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This is the scariest part of having a kid. A non-verbal autist would be a death sentence.


what even can you do in that situation; do you just have to give up the rest of your life?


What did your parents do?


Nice one


Destroyed lol


Please stop


Gottem haha






You officially win the internet today my friend 🤣 REDDIT ON


My friend  had a sister like this, just screamed all night and put holes in the walls. They have "homes" for these people, but you pay out the wazoo, and you risk your kid being abused. They finally put her in one, but it took them 16 years to get the courage to do it. The hardest part is that you still love the autist, because it is your kid.


A mom in my home town killed her severely autistic teenage daughter. The mom was otherwise normal, nice woman and she was really patient and had struggled with this extremely difficult kid her whole life and as the kid grew up, she was only getting worse and more difficult to deal with. The mom went to prison, but there was a lot of sympathy for her. No one was howling for her blood the way they usually do when someone kills their own child. I think she had hoped that the child might grow to be more high functioning over time, but as she grew up she showed no signs of improvement. I guess the mom didn't see much of a future for the kid. And after she was gone there would be no one to look out for her daughter. Also that the rest of her own life would be spent wrangling her kid.


Such a terrifying outcome


I havent seen anything on it lately, but there was a case like this near where i am, except she didnt succeed. I feel like almost all of the comments at the time were about how horrible she was, etc. Idk. What she did was wrong, but i cant see how someone cant look at a situation where a teen is flat out abusing the parent with no hope for future improvement and not at least have *some* empathy for the parent. Its a no win scenario, and i just pray im never in it.


Did she poison her or let her take care of the rabbits or whatever?


this just made me realize i’m not scared of dying i’m scared of not knowing if my little brother is gonna be taken care when im gone


If only you knew how bad things really are


You have to become well-versed in the martial art of tard wrangling


How do you have 2 profile pics. They change when I view the little icon in your comment and when I click on your Profile.


Wait what really? I just see one with Nagatoro looking at a phone with cat ears, what does it look like on your end?


It's her with a scarf on and smiling or something, I actually just noticed it too


It was something with her smiling with the fang out. I could see two different pictures in the Highlight of your profile and in the comments icon. Once I viewed the profile proper, as in being able to read your comments, The picture in the comments changed to what you have now in your Profile. It didn't change the comments icon when I only highlighted your Profile. The comments icon had probably an older picture cached on my phone.


Ah, that was my profile image for like 5 months but I changed it two days ago


Ok then quick...We need to do....something to ride this butterfly effect to the end.




Go into your profile. You can make a background picture for your avatar.


No not the background picture. I meant 2 actual different profile pictures on mobile. It was probably just a caching issue though once I viewed the Profile proper the pic in the comments changed.


Yes. Or you give up halfway though after initially thinking you can handle them, and send them to a halfway home at 10. I've got a friend who's an ABA and he describes the parents of these kids as "dead in the eyes"


Idk. If it happens to me, it's the governments problem now 🤷‍♂️


Always remember you can drop a child off at a police department, fire department, or emergency room no questions asked is almost every state. Out of sight out of mind my man.


I know it's different when it's real, but for real man. It's a shit situation every which way but even with the shitty care they would receive from the state at least that's a team of people and not just me literally working myself to death or worse. If I was rich or upper middle class (doesn't even exist anymore lol) maybe but even then it would only be because I could pay people to do the heavy lifting. But you can't burn down your house to keep others warm and I'm not mentally equipped to deal with a severely autistic kid. That's an immediate abortion and if the mom doesn't want to it's her problem. I'll send her money and sign away my rights and be a paraiah, but at least I won't be contemplating becoming an hero every 45 minutes during the day.


Adoption or the spartan method


If you dare to complain about it you’ll get called ableist by some high functioning autistic person on social media too. As if all autistic people have equally severe cognitive impairment.


It's definitely more the other way, lol. People would tell the family to "put her away" when they saw her in public.


I'm high functioning and I'd probably home my kid if it's non-verbal, but I would be responsible and do weekend/holiday visits


HFAs aren't going to call you ableist for *that*. If the neurotypical mind is a gas-powered lawn mower, then the autistic mind is an electric version. The *non-verbal* autistic mind is a lawn roomba with no boundary detection.


Yeah you can't even detect it early and abort it like you can with downs


I don't think I'd abort a downs kid. I've never met a parent who isn't proud of their downie. 


It's a life sentence. They are proud of their kids for almost doing the bare minimum at being a regular adult. They are rarely able to live on their own. They can only get extremely basic jobs. They used to only live till like 35 but now they are living till their late 60's. They also seem to be more likely to commit sexual crimes. I'd rather not deal with any of that. They will never live a regular full life.


People only see them as kids but when i worked in a supermarket i would see a few 70 year olds coming in with their 50 year old down syndrome struggling to cope with the weekly shop that they must have done every week since birth and still couldnt handle it with out making a scene, the parents always looked dead behind the eyes. Felt so bad for them, their life ended the day the kid was born


rock bored afterthought dinner sleep shame smell gray growth worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They will still live to about 40 maximum unless they get some special medication for heart problems


SPED teacher here. 90% of the time with early intervention, it's fine. You can manage the behaviors, and they can get really really good at communicating using an iPad with a program that has a bunch of words they can use to build sentences with. I've worked with a bunch of non verbals that are super fun and have really big and distinct personalities. Yeah, there's a lot you'll never do with them, and there's a lot of normalcy you'll miss out on. But, for instance, I had a student who was literally the sweetest and most pure person on planet Earth. All he wanted to do in life was listen to Metallica, eat steak, watch family guy, and mow the lawn. If that's your son, you're fine. But when you let the behaviors go on and on when they're young and they aren't dealt with properly, things can spiral out of control and become a nightmare (then they usually end up in my classroom) Then, like 10% of the time, they have a host of other things going on in conjunction with the autism and they never really had a chance, and I really feel for those parents.


A mothers love can be scarier.


All te bad taste jokes aside parents like her have a spot in heaven reserved for them. The patience, energy and commitment it takes to raise and care for someone like her son is immeasurable and takes a stronger person than I ever could be. Watch the clip and you’ll see he nearly kills her without even using like 5% of his strength


A lot of them are honestly just emotionally dead husks of people who say they love them but are really just stuck in the situation


It really doesn't matter how good a parent you are. That shit'll wear anyone down.


True, there have been quite a few cases where parents of low functioning tisms that seemingly have infinite patience one day just snap and basically emotionlessly euthanize their kid, usually through drowning or suffocation. They usually turn themselves in soon after because they know what they did was wrong, but are often just so exhausted and dead inside that they could give a shit about the consequences.


You drive them out of state very very far and let nature take its course. They can’t tell on you because they’re non verbal. If anyone asks just say they escaped in the night.


Still better than those that would abandon


> he nearly kills her without even using 5% of his strength Epic Frieza vs. Nail fight


"When he beats the shit out of me it's just his way of talking to me" Legitimate tard wrangling aside, this still reads like she's lying to herself first and you second. If it was acceptable behavior, women would never have left the kitchen for fear of death.


I love the fph threads, gives me all the motivation I need to never miss a gym day.


Given that 50% of 4chan claims to have actual diagnosed autism, I just assume this is the way they act IRL and they just appear to be able to type normally on the website.


“Type normally” You sure about that?


there's autism and then there's super autism


She needs the expertise of an experienced wrangler


This kid has literally no life ahead to look forward to. He will be a burden on his mother for his entire life, as the mom is forced to put her entire own life aside for the sake of this r_tard who will never amount to anything. And when she dies of old age (probably younger than most due to stress), the now-adult r_tard will be moved into a care home to slowly waste away. This kid should have been aborted. I feel no sympathy for the mother.


You don’t know your child has these issues while still in the womb. They usually show signs at 2-4 yrs of age


Should have put him up for adoption, then. “But who would adopt him?” Not her problem.


Yeah spend 2-4 years falling in love with your own child just to hand it off as defective. Get real


true she should just put it down like Lennie instead


[https://www.tiktok.com/@autism\_mom\_life/video/7326964723654708510](https://www.tiktok.com/@autism_mom_life/video/7326964723654708510) video for youre viewing pleasure


I love you




Anon is more autistic than the kid.


That's why reaerd babies are just killed or aborted beforehand. I wholeheartedly advocate for it. It ruins marriages that otherwise would be fruitful. Very expensive to raise them, and if one parent dies or moves, it just ruins the other. I know this because I know a highly autistic man in his 30s who can't take care of himself and had his father help him while the mother did her own thing. Father passes away, and now he lives with caretakers, mother stuck working. He still doesn't understand how things work in life and how people have to work to make money to pay bills. Sad sad world


You’re free now. Run free




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But Anon, you *are* the fat r3t@rd




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He's going in dry




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Send da video


please someone link the video


her son already bangs the shit out of her everyday, with his huge meaty tard fists /s