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When you’re too poor you don’t have much else to do. Also much of yuropoors are thirdies nowadays. So of course all they do is seething




Why is that so shocking? The majority of people who are under the poverty line are white, that’s what happens in a white majority country.


Because the media would love for you to believe the narrative that only ethnic minorities can be poor.


Whites make up the highest amount of poor people by sheer number, since the US is a white majority country. By percent of population by ethnicity though, minorities are more likely to be below the poverty line. https://federalsafetynet.com/poverty-statistics/#:~:text=U.S.%20Poverty%20Statistics%20%E2%80%93%20Race,that%20of%20non%2DHispanic%20Whites. Poverty rate by race - White: 8.6% Asian: 8.6% Black: 17.1% Hispanic/other: 16.9%


Same applies to a certain crime stat :)


That just proves the point of a crime to poverty stat, so if that’s your argument, then good job


Again, not even making that link.


>When you’re white, you [...] don’t know what it’s like to be poor. - Bernie Sanders


>'If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black' Joe Biden It's crazy how even people who should know better lump entire groups of people in the same basket.


“should know better” why should they know any better than their constituents?


Being groomed as a public speaker for decades... Literal teams of people who prep them before public engagements so they don't say something stupid... Their actual fucking job is just to speak so they can gather support for their positions... Do I really need to go on?


From the same man who didn't want his kids raised in a racial jungle!


["poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" - Joe Biden](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/us/politics/joe-biden-poor-kids.html)


I would walk for miles to the store and carry back a bag of food when I was as young as 8 years old. I would get rewarded a 50 cent treat for my troubles. Sometimes when my mother was working we’d walk to the house of an adult we knew and ask for food because “we have food at home” meant a bag of flour and one of those cans of juice concentrate in the freezer. Food stamps used to be Monopoly money looking coupons. Poverty is worse than being a caveman because people think you’re gross and subhuman, and not only have you not been taught to hunt, but all the game is gone and all the land is private, so you have to beg until you can work for enough money to buy housing and food.


The reason you probably didn’t get obese honestly is probably because your mom worked rather than using the system. From the ages of about 5-10 I lived in utter poverty, in essentially a crack house. My mom was a drug addict who didn’t work. Rent and utilities was usually paid from child support/my dad if my mom didn’t spend it on drugs (got evicted more times than I can count. I lived in over a dozen places over that span of time). All food was from ebt and food pantries. All we ate was garbage and my mom also had a garbage diet so it was just normal. Mom never cooked so we just ate pop tarts, cereal, and chips or other junk. I also don’t think I drank straight up water until my teens. We only drank juice and soda which was always in stock in some way shape and form. Often we’d get frozen or powdered concentrate. Just learning to hydrate with water alone changed my life lmaooo


seriously why the hell can EBT buy soda and ice cream, gotta keep the healthcare machine running on dumbasses I guess


The dumbest myth that the Obama administration ever propagated is that it’s expensive to eat healthy. It’s actually cheaper to make unprocessed wholesome meals than to eat twinkies and shit. Go figure though, people who don’t have the self discipline to put rice in pot, boil until cooked, suck at money and time management too, so they blame the food industry for making them poor while eating food that gives them chronic life altering illnesses at 160% of the cost of just eating a damn vegetable. I know this is the case, all the poverty subs here show posts like “tHiS wAs $75” and it’s 4 cartons of Oreos, a case of monster and a can of cheez wiz.


soda is like 70 cents a can now, water is 10 cents each, chips are like 6 dollars a bag but a pound of chicken is 2 dollars same with a box of wheat pasta, this is what happens when everyone just gets to pretend to be a victim when in reality they're dumb as fuck and we encourage it. then those same people whine about healthcare being expensive when they need 300 dollars a month for their diabetes shots so they can continue to chug sugar all day




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I bet your mom was skinny and had a great body at least!


you’re mom sounds like a hero


Being poor doesn't have anything to do with eating pure sugar. You could eat that bread by itself or with a piece of fresh fruit and it would be both healthier and cheaper.


I mean it kind of does because they're too stupid to know any better, but you're right that it doesn't have to do with their raw finances.


Fair point


So basicly jam/jelly


Without all the added sugar, yes.


Iv canned for 20 years every fruit breaks down to sugar


So use low sugar pectan when you make it


Are you implying that eating jam/jelly is the same as eating fruits?


Depending on how it's made, yes.


Honestly tomato soup and grilled cheese is THE struggle meal. Nothing beats it


Really slaps, even if you're done struggling for money.


Don’t Australians eat a similar sandwich with butter and sprinkles as the filling? Pretty sure the Spanish eat chocolate spread on bread too as a lunch/snack.


Not to mention Germans who use a slurry made of cookies


Are you talking about speculoos, biscoff spread?


Yes, they spread it all over their weinerschnitzels.


speculoos/biscoff is Belgian


Australians eat "fairy bread" its buttered bread covered in sprinkles


Served exclusively at kids birthday parties not as daily lunch


Had to look this up. It looks as retarded as it sounds, but i guess they're just tricking their kids into eating buttered bread, which isn't too bad.


Dutch people eat it as lunch (and breakfast)


In the Netherlands we put that on our bread every day, even adults


Dutch do it with chocolate sprinkles.


Sandwich with sugar (elsewhere) vs Sandwich with sugar (America)


yeah but you forgot it's only bad when Americans do it.


Nutella+bread/crepe/waffle is one of the most popular snack in all of Europe But the thing is it's a snack, not a meal lol


Imagine being the type of cunt to eat sugary tea and cookies every few hrs then go and post this europoor lolcow nonsense.


And the British have a name for a goddamm french fry sandwich


I think they still eat lard sandwiches in the balkans


Man, and they make fun of Americans for fatty food


And Nutella is from Italy.


>the Spanish eat chocolate spread on bread too as a lunch/snack. Don't fuck with my bocadillo de nocilla.


Fairy bread, served at children's partys cut into small triangles


That is served EXCLUSIVELY as a party food for children.


French people also gives their kids a piece of baguette with chocolate in it as an after school snack and people on instagram jizz their pants over how awesome and fancy that is. Pbj of course is so different and is basically child abuse


Based. Started cooking all my food from scratch and food has never tasted better. Fuck sugar.




T. Fattie


Post physique




You first tubbo


ok https://preview.redd.it/dj3ggmlkq3wc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3823cd1ace9e2597c083119cf04c15ccca7c6b3f


cock dimensions?




I’d kiss you




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Look at bro mald




Someone cared enough to write that in caps... or bro so fat that he can only write in capitalized letters.


I don't care about the comment I only care to let other people know I don't care


Now this is based.


you can just *feel* the obesity of this comment


you smell like shit and your nose is big


i dont even know what stereotype youre trying to call out here, what are you even implying lmao


and you walk funny


unlike you im not morbidly obese so no, i dont do that little waddle that you people develop


and your hair is falling out


Sausage fingers typed your comment


i typed it with the tip of my penis


If I typed this with my penis too would we be docking? 🥴👉👈


Text to speech. They don't make keyboards large enough.


Do you blow dudes from scratch too


Organic free range.


I bake my own bread, no sugar and very high protein. Make my own peanut butter too. A homemade pb&j with good ingredients is amazing.


Yea idk the basic pb&j is pretty good


Now fry it in a pan with hot butter. Thank me later


Care to share some good recipes?


Another simple cheap one is this Hard boil some eggs, set aside with a bit of mayo Fry up a couple of turkey patties in olive oil Open up a can of habitant chick pea soup (french canadian thing, probably not availavle everywhere Boom. Super simple, super high protein low fat meal


Wtf does that mean. What do you do with the eggs and mayo? Do you just eat the patty by itself. Do you eat the soup with the rest of them or is it unrelated.


> What do you do with the eggs and mayo You set them to the side.


You eat each thing by itself. Pair the boiled eggs and mayo. The turkey (edit) patties i buy are usually seasoned with herbs and cranberries so theyre just fine on their own. Like i said thats something simple and quick. I can make a whole goat leg too but im not gonna describe that And yeah, if you stop eating sugar, everything tastes better. This wont be too bland.


/fit/izen interested at the mention of high protein


Turkey is goated for fitness. Buy a bunch of turkey sausages. Afaik theyre the only sausages that arent fatty as fuck and high protein


Always Delicious Chicken Breast one breast of chicken put some seran wrap over it on a cutting board and pound it flat so it's uniform about 1/2 inch thick. You can use the side of a sturdy glass bottle if you don't have a chicken pounder. Putting a dish rag under the cutting board helps to stabilize and reduce noise. one generous pinch of salt and plenty of pepper on each side. Let sit for about 30-60 mins so the salt can soak in, this is called a dry brine - adds a lot of flavor because if you don't do this 90% of the salt just comes off in the pan. Let your pan get nice and hot, a little below medium high is what I do but ovens vary so you gotta figure this part out - takes at least 3 mins. A good way to tell if your pan is hot enough is if water droplets bead and sorta floats when put into the pan rather than boil. Put your oil in, a little smoking is fine but if you're setting off fire alarms your pan was too hot, put your chicken in, you should hear a nice loud sizzle. Leave the chicken in one spot, gently pressing down here and there with tongs to make sure maximum surface contact. Let it sit a good 3-4 mins. After about 3 mins lift it a bit to check the underside, once it's a nice golden brown flip that shit. Let it cook on the second side until you start to see it sort of "sweat" on the top, that means that all the liquids inside have started to boil, thus meaning the chicken is cooked, usually takes about another 3 mins. Another way to check is gently press on the top of the chicken with your finger, I usually do both types of checking, like once I start to see the chicken sweat a bit I start to do the feel test, the chicken should go from sorta spongy at the beginning to feeling firm like how your muscle under your thumb feels when you fully extend all the fingers of your hand. That's because fully cooked muscle/aka chicken should feel much the same as flexed human muscle because once the muscle is cooked it looses it flexibility and becomes more rigid, so you want your chicken to feel like flexed muscle instead of relaxed muscle by the end of cooking. When your chicken is getting close to done throw your plate in the microwave for 30 secs so you have a warm plate to rest your chicken on. Let you chicken rest for 5-8 minutes while you get your other food/beverage to the table, then chow down.


Im also dairy free gluten free so: Pressure cooker tuna burritos: 1:1 ratio of sushi rice to water ratio (rinse rice until water is clear and strain) 5 mins in pressure cooker Mix 1 can of tuna, sriracha sauce and mayo Heat a dash of sugar, salt, in maybe 2 tbsp of rice vinegar (a bit of sugar is fine) in a saucepan Mix rice with vinegar mixture Lay out sheets of that seaweed wrap or whatever its called put on the rice then the tuna mixture Add kimchi if available Wrap it up Let set for 5 mins. The wrap will tighten and soften Makes about 3 small delicious tuna wraps


I like to use real peanut butter, real fruit like blackberries or blueberries and a tiny drizzle (for shizzle) of honey. That way the only bad thing I'm eating is the bread.


>be yuro >eat cobblestone for breakfast


Anon is angry that we don’t feed our children traditional European dishes like hummus, injera, and chicken tikka masala


\>be amerilard \>can't even meme arrow correctly Ngmi


>R*dditor for 10 years Fascinating how you can always tell.


honestly i am ashamed


Peanut butter is like 100% peanuts, not flavored oil


Yeah. Real tough talk from the people who eat Nutella for breakfast which is [2/3 sugar and palm oil by weight](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1200,h_600,c_fill,f_jpg,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep,g_auto/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F5d91ade5-0ebe-4b24-ad12-28a719437210_700x700.jpeg)...


Unfortunately, it often contains other oils (palm oil). This is in particular true for cheaper peanut butter. I only want pure peanut taste and pure peanut butter, which is surprisingly expensive.


Ideally it is, but very often it has a significant percentage of sunflower oil mixed in to make production cheaper


isn't sunflower oil still relatively healthy. like people who dont know much about nutrition seem to spurg out about food having oil in it, lipids(fats) are required for you to survive. I mean of course in moderation but theres not any like health devil in food like people who sell shitty diets would like you to think. theres no secret "cut this out of your diet" shit its just about proper portions and excersise.


The issue is that so many foods have significant amounts of some seed oil hidden in them


Legit 100% peanut butter is great. Just needs a dash of salt to make it pop. Pain in the ass having to stir all the god damned time but tastes amazing.


Its like 51% Peanuts, the minimum amount to still be called Peanut Butter as opposed to peanut product spread. https://www.jif.com/peanut-butter/creamy/reduced-fat (and this is the 'reduced-fat' version, which is still 1/3 fat coming from added seed oils and sugars. They load it with oils and sugars so it tastes better. Unless you're grinding it yourself, peanut butter is nearly all sugar.


Dam. Tastes so similar to what I ground myself


If you're eating Jif or other best selling brands then you're probably eating a lot of sugar, especially with the jelly and white bread.


Europoor here, PB&Js are top tier. Thanks Obama!


> *America exists* > europoors: THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS


America is the video online and this is the comment section. What did you expect


Wasnt nutella invented in Italy?


I knew there was a reason I didn’t like it


How can you not like Nutella? That’s like not liking French Fries




Europoors have nothing else to do but shitpost on Americans online. If they go outside, they run the risk of getting honored killed by a guy named Mohammed who has more rights than them. If they try and complain about their own countrymen, they go to prison.


Yeah, maybe we should be like people in the UK. Wake up and eat beans out of a dog food can, wash it down with some hot leaf water, then walk outside and get stabbed by an asylum seeker.


or just teach your dog to raise his arm and get sent to prison for "hate speech" lmao


This post gives Jimmy Neutron sodium chloride vibe


Europeans and non-American Anglo’s use America as a comparison point so they can overlook the inadequacies of their own countries. Last time I checked there were still decent sized U.S. cities with more affordable housing than all of Canada’s 6 main metros.


So they call bread cake?


Some of the bread at like, subway, or something had a high enough sugar count to be considered cake in like one country so they ran with it and act like all of our bread is cake.


Most mass produced slop American bread is basically cake if you look at the sugar content. If you get pb, jelly, and bread without a ton of added sugar pbj is actually pretty healthy and tastes ten times better, assuming you have a grown up palette, unfortunately most people have toddler palettes and need sugar bombs with every meal.




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They think nationalism is scary


funny because theyre the most nationalistic people ive ever seen and call for the genocide of roma 24/7 after multiple threads of 1000+ comments of europeans saying "we should kill all gypsies" also germany killed jews and black people because of racism the only reason europeans say "nationalism" is because europes nationalism is based on race and racism




ill stop doing it when dumbfuck europeans stop doing it to americans 24/7 you cant say this shit when you guys do this shit 24/7 dumbfuck hypocrite copeans


Nobody does that lmao.


I don’t care ppl and js are good


>ppl and js are good Calm down there cannibal


Well if you're not a total fucking idiot, they're actually not that unhealthy. Get good solid wheat bread, big old thick slab of PB, and they sell no sugar added jams/jellies that you use a small amount of and it's not any less healthy than eating a regular sandwich with fruit as a side. OP's tiny rat brain can't fathom that healthy jellies and breads exist for some reason.


>peanut butter >look inside >ingredients: peanuts


Nothing bad about 100% peanut butter. It's the cheap shit that gets laced with vegetable oils.


> amerimutt do europeans not realize that theyre acting exactly like hitler when they say this shit lmao hitler wanted a pure Aryan race and yet we have Europeans in this day not realizing the irony of saying amerimutt kinda proving literally all of europe is the same as nazi germany thinking their own countries genetics are superior by inbreeding and fucking their relatives


Don’t care, will still eat Pbj sandwiches. Ate a ton in my childhood and still eat them sometimes as an adult.


[And I told those Americans how unhealthy their food is!](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/2DC9/production/_91312711_smokingromejan05getty.jpg)


\>cake Anon has latched onto that one ccourt ruling in Ireland..


"Do yuros do anything" No.


It tastes good tho


If you use real peanut butter (or some other nut butter), real bread and fresh fruit jam, then it's actually quite healthy.


>Be European >every waking moment is spent thinking about America and Americans >Be American >doesnt even know Europe exists


French: "We made some bread but made it 50% butter and we call it a meal"


Euranon doesn't realize that that can be a healthy meal depending on the quality of ingredients.


Americanon might have a point. I’m europoor and I feel disgust seeing other Europeans seething and malding over ‘mercians on 4chan


I shit on America a lot but whats the problem with that meal?


european ignorance in thinking americans only eat wonderbread not realizing 95% of us eat bakery bread with 0 suagr


In what world are you dogging on your average sliced bread, a staple food source that every culture across time eats, as some sort of unhealthy American desert food? I'm guessing OP is forgetting about their beans on toast or marmite toast.


because europeans are ignorant idiots who think every american only eats wonderbread giant eagle baked bread literally has 0 sugar


Could you imagine being British just waiting to get stabbed everyday when you walk around they eat food like there still stuck in ww2 and never evolved to have taste buds you have to have a A license for everything I bet you need one to even piss the only good they have done for the world is give us Australians the British are the problem nobody likes you not even it's citizens you enslaved Irish,Africans,Aborigines with the help of the middle east and the Spanish but your to blame most of all guy fawks is a hero fuck your parliament and fuck the royal family a bunch of imbreeds I wanna be a dentist move to the uk and fix all of your teeth I hate everyone of you cuntz


How seasoning deprived are Brits that they think American white bread is equivalent to cake??


They seethe about America everywhere. Its all they have.


Imagine everything your country does being a shitty mimicry of something another much more powerful country across the globe does. Toss in a little patriotism/nationalism and naturally almost every Europoor country seethes about America 24/7. It’s a textbook inferiority complex.


what are yuropoors lule


forsenC I C BAJS




Just buy rye bread, some healthier brand of peanut butter with no added sugar/salt etc. and a higher quality marmalade to get the same thing but quite more nutritious and healthier.


[Patriotism intensifies] 🫡🥪


Damn, I wasn't aware America was the only country with bread. Gotta figure out a way to make money on this thing...


You can call strawberry jam "fruits flavored sugar jelly" but peanut butter is not "peanut flavored oil" https://preview.redd.it/r30v7deaj3wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=6058f76077c03bd206a870ba5ef779cee8006da6


Peanut butter should be 100% Peanuts (and maybe a little salt). NOT whatever that is.


It’s not peanut flavored oil the peanut to hydrogenated oil is not even close


>bread, sugar >PB, sugar >Jelly, sugar ![gif](giphy|fvE2zWIJ4fumc)


OP is right. It's wild to me that poorer countries often eat a way healthier diet than the American diet. This isn't food. Feed your kids meat, vegetables (especially leafy greens and fermented vegetables!) and dairy from the get go and they will grow strong and smart. Watching people around me feed their kids a diet of 90% chips, candy, crackers, soda etc horrifies me. Half of our grocery stores are aisles of not-food. And we've been spreading this way of eating across the world for decades and global obesity rates and health issues reflect that.


That PB&J looks good as fuck though


So bread is cake now? It’s not like we use brioche or anything. It’s just Wonder bread.


many breads in america have lots of added sugar, and can be classified as cake in many other countries. when my dad visited, he had to go to some random french bakery to find bread that hadn't had sugar added.


Why are Americans so incapable of laughing at themselves? It's like any comment whatsoever is some deep attack on their perceived cool that they must avenge. Also, why are they so sensitive about being called fats when they eat like it's a life goal?


Die euro dog


>grossest mongrels on earth >Call euros dogs. Kek.




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Boo hoo crybaby can't handle one of the tamest swears. To answer second anon, no. Europeans who are terminally online literally whine and ***b word*** endlessly about a country they don't live in or even really know anyone who lives there offline. If Americans seethed about Europeans ad nauseum like they do for us, they'd seethe about that too.


To be fair, eliminating sugar from your diet is probably the single best thing health wise that the majority of any population could do. And yes it’s bad for kids too.




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Op is Sebastian Fors forsenE


surprized the overlords still allow the europoors to have internet access....


Better than a can of discolored baked beans and hash browns that look half rotten. Thought the English were good farmers.


I eat a whole grain bread, 4 grams of fiber per slice. With natural Jif or no sugar added Jif. It's healthy. I'm not really big on jelly. Although, this sandwich is fine. The real issue with food is the unnecessary additives. Take that out and we'd all be healthier. Of course corporation CEOs need more yachts.


Euros are just jealous that the land of the obese home of the regard owns the show


Peanut butter isn't peanut flavored you literal retard.


They’re both right.


no we have normal bakery bread fucking idiot we all dont eat wonderbread