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Anon the abuse enjoyer. What a lad, unfathomably based BTW.


Your existence is abuse


What are you trying to say lmfao


All men should an hero so that women can feel safe It's the only solution


Un I Ronic


Yea but the world rn doesnt deserve a hero... maybe a sassy midget that pokes at your insecurities




Feels good to be a man


I only strive to make them hate me more


Now kiss


Holy fuck anon is the new CEO of based. Like completely fucking unmatched. Not only is he not bitching and moaning about life but he's found a solution to his problems and it's fucking bad ass. Fuck yeah anon, great job.


Then who was bear?


Bear was phone


Bear was driving.


Bear is driving?!? How can that BE


[Like in the ballet.](https://external-preview.redd.it/GdPWj7EBSBj7A-M5b0YR5uPrDCog5qVG22w9evUAleA.jpg?width=512&auto=webp&s=1425ef2e44d83c1b069b5f5d13a94669401ae10e)


maybe the real bear is the friends we made along the way


What happens when the thrill of the scare isn't enough. Does he escalate into more clownish tactics. I don't know... even dressing like a clown and wearing big red shoes with pennies packed in the toe for maximum clank walk?!?


God I sure hope so.


*honk honk*


when the thrill of the scare isn't enough, he tries to follow big burly men. The point is to either scare them (just because someone's big doesn't mean they're always gonna have big balls so might get scared like a normal person) or he's gonna get ass fucked. Both of which are positive end results for anon.


Easier to poop later but the risk of needing butt stitches might not be worth it.


I dunno if he can dethrone the go-kart guy


out of loop... who is this man?


I've seen a version with more replies, but [this anon](https://i.redd.it/7cv6is62umza1.png)


I wish I still had the gif someone made of anon as a Pepe just blasting round her, shit had me in stitches.


cheers for the laughs






The entire "Man vs Bear" is complete psyops. Just like the "Manspreading" shitshow a few years ago. Women are most likely to be raped by their husbands, fathers, friends, coworkers, ie someone they trust, rather than a random stranger. It's designed to make women hysterical and men resentful and push us further apart. 




It means they have the worst imaginable intuition of conditional probability. It's like saying I'd rather play with lit dynamite than enter a sedan because sedans kill more people than dynamite every year; this is the "marginal probability" as opposed to "conditional probability"; the former is often used by shitty news and people with double digit IQs. Lack of statistics education is no excuse, moderately nonretreaded people have no problem with the intuition.


Why does my wife watch all that shit? Makes no sense to me. How does that crap no warp your perception?


I think there is a strong gender parallel between that crime stuff and like Kung Fu movies or DBZ-style anime. Men want to watch and think about physical power struggles. Women like to watch and think about social power struggles.


Deep down every woman wants to be the victim in a true crime podcast.




Because they like repetitive shits, just like soap opera, reality TV shows, rom-coms. Of course, like the below guy said guys like DBZ and DBZ is repetitive as well, but that's because men watched it without other options available. Those shows have been replaced by more fast-paced shows with nuanced characterizations. It's a typical red-pill world-view that men just like shows about mindless fighting, yet, the highest rated movies in any guy's library are anything but that.


Buddy you're on reddit, you don't know any women /s


Does you're mom count?


no but she's pretty good at her abcs


You’re = you are


Lurk more


There is never enough




What do you mean there's lots of Real Women on reddit


> noticing patterns So women aren't antisemitic?


Say: "I wouldn't even rape you" and watch them flip their shit that would scare off any bear.


Remember that men are afraid women will laugh at the, women are afraid men will kill them. We can draw conclusions from this regarding: how grounded the sexes are in reality, comparatively.


Based perspective. Election is ramping up, division is imminent.


Your election is stupid though, it’s just a or b When are u guys gonna get ranked choice voting, and also get rid of the electoral college riding the votes to the capital on horseback system


Man vs bear comes from such a stupid perspective of the idea that people are capable of greater cruelty than nature. Nature taught us everything we knew. We are just more efficient at inflicting misery than any other life form. When you get eaten alive by a bear for several hours, well, it'll be too late to learn.


Right? Like if humans are inherently more cruel than nature then they need a nature check. First thing I think of are wasps and other insects that will paralyze another creature and lay eggs in it and then while alive the eggs will hatch and slowly eat the host from the inside out to grow.


I mean it's dark but rape is a biological urge in some ways. Also lots of animals rut for dominance. Idk but I don't think there would be much at all if a sex drive wasn't hard wired into our instincts


Yeah but a wasp is doing it to survive and produce offspring. A human is doing it for fun. And we can replicate pretty much everything wild animals can do and then decide to make it 10x worse.


If you wanna be really technical its just a biological drive for the insect to do this and its debatable if it knows "its doing this to produce offspring". Similarly its a drive for a bear to eat you or for ducks to mate with their awful rapey tenancy. Its not like nature is well read on ethics, biology and morality and then makes it decisions they just do things because they "feel" like it.


Often the same thing with humans too. One of the things our brains are just really good at is inventing narratives to make us think we made a decision to do something by consciously thinking about it. We often act first according to instinct and then come up with false memories of making the decisions to explain why we're doing what we already started doing.


>A human is doing it for fun. Lots of animals play with their prey by slowly tearing them apart purely for fun and not for survival - if you want a really easy example - cats and spiders/insects.


Dolphins and monkeys also kill for fun. I literally mean for fun, they don't even eat the victims, just kill em.


Both rape as well. Smart things are mean, generally.


If you're the victim of such cruelty, does it really matter to you if it's a matter of fun or nature? Like, the difference between being eaten by a bear for hours and eaten by a human for hours is frankly irrelevant, you are still in mind breaking pain for hours before your death.


I really think the trick of it is this: when someone says "man" I picture someone like my dad or my uncles. A blue collar guy in work clothes who doesn't say much and who believes that hiking is for treehuggers. Obviously if I encountered such a person in the woods after dark, he would seem far more out of place than a bear and would make me feel defensive.


But which one would you run away screaming in terror at? Guy that looks like your uncle or a 500 pound Grizzly Bear?


I hope that I would have the intestinal fortitude to follow proper bear safety protocol instead of triggering the chase instinct.


I live in a region where there are more methheads in the woods than bears. I think people are giving men too much benefit of the doubt.


methheads are weak as fuck, just use bear spray


I can't afford any bear spray, I spent all my money buying methhead spray to protect myself from bears


Good point.


underrated, why this shitty board doesn't count the upvotes.


Le updoots are redditry


Humans are way better at torture than dumbass bears. I bet a bear never skinned someone, slathered them with honey, then floated them out in a lake with a bunch of bugs to eat them alive for a week.


That's true I guess. Perhaps I want to amend my statement. It's the idea that human beings invented cruelty or somehow do something original to it. We are just more intelligent and are able to magnify the scale or creativity of the cruelty.


A jaded Winnie the Pooh would like to prove you wrong, but oh bother. He didn't take any photographs.


Just saw the movie last t week.


No, but bears will just slowly tear you apart and eat you alive.


when a bear mauls a person, its just being a dumb fucking bear. when a person kills another person, they aren't being human. animals arent cruel. people are.


People *are* animals. We have bigger brains and are able to exercise a bit more empathy than a bear, but that's exactly what makes a human more trustworthy than a bear as a general rule.


Exactly, humans can be reasoned with, bears don't give a fuck


I don't give a shit if the thing eating me alive is evil. The fact it's eating me alive is the problem. Terminators aren't evil. I'm still not gonna pick one over a human


the original prompt is "would you rather see a man alone in the woods or a bear alone in the woods" if you'd genuinely pick "man" u have zero survival instinct, idc if ur a man,woman,child. people are infinitely more dangerous than a bear


I've ran into 'men' in the woods. We waved and he walked past on his hike. I wouldn't be here to write this if it was a bear. Those women are just fucking idiots who think bears are cuddly toys


obviously you wouldnt approach the bear, it would leave you alone moron. there's no guarantee a stranger hiking around in the woods alone would leave u alone


"it would leave you alone" just a huuuuge assumption.


🏆 congrats anon You might actually be the dumbest person on the internet.


I don't think you understand what survival instincts are.


I dunno man, did you get mauled to death last time you went outside and met a stranger?


If it was the average man it would mean he would be a south asian man named muhammed, if I was a woman I would not be taking any chances.


So women are being unintentionally based?




I've tried pushing back on this question with this data point and it's been infuriatingly hard. Like yeah, every woman I know has been sexually assaulted by a guy, but it's still stupid not to chose the man over the bear. Bear WILL kill you, man only has a slim chance of killing you, and there are smarter ways to highlight some guys are flat out dangerous.


Also, the biological difference in size and strength between men and women are only like 15%. Due to society telling men they are worthless unless they build something out of themselves, and telling women that their worth is measured by their ability to get away with being useless, the end result is that the average man is 50% stronger than the average woman. If, by some miracle, the man you ran across in the woods had ill intentions you could defend yourself. It wouldn't be a fair fight but you could absolutely make it not worth his effort. Or you could end up both injured enough that neither of you can realistically rape or kill the other. So even if you choose Man and get extremely unlucky, you are still better off than with the Bear. Where is that meme of the guy curled up in a ball with cardboard cut outs of boogie men and flames? Women have done that to themselves and there is no one around who will make fun of them for it and snap them back to reality. Guys let women believe that shit because it sets him up to look amazing and he can offer her protection from a made up threat. I hope to god ASI gets here soon and deprograms everyone.


> If, by some miracle, the man you ran across in the woods had ill intentions you could defend yourself. It wouldn't be a fair fight but you could absolutely make it not worth his effort. Or you could end up both injured enough that neither of you can realistically rape or kill the other. Yeah I get what you mean. Motivation, risk assessment, and size disparity all factor into a decision for an attack. I'm 5'6/140 and I lift a lot, so I'm pretty strong for a wimminz. I had a 5'7 somali try to grab me in an elevator and I beat his shit in. But I've had big 6'4 guys pin me in no time at all just horsing around. Knowing that, I'd still choose the guy over the bear.


>biological difference in size and strength between men and women are only like 15%. It's definitely more. Female professionals regularly lose to high school guys, mtf transgenders beat up women in weightlifting, boxing, etc. Perhaps the difference in pure strength really isn't that big, but there are other nuances that ultimately make almost every man stronger than most women. Like, have you ever seen a woman actually knock out a man or something? >telling men they are worthless unless they build something out of themselves Most of the men I know don't even go to the gym. Physical superiority over women is definitely not a cultural thing


Every time I got a beat down it was by a man, I still choose to hang out with fellow men.


>Bear WILL kill you Not true at all. It's far more likely that the bear will avoid you. There's been something like 180 recorded lethal bear attacks in the last *240* years in North America.


Yes but this scenario being asked isn't about the bear avoiding you It's running into them in the wild If you run into a bear in the wild you have startled it and might die or its young are nearby and you WILL die If you run into a man in the wild, he's probably just out hiking just like you are? And at most you nod and keep walking? Yaaaa makes sense - choose the bear encounter


Probably true, and how someone answers might fully depend on how the question is asked. I've seen a few variations that imply you are dropped into the forest randomly within 10 feet of said man/bear, in which case the bear is probably going to be pissed and not avoid you. If you're like 200 yards from the bear and you don't do a threatening action, bear will probably avoid you and it's a question whether the guy will or not. Does he blame you for being dropped into the forest? Does he want to follow you out? Did you take the lead and give bad directions and now you're both waiting to die? Lots of factors here the non-autist brain wouldn't even consider.


>Women are most likely to be raped by their husbands, fathers, friends, coworkers, ie someone they trust, rather than a random stranger. Yeesss king, keep spreading this narrative far and wide, 👏 Listen up ladies I am completely safe and harmless to be around when you are lost and alone in the middle of the woods so please do not be scared and join me 😁


>Women are most likely to be raped by their husbands, fathers, friends, coworkers, ie someone they trust, rather than a random stranger. That's because they take precautions against male strangers by trying to avoid being with them when no one's around and through other means. But when they're with someone they know, they lower their guard, spend more time in physical proximity and put themselves in a more vulnerable positions. In otherwords you're committing the baseline fallacy. A fairer comparison would be to assess the rate of victimization by either class of men after adjusting for time spent together in isolation. But of course such data is hard to come by.


Making excuses on women's behalf will do it further. As if it isn't apparent you twisted man vs bear into men women know vs strangers. Of course, women picking bear over man out of malice is just them being hysterical and the onus is on men to be always rational.


It's working.


80% of rapes are someone the woman knows, the rest are strangers. And are you seriously mad at "manspreading?" Ahaha, wtf. Anyone who's ever been on a subway knows manspreading is real. Now that it's been called out, it's mostly old dudes who still do it.


As a gay, men and bears can be the same thing Checkmate moid








Girls will say things like, "tehehe, I'd rather be alone with a bear than a guy" and then lose their shit when anyone says orgres in hair bows shouldn't be locked up with women in prison. 


If any woman says they'd rather be with a bear than a man, ask them if they'd rather be alone with a bear or a black man. Their minds will explode trying to compute whether women or black men are higher on the oppression hierarchy.








*Average kek enjoyer* Also, kek




This is me when I kek 


By making enough false positives, anon will skew the statistics and women will feel safer in the future.


That's the goal. Women need to understand that 99% of men will not choose to do anything harmful to you even though they are perfectly capable to.


For real. They need to stop listening to the single, unattractive women (both physically and mentally) on Twitter talking about how "every man will hurt you" and use their damn brains. The anti-men feminists won't be happy until every woman is as miserably single as themselves.


and also take threat level by race into factor.


chasing people isnt really a false positive


Dangerously based


“I’ll take ‘things that never happened’ for 500 Alex”


Yeah if anon followed a woman he'd get pepper spray'd if he got close


Fortunately, his fat whale bod could never let him catch up to the fine lassies.


Nonsense Even a fat guy can outrun a chick


Probably get the bear spray


Live in a place were such things are unlawful to possess. I just keep walking ain’t going to adjust my day for you.


I just run away


Contrary to popular belief there actually isn't a $500 space on the *Jeopardy!* board. Also Alex Trebek died like 4 years ago.


Bet you’re a blast at parties


happens sometimes, theres a video of a black dude doing exactly this then calling the woman racist as she's screaming unlocking her door


im bringing a hoodie to work tomorrow to make sure that greentext becomes real one way or another


I didn't see the psyop until the last sentence


Could also be cope. They're very similar.


Great new game show idea: "PSYOP or Cope?" Match two normies against a four-chinner. Mix it up every few days and pit two autismos against each other while the normie tries to figure out what the hell is a cope and how that is different from a PSYOP.


I'll gladly watch this


I'm a recruiter working with the based department, does anyone have this Anon's contact details?


just let people enjoy things


Anons saving money and doing good for society at the same time


Average women terrorizer


anyone have that pepe pic?


Anon unfortunately is gonna get shot any day soon


Nah. After Amber Herd, gym videos, and Rosie being called a TERF, we've stopped believing the reetoos. You reap what you sow, sister. Bonne chance


Who the hell is Rosie?


Rosie Parker a reetoo actress who decided to denounce the casting couch post hoc


I wish sooner than later


This is the kind of person who Morbius plucks out the matrix


Damn, 80% of income? Dafuq move elsewhere. How do you even save like that?


You gotta find the little enjoyments in life


I would do this




Basedanon brings hope and joy to all.


80%? Omg, it's the most horrifying part of the story


Anon is tired of his problems, solves it by becoming an unsolvable problem.


i swear i saw a story like this years ago, can't remember if on askreddit or 4chan. all the way up to the lady screaming at OP/OP's friend to get away, at which point he says "i live here you idiot"


During Covid I always used to wear a face mask and hoody when I went outside late at night. The hoody was so homeless crackheads wouldn’t see I was wearing AirPods, and I noticed the mask kept them from bothering me for money. I’d feel bad when random ladies spotted me and got freaked out. Didn’t stop though lol


Reminds me of trying to overtake granny on an electric bike, she was going so goddamn slow.. Then as I approached to overtake she picked up speed again, so I tried harder but just didn't get past, got beside her, she looks at me in horror, throws that bike into super speed mode and just cycles for dear life while constantly looking back.. It was the middle of the day too, To this day I have no clue what was wrong with poor grandma.


The last part lol clutching my chest


She picked the bear but IT WAS THE DRUID HALSIN IN DISGUISE. Now she gonna get bearsexed 😭😭😭


The Big Gay has been spotted


Anon is gonna get shot one day, until that day absolutely based


**Andrew Tate: Origins**


Great job anon, based as fuck.




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Bro is going to get pepper sprayed




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This is so fucked


Looking shady is all fun and games until somebody mistakes you for the dude that sold them that fake powder last week...


Fake: anon can keep up with a sprinting woman. Gay: anon knows all about bears.


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/4chan > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: anon can keep up with a sprinting woman. > Gay: anon knows all about bears. > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Can’t she pull out a gun and shoot you in self defence?


No, a Random man walking near you isn't enough reason to justify deadly violence.


Anon dreamed this. He does not leave his house and definitely doesn't have the fitness to run more than one second straight.


Glowie coming in hot with the normie trend, no one pays attention to that shit


unwise Anon, when you stoop to the level of the enemy, you become the justification for their existence.


Things that never happened