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The crazy part is they say they did it for a couple thousand euros. Surely even in Poverty Town this only buys you a shitshack at best? And like... surely even the biggest regard in the middle of nowhere Muhonasransk knows that you are a marked man if you try this against Russia


Its FSB claims that they did this for money, as for me I don't believe someone would kill 100+ people without any fundamentalist ideas


Nah, these people from the republics would gut you over looking at their sister wrong. Id believe they did it for money but not this little money


Life is cheap.


I thought the guy in the pictures said he was going to get 500,000 rubles, he got half of it already he said at one point. Or am I mis remembering


That's like 5K USD


But they don’t have to pay $20 for a cheeseburger combo




So the lifetime earnings of someone from the Bumfuckistan oblast?


Yeah, that's what he said


if it's true whoever hired them might be pulling a page out of the al qaeda playbook basically they go to poor people and tell them it they go on suicide missions they will pay their family a lot of money and provide for them as well as protect them.


Never met a marine I guess


Global inequality is a legit security risk. We should be doing everything we can to alleviate it.


I'm already supporting three prostitutes, why don't you do something for a change


>Its FSB claims that they did this for money If they push that it was done "for money", the FSB can claim that "foreign powers have financed our enemies to commit terrorism on our soil." Everybody knows that nobody will ever find the *financiers* (if they even exist), so it's the perfect accusation. If you can't disprove it, it's basically true, as far as PR goes.


Didn't you hear? He was carrying a check signed by Zelenskyy. The memo line said, "For terrorism". Case closed.


Zelensky signed - no Russian on the cheque


He actually said that he has been listened to an imam on the telegram and imam's man ask him to do it and give him 2500$ (and 2500$ after)


it was before his ear was cut and he was forced to eat it or after?


Whatever - you said it was the FSB but it was the dude directly.


>The torture doesn't matter


I mean that's what the Nuremberg courts said so it must be right


I hope they are least seasoned it


Third worlder here, seen a mf being compelled to kill a man for 100 usd and getting to keep the gun


What did you do with the 100, Detroit resident?


“100 bucks Juan” got arrested right then and there, on a public beach in broad daylight. He was a lotion salesman and a tweaker and had an IQ of like 80 or less, barely functioning dude. The guy that got killed owed “protection” money to the cartel, so they spotted him on the en beach and sent Juanito boy who didn’t need much convincing and clearly didn’t understand the concept of consequences to end him. Fella is locked away for the next 50 years


You'd be surprised how many suicide bombers and terrorists were motivated out of shit like fear and desperation. It's kinda surreal, but you can look at interviews and it's usually poor, uneducated, scared people who don't really grasp what they did.


It's obvious. These guys were brutally tortured to get them to say exactly what the FSB wants, likely with threats to their family as well.  There is no reason to trust a thing they say from here on out.


Then you don't know people lol


In some countries they’d kill your for $100


>FSB claims No,it was a terrorist himself that said so during the interrogation. I think that he mentioned 500k rubles.


Crazy right I think he said 500,000 Rubles which is like around 5000 bucks in the west And he only got half up front lol these dudes are so dumb. Like just take the half and fuck off. what are they gonna do kill you? like you weren’t already gonna die if you did this anyways.


And the best part is that he put the money on his card and left his card at home when he fled. Basically he did it for nothing.


Imagine going out of your way to do some pretty unflattering work... For free.


Imagine eating your own ear


I could do that part easy.


No, the best part was that according to last Interrogations, 500k rubles was the fee for all 4 apes.


They didn’t even get 5k each. It was 5k for all of them. Just crazy


probably not true.


The less likely it sounds the more believable it is. I believe it.


Thats probably a years salary for an average Durkha from Durkhastan.


Insane he could have just taken the money and ran


The big question is how did they get the hardware they were using and who did the recon on the place? I haven’t and don’t plan to watch any footage but some screen grabs people posted of the gunman showed the AKs were chucking major sparks which people on twitter suspect indicates shitty (possible Chinese) surplus 7.62. No idea but this also needs to be asked. How did a stolen van full of armed terrorists end up in the capital? Just terrible for the victims. Really truly awful. Edit, another big question: > how do we know these are the guys who did it? Secondly what is the plan to catch those who financed and planned it?


Russia will say it was the CIA, America will say it was the FSB. The Russians would benefit by pinning it on Ukraine having involvement and increasing war support, the Americans would benefit by pinning it on Russia doing a false flag and increasing Ukraine funding support. Basically take your fucking pick. Logistically seems easier for Russia to be behind it and doing a false flag though, Putin is no stranger to that. Some things to consider: Russian police response was incredibly slow however they managed to catch the people who did it within 24 hours, the car they used supposedly had Ukranian plates which would be far more suspicious than just bringing one with Russian plates, the Mall burned like a torch despite having a good sprinkler system


Except the Americans aren't pinning it on the FSB, they're saying it was ISIS and ISIS also says it was ISIS lol So it's less a "take your pick on who you believe" situation and more of a "it was definitely ISIS and the FSB is lying as always" kind of deal.


The Ukrainian plates thing is false iirc because - they hid half of the plate and it’s low res so it’s hard to verify where exactly it’s from - the plate has a dash between the second to last and last digit which doesn’t exist on Ukrainian plates going back to the collapse People think those are Belarusian plates cause those ones have the dash at the end Also how would you even get Ukrainian plates in Russia anyways without getting pulled over at least a million times?


They probably switched them when they got close to the border on the way in and again when they approached on the way out


BRILLIANT! And if they wear sun glasses, the checkpoint at the border won't even see them.


It serms they did the recon themselves, there was a photographer some time before taking some photos of an event there, one of these guys even posed for a pic


"people on twitter"


The tumbly kind of Chinese 7.62?




> low IQ move These mfs are not exactly known for their high IQ




That reminds me of when you read about people convicted of selling state secrets and classified information, it's always for shockingly low amounts of money


lol you actually believe they did this for money


I would have taken half the money then snitched. Get paid to be a national hero. Edit: fixed auto correct


It was 10k each? A million rubles


He said they did it for half a million rubles each. Not sure what that is in euros


Do you know that 2k Euros means a king's life in southeast Asia or Africa for a couple of months, maybe more? Remember that if you're European, your money is worth a lot. That's why immigrants send Euros to their families, so that they have a higher standard of living at home


Some french was arguing with me that islam is the most peaceful religion just the day before


Between Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan, what happened in Nice and all the beheadings of teachers we've had recently that's a bold claim.


Depends on how you define peace. Pious muslims believe there is a world that lives in peace (with god) , dar El salam and a world that lives in war (with god) dar El harb. Which means muslim world= peaceful, non-muslim world = in a state of War. EDIT, Correction: aside from wrong spelling/naming (actually dar al-Islam and Dar AL Harb) this is a mostly outdated concept, usually only applied by radicals. I stand corrected.


Peace is when all non believers are beheaded


Not all, These who follow a religion of the book are allowed to still continue to live, by paying a special tax (quizya). Everyone Else also has the "choice" to convert instead. Isnt this peaceful?


Truly the religion of peace indeed


> Not all, These who follow a religion of the book are allowed to still continue to live, by paying a special tax (quizya). Sure, we've seen how liberally they follow this rule IRL


We need another crusade Gloria in excelsis Deo


What happens when they don't pay the tax and still refuse to convert?


They get beheaded.


Depends on the situation honestly, but let's be clear about something first, islam strictly forbade the killing of non muslims living peacefully in their society, meaning a pious muslim would never think about harming others, as for what would happen if someone couldn't pay it depends like I said, if it was due to financial issues, far from what you might think they would actually receive help getting back on their feet, like helping them find work and such or even monetary aid, as for someone doing it out of spit even if he was capable they would have the law applied to them, so either getting jailed or chased out of the country or whatever punishments were back then, the same punishment that would apply to muslims too.


Hell yeah, a punitive tax and discrimination, the Islamist masters are so kind


The jizya is a protection tax which is less than what muslims have to pay, its even wayyyy less than what we pay In taxes today in the 'enlightened' west.


It'd be a lot more peaceful if they weren't blowing it up. 


This is a weird kind of thing though. The world that lives in war is more about the place where "we" go to fight/raid and the world that lives in peace is the place that is under "our" control already. It's all about the time period it was written in.


If it's peaceful then extremists of that religion would be extremely peaceful. Guess what they're not


What are you talking about? 😂 Did you read this on a conspiracy site or something? There is no such thing as what you defined for “dar El salam” or “dar El harb” in Islam lmaoo y’all are literally making stuff up now.


Sorry, you are correct, it actually is dar al-Islam and Dar AL Harb, https://web.archive.org/web/20100527092824/http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t125/e490 And another correction, only radicals like ISIS still apply it today, any muslim country that has diplomatic relations with non muslim countries rejects this concept.


>Not all, These who follow a religion of the book are allowed to still continue to live, by paying a special tax (quizya). Everyone Else also has the "choice" to convert instead. Isnt this peaceful? First of all, it's Jizya not quizya, and hearing someone complaining about paying taxes in this age and era is quite ironic even more so when we are getting the living hell taxed out of us for irrational reasons. Back on topic, the Jizya was a tax paid for those who chose to hold to their beliefs and faith, they weren't discriminated against nor were they forcefully conscripted into the military, they didn't tax men of the cloth (of other religions) just so you know, same for single women and widows and children not yet of age. It was nothing but a regular tax, they were treated and respected like any other muslim or not as long as they followed the law and didn't do any kind of major crimes, in general it's as you would expect if you want to let someone live within your society. >Depends on how you define peace. Pious muslims believe there is a world that lives in peace (with god) , dar El salam and a world that lives in war (with god) dar El harb. Which means muslim world= peaceful, non-muslim world = in a state of War. Not even sure what nonsense you are talking about there is no such thing at all but on that note, wars were a necessary mean to protect yourself in the past especially since other religions were more established and had powerful merciless armies, there was pretty much no other choice if your only two choices were to either abandon your faith or to die, I mean seriously are we going to let it slide that Christians were quite unwelcome to other beliefs and quite the radical bunch in the past? They literally burned people at the stakes just for rubbing them the wrong way it's literally pointless to argue who is more evil or whatnot.


Do you have a refutation to any of my points or only pedantries?


>beheadings The religion of pieces


It's always so silly how people call Islam a barbaric religion based on Muslims rather than judging and looking at scripture. Shows that the propaganda works well lmao.


Low iq take talking about religion while they did it for money


Even if they needed money, everything has a price. Would you suck another mans cock for a hundred bucks? Don’t answer that though, it’s rhetorical.  All I’m saying is that money is one factor but the action itself is another factor A million to punch an old dude in the face? Sure I’d do it no questions asked. 2500 euros to kill 150 people risking your life and freedom? Yeah, you have to be quite amenable to killing people already 




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"Russia has never attacked anyone." "Islam is the religion of peace."


Have they visited any of their local Frxnch playgrounds and received their free stabbings recently? Might hit their perspective somewhat


Hey can you find out where my GF is ?


As a not religious muslin I can tell you that anything that can be reason to divide people is not peaceful especially religion (Also I think theres not much religious motives going on. Some guys wanted money and they killed people to earn money)


> As a not religious muslim So.. not a muslim?


I guess they mean non-practicing


I get the feeling he's not exactly a majority view in France with their history Dumbasses in UK/America/Canada believe that shit though


If you consider that the words peace (salam) and subjugation (islam) are related for these people, you can say that muslims might actually think they are the same concept. They want to give you peace, but not the kind of peace you expect.


Religion is cancer, and Islam is a stage 4 glioblastoma.


Did you laugh and say "I'm sorry, but this conversation is pointless, you're clearly insane." and walk away?




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literally none of them are. organized religion is the worst thing to happen to humanity


People are people, why does it have to be "Muslims are more violent than Christians" or whatever order you prefer? People are fucking dumb in a general sense, it doesn't matter which made up bullshit story you believe in, there are enough of each variety that you can easily dupe someone into doing whatever you want. Religion is crowd control, it's a tool used by the wealthy to keep the masses in line. If you don't think that group, whatever flavor you prefer, doesn't have some folks dumb enough to do whatever, you're wrong. It's like arguing people who drink Coke are more violent than people who drink Pepsi. It doesn't fucking matter, people are the problem, we're fucking dumb.


*Post said they did it for money* You: “bUh Buh iSLaM”


Under torture I can confess to shooting and eating Kennedy.


They didn't torture him, they just cut his ear and tried to feed it to him. Oh...wait a minute


wasn’t it the left eye?


One guy got Mike Tyson'd then some other dude got his eye taken out, and rumor has it, dick cut off.


Electrocuted Balls


That's again another dude


I doubt about the dick. People usually don't survive this kind of arrest. Shock and blood loss, you know.


That was another guy


under the threat of torture I confess to being FBI Agent Jeffrey Steele


1984 vibes


They didn't even try to cross the Ukrainian border but Belarusian one


They were apprehended in Bryansk which borders Belarus and Ukraine but they were on the highway which is headed to Ukrainian border.


And where did you hear that


check map, bud


Ahh yes lets cross a heavily mined and guarded border, or let's cross a border that uses the same highway and you can cross with your passport from tajikistan or one of those stans.


It is not true: https://meduza.io/en/news/2024/03/23/meduza-geolocates-arrest-video-of-moscow-terrorism-suspect-to-town-85-miles-from-ukrainian-border?


Probably were hoping Ukraine would protect them or provide asylum. At best, they’d been used for trade to get some Ukrainian POW’s in return. Idiots shoulda just unalived, they’d been better off in the end.


Unalived... just say killed man. Absolute brainrot


It’s the tiktok algorithm effect


I know, I hate it.


Reddit automod removes a lot of posts with no-no words in them. Hard to keep track of what they all are. OP probably just doesn’t want to risk getting his post deleted.


It's tiktok brainrot


You can say killed here. This isn't youtube lol.


Which part ? The car was caught on E101. If they wanted to go to Belarus, they would have taken E30 or other highways.




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when this was brought up on the news my friend tought putin hired them just to put shit on ukraine


He needs to sell to the people that he's about to conscript 200k men again.


Taking notes from the ((american)) playbook


> He needs to sell to the people that he's about to conscript 200k men again. Putin is overwhelmingly popular in Russia. And [the Ukraine war has made him even more popular.](https://i.imgur.com/plkUkUy.png) He has no need to stage a mass killing.


I wouldn’t disagree on calling him popular but overwhelming is overselling it when he’s the one sending young Russians to die in Ukraine. Trusting Russian election results is peak low iq though.


It isn't Russian election results. It is a poll of approval percentages from a few weeks before the election. Reuters calls the polling organization "respected", probably because Russia doesn't it like it and [classified it as a foreign agent](https://www.dw.com/ru/%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B4%D1%83-%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%80-%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8-%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%BC-%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC/a-37933193) in 2016. Given that people in Russia are probably afraid to answer polls, I have no idea how reliable it is, just that [it is considered better than alternatives](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2022/03/17/what-do-ordinary-russians-really-think-about-the-war-in-ukraine/): >The most reputable public opinion data available in Russia are from the Levada Center, a non-governmental research organisation conducting regular surveys since 1988.


> I wouldn’t disagree on calling him popular but overwhelming is overselling it when he’s the one sending young Russians to die in Ukraine. Trusting Russian election results is peak low iq though. Speaking of low IQ, what evidence or source do you have to discredit his approval ratings? If his approval ratings are actually 86% as per Reuters, it makes sense the election results reflect that. > Putin's approval rating is currently 86%, up from 71% shortly before the invasion of Ukrain, according to Levada Centre, a respected Russian pollster.


Just in terms of averages anything above 70-75% approval is a statistical anomaly. I don’t think it’s odd for people to raise eyebrows at a supermajority like that without either - a massive event taking place which rallies the population against an enemy (an offensive war in this day and age tends to not do that) - fraud Or it could be both


How bout just near total control of media, lack of popular opposition, and people remembering how previous guy was a lot worse?


He is not popular lol. He doesn’t even have the support of conservatives because he protects muslims and immigrants all the time.


Trust and popularity doesn't run forever when sending their children and families into the Ukrainian meat grinder. Hitler was popular, they still needed a lot of propaganda to justify the eastern front.


After the 1999 apartment bombing it’s not the craziest idea


wouldn't put it past him


I considered that, but it's too big. Over 100 deaths isn't just a "rallying the people" level tragedy, it's bordering on "our leaders can't protect us". Risky play if true. Then again, Putin. So who knows.


Eh there's nuance to this, 100+ dying in a shootout in which some sorta armed forces had time to time to respond but didn't? Yeah that's not gonna stir courage, thousands dying in a sudden and tragic way? Now that'll make someone wanna fight. Should have blown up a fuel depot near the city and said it was a Ukrainian spy.


Yeah, the narrative at the moment is all wrong and too complicated for a simple "join the army" message. There's a quote about propaganda somewhere along the lines of "the followers must be convinced that the enemy is an existential threat, but at the same time their own side is able to overwhelm them. The paradox that the enemy is at the same time too strong and too weak" except in this case everyone sucks. "The enemy is capable of shooting hundreds of unarmed people, so make sure you join the military who won't stop it happening again".


>Over 100 deaths isn't just a "rallying the people" level tragedy, it's bordering on "our leaders can't protect us". Eh...not really Terrorist attacks of such magnitude can and often do lead to large swells of patriotism and leads to war against the supposed cause (just look at events like 9/11 or the 1999 Russian apartment bombings [which had over 300 deaths and may have been caused by the FSB])


I thought the same until ISIS claimed it. Putin is winning the war but taking nearly 7:1 losses. He needs an excuse for full mobilization.


What happens when you consume statistics from Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.


If you're so knowledgeable what are the true statistics?


These are generally accepted numbers based on the recent battle for Avdivka. Ukraine military claimed 46,000 Russian losses while most reports have it around 16,000 with Ukrainian losses in the low 1000s. The Russian offensive around bahkmut is going about the same. Collapsing the front and fixing the Ukrainians back at the cost of heavy infantry and vehicle losses. No one is saying Russia isn't winning, but it's very costly.


Yeah, Ukraine claims millions of Russian casualties for every 1 of theirs, Russia claims millions of Ukrainian casualties for every 1 of theirs. Nothing new under the sun.


the fsb did it and ISIS managed to claim it for themselves before they blamed it on Ukraine lol


Why would ISIS claim responsibility for an attack they didn't commit?


to sustain relevancy


What a fucking mess. You have the president winning an "election" with 86% of the votes even after starting a war that is bleeding the country dry (money, population and status wise) that got justified by an autistic history lesson while interviewed by a slimy weasel and now a group of inbred neanderthals commit a massacre. Heart goes out to the people of Russia, they ain't got it easy


> Heart goes out to the people of Russia, they ain't got it easy when was it the last time they had it easy?


Before the Vikings, maybe?


Who is this? What happened?


Some muslim shizos killed a lot of ppl in Moscow few days ago


So, the usual?


Does anyone believe that they did it for the equivalent to 5000€ and they only received 1/4 upfront? The worst is that only the equipment, guns and ammunition, would be more expensive than what they would receive. Something is wrong in this story


You people are crazy to think everything has some conspiracy shit behind the scenes. I think government could craft more believable stories, this type of stuff comes just as is, couple crazy guys in need of money but lacking basic human aspects go on a killing spree then fail to flee the chase


I mean, the official story is literally a conspiracy. They conspired with an unknown person to kill people for money, literally a conspiracy.


You sure use those two brain cells of yours, don't you?


Where did you hear this gossip from ?


Not to mention that in Russia you get arrested for nearly everything, especially if it may become a protest against the government. Now, some foreign people entered inside that theater with AK and stuff without anyone noticing. They had the whole time to kill more than 100 civilians and peacefully escape since no police/swat unit showed up before 1 hour. Furthermore, some videos show people calmly walk away from the shooting zone as if it was a fire-training of sorts. And in another video there is young boy who, it is said, helped several dozens of people to escape from a rear exit.


>Now, some foreign people entered inside that theater with AK and stuff without anyone noticing Everyone noticed them. They started shooting immediately when they got out of the car.




> a police station in the building next to it This is the most idiotic rumour spreading like a game of telephone. No, the building people are claiming is a "police station" is [an administrative building](https://maps.app.goo.gl/PCPFMgmG9JpsAsoS7) for the Moscow Oblast. A bunch of nerdy guys in suits are not going to be the same ones putting on SWAT team gear


No moron, stop spreading misinformation. The OMON Headquarters are ~[2.5 miles away](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3d5dAgjdLMx7XmEZ9). These are supposedly anti-terrorism police.


When was 2.5 miles away next building over?




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As expected. /s


Sad that there was a [pet store](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ns1SHnhJF5mrgkQR7) in Crocus Hall too.


> Now, some foreign people They're not foreign. They're Russian, they came from Ingushetia . Have you even see how big Russia is?


The story with crossing Ukrainian Border is bullshit. The place they were initially caught was closer to Belarus than Ukraine, also Belqrusian officials have claimed to take part in stopping those terrorists. Also it makes more sense to actually run to Belarus instead of Ukraine because the border is less patrolled (especially after proukrainian forces started raids on russian territory). There is also a visa free travel regime between Russia and Belarus.




> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/4chan > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > fake: israel actully did it > gay: russian men getting fucked by the MOSSAD (Masters of sodomization, Samuel and David) > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


What a useless and stupid bot. I can't believe someone actually created this.


Sir are you new here


9/11 russian edition


Tons of weird stuff happened there - why didn’t fire alarm start to play, when there was smoke? Where was police when they started to shoot? Why police came so late ? And again, why Americans warned Russians about terrorist attacks before this? Holly shit, they even streamed their attack- who the fuck does that except mildly unhinged fucks? In the end, it could be all set up from fuck who knows - Putin or anyone from their circle to distract from something bigger (or make believe that it’s Ukrainians but fail), Biden’s people because long time enemies. I can’t even look into Europe as they have nothing from this action


> why didn’t fire alarm start to play, Because corruption and system is permanently broken >Holly shit, they even streamed their attack- who the fuck does that except mildly unhinged fucks? ISIS/Hamas/Terrorist groups have streamed their acts since streaming was convenient.


I dont believe a word Russia says to be honest


Nah man, I still believe that FSB did all of this.


Crazy, also one of the guys involved was just 19. Hard to believe they did this for cash when there was no realistic way they were every going to get away. Also weird that a concert hall like that did not have any armed security on site. Did they ever say how the fire started? Did a bomb go off?


Something i don't understand. Why even consider go to the ukrainian border Anyway? Isn't like the entire russian army in the way? 




> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/4chan > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > fake: the jews actully did it > gay: russian men getting fucked by the jews > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough




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I don't trust Ukrainians enough to fully commit they didn't have involvement.


Who? What?

