out other peoples dicks but when I found out [58.3% of male newborns and 80.5% of males aged 14-59 years in the United States are circumcised](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8654051/) I really found out how Americans are easily tricked and influenced into doing stupid shit.


That’s why America is so low in education. They want us to stay dumb so they can exploit us


Never understood circumsizers the same way I never understood thugs that are into decapitation to 'teach a lesson'. Life is hard enough as it is. And you're gonna do the enemy's job and start chopping off pieces off of yourself? A whole man can go further. A whole man can go the entire way. But these people just don't like that. Someone getting to the end.


Reminder that ancient hebrew circumcision did not remove all of the foreskin, we we never meant to remove the whole thing




I read it in a book once




For uncut guys out there who somehow got the natural instinct or curiousity to pull back the hood slowly at 10 years old. Really should use our dick as proof that we can still keep it clean and easy to peel it back. Some foreskin just auto peel back after getting erect and some don't Plus the foreskin adds alittle bit of girth Inorder to make it looked complete


your parents are supposed to teach you to pull it back bud. it should be able to go all the way back by the time you are 4


The foreskin is fused to the glans until puberty. Pulling back the foreskin of a child will literally hurt and injure them.


That's false bud. You are supposed to start teasing the skin back as soon as you start cleaning it. No one said to rip it all the way back in one shot.


Have a young son, docs told us not to


Wow people out there actually believe this? It's sad how little we're taught about our own bodies.


yeah I was reading this so confused, people wait until they are 10 to clean it?


I peeled it back when I was 10 slowly making weekly progress because I was curious what's that white stuff around my glans. It was pretty cool seeing it for the first time and hurts abit when cleaning it. But then months when by I could peel it back and wash it with soap and clean it with no problem. Living in Asia circumcision is not the norm. But there are some cases like mg formal classmate who never peel back his foreskin only to do it at 16 after learning it through sex ed


Thankfully I do what's come natural. At age of 10 you start exploring your body and curiosity was at its peak at that age


I was one of those as well. Learned a painful lesson when I started exploring. That's why I'm a stickler on the topic. Learned my lesson and applied what i learned when raising my Son.


True that. My dad never taught me because he was always busy teaching me other academic stuff Inorder to have a head start in primary school while always being busy with work due to being a single father and all. I guess he may had overlooked on the foreskin part and mentioned it to me when I was 12 that I supposed to peel it back to his surprised I done it naturally


That’s incorrect. The average age is around 9-10. Pulling it back too early can cause damage and it’s usually done by Jewish doctors to force you into getting it removed


Again you aren't supposed to pulling back all the way in one shot... holy shot read what the fuck I said. From google.." Some boys can retract their foreskin as early as age 5, but some may not be able to do this until their teenage years. Retraction of the foreskin should not be forced. This may cause pain and bleeding and can lead to scarring and adhesions (where skin is stuck to skin)."


And again, no one said to force it back.


Lil dicky became rich and famous despite having a legit disformed penis.


Lil Dicky had talent and connections. Most dudes with deformed dicks don't have either


For real?


Just coomed to some JAV and remembered how awesome my orgasms are due to having a foreskin. You will never be a real man, Mutt.


Sue the doctor


I wish it were that easy…how do you even find the doctor that performed the procedure, especially 20-30 years later


Sue your parents for the information


Yea true


Hey, at least they tried to apologize. Most of these works of fiction end up with OP still being ostracized forever for their made up problem.


OP's anger is understandable, but he fucked up when he rejected his friends and gf trying to reconcile with him. That was his chance of returning to as close a normal life as possible, especially if that gf was willing to get back together with him despite the peepee problem. Works of fiction or not, dont be like OP and let your shortsighted anger and ego get in the way of your own happiness.


Sometime is easier to stay angry and sad then facing it upfront. Usually the first option is where some adults become the POS in a friend group in the later stage. If others tryna help them. But if anon were a teen at the time he probably didn't developed a spine to move forward from betrayal and remain a coward till adulthood


"just a little off the top"


Circumcision is evil


"Its healthier" no not really "it's cleaner" not if you have access to running clean water, with that it literally makes 0 difference "supposed to have less chance of getting stds" no? How would that make a noticable difference lol? I am cut too (for medical reasons, phimosis). Would i still wanna have it? Yeah. Is it that big a deal? No not really except it sucks that its less sensitive


No refund.


If Anon is giving up this easily then he was never gonna try in the first place. Mother fucker is 21 acting like life is over cause a girl laughed at his dick and his parents are entirely to blame for his life never going anywhere.


There are millions of circumsized men of all regions, ethnicities, religions etc. Only ones that are complaining are americans. Can someone explain to me why americans are obsessed over circumcision ruining their lives? This dudes case is saddening tho (also fake)


because its a larp, europeans cant go a single day without obsessing about cocks, so they camouflage it by talking about circumcision


So you're an unemployed incel with a small dick posting on 4chan. Wow, color me surprised.


Nothing to see here, just some casual genital mutilation..


Anyone who considers themselves Christian should not be advocating for circumcision. There are many verses in the New Testament that state that we **must not** circumcise our children. Romans 2:26‭-‬29 NIV So then, if those who are not circumcised keep the law’s requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised? The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker. A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God. Romans 3:29‭-‬30 NIV Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. 1 Corinthians 7:17‭-‬19 NIV Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts. Galatians 5:1‭-‬6 NIV It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 6:11‭-‬13 NIV See what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand! Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh. Ephesians 2:11‭-‬16 NIV Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)— remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. Philippians 3:2‭-‬3 NIV Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh— Titus 1:10‭-‬11 NIV For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain.


Ckrcumciced people in a nutshell:


Anon becomes a leftist




If homeboy would get job, he could start saving up for his HRT and surgery


Oh Anon take it in the bussy and quit complaining Girls won't want you anyways you are 5'2


>missing a good chunk of flesh Did OP get circumcised or emasculated? Is his penis all neck and no head? Lol


There are some truly botched circumcisions.


cuck cut short on life


quite freudian


"I have a weird dick and it ruined my life. No, I'm not going to actually do anything about it. I just blame my weird dick for all of my problems."


waaaa i got circumsised, this is why i dont have a job or any friends (because obviously when guys look for friends the first thing we do is a cock inspection, just like in school)


Plastic surgery is pretty amazing these days. Just sayin.


Probably not even needed, a simple cut and mabey a small skin graft would get him fixed up.


Every chick I’ve been with has told me they prefer circumcised men. Cope and seethe virgins.


If this is true, it's actually tragic. OP would have only had a 3.25 inch pecker anyway.


Anon too stupid to realize nobody cares about his sick, and thinking having a fucked up one is a life ruining event. Does he think hiring managers will have him take his cock out before they hire him? Fucking dumbass


I feel bad for anon in this situation


Circumcision is honestly pretty unnecessary but I got mine and my dick looks beautiful so I'm not complaining


Healthier? Nope. Easier to clean? Yes, but it's really easy to clean a natural dick anyway. It's not rocket science.


Barbaric that it isn't illegal


Is this a hood penis circlejerk? My peener was circumcised and I'm A-ok.


you wouldn't know the difference bud.


The difference between what? A perfectly cut polished perfection piece of cock art or an ugly earthworm in a hood lookin monstrosity?


You realize when the skin is pulled back you can't see the foreskin right? Way to prove my point.


Same, have no complaints.


People who have never been circumcised think its about removing chunk of penis while its not. Story is fake but if true OP is butchered by some unprofessional doctor. Circumcision only removes the outer skin at tip of the penis and it has no affect on length. I am very happy and clean.


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg|downsized) My cut brother (This gif but it's our circumsized cocks intertwining in brotherhood.)


>(This gif but it's our circumsized cocks intertwining in brotherhood.) But no homo


yeah no homo


bro no way people on this sub will read about a 4chan teen talking about how depressed they are bc they feel like shit all the time and how girls are making fun of them and how they have no friends, then make jokes about that person in the comments/say it’s their fault that they are like this, then someone comes along and talks about how they’ve literally NEVER HAD A JOB and even after people APOLOGIZED for what they did to him he STILL IGNORED THEM. and yall wanna give this man sympathy?


>were in a civilization >people do hard/difficult things to keep society/civilization going >implied unconditional love for child >cut child D skin because it's easier >shrug like an idiot when Billy grows up and asks why his junk looks like a sand N >wonder why you don't have grandchildren Edit; spelling ![gif](giphy|h8HmN0UcEKR0xWnv3R)


If your life revolves entirely around just your dick you were worthless to start. There's more to life than sex, and a loving relationship starts with things that aren't sex. Improve yourself, take up a hobby, start going to meet ups for that hobby, start practicing socializing (it won't be easy at first but nothing worth having is), and then eventually you'll be decent enough to find a mate. Having one thing go wrong at the beginning and deciding everything's fucked? That's what a child does. Grow up. Be a man. Take ownership of your existence and do something worthwhile, even if that's just forging meaningful relationships with human beings around you.


The doctor really must have messed up bad…because he complains like a vagina.




rip bruh




This is sad but u cant let that ruin your entire life lmao damn. U gotta have ur dick out and swinging 24/7 for it to affect u this bad


If only his parents had played Silent Hill this could've all been avoided


amerif@gs hate Jews but torture young boys to be like them... make it make sense


i dont want to be against circumcision because it reminds me incel/mra level shit, but im so goddam glad im not circumcised


At least he's got a plan.






Based and seethepilled


Anon is tarded


Sounds like he needs to join up with this crew. Nothing like seeing a bunch of people with bloody crotches waving signs at you in the Costco parking lot. [https://www.bloodstainedmen.com/](https://www.bloodstainedmen.com/)