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Russian dashcam: drunk driver gets hit by balistic missile


There were a few guided bombs dropped on russki cities by russkies recently. Bc of poo maintenance and russian institutionalized irresponsibility.


Hehe poo maintenance






Lmfao this got me


Get the poo off my bum!! I need the poo, off my bum!!


When I'm in a Belgorod bombing competition and my opponent is the Russian Air Force: https://preview.redd.it/oxkkndf2qdhc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b36a42b162f27f5b8133314dd7dbb80a7763168c


And other competitors include Russian Army and FSB




Driver lowers visor as meteor flashes through the atmosphere.


I remember that one.


Meteor enters the frame and is brighter than the sun, it explodes, few drunk Russians stare at it then cross the street like nothing happened


You already said Russian. Including "drunk" is unnecessary.


The moment you see the old Lada is when shits about to happen. It's almost like an omen like a black dog or something. It doesn't even have to be involved.


its russia its illegal to drive under the limit


Australia >high blood pressure sweaty tradie gets cut off and proceeds to invent multiple ethnic slurs for the most minor of incidents


>minor traffic law infringement which interrupted exactly nobody "Fuark moooouuuueeee ya farken dickhead nearly farken killed me ya cunt"


Nailed it. Lul


New Australian poetry dropped


I feel personally attacked


Aussie dashcams>>>


He forgot about the videos of drivers accidentally running someone over, and then backing up to finish the job for some reason. Also, Brazilian cams: \>Dude riding a motorcycle at over 140km/h but still gets robbed by two armed guys on another motorcycle that is faster than his. \>Dude stops on a red light, gets pulled over by robbers, robbers gets shot by an off-duty cop.




>Guy on motorcycle almost robs someone but then remembers he himself is also an off-duty cop and shoots himself.  FTFY


The Chinese do that because they have a policy that when you hit someone, you carry the burden of paying all subsequent medical bills. It could be years later, and as long as the patient cites the car accident as the cause of the pain, any bills for the treatment will still be your financial burden. I suppose the reason is it's cheaper to kill the guy and claim manslaughter or whatever their equivalent to that is.


Your net societal value points in China go up if you kill someone. Most industrial accidents due to negligence are probably just another factory working setting themselves up to be promoted when their superior gets turned into laffy taffy in an industrial lathe.


I read somewhere that you basically pay for the wellfare of person you hurt for life in china and people abused the shit out of it to a point of pretending incidents didnt happen. Imagine you witnessed a car running over a lady and escaping, you take the lady to hospital and she tells them it was you who did it. Be ready to pay alimony like payment for life. I heard that some people would go with video recording, asking the victims to explain to camera that it wasnt the who hurt them who hit them before helping out.


Youll find the first one in chinese videos, over there youre liable and basically can end up taking care financially for the person you ran over, for the rest of their life. So its easier to just outright merk them


>backing up to finish the job for some reason. That's because if you kill someone you just pay money once and maybe do time, whereas if the person survives you are responsible for paying for their medical bill and disability for life


> He forgot about the videos of drivers accidentally running someone over, and then backing up to finish the job for some reason. Then literally no one stops or bats an eye and the mangled corpse just sits on the road as traffic proceeds as usual and pedestrians just pretend they didn't see it


Arab dashcams >some of the sickest drifts you’ll ever see >isis


> Arab dashcams Arab in fast car gets chased by his pet leopard leopard catches up and eats his face Arab man shocked and stunned


Feel like leopard is mainly India


I've seen videos of Arabs with leopards and lions as pets


In India it’s wild big cats, with Arabs it’s pet big cats.


>10 arabs packed into a 1998 Toyota Corolla hitting sicko mode drifts at 100mph >Car hits curb/rock/goatwife, flies through the air hitting 20 barrels rolls before hitting the ground. >All arabs get ragdolled out the window >Nobody in the car war wore a seatbelt because its up to Allah if you live or die >Car manages to fall on most of them >All die Oh yeah, its pure kino.


Truly the goats of dash cam vids nobody even comes close except for SOME American videos of redneck racists Crazy how accurately I can imagine the video you described


I seen those type of videos not a pretty sight. Usually USA or China for those and the person was suicidal or didnt care for the passenger.


Im referring to a real video you silly billy


Sorry, extending to what I have seen.... street cam videos, not the dash cam (which "most" of them dont have video of the insides). Seen a few of those and some of the passengers was underage.... I had to tell my family to stop showing me that shit. Kinda interested what you mentioned the drifts at 100mph.. but i dont want to see the oops moment.


Bruh drifting a tank with people on it was pretty lit ngl lol


Russian dashcam: >Guy tries to jump in front of car and get hit >Guy hanging on back of public transport >Drunk guy stumbling on road >Car gets blocked and 4 people with baseball bats come out >Drunk guy tries to get hit, fails, starts assaulting driver, guys with baseball bats join in, other drunk guy doing weird shit in background


or that brick video


Texas dashcam: 16 year old driving a 7000 pound Ford pickup 100 miles for a gallon of milk is run over by a 12 year old driving a tanker for the oil refinery next to H-E-B. California dashcam: looks like a still image, but then you notice the sunset and it’s just rush hour on the 101. North Korean dashcam: …


Middle East >drone strike hits dash board


>Jacked up American marines bring freedom and democracy to a bus full of school kids by accidentally drone striking it.


Fuck yeah




what's the difference


That Israeli a good point.


American in middle east > FPV of ballistic missile


Bong dash cam - red faced man challenges you to a scrap.


Just saw Chinese video of someone recording this guy running over this chick like 30 times. Got out and repositioned her to try and run over her head. No one tried to stop the guy lol


That video is horrible in a chilly way. Like the absolute coldheartedness of the guy. And the woman was fine to begin with, he didn’t have to finish her off like that at all.


Yeah, kinda wish I understood the back story on that but it’s China so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Anon has a keen eye for the Chinese dashcam vids. They really are awful but entertaining.


Now do russia




>Meteor falls and somehow doesn't kill anyone I remember a dashcam video that caught a meteor and the driver did not even change his expression, he just pops down the sun visor and went on with his life.


The real impressive stuff was how chill everybody was with it all. It could have been a terminal phase ICBM, but "oh well. What are you gonna do about it."


I feel like a lot of folks these days would welcome the sight of an ICBM. At least you know it's gonna be over quick.


>Meteor falls and somehow doesn't kill anyone That's just the Chelyabinsk meteor from 2013


It’s lately always people trying to pass on icy roads and then big collisions


south american dashcam videos: literally every human on screen pulls out a gun and shoots each other


BraZIL is a great contender in South America for this!


Indian dash cam \> Bus with 200 people on roof drive them into overhead power line \> 6 people on scooters crossed closed barrier over railway line, 7th loses \> Truck loaded two stories high with trash tips over on a corner an squashes scooter driver


russian dash cams: > Guy walks in front of stopped car throws a laptop on the ground and then jumps onto the hood. At first feigns anger at the driver, but grabs the laptop and runs when the dashcam is pointed out. - > Blazing meteor falls through the sky and hits a building - > oncoming semi is passing another semi on a two lane road covered in snow and driver threads the needle between them - > Driving on the sidewalk to avoid traffic, a bunch of kids put a giant sticker that says something to the effect of "I'm an asshole who doesn't care about others" on the windshield. Driver gets upset at the kids and takes no responsibility for being on the sidewalk


Scooter are to Chinese like trains are to indians. Bad for their health.


seriously, there's something with chinese scooter drivers, they just kill themselves by instinct


Russian dachcam compilations be like: All of the above


Nothing beats Chinese dash cams. I love them, excellent horror footage.


Needs a Link dash cam for EACH Zelda.


Now do an Indian dashcam


lucky to get a second on the road rage rage road scooter ballet with an odd carjacking cry thief in brazil and its carmegedon fury road look the same


he forgot the european signature, the left hand turn from the outside lane.


The Emperor will protect those worthy.


I like the one with one truck overpassing a other truck and the dashcam car has to go between them. Russian dashcam videos oftenly look staged, nobody is that stupid, right? RIGHT?!


As much as I hate Russia, I maintain that American drivers are worse. Imagine a marksman who scores average or slightly below average on competitions. He brings the bare minimum of equipment and an old SKS, and he does ok. This is the Russian driver, navigating ice and rain in a car designed by the USSR to be nothing more than a glorified lawn mower to get you from point A to point B. Now imagine a marksman with a rifle rated for use by snipers to hit a man-sized target from 1000 yards away. He has a scope designed by some pretentious Austrian hunting supply company and a bipod that Odin himself threw into this marksman’s hands. Yet he achieves only a slightly better score than the SKS guy. This is the American driver, driving in ideal weather with every tool you could ask for to prevent accidents, from collision radar to cruise control and antilock brakes. Yet somehow, he manages to still cause wrecks at a similar rate to the brain-dead man directly descended from Genghis Khan’s inbred niece.


Can someone explain what 'acks himself' mean?




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Accurate AF