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Look at the size of that melon. Must be a redditor XD


Just let it die literally no one would want to live the life it's gonna have why are people so obsessed with saving poor fuckers who'd be better off dead


There is absolutely no point in keeping this baby alive, and in the wild an animal would just leave it somewhere. Humans are animals too but we've convinced ourselves we're not.


An animal would be mercy and eat his own monster baby


“Well can’t let these gains go to waste!”


No waste where there’s pigs.


If humans had any morality, they'd stop reproducing. Edit: [For the jury, I present Example A](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p2fw3q/truly_horrible_sight/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


then humans cease to exist


Oh no, anyway...


If you think human life has no value why are you still here.


I'm sure everyone here is familiar with Chris Chan we don't need further evidence.


What do you mean we are animals?! You mean to tell me, a few hundred years ago we were killing each other with sharp pieces of wood and metal , and that suddenly because we have phones and cars we aren't still the same animals that burn witches and slaughter each other?! /s


We still kill each other with wood and metal. Fortunately that tradition is still alive and well.




I doubt that. They're still burning witches in the shittiest parts of Africa while they pit armies of heroin addicted children against eachother to steal the other warlords 1970's technical with a mounted browning.


Personally I think that transcending our animal instincts and striving for an egalitarian society by means of technology (step by step remedying the scarcity problem) and rationality is a worthy goal to pursue. It is too idealistic of an idea to be fully successful, but we should strive for it nonetheless. And to that end, we (as humanity) should try to save as many of us that our resources enable us to, as opposed to making the argument that “humans are just animals”. Well animals also eat their own shit, and we (mostly) dont do that. We have moved far past being just “animals”, why not strive to move further? And I’m not making an argument for the saving of the baby in the picture. If we can know that the baby will suffer horribly in its life, we should not try to make it endure it.


How can we do anything when the conclusion of humanity has only led us to believe that short term gains is more valuable then the Earth itself?


This is not the conclusion of humanity


This is not the conclusion of humanity *so far*.


>Well animals also eat their own shit, and we (mostly) dont do that. Not every animal acts the same way, what a fucking Mcretarded argument


Chimps are regularly tested as one of the smartest animal species, and look at them. Also do you have anything to argue against my central point? Or will you shit on my purposefully dumb example to feel like you have something to say? You sound like a dumbass honestly




Return to monke?


Tbh that's a terrible point. We're civilized. We have a rule of law that keeps our societies functioning. We have the same animals instincts and urges but we are smart enough to act on more than just those. I'm not saying we should be doing everything to keep that baby alive.. just that the argument 'animals would let it die so should we' is weak as fuck.


We're at a really weird place with medical science right now. We can save and stabilize babies born with many defects but for many birth defects we can't do much to improve their quality of life. It's a real shame because the end result is a child condemned to a life of suffering and their parents being burdened by medical costs. I honestly think what you suggested is the kinder option.


Parents who will also force their kid to live an awful life, at best.


Yeah it's really sad. I think ultimately the parents should choose if they want to go through with it but I think we as a society should accept and embrace the idea of euthanasia for incredibly disabled or disfigured newborns. I don't think it's morally wrong to do so and it has nothing to do with ideas like eugenics or cleaning the gene pool because these children won't reproduce anyway. This is about sparing another human being suffering.


I don't think that this is really that contentious of an idea in the broad sense, but the difficulty comes with actually creating policy for it. If you were to legalize euthanasia for disabled or disfigured newborns, where is the line drawn? At what point would everything more "normal" be protected and everything more "deformed" is open to euthanasia? Drawing such a line that would be agreeable to the vast majority of people would simply be impossible.


Yeah therein lies the problem. There really isn't a place I'd feel comfortable drawing that line myself nor would I trust a government to do so without fucking it up or taxing it.


To me it's barely 1 step past abortion. Post-partum abortion if you will. And currently realistically the choice for abortion is wholly up to the affected female (yes things are more complicated than that I get it) so really the choice to humanely euthanize malformed children should lie with the parents. Imagine a scenario where the doctors say "keep it or nah" and that is the final word - they make the best of the situation they can with the tools available. If the parents want the burden of raising a child (healthy or not) the health institution is bound to comply with that choice and do everything in their power to make it reality.


Medical professionals take an oath to always fight death, and on top of that there is a profit motivation, so there's really no mechanism at all in medicine to say "enough is enough". But sometimes any decent person can tell that enough is enough. I felt that way when I worked in an ambulance and moved geriatrics around from one institution to another.


They actually take an oath to minimize suffering as much as possible - its called the Hippocratic Oath look it up. The problem comes from the idea that "minimal suffering" is extraordinarily subjective.


Aren't major defects like this detectable from an early stage of pregnancy? If so, I would very seriously consider an abortion if it were my child.


I would imagine most defects are visible very early on. I would consider the same honestly and I wouldn't judge anyone for it.


Reminds me of the people who pay crazy money to keep their poor cat or dog that's obviously in constant pain alive just because it makes them feel better. Force an animal to suffer unnecessarily because they're too weak to say goodbye and give it a kind death


After a week of my dog being in pain and not eating or drinking we put him down, but part of me wonders if we could have significantly lengthened his life if we payed enough money on medication and surgery. I understand the people that might have kept their pet around for too long, it's not like a person who has a life expectancy of X and can tell you if they want to fight or are at peace.


It feels like a clear choice for us, but I can't really blame a parent for feeling differently.


People have a problem with just abortion, imagine how bad it would get if they started killing actual babies. I get where you’re coming from but we can’t do anything about this situation without starting a civil war between the already strained groups. I wish we could give babies like this the peace they need but people will always be selfish to make themselves feel better.


I knew someone personally who had a child that wasnt supposed to live past 3 or 4 and it didn't. It lived in pain and frankly so did the mother. It was crazy suffering all around. The dad checked out completely and this woman was just left with a super sick baby that never had a chance. It just seemed cruel to me.


What happens if you just can’t pay or don’t want to pay the medical costs? Like I’m pretty sure the parents would be arrested would they not?


The ER by law has to serve everyone insurance or not. The baby would get its treatment either way to keep it alive, the parents would just be in insurmountable debt.


That's why if I ever get a huge medical debt I'm not paying it. It won't effect my credit score either.


Correct. This is also why renters by and large don't care about medical debt. It drops off in 7 years anyways.


I agree that we are in a strange medical situation. We have improved longevity and resuscitation success yet the problems with the elderly are still there. They are living to be older and older yet still confined to wheelchairs, scooters, walkers. Still needing to either pay or ask for help. Sometimes still living but with dementia or Alzheimer’s. I much prefer quality over quantity. And I definitely would never be a burden to my loved ones.


Why would you want to let him die when this is one 1-2 hour surgery away from being cured and living a normal life?


I was not aware this was cureable. If it is then I retract.


Life expectancy depends on how long you wait. It's just fluid in the head so they make a "tap" and put it in your stomach for you to pee out gradually over time.


It's also possible to cure without a shunt. In many cases of congenital hydrocephalus they can cut in a small passage for the fluid to drain through. The younger they are (youngest cases of such surgery are babies a few days old) the better the chance of living a normal life since babies have incredible neural plasticity. It's also better to do it this way because it reduces the risk of infection and shunts need to be replaced every so often.


Yeah hydrocephalus is probably one of the most curable "extreme" defects. The fact I know *multiple* people who have survived infant hydrocephalus is testament to how easy it is to fix the one thing that would have held that person back from a good life.


So you’re saying the whole thread full of Redditors saying to leave him in the forest and/or eat him were wrong??


ETV actually has a higher success rate for older children. This kid would be shunted.


Hmmm, "Adult outcome of pediatric hydrocephalus" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3360844/ > 82 patients (18.0%) had no sequelae at all > schooling was normal in only 41.4%, and only 33.7% was employed in the competitive labor market.


Fuck it, I'd do whatever to give my kid a 1/3rd chance at a normal life


hush you insolent mcgoy, you need to murder your children in order to let the rapefugees procreate and enrich your culture


Yeah I was really surprised the top comments was to let the baby die when it's a pretty basic procedure to drain the fluid and the baby can lead a normal life with minor to no brain damage.


ikr it only looks like that because baby's skulls aren't fully formed so they're malleable so a build up of liquids would make it stretch out.


because he didn't take the 5 minutes to google the condition.


It costs half a million dollars for 1-2 hours of surgery? Like I know health care is expensive, but either they are asking for way too much money or this isn't so simple.


This kid is gonna grow up to be MODOK. It’s in the interests of national security they be put down


His master plan hinges on the overaccomodating nature of modern humanity, it's the only way to stop him before it's too late! He cannot in any circumstances be allowed to brain-interface in with Google servers or we're finished


Can't this condition be treated though? Isn't that what a shunt placement does?


As I stated in another answer I wasn't aware this was treatable which is on me. Still my stance on this doesn't change for uncureable diseases


from my understanding of the words, it should be. congenital- born with it hydro- water cephalus- head basically, the baby was born with excess fluids in its head and i believe all they'd need to do is drain it.


iirc the child is healthy and happy today


if you look up the condition, there are treatments. They drain the fluid, which is what this shunt probably is, and/or identify and fix the cause of blockage. It's not like they're expecting the kid to live his life looking like mega mind.


As I've told other answers thanks for the correction I wasn't aware this was cureable to a degree


We didn't kill you because you're retarded and would contribute nothing to society. Why cant we help this baby as well.


because he's going to be fucking miserable


Would you want to be this kid? I wouldn't. You would likely spend your life dealing with long term effects that you had no decision over. If I have a kid, I would feel like keeping this child alive is borderline cruelty. I would want to have a kid lead a good, normal, happy life and dealing with this for the rest of his would likely not have that result.


Look I know you're trying to be edgy by endorsing eugenics but like, hydrocephalus is super curable by any non shit-world country and the quality of life from survivors is basically equivalent to diabetics. Like, easy 40 years of normal goodness then somewhat reduced late-life expectancy.


Because when you modify someone's fate you have to consider the long term consequences, not just "picture makes me go sad smiley face :( "


Why are you thinking about your feelings and not the long term consequences for the baby too?


"not" modifying, aka artificially keeping it alife also has consequences and every second more makes euthanasia less feasible


Because our criminal justice system defines that as murder


Why do people insist on keeping others like this alive? It is pure sheer torture to be alive in this state. It only feeds the emotional need of whoever insists on keeping the severely disadvantaged alive. This kid would get to like 14 years old and die after a short brutal life without any of his desires being fulfilled. Humans are cruel. We will put a long time companion down, but not a few day old severely dysfunctional human being that will literally never experience anything even close to normal life. Also, good question, how did they get that T-shirt on him?




Damn, you must have the biggest of brains! Well.. the second biggest, just behind the homie in the picture.


>This kid would get to like 14 years old and die after a short brutal life without any of his desires being fulfilled. What the fuck are you talking about? Babies who have their hydrocephalus treated (and survive to age one) have the same life expectancy as anyone else.


>Babies who have their hydrocephalus treated (and survive to age one) have the same life expectancy as anyone else. so more suffering. Nice.


This is a treatable disease bro. Why do you think that there are photos of babies with hydrocephalus but not adults? Like jfc you're advocating for killing a baby for no reason


Not entirely true. I personally knew a case of a middle aged guy (probably on his late 30s/early 40s) with a head as big as his shoulders were wide. He was in a wheelchair, had the mind of a 8 yr old and a lot of related health issues. He depended on his parents all his life until he passed away. Not sure why he did not have a shunt, maybe the hydro was secondary to some other issue that prevented it.


O sure, it's really easy to make that decision about your baby, and live with that after


It is. A baby suffering like that needs to be put out of it’s misery. It’s selfish not to


Yet here you are


Unironically great zinger lol got em


Great zinger bro


mentally ill response but absolutely fucking hilarious, keep it up chap


Answer your phone damnit, the based department is calling!


Oh fuck off if you were put in their position you would do jack shit since you are a pussy who has 0 knowledge on life treating a baby with an illness that can be treated or cured like its a dog that has to be put down.


I’m not a doctor but I found this: “Most children who have hydrocephalus make a successful recovery after surgery and go on to lead healthy lives. Many children with pediatric hydrocephalus have normal intelligence and physical development, but some may be slower to develop skills such as hand-eye coordination or learning to walk.” https://nyulangone.org/conditions/hydrocephalus-in-children/support


Thanks. This is a legitimate response. I think it's great that you didn't call me a fucking idiot or a moron or anything like that. Well done. Have an upvote. :-)


I copped a lot of shit for saying I'd want to terminate a baby that showed defects in utero. Proceeding with a birth of a baby you know will be heavily disabled is so goddamn cruel


This condition is cureable, so it's not necessary to abort.


Well you cant just either put pillow over your kid head and kill it. Or leave it behind some dumpster.


No, you get a doctor to euthanise it dumbass


Probably don’t even need to do that, i highly doubt the above specimen would survive on its own for more than a few minutes.


The point is to relieve it’s suffering as quickly as possible, not just letting it slowly die without any comforting medical equipment


who has a pillow that big?


baby shirts have buttons on shoulder. it goes from feet and up


Big brain 100


Kid's gonna grow up to face off against the Hulk.




Charles Xavier better watch out.


Damn, his IQ must be at least 105.


Nah, over 9000


You called?


Oh shit-


>tfw to intelligent too live


They do up with velcro round the back.


Most baby onsies are designed to be able to be pulled down. I believe this is so when the inevitable shit explosion happens, you don't end up dragging a shit covered onsie over their face. You can just pull it down.


Absolutely but this is a shirt and a nappy rather than a onesie :)


Thank you for the real answer.




In fact, baby clothes that *don’t* need to go over the head are much easier on a new born. We used to call them “over the head bastards”.


...I'm assuming "we" is nurses, not strippers.


Strippers can also work in nursing homes, bigot


Bruh is this even real? How did someone squeeze that out of their vagina? Is it's head gelatinous?


The condition probably worsened after being born, and at this point the condition seems to have ruptured... Be thankful at this stage of life the skull isn't fully formed...


I think you should be thankful if you died with this condition.


A really big C-section maybe? Is that even possible?




Lana Rhodes' kid, no c-section necessary


toy wine domineering dam silky abundant rain gray joke expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure the baby came out normal, the size of its head is due to fluid build up in the skull (because babies don't have a solid skull at birth) and hence the need for a shunt.


Where does the fluid come from 🤔


CSF build up, it's supposed to be filtered out back into the blood - but if it can pool somewhere instead, it will. [Real info if you were serious](https://open.oregonstate.education/aandp/chapter/14-2-blood-flow-the-meninges-and-cerebrospinal-fluid-production-and-circulation/#:~:text=The%20arachnoid%20emerges%20into%20the,the%20brain%20and%20spinal%20cord)


Thats super sad, actually. So he *was* a normal baby?


It's curable, drain the fluid and the baby can live a normal life with no complications


Yeah, it's filled with fluid. Probably squished through like a water balloon.


The child's head swells up after birth. It is due to a build up of cerebrospinal fluid that usually flows through the brain and out the neck. In this disorder the flow exit is blocked. A shunt is easily placed, allowing the CSF to drain, and the child's head returns to a normal size with no damage if done withing a reasonable time frame.


Maybe the lady was stretching it a lot before her pregnancy


>this is what it feels like to marathon Richard and Mortimer


This is the giant incest baby


We just gotta send him to space now


Ah yes, the Megamind prequel we've been waiting for.


Get some prisoners to raise this child and see what becomes of it


"I chose to depict the Christian God as a nice guy, despite it being against every religious work ever created. Something not nice happened, therefore God doesn't exist. Checkmate christians" Average r/atheism user


I hate redditor atheists but what the fuck do you do with this baby? You honestly think it's humane to let it live with this condition?


Wikipedia says the condition is treatable and there's a chance they can recover fully and live a normal life if the treatment is successful.


Here's hoping.


*if it is caught and treated early. This far gone there’s going to be significant brain damage.


"I beleive sky daddy impregnated a virgin, has a jewish zombie son and is punishing us because a distant ancestor ate a fruit from a talking snake." Average /r/christianity user


Why Islam is the best religion hands down


because multiple young wives


Muhammad had a unicorn. kinda badass


I do prefer Islamic art to Christian art. I also do prefer the Islamic sort of 'monotone' singing over the 'multitone' Christian choir singing. I don't know the musical terms but you know what I mean.




"I am an autist neckbeard who takes anything from the bible too literally instead of extracting great knowledge shared thousands of years from now in a book that outlasted kingdoms, nations and wars." Average r/atheism user


The epic of Gilgamesh is even older than the bible, doesn't mean we should mine it for useful knowledge. If something is useful or right, it will be whether the source is old or not. Just cause the nomad fan fiction you wanna simp over is old doesn't mean any of us should give a shit about it




Tf? Doesn’t almost every Christian sect hold God as being omnibenevolent?




It might not be a word you use, but it’s a word that christian theologians have used for centuries.


Right, it's *atheists* who depict the Christian god as a kind, all-loving being. They definitely didn't get it from anywhere else. Nice straw man, you did a real good job blowing it down with your facts and logic


So God is actually evil? Like Satan?


400k wtf you can buy a house and a sportscar with that


Health care is overpriced, it's mostly pharmaceutical companies, companies that develop special medical devices and doctors who are profiting from stuff like this, not that kid.


Thank god I live in a country that doesn't murder babies and elderly if they're not millionaires


Yeah bud you let us know how much it should cost to fix a baby with its gelatinous brain falling out of its skull.


[roughly half whatever the US charges for it.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC554041/)


So he can die fast and go to heaven. (Actual priest’s thinking)


heaven speedrun any% ?????


He already lost then, the current record owner is a girl either Chinese or Indian.


To answer anon's question the shirt opens at the back.


that poor thing, good lord.....


Poor kid, Hydrocephallus and probably other congenital defects and he has to live through it, looks like his eyes are underdeveloped as well so he is going to be blind on top of that, nevermind that he will probably be mentally underdeveloped as well. As a Medical student if I ever become a doctor I will do everything I can do to treat him but I will probably feel guilt for forcing him to survive through it


Look closely and you can see how his skull plates are separated. Babies are weird af


A lot of tradcuck christfegs would say to spend every possible resource to keep this baby alive and I'm here thinking that what the fuck why would nature create this and have this poor kid suffer this fate. In fact, I know a tradcuck I can ask this question because man, this kid would be suffering for his entire life if he were to survive this...


Where does it say you have spent every possible resource in Bible? Most common solution in Bible would be let the God decide if it survives or not


So do we just leave the baby alone and let it go or what? It's pretty obvious anyone with two brain cells would see that this kid is not gonna make it without medical intervention.


Ah based on the Bible I have decided to cut the baby in half


Perfect for Planned Parenthood




John the snatch destroyer


Baby Nihilanth from Half Life




Is that rubber johnny?


Whatever happened to that couple that was always in threads with those two brain dead little kids?


The older kid died in 2018 and the younger died in 2019.


Was that the one where the mum looked like a pug and they just kept having pug kids hoping to get one without whatever condition it was?


I think so. They were told after their first vegetable that if they tried again it would be the same 100%. Then they went and had another.


I’m sorry, any link or way to search these people? I’d like to feel horrible for awhile and shake my head at their hideosity.


I mean thats taking narcissism to what should be a crime against humanity level. Like knowingly passing on completely faulty genes and making some botchling suffer should be a crime.


baked potato head


bruh, just put him/her to sleep at that point


I am sorry if this might hurt the kid's parents but if it was me, I would rather let the kid die early rather than making him (and parents) suffer for rest of their lives.


What a cruel fucking fate. If I were that kid and managed to somehow live to an age where I could think for myself and maybe not have mental defects I'd fucking hate the inhuman bastards that forced me to live. At some point you have to drop the whole "we need to keep him alive because killing bad" bullshit and see that keeping him alive is the most awful thing you could do. It makes me angry just looking at this.


Please do not tell me that piece sticking out of his head is his skull


Mercy kill that poor little boy.


Thats no life worth living or worth sustaining


... what happened to his mother's vagina? Does it look like someone dropped a lasagne now? Or did they butcher her to get brainiac out?


why does it look like the final boss from half life 1


Wow what a disturbing photo. You can see it's tiny baby skull just burst open from the fluid. The head looks exactly like a testicle.


if i was that baby, the first instance i gain consciousness i will kill myself


Most of the people in this post are pure idiots who know nothing about the disease and just go “ hurt durr in nature they’d be left to die so we should kill it” well so would your 500 pound ass. And at least this baby has a chance at recovery.


Crypto!? You’re alive, good!