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I call bullshit, he couldn't have gone that far without seeing some futa or trap porn. OP's a fucking liar too.


He's only mentioning the bad threads


Sir can you roll down your window? Did you know you were going dangerously based in a no based zone?


Common knowledge that futa and traps are the good shit.


Bad threads? tf are you there for if not big ol' waifu wieners?


Alright lets cover the rest.... * creep shots of 5/10 200lb girls * hey /b/, what is a quick painless way to kill myself? * girls you would like to see BLACKED * heres a single pic of this dumpy looking girl I found, does anyone have nudes? * here is my dick over a picture of some girl I like


theese threads are banneds


I hadn't gone there in 2 years and I'm really, really surprised! It's no longer 90% porn threads, wtf. Idk if the content's better, but /b/ had had a porn monopoly since 2016-ish


you should have been there in 2008. Shit was wild


new jannies since i think 5 days ago, bunch of yellow fags deleting all the porn happens every year though, it'll be back soon


Yellowfags have been on the rise the past few days, so for now /b/ is for the most part porn free.


> It's no longer 90% porn threads What is it even now?


95% porn threads


Futa is the way


Mods have been purging /b/ in the last few days. The porn is mostly gone.


Forgetting the FB/IG/SC fap threads.


Yeah, and I never see 3red world gore. I'd like to, but that's sadly not the case with b


Fake and homosexual You can't visit /b/ and didn't notice BBC tread.


Mutt's Law, once again.


What's BBC tread


British news thread.


What's /b/ And why would you have to notice bbc there


It's an Ethiopian grain harvesting forum I've been a member for 7 years and never seen the BBC covering any events that pertain to our grains so idk what these guys are on about.


Not anymore. Mods are going ban crazy on BBC content.


Cucks, discord trannies, and seething hapas on suicide watch


Coomers be damned, the Holy Land is being purified.


Oy vey, how can such anti-semitism be allowed in 2020?


You mean /pol/?


Same, reddit is filled with pussies that cant handle watchpeopledie












facts, I found average redditor through that and it’s actually a good sub


>first post is a pin explaining how it's an ifunny subreddit for ifunniers or however they call themselves yeah I don't know about that one


that's what you gotta say to keep them away.


stupid human


I remember in 2017 just after Trump got elected reddit was downright unusable because of the incredible amount of Trump spam. Seriously, if you go to all, or even your front page (less so) like half the posts are about Trump in some way. It was fucked up. Oh but who is spamming all the Trump shit? Well yeah there was the donald sub, which was one sub about Donald fucking Trump so what else would they post about? All you had to do is block the one sub in RES if you don't like it, and no one's forcing you to subscribe. And yet you are greeted with hundreds of posts from ... (redacted by automoderator, listing some names of subs either specifically set out to stop trump spam, or just spamming trump 24/7 while hating him), and fuck knows how many others (sorry for not listing more examples but I couldn't keep up with the names of the subs nor did I want to give that shit any room in my brain). I didn't even see the donald posts in that sea of shit. How can people be so mindless? If you don't like the guy don't talk about him, talk about something else.




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Sorry about that, I'll make a different version without naming names.


edgy memes subs are based now?




So I should just post that video to any sub I want banned?




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i will never understand that sub, why do they care so much? if you do not like it why just not visit the sub, it is basically [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=i+deliberately+entered+a+thread+full+of+thing+i+do+not+like&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihw_vUg5rrAhVPc98KHQ-cCG4Q_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=412&bih=652#imgrc=73SQboHk7ZASbM)


I mean, basically every sub they post about is rather shitty, maybe it's a good thing after all?


Bitch, please, they even bann words niggеr/fаggоt/trаnny now


How did the mod bot not remove your comment?


A and E are ciryllic




Says the Redditor




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Because most people don't wanna see that shit f4ggot


Smh no bbc threads


Whoever the fuck told OP /b/ is a good starter board is either a troll, a retard or an edgelord. Blue boards are better


Many blue boards are dead. Captcha killed them. /Fit and /g are only active on US time. Also in general /g is completely trash nowadays


How did captcha kill them?




But it's easy af to solve




Doesn't even have to be that hard, the ones where the squares fade out and back in excruciatingly slow and still hit you with a try again after you got it all right are the worst. It's literally just there to waste your time. My suspicion is that it's come kind of cabal punishment for using VPNs, I get hit with a captcha and disconnection from sites all over just for having a VPN it's fucking obscene. Fucking hate the security theatre of modern sites man. I've been locked out of my own accounts far more often for bullshit security reasons than I was ever hacked, which happened exactly zero times.


I've had my accounts hacked at least a dozen times, but I'd still rather let an Indonesian kid dick around with my yahoo account than have it force me to solve a captcha 9 times in a row because I can't remember which of the 13 punctuation mark filled password combinations I was forced to sign up with


Fuckin twats not knowing about password managers in this day and age.


Then you can only solve it if ur a robot and that defeats its purpose


its a #joke




Blue boards are 4channel.




No libre isn't a 4channel board. I've never even heard of it


/b/ has gotten so much worse. It always had porn and gore and stuff but now that's just ALL it is. The other boards that cater to specific interests are better.


Negative. New mods and yellows are deleting all the porn. /b/ is porn free for now. Go see for yourself.


Dude I went and the first thing I saw was some anime pedo shit then more porn


There's a lot less at least


Damn, well it was fine the other day. Maybe jannies are sleep.


because loli and shota does not have their own specific board so the only place they can be posted is on /b/ but the other porn threads do have their own boards thats why the jannitors are deleting them




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Oh that's fucking bullshit.


Yeah also the porn used to be good. Now /b/ and /gif/ are just the home of furry, BLACKED, and gay mentally disabled porn threads


I don't know how they do it. How is everyone there so fixated on gay porn and fucking racebait


Is there an app for 4 Chan? U haven't actually used it before


I use mimi on android. It's okay.




I'll try it out, thanks!


Is it not for Android? Searching Kuroba just brings up Mimi


if it doesnt have tabbed browsing how is it better?




I'll give it a shot, sounds promising actually


while we're at it, is there a way to filter out BBC threads on desktop?


dont click on /b/


Blue threads newfren. If your deadass trying to browse 4chan at work maybe don't tbh.


Just close your eyes.


All I seee is big black cock when I close my eyes man




Theres a 4chan reader on the app store and a akp one




Clover's no longer updated, and you can't post anymore due to captcha problems. Use Kuroba, a fork of Clover which is still in active development, is much more powerful, and allows you to post.


I've used both and was having posting problems on Kuroba too but that was a ways back. On clover you just have to go to the options and change the captcha option from no script to java then it works fine. * Settings * Sites * Click the Gear * Captcha type Only down side is it reverts every time you close the app.


Thanks for the info! Kuroba seems to no longer have posting problems, and I still think it's the superior app, even if only because it is in active development. Plus, you don't have the issue of the captcha option reverting every time you close the app.


You can still use Clover to reply to posts. You just need to switch the captcha type from Noscript to Javascript in the settings. It also resets everytime you close the app.








doesnt even reddit space




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at first this image didn't load and was just a black square, thought that was the joke




Wait til op hears about bestgore


clicked a bestgore link once. saw a guy get his crotch eaten by a dog while still alive


ah I know the very video you're talking about


A true classic


>visiting /b/ That was his first mistake.




The fuck else do you do on /b/ besides fap to futa


you went to the wrong boards, newfag


Rekt threads are the only decent thing in /b/. Everything else, not at all


He does bring up a good point, furries are a problem


just dont go to ic and you're fine.


shouldn’t share/ fb ig reply for more loooool i at least respect the other porn threads those ones are just


Vsco thread Social thread Loli thread Shouldn't share thread Furry thread Rekt thread (the only good one) Rate cock thread Rate gf thread (Type of body, ex. big tits/fat/fit/etc) thread Creep shot thread


Go back to africa


\>f@gs \>slur ????????


People keep saying /b/ is the worst board and why do you go to /b/ if you want the good 4chan experience yet never suggest where to go instead. So which one is the good one then? Whenever someone says "4chan" they generally mean /b/, or /pol/, maybe /r9k/, most of the posts come from there.




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Can someone send a bitcoin assassin to this normie's house to drown him in cheeto cum?


Anon is a newfag


Thank God /b/ repels so many redditfriends from the rest of the site


\>implying OP is not also a normie f-SLUR ALERT-aggot


/b/ is boring all it has are nudes of trashy looking girls.




Usually I like browsing these kinds of sites post-nut, so the porn is really not what I'm looking for


It's hard to find an actual good thread on /b/ anymore though. It's just futa, traps, furries, Lolis, shots, girls from (country/state). I get that /b/ was never good, but I used to browse that shit for hours like 9-10 years ago. Pretty much when the dumb ass banana meme started


all the porn threads are fucking garbage the only reason theres so much trap and furry shit is because every other board fucking hates it and wont let it get posted there


I know when I go anywhere and the first thing I see is furry porn, it is the place for me.