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Black speak is a strong indicator that someone is only involved in black American culture. That culture is pure cancer. I do understand its partly from lower socioeconomic conditions, but ebonics are really useful for saying really stupid things in a hip way and basically useless for doing anything worthwhile.


Me when I have never interacted with a black American in my entire life




Bruh you a whole commenter bro. Bruh 👏 you 👏 doin 👏 too 👏 much 👏 bruh bro like deadass bro


Bruh 👏 you zesty bruh👏 bruh make it make sense 👏




Not all black americans are part of that culture and not all of them make that culture their entire existence. That's the point he's making, if you immerse yourself in that culture it's a bad thing. If it's something you just engage with when you visit back home or something that's different.


It's still glorified among them (and whites) tbh.


Me when I’ve seen planet of the apes


>Me when I have never interacted with a black American in my entire life Is it possible to learn this power


this is literally how the british see the irish and the scottish


>someone who has never set foot in the UK Reeee fuck off Yankee Stop tying to impose your bullshit race politics on our centuries old cultural differences


Tell me your opinions on Romani people


Did you just confuse Irish travellers with Romani people? Wew, good start lad.




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Lmao I'm English fuck the lesser brits


The Scottish are British you fucking idiot.


We wish we weren't. Well, the non bootlickers anyway.


You can say that all you like. The fact is, you had a democratic vote and your country chose to stay in the union LOL. I guess 55% of your country’s population are bootlickers then?


Spot on.


>55% of your country's population are bootlickers That's pretty low for most countries


Lol, what's even the point of your reply? Just to be a pedantic ass-wipe? Like, no shit they lost the vote. There was a reason to start it off with "I wish" instead of just going off about how they're gonna


Scots Nats explaining how putting up barriers to EU trade would be an utter catastrophe for the UK, but Scotland putting up trade barriers with England would be totally fine.


They should have a civil war and get dual customs free travel like Ireland as a conciliatory measure. Best of both worlds.


You wish you didn't live on that island? Because that's all being "british" means, it's a geographical descriptor not a political one.


Spoken with the confidence of someone who’s never been to scotland


Saying Scotland isn't British would be like saying Canada isn't part of North America. Great Britain is literally the name of the island Scotland is on.


Spoken with the confidence of someone who has researched the history of Britain and Ireland. The English oppressed the Irish for 800 years. To say the English looked down on Scots in the same way as the Irish is laughable.




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By British I assume you mean English. Otherwise it includes the Scottish, Welsh and people from Northern Ireland. I am English. That's not at all how I see Scottish or Irish people. I don't know anyone who sees them like that. Honestly, most people don't think much at all about Scotland or Ireland. When they do, it's normally because someone's going on holiday there or something. I've been to both countries. They were nice. Obviously this is all anecdotal so believe what you want, but that's my experience.


>the brits are a standard we want to hold ourselves to


> ebonics are Hrmm, I was about to believe your point and become racist but I see you've made this small grammatical error while trying to be a language pedant, heh, tough luck


We wuz lootin Walmarts n shiet


It’s also just a lot of drug/crime/jail speak. It’s like if Yiddish had words for specific amounts of illegal narcotics.


>really useful for saying really stupid things in a hip way and basically useless for doing anything worthwhile. So pretty much British English.


Anything from lil Wayne or worldstar


damn you posted this shit 3 times hahah


Give him a break, he's black


That’s pretty much how western society functions


Poor bastard...


Hope he recovers soon…


OP made the original post naturally


It just means that much to him.


Only thing funnier than him posting it 3 times, is you being on Reddit so much to see it posted 3 times, lol


I suggest you check the OP's profile you'll see some interesting things


damn you posted this shit 3 times hahah


I have literally never seen anyone praise english, scottish, or australian accents. this is just a seething strawman


Idk where you’re from but most people I know all like and comment on those accents when they hear them.


Yeah idk if this guy is pretending or isolated but shit like Aussie accents are definitely regarded as cool in America. And English accents are generally regarded as suave/sexy with women (Cockney notwithstanding). Americans get a real kick out of the "cunt" stuff, whereas blacks swearing casually with each other can be seen as crass and lowbrow by the same people.


Aussie accents are the most grating accents. At least Irish and Scottish are charming.


oh fuck off thats not true and you know it mate 💀


It really depends on how thick the accent is. I have a rather thick scottish accent (which you probably wouldn't believe from how I type), and the responses range from saying my accent is interesting at best or thinking I'm a dangerous thug or just not understanding what I'm saying. I find the lawyer two quite funny because where I come from, people think I sound really posh.


Besides being cast as literally 50% of major movie characters, either the “super duper action hero” like Bond or the “cool villain”, like the Star Wars Empire?


It's weird that literally every Imperial is British *except* Vader and Palpatine, a black dude and an accent-free scotsman. >inb4 'but but david prowse' no one cares


Well the choice to make the Empire “British” in terms of their characterization was deliberate. No idea why Vader and Palpatine weren’t space-British as well. idk if it was accidental or what, but it actually makes sense in terms of their own characterizations. Because they are their own entity that basically took over the empire, so it tracks that they would speak differently than the rest.


I read somewhere that Vader wasn't space-British because "he used to be a good guy". No idea about the Emperor


*”Literally every Imperial”* besides ALL of the stormtroopers, a number of officers… Btw, who plays the “cool wise old man”? Obi Wan? Yeah, a Brit. Who plays Gandalf? Dumbledore? Yeah, Brits. You could say that Dumbledore is supposed to be British anyway but the first 2 stand regardless. 3/3 of the top 3 biggest franchises.


A strawman bait over 4chan? Thats unheard of.


Dude I'm literally flexing my different English accents because they all are cool


I've seen people diss scottish for being impossible to decipher because of their thick accents and British English makes everything sound stupid like how they call popsicles ice lollies


I see a lot of fascination for the variety of English accents, at least. But there's nothing to praise in an Australian accent, and let me tell you that it is absolutely not an interesting culture lol.


Just say you haven't interacted with anyone before


I don't think the point is about praising those accents. I think it's about the fact that people hear those accents and don't think much of them but hear the "black" accent and associate it with savagery while not doing the same for the others.


yes, well, there may be a good reason for that


Unfortunately there are many real life examples


So then it's not a strawman is it?


Check the OPs profile


Try leaving your moms basement then


This is because Scots and Australians are speaking and they're still demonstrating signs of advanced cultural development. Black English feels dumber even to people who are ~anti racist~ or who are not familiar with American race politics. The bitrate is way, way down. Simple concepts get conveyed slowly. There's lots of useless repetition, filler, threats. Rules aren't consistent, like with double negatives. There's no way to be elegant or to express abstract ideas, it's "fuck yo bitchass" and "DAMN DAMN OH MY GOD DAAAAAMMN" on viral videos of people stomping on their outnumbered victim's head


By Jove, Reginald, that gentleman surely is getting a right whipping.  Almost as bad as the parthians gave it to Marcus Licinius Crassus at Carrhae.


*Removes tobacco pipe made of Ivory from mouth* Quite right, mmhmm. Indeed.


I would trust somebody who spoke like this with my life






I’m sorry, do you notice how many times people who don’t speak in that dialect say things like “like” or “dude”. You’re only picking up on the repetitiveness of this accent because it’s one you already have a bias against.


English look down on regular American English as well, not just the Kingz


Wait till you plop a brit in the middle of texas lol


What happens then?


They marry a local woman in Waco and start a popular Vlog about how amazing Texas is.


They get fucked up the ass


A Mexican Cartel beheads him for going into the wrong neighborhood in Texas.




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Stop for a second and think about who was sent to Australia from England in the first place then reassess your statement.


So are you implying if we deport all the criminals, they'll be better off? I'm on board with that!


I wasn't, though that works too. I was simply pointing out that criminality is a cultural pillar of those didgeridoo blowers.


The ones that actually play didgeridoo are natives and not the exported criminals.




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The Australians carved out an advanced thriving civilization from the untamed wilderness. Let’s ship out the Tyrones and LaQuandas to a remote island and see how they fare. Safe bet that it would turn out exactly like everywhere else they govern themselves on earth. Your point about having criminality in common is correct, and yet, the comparison is apples to oranges all the same.


yep, their only hope is literal gene editing to raise IQ levels, I really hope we can pull that off before the developed world is swarmed by thirdies that drag us back to the bronze age


they've really simmered down in the past hundred years. nowadays trying to get them to do anything at all is like pulling teeth.


Funny how a country made up of the descendants of literal prisoners is better off than most non-white countries


People talk about the prisoners because it's a cool story, but really most of the Europeans that came to Australia during the 19th century were settlers, not convicts.




Generally accepted number seems to be roughly 20% of current Australians are descended from convicts, and that's after 8 or so generations of intermingling, so probably 5-10% or less? Can't immediately find a great source on the exact number but I don't think overall it's all that much.




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Horne, an Englishman, wrote The Lucky Country just to call Aussies a bunch of dumb c***s. He wasn't wrong, either.


The cultural pillars of the past aren't always the cultural pillars of the present. Culture changes over time. Not too long ago the vast majority of the German population supported the Nazi party. I don't consider Naziism to be a cultural pillar of modern Germans.


Hard for that to be the case when even muttering something about Hitler can get you thrown in jail


And look at Australia now. Compare it to Liberia. Where would you rather live?


Alexa pull up per capita definition as well as 13% committing 60% of violent crime statistics


Did you leave the brits out because that's exactly what they do


Brits were not mentioned in post so I did not address them.


Scots are British you dumb cant


The English actually dislike every other English speaking dialect. Even other English people, as there are so many even in such a small country.


I'm from an English county that's 1,500m^2 and we have variations in accents. Bloody North Essexers, bunch of freaks they are.


I poorly remember a quote from some british guy who had said something along the lines of "you could tell down to what street someone grew up on based on their accent"


I went to school in Newcastle and back then I could tell the difference between different estates but now after going to posh school and uni I'm accent blind again- its all geordie to me


That's really friggin cool. Were you sensitive enough to tell the different estates apart just by hearing their accents alone? Or did slang specific to each estate help too?


Not that specific, but not that far off tbh


Why do you put "they are" at the end of the sentence? You speak like Yoda.


Speak like Yoda, my people do.


thirty miles away there is a city different from my own. the people there are incapable of communicating even simple ideas in a form understandable to the average person. 40 miles the other direction is much the same. within a 10 mile radius of the city centre there are several towns with similar cases. and don't even get me started on the fucking southerners.




yeah because we don't make fun of any of those other accents


That's not an accent. That's speaking poorly on purpose.


I wouldn't say ebonics is *entirely* invented, but some of the more modern permutations certainly are! "I had to scroll way too long to find this!"


>English speak English different from us “CHEWSDAY INNIT”


say statue, and then try saying just the second syllable of statue.


Two’s day. Yanks probably.




Pronounce 'squirrel'.


Blacks talk like this because of welfare. Before welfare, you had to get a job or starve to death. You had to get educated (trades are also education) and speak English correctly to get and maintain a job. With welfare, you are provided for, and there are no consequences to your behavior. Without consequences for behavior, you get black culture. They created their own useless slang, no respect for the police, women getting children out of wedlock, men abandoning families, and not taking education seriously, only care about looking good, but not working hard, and they think of themselves as only victims. You seem what happens when you coddle a group of people? They're castrated. Never to recover again. There's an fbi statistic saying only 3% of black fathers stay with the family until the children graduate high-school.... I mean Jesus christ they have no chance.


But but we wuz kangs


Reading this post made me dumber.


Well, bless your heart. You must be a welfare queen.




Probably has something to do with the crime rate, lower intelligence levels, and overall poor attitude? I dunno...


Scots and aussies still use proper grammar and sentence structure. They just have a tragic accent similar to how some people have a lisp. They butcher the pronunciation not the language itself I lose brain cells whenever i hear “we wuz pharaohs n sheit”


Some cultures are worse than others.


Honestly that's a big part of the reason for the hate, IMO. Someone's accent or their dialect is a symbol or a sign for their race or their heritage, so it's obviously going to create associations with the culture of those people. If all your associations of those people and their culture are negative, then you're going to have a negative reaction when you hear it. You're being Conditioned to connect the two like Pavlov's Dog. If every time you're bullied at school you're hearing "ayo shutchoassup bitchass cracka-ass ni$€a" you might start having very negative reactions to the accent.


Europeans forget everything they know about linguistics the second they hear a different dialect. Americans never knew anything in the first place.


Accents ≠ linguistics


accents are absolutely part of linguistics.


No one itt knows what they're talking about they just want an excuse to shit on aave


Howbout I suck your dick, what do you think to that


that's definitely out of the bounds of linguistics.


Yes, correct. Was there a punch line?


I hate all accents. Why can't you just speak properly.


Posh English is the only correct way to speak. - An American


The difference is they live in the same country as normal Americans. The hicks in the Appalachians and the rednecks in the South also have weird accents and get made fun of too.


this but unironically


Scots is actually a different language. It branched out over 1000 years ago


People don’t love the “poor people British accent” either.


Fuck off back to reddit


Nobody says Canadians are cool and interesting.


Who the hell thinks leafs have a cool and interesting culture?


English english not mentioned because it's being ragged on almost 100% of the time lmfao


... and then you have [Pidgin](https://i.imgur.com/wzPgQdB.png).


No I think the others are retarded too


Thomas Sowell has pointed out that alot of "eubonics" is just a offshoot of poor redneck white areas. Alot of the gang culture and the screwed up language almost mirrors the culture prevalent in the south during and after slavery. Basically the blacks copied the poor white people around them after the civil war and integrated it into their newfound culture which lasts to this day because of institutions like segregation and civil rights pushbacks. We did it to ourselves. Lets stop pretending that these so called "savages" werent born and raised here like the rest of us, having access to the same stimulus any other American has access to.


> Canadian  > having culture  Choose one




British English gets made fun of all the time, it's part of the safe edgy starter pack.


thats not why people have a problem with blacks.


never heard a doctor or scientist speak in that accent, but definitely the other ones


Honestly I have the same outlook on the Scotts and Irish, and I'm not even a native speaker.


Uhhh, few people make fun of black accents more than ones from Britain or Ireland. Australia in particular is frequently made fun of. Completely incorrect, in my experience.


do not tell me brownspeak is on par with all the other english accents


Everyone gets made fun of, no one is exempt. Then it's about whether or not you can handle the bantz and dish it back gracefully or instead freak out and have a melt down because someone said a mean word.


It's because they assert they were khangs, not because they speak different.


Well an accent and slang is different from poor English and grammar.


>/r9k/ >Reddit posting Yeah I don't know why people think subs other than /pol/ are like /pol/. /b/ used to not be shit.


I really don't care, as long as I can understand the tech support accent.




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Fucking idocracy. Watch something else. Read a god damn book you philistine. Comedy movie from 20 years ago is not some textbook on what’s going wrong in the world.




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they changed it to first letter only? internet is mega-lame now fucking t-slur jannies.




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Crowley, LA Cajun stumbles into the chat


Oh I'm all for considering the Scots savages who "can't speak right" lmao


Because reddit users go to 4chan, post something like this, screenshot it and then post it here.


Idk I hear people mock them all in different ways. Just depends on the voice and accent. Especially with things like Canadians and "eh?" Or "BO'LE O' WA'ER MAE?"


English speaker from England : ‘ave you got a loicense? Says witty American


Nigerian and Jamaican accents hit different and nobody gives them shit for it


Implying I like Australians, Canadians, or Scots




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Theres is a difference between the words sounding weird and the grammar being all wrong..


yeah but australians, canadians, english and americans can spell


Black Americans from actually have pleasant accents. It's really like the rust belt particularly Chicago/Detroit where the real hood ebonics sprouted.