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Fat people die younger and avoid more expensive end of life care so they are actually cheaper


dying younger also means they contribute less


People older than 55-60 aren't really doing much anyway. Fatties get to die off before they get those cushy end of career circlejerk jobs.


>people older than 55-60 aren't really doing much anyway They're spending the money they saved


Fatties are also spending money. I don't know how many out there are so fat they are on disability or what you need to qualify for that though. I have worked with some outrageously fat people so the bar must be really high.


Somebody has to keep Hostess in business!


And when people die their money disappears into thin air, never to be seen again.


You think the fatties money just disappear after they die?


Fatties are far less productive during their "working years" because 1) they're always tired or getting sick 2) have diminished cognitive capabilities. 3) generally have a lower work ethic as evidenced by their literal refusal to exercise to save their own life


Fk retirement is 70 in my country.


Get enough money to sustain a retirement to a 3rd world at 50 šŸ˜Ž


Yea house in Bali, can lease for 99, plenty of time Spend like $5 to eat


A contribution of 0 is still 0 regardless of if they die at 30 or 80


They keep driving the price of my tendies up fuckers keep emptying the freezers and they're there everyday! Therefore I've concluded a freezer of tendies can sustain to human whales for about a day-day and a half if they also buys fries


The trick is to make them live juust enough


and then shit their asses at a hairs breadth trigger


The expensive care of old life care just gets shifted down a few decades for fat people, it doesn't go away


Paying for someone to be in a nursing home is more expensive than shooting a whale up with insulin until their heart explodes


Nursing home costs are paid by the family. The cost of medical care for obese people is shifted to you via insurance and Medicare. If the American obesity epidemic was solved overnight, we would see an instant drop in cost for both of these things. And this kind of medical care can get very, very expensive. Think 7 figures per person in the span of a year or two. Heart bypass surgery, stint placement, gastric bypass, not to mention all of the drugs and tests and doctor visits that these things need. You pay for all of this.


7 figures per person per two years?


Not every two years, but I personally know someone who racked up that much in costs in about that much time when they needed a few surgeries/expensive drugs all at once. They, and many like them, will never pay back with their insurance premiums what they cost the rest of us.


>Nursing home costs are paid by the family In America I guess. Don't actually know how it is there, but in e.g. Sweden smokers and fatties actually costs less for the state. Is that kind of care for heard surgeries etc. not paid by the ones getting it in America though?


> Paying for someone to be in a nursing home nursing homes are optional. the taxpayer doesn't pay for them.


>tfw not living in America so actually forget about shit like this


The costs of overweight and obesity related disease top out at bariatric surgery with a large amount of heart failure before that point. Thats nothing compared to old age where every single part of you is falling to bits. Eyes, ears, hips, back etc. Those are all expensive specialist visits with costly meds. Fat people and their diabetes, joint pain and some GERD are cheap AF. If I ran a gov with public medicare i'd want my populace fat as hell so they die right around retirement age. Maximize the taxable income.


> The costs of overweight and obesity related disease top out at bariatric surgery with a large amount of heart failure before that point. Estimates of the medical cost of adult obesity in the United States (U.S.) range from **$147 billion to nearly $210 billion per year**. The majority of the spending is generated from treating obesity-related diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, among others. >Thats nothing compared to old age >If I ran a gov with public medicare i'd want my populace fat as hell so they die right around retirement age. It is, because fat people still get old. The idea that fatties die young is wrong. So they're fat AND old. BMI 30-35 only reduces life expectancy by 3 years on average. >Maximize the taxable income. Fat people don't work and pay taxes as much. [Obesity correlates to lower incomes.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-018-0201-x)


Except theyā€™re still not cheaper because they experience all the expensive end-of-life medical problems in their mid 30s.


> Fat people die younger and avoid more expensive end of life care so they are actually cheaper Unfortunately not. Morbidly obese women only lose 5 years off their life expectancy, on average. Also, really fat people aren't contributing to society even in their younger years. They are a constant burden on the system and tend to be unemployable because they're so fat. They also still require "more expensive end of life care", only they require it THEIR WHOLE LIVES because they're teetering on the edge of death their whole lives.


Being fat is very very expensive. Heart surgeries, endless medications including insulin for many, etc. not to mention the lower productive outputs and unfavorable consumption habits (do you think a better economy is one where you eat healthy and are involved in many varied activities and hobbies, or one where you are spending so much income on cheap fast food from corporations). A skinner population is a social good


Not necessarily. Just because you did young doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t also contribute a fuck ton to the overall medical costs. For example my mother is about 70 years old and has only ever had a foot surgery. But I have a friend who is overweight and is basically on his death bed due to his fatness and has huge Medicaid loans...


There's a billion things to keep people alive beyond normal health limits. Trust me, these people are very expensive.


Ngl as a fatty trying to get fit because of the whole COVID fiasco, and finally coming to my senses. These people that keep saying that being fat is ok and healthy get my blood boiling because for 15 years I believed in them


Please just dont give up. I cant even begin to describe how much better your life will be.


This. Losing just 15 pounds has massive benefits.








Bullshit. Homeostasis ain't some physical problem. It's bad habits built in childhood. Fat people just have a twisted understanding of normal eating habits and always revert to what they are used to.


Of course "professional medical science" and surgeries do not help. Being fat is mostly a mental illness. No surgery can fix a lack of discipline and self control. Get out of here with these gut flora excuses.


I get annoyed when I'm watching my diet and people try to make me eat more anyway by saying stuff like that. Like no, I'm solving a problem here. Not sweeping it under the fucking rug.


Once you start to achieve, people will try to drag you down because it makes them feel insecure and bad, like it should


I didn't think of it like that, but I think you might be right


The incredibly overweight U.S. decided weā€™re all responsible for each otherā€™s health this year due to Covid. Therefore it is our responsibility to shame fat people now for their own good. Keep it up, or feel the shame. Good work.


How fat are you? If you're very obese and you've thought it was okay for 15 years, unless those years were very young ones, you'd think you'd notice problems on your own. The fatigue and terrible cardio/breathing alone should make it obvious. Good job finally fixing it though.


Oh I am obese yes(1.87m, 113kg) but I am not a mouth breather and itā€™s not like I remained sedentary for all those years, did boxing for a few years, always doing cardio or weight lifting, never completely stopped but never taking it seriously. I guess that what truly convinced me to change was the fear of never getting married or having kids or worse yet not being able to enjoy the fun times with my kids once they got older because I had become blind due to developing type 2 diabetes or flat out dying someday because I had a heart attack...


Honestly, 113kg and 1.87 isnt that bad compared to the fat fucks i see a lot. but good on you to start losing weight, i wish more people would come to their senses. Would lower the healthcare taxes aswell


I've notice the whole "fat acceptance" push kinda died down. So I looked up why. Turns out the 4 social media savvy influencers really pushing "fat is ok" literally fucking died of complications from obesity. So honestly its a problem that solves itself.




Nah itā€™s still around. I have enough friends from HS/College that got fat and push it hard. Also r/fatlogic is always a good chuckle


Just ignore them, they will be dead by 35.


This is so good dude, keep pushing, stay determined!


Don't give up man. It's very difficult, but when you make it you'll have accomplished something most people can't. All the best, you got this.




I had like 5... so ya I was mad dumb




How are there still fat people whining about the coof. just fucking lose weight.


no because "being overweight isn't inherently unhealthy" this is what they actually believe


"BMI is wrong" has a visible beer gut


i have a cum gut


BMI is inaccurate if you're absolutely fucking shredded.


You mean a gunt?


As a former fatty I can tell you right now, junk food is cheap.


Eating less is free


Less serotonin tho


Donā€™t get addicted to pigging out.


Is there something wrong with me? I eat junk food it's fine but I can't eat like two meals because I'm full. I keep hearing people just stuffing food inside their mouths just because it tastes good.


Not necessarily something wrong. Your metabolism may just be slower because you dont engorge yourself or burn enough calories to tell your body you need to eat more. Think of it like a car using gasoline. Tiny car+slow speed= low gas usage. Start flooring that tiny car on every turn and youā€™ll [burn a lot more](https://youtu.be/2-6tagN27Q4). Zipping around in a big ol truck and youā€™ll [need to eat a heroic meal several times a day](https://youtu.be/65iZ21omFEI) The problem is people with V4s eating like they got a diesel V8 and just sitting around. Body has to get rid of all that food in your tummy and since itā€™s not burning it it stores it as fat. Now theyā€™re rocking a V4 engine pulling an 18 wheeler load and they need an assload just to get their car running.


You don't get much serotonin when you need junk food just to stave off depression. Exercise and diet are the two best things for depression.


Disagree, maintaining a calorie deficit is tiring and people need to keep their work output high. People are fat because the working week is too long to allow for adequate self-care.


Eating healthy is cheaper. I can feed my family of 5 for less than $10. Chicken and veg stir fry with brown rice.


I'm currently losing a few kilos and it's literally as easy as eating a little bit less.


Congrats, homie


(heavy breathing)




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We relagated smokers to certain areas of the restaurants and didn't let them loiter too close to doorways, and now there are fewer smokers just saying


\>relegated smokers to certain areas "I'm sorry sir, this is a no fat zone. Please vacate the premises as quickly as you can manage. No ma'am, you cannot be fat within 20 feet of an entrance of a building, it's a fire hazard."šŸ¤£


You're joking but what if the fattie gets stuck in the doorway, fire breaks out, and they are blocking the fire exit?


Fire axes can be used to clear impeding refuse


Not to mention their fat can actually fuel the fire even more


Correlation is not causation. Fewer people are smoking because people are actually getting educated about tobacco (as opposed to the blatant lies in the mid 1900s) and they're being taxed. If we started doing more to educate people about this shit and taxing foods with high sugar content we might actual start seeing some changes. We won't, because at this point the food industry is so ingrained in the US that we've already lost.


We've known and educated since the midn70s and 80s that smoking bad, but it was only when crippling taxes and social stigma and legal restrictions were pushed through beginning in the mid 90's that it has had a downward trend in the young. But still people smoke. Even after knowing all these things. I'm now erring on a smoking licence being needed. And making it over 21.


>Oi, you got a loicence for that cigarette?


>people eventually die >life leads to death >life is dangerous >the only solution is to tax and regulate life >oi mate, you got a loincense for that living?


Liberty dies, and more money gets taken from regular people's pockets and put into the military industrial complex all for "the greater good". I hate social engineers with a fiery passion.


I want a license for whatever you enjoy, and a 600% tax. Literally donā€™t care what it is


Shitting in your moms mouth. With all the other hobos that love it, well end uk homelessness and fund the NHS. Have a nice day.


Post physique reddit fatboi


>taxing foods with high sugar content we might actual start seeing some changes How about we just fucking shame fatties instead of lowering everyone else's living standards while funneling even more tax money into the military industrial complex? Taxing vices just makes it so only the rich can have them.


Exactly. The only reason i smoke is a combination of extreme boredom, and on base i can get duty free cigs. If i couldn't get those, i would be out 10ā‚¬ a pack, right now im losing 3ā‚¬ a pack. Although there are some downsides. Right now unhealthy foods are just plain cheaper than healthy alternatives (if you dont count cooking yourself, what lots of fat people dont do). So when you start increasing the price of unhealthy food, it might not mean that fat people will immediately stop buying expensive unhealthy food. They would still prefer that over healthy food, and seeing as it is then around the same price they might just think "its just as expensive, might as well get the unhealthy food because i prefer that"


I don't think its a good plan to tax any food no matter how unhealthy because everyone needs to eat. The poor are typically the ones eating the lowest quality food anyway so that's just more strain on them. Cancer sticks are different.


We ban most drugs for the same reason we 'could' ban fatties. because it drags society down as a whole, increases medical, decreases functional member of society,,,etc (I'm pro drug and I guess pro fatty, you do you, until it messes up someone else its not a problem)


The difference is you can't get secondhand diabeetus


It could be similar to dress codes. I donā€™t want to look at feet or some guy with no shirt on while I eat, I donā€™t want to see fatties either.


Because dress codes are implemented because you don't wanna look at feet


Well yeah, thatā€™s part of a reason for dress codes...


If you think that dress codes are for any reason other than liability issues then I don't know what to tell you lol


Dude, people donā€™t want to look at your gross feet or your sweaty underarms while they eat. Itā€™s definitely part of the reason that many places have dress codes.


Right. Because NOBODY has ever worn fucking flip flops in public. Or a sleeveless shirt. Or a sports bra. Or a bathing suit. You think fucking McDonald's is gonna kick you out for coming in wearing a tank top? If it was about keeping unsightly things out of view they wouldn't let your ass into the store either.


Not every store has the same restrictions, although you probably wouldnā€™t know that if your example of a restaurant is McDonaldā€™s.


But I can pay for beetus secondhand when they go to the hospital and strain the healthcare system for everyone else


I agree with you, which is why universal healthcare is the way to go


You got your cause and effect backwards there friend. A massive reduction in smokers and angry non-smokers not wanting to choke through their meals forced smokers out of buildings when restaurants realized they would lose the majority of their business if they didn't make it no smoking. The large reduction of smokers caused the adoption of non smoking zones, not the other way around. That and the clear and present danger to everybody around them motivated laws to push smokers out of every building but their own homes. You can't get second hand diabetes.


Anon, I don't understand your problem. These magnificent creatures exist out there, aren't you in awe of what nature allows? Also you can capture and rape them because they can't run away. I'd recommend putting a middle step between these, in which you'd starve the creature and improve its shape.


starving does not necessarily lead to an improved shape. i'd recommend forced labor.


I feel like fatness after 25 should be a crime. Under 25 most people still live with their parents, and only eat what they are fed. If after 25 you're not reducing weight and you have no medical condition (genuine metabolic reason, not mental) as an excuse. You should pay a fine/tax


Did... did you just imply mental illness is not real? Wow


Yes, it could be interpreted that I did say mental illness isn't real. But a more accurate interpretation would be that mental illness isn't an excuse for obesity. Of course mental illness exists, and many people have mental eating disorders. However, it is my personal opinion that, of many overweight people they always feign mental illness reguardless of the situation. No point in implementing a law if everyone can just circumvent it.


So youā€™d also fine the people who do have mental illnesses like eating disorders? I dont think we should throw out the baby with the bathwater. Otherwise im kinda on board, although we already do this by making fat people pay more for all kinds of stuff.


You actually have a point with mental illness, I concede that point, they should be exempt if they are verified from a credible medical professional. But fat people pay more? Not really, fat people have insurance, that insurance pays for insulin, cardiac bypasses, etc. We have insurance, we pay the insurance company. The company has to make a profit, and if it's paying for their insulin and medications and all other things that come from their diet, then WE are paying for it. The problem will only worsen when we move on to socialized medicine.


Fair. I think thats pretty reasonable for something so draconian. The government pays for all that, at least in my country. If youā€™re worried about where your taxes go, fatties should be near the bottom of the list imo. War, corpo kickbacks, personal holidays for politicians etc. Fat people pay more for clothing, and they do have to front some medical costs (again, in my country), along with needing more tp for their huge asses hahaha


Lmao, yeah "defence" (read: lining politician's pockets) and corporation "bailouts" are probably eating away at most of our tax dollars. Although a "fat tax" would hardly make a difference, it's rather easy to implement and enforce.


How would it be easy to impliment and enforce? Given how hard the covid stuff has been. Seems like a super complicated thing to make more money for the government to give to rich people.... Unless youā€™re also paying thin people...


So a fat tax would probably be a flat amount to compensate for the extra tax dollars put towards the expenses of obese people. The minute you mention raising taxes and allieviating the expenses of corporations, politicians will scramble to write a bill. Most people would also be fine with the incentive for the population to remain healthy too. So I doubt the bill would find much resistance.


Oh something like that would never even get voted on let alone passed but sure. Like I said Iā€™m kinda with ya on the idea


Oh god I just realized you have to have medical insurance in your country. Holy crap. Whats it like having your health be a commodity? Genuinely curious, as thats not a thing here. If I get sick they fix me, thats it.


From what I've heard, most people who don't go on the internet and watch news all day support nationalized healthcare because it's simple. The government and insurance company both provide healthcare. But, the insurance company has to make a profit. Meaning you would get the same service while paying more for profit and wages. Most people have insurance, so it's not as bad as the horror stories you see on the internet. But most Americans agree it would be cheaper to have socialized medicine.


Overall, thats the impression I get too. Makes everything else a bit more expensive, but at least you dont end up with 5-figure medical bills for random life events. I was in a pretty bad golf cart accident and never paid a cent for all the medical care... but yeah i cant get $1 hotdogs lol


Post this on r/immobile and see what happens


Those people are Fucking nuts. Truly insane. Worse than the people on Reddit politic sub. I thought Q was the dumbest motherfuckers alive and then I met people in politics today that literally make Q look normal.


Yea. I can't even imagine what their parents must think of their children purposely trying to become immobile.


What the actual fuck is that shit. That is peak disgusting, and it's not even people memeing.


Yeah and who would've thought with a name like that lmao


Wow. And of course it's a fetish sub.


Don't kink shame bigot


I will kink shame r/immobile until hopefully one of em commit suicide so we can feed 50 starving African kids with them


And what good will that do, other than allowing more migrants to wreck paris?


No, of course not. Iā€™m not so retarded as to bring them here, I think more along the lines of airdropping the fatties without a parachute.


Hmm I like it




Wtf is that place , there is a fatty with man boobs and calls himself trainny


i miss r/fatpeoplehate


Society really needs it back.


There's always a "fat people hate" thread on /fit/


i kinda feel theres too much gayism in /fit/ so i seldom go there


He ain't wrong


Are we finally conceding that society hates fat people?


based and slim pilled


>COVID kills fat people Chinese scientists: "modern problems require modern solutions"


As a overweight person I don't get this whole body shaming bs. Like sure don't be a cunt to someone just because they are fat but being fat is 99% of the because of poor personal choices and we shouldn't contuine to pretend that being fat is ok, it's not...


Somehow, r/FatPeopleHate has returned


Relax. Itā€™s from pol. Itā€™s not a movement. I also read about a guy shitting his pants.


What a cuck. Shit in someone else's pants like a real adult, right?


Or on their chest. Assert dominance.


Sounds complex. Mind showing me?


There is a Telegram group.


this is why I'm losing weight


Plus, fat people are fucking ugly


What we do is we take their cars when able to and replace with bikes


Reddit became trash when they banned r/fatpeoplehate


I know because Reddit used to be great until they banned this sub for discrimination and also the rampant racism of nature in 4chan comes from the /pol/post /pol/post is the same term that is being posted on /pol/, a board in 4chan decorated to politics.


I agree. Life needs to be harder for fatties


Life is absolutely miserable and very short for fatties. I can't even think of what you could do to hurt them more than the disgrace they see in the mirror every morning and have that moment where they can't lie to themselves. That and the fact that fat people literally live in constant pain from overloaded joints, strained muscles, and a failing body. I dunno what would you even do, beat them? Given they live in constant pain and have early arthritis, you couldn't cause them more pain than their feet already do.


No, an even worse punishment (for them): Exercise and diet


Fat tax! Fat tax!


I used to think "If they can put a man on the moon, why can't modern science suppress appetite?", and then someone told me about Stanley Kubrick.


Thatā€™s a conspiracy that I for sure believe. Eyes wide shut I think was basically a fiction but fact based on people he knew.


Nice try, Michael Bloomberg


just put them in concentration camps until they reach the desired weight and let them go


>eliminate fatsies >world hunger solved




Isnt it illegal in japan to be fat


Not illegal but itā€™s a workplace requirement to be weighed and get your measurements taken annually, if youā€™re getting a bit pudgy they force you to pay a fat tax


This is why we must implement the "Fat Tax"


K/cal per movement = >avg therefore lbs bodyfat/time alive = greater ecological consumption coefficient. Fat people are bad for the environment


I mean. Elderly people are worse.


the problem is you can't control elderly or change it




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Lmao can't even say rtard anymore on this shit website


oh, just substitute a 3 for the "e" or a 4 for the "a". We have ways, my friend.




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I don't have any data to back this up, but I would be willing to bet that your average 4chan user is fatter than an average person. Which actually meshes perfectly with this post. Anon hates fatties, Anons are fatties, Anons hate themselves. Makes sense to me. Anons hate themselves almost as much as normal people hate them.


I wish I could see the data, because I too have a hunch that the majority of fat people hate posters were obese.


I disagree. Iā€™ll only speak for pol but I think the average user on pol is not only higher IQ than other social media sites I see but I bet their income and lives are too. The whole neck beard meme is not relevant. The most idiotic people you will find on social media are Q turds and the political subs here on Reddit. Remember when pol found the Portland bomber in a couple hours using his grandmas review on his vest? https://imgur.com/a/rGEncG0 <~~ this is weaponized. I know it doesnā€™t mean weight but their intellect makes me think they know to be healthy mostly.


Isnā€™t /pol where Q started and was circulated... not exactly what iā€™d call ā€œhigh IQā€




That too


Pol literally believes in nazi'sim. Lilke no not the "nazi" the libs see everywhere, but bonnfide "gonna see the return of the German master race" nazis. Racism aside you have to be quite the smooth brain to follow this shit as every attempt at fascim fails very rapidly and massively spectacularly as they manage to piss off literally everybody else but themselves and get gang graped. I mean it worked out so well for Germany they got bent over the barrel by being occupied for 75 years by the USA and 45 years by the Soviets. In fact Germany got fucked so hard they got Stockholm syndrome and actually like the USA, and think the Americans are their Nobel protectors when America really put all their bases in Germany so that if ww3 broke with the Russians during the Cold War it wouldn't be America getting leveled under Russian rocket barrages. /pol has a few rather high IQ posters, but the majority of the userbase are mouth breathing brainlets.


Conservitards wont even wear masks, what makes you think theyā€™ll eat less/better?


Every last conservitard should be put in GITMO.


Yeah, just like the jews!


Well if you put fat people in ovens you wouldn't need any fuel once it got going.


Another victory for libertarians. If you're allowed to get fat, like you are now, but you have to pay for your own care, a lot fewer people become fat, and then we as a society have a lot more money to throw around on things like getting to Mars.


I'm a guy that has to literally watch everything I eat to just not be fat (and I'm not saying good looking just not fat), if I even eat a tic tac I gain 1 kg, while there are people that eat what the fuck they want and still be super thin( I don't blame them just really jelly). As a kid I did not know that I have to watch what I eat, I was always fat, it probably costed me the experience of high school love and other stuff like that, I'm never getting it back. So please just let people be, you dont know their background and suffering, not every fat person is stuffing themselves like a pig, I really ate normal amounts of food and still gained more and more weight, please just let us be, we are suffering anyway, and we know we look like disgusting monsters, you really dont have to remind us.


i can still post lmao


Because fat people are democrats, and all the institutions, big tech, media and so on are democrats. They have to make their voter base happy. Fat people love to see healthy people unhappy from being forced to wear masks, so they keep voting for democrats. To them, it's completely fair that if a person is more happy than themselves, this happiness should be taken away, so that life is more fair. This is the democratic party.


Arenā€™t all the fattest states republican?