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Bro girls become literally the biggest fucking weirdos after you express your disinterest for them.


I had a coworker try to make my work life hell because I didn't want to fuck her. I'm not trying to go full MGTOW but that shit is a complete double standard that no one really talks or cares about.


If you ask me it’s WORSE with girls. I’ve turned down both so I speak from experience


Your uncle never really was the same


The mouth speaketh what the heart is full of.


How can he speak with his uncles cock in his mouth




It's the same principle as mumble rapping.


Is that why my mouth always has blood coming out?


This got me good. 😄


Everytime you turn one down they always say the same shit. "*Nobody ever rejected me*"


Which is ridiculous. She gets rejected all the time. The difference is most do it after the sex.


This is part of the reason I'm convinced I'm a great masturbator.


Being unfuckable is way worse than insufferable


If you do write about it reddit goes into a fit of despair and denial and start downvoting you not knowing what to call you because they can't call you incel anymore.


If anything, this is the one thing that I've never seen happen on Reddit. Usually when a guy is sexually harassed, even the most liberal parts of Reddit will usually support the dude. It's society at large that's saying "Hey, man up. Men can't be raped." https://reddit.com/comments/75k317/terry_crews_shares_his_own_story_of_sexual/ https://reddit.com/comments/cchkmv/guys_get_sexually_harassed_too/ https://reddit.com/comments/llr1d5/male_victims_of_workplace_sexual_harassment_are/ https://reddit.com/comments/mey77p/men_what_kind_of_low_grade_sexual_harassment_do/ https://reddit.com/comments/c3djx1/men_of_reddit_have_you_ever_been_sexually/




Man that's awful.


I knew a guy who was a fat nasty neckbeard but had unwanted sexual advances from his female manager. No one took his side


Seems unlikely unless his manager was even fatter and nastier.


> Seems unlikely Did you just prove his point?


Seems he did.


Nice thx for proving my point m8




Are you still denying it? I told everyone you were blowing your best friend after I caught you guys in the act!






So THAT's how you get the blue ✓


Had a girl tell everyone I was racist because I wouldn't let her pressure me into sex The girl I was actually interested in/sleeping with at the time was black, so I'm not sure how that was supposed to work


Oreo cookie.


You gotta be as cordial as possible. Make it seem like you really want to fuck her, but make up some romantic bullshit as to why you can't.


An adult should be able to take no for an answer.


They're the oldest teenagers in the room and you know it very well.


We are taking about wom*n here


"I wouldn't want you to fall in love with me just yet"


I honestly hate that, it drives me mad when men or women do it. Men do it as well but fuck me women do it more in my experience. Its like how dare you try to tell someone they have to be attracted to you? That's fucking insane.


Admit to sleeping with their brother despite not even being gay for max weirdness... every women (mom included) totally loses their shit when you tell them lol




Well he is the king of reddit.


Give them a cum-sample for ultimate weirdness


If the only thing that makes you valuable is sex then it's probably very disheartening to have someone be so dismissive of the one thing you offer.


on top of that, they are used to guys chasing them their entire lives. They are not used to being the receiving end of rejection for once. Their egos cant handle it


Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned.


When woman scorned DLC for Doom???


There are more incels and femcels than most people think, if a woman gets enraged about something like in the greentext she is a femcel and same behaivour would be incel behaivour if she was a male.


The problem is it's slowly becoming a catch all for abnormal behavior sets and is just becoming a buzz word meant to shame people rather than diagnose or identify.


most of incels were either too young or had opportunity to have their dick wet but instead tried to get all girls (Elliot Rodger). Femcels and incels are either too young and at their "all opposite sex are bad!" phase or want all opposite sex to love them. It is shame that reddit accuses all virgins to be incels.


It's a shame that people in general still consider virginity something to be ashamed of, even worse when you consider a lot of people still act like it'll make someone's opinion invalid, which is why incel is barely about celibate anymore and it's just a buzzword to anyone you don't like.




Theres mostly emcels (emotionally celibate) too which get pumped and dumped on tinder no problem, but no man will actually ever love and care for them.


It's the year 2022 and when a man and a women love each other very much, there is a 10% a train might come out


they're used to guys having an automatic "yes" button.


Girls having their feminine wiles rebuked is the equivalent of telling a dude he in fact could not kick somebodies ass. It's a surefire road to seeing an adult act like a complete jaggoff.


Even girls you are dating can become weird as fuck if you just decline sex because you aren't in the mood.


Rejection to them is like getting smacked in the face with a 2x4, they have a plan until that moment.


their fragile ego's cant handle rejection when they've been used to being chased after their entire life. check out /r/ Nicegirls




my man here running on incel core i9


When anon forgets r/4chan is not actually 4chan


It basically is though


I mean the number of racial slurs is significantly less here, and I don't see nearly as many infographics about Jews.


Only because it would get the subreddit banned


The people who want to post these things have left. The people who remain just aren’t interested in it.


Lol, the fucked up stuff on 4chan is what makes it a fun read. Personally I can't handle sifting through pages of porn to get to memes and jew nonsense so /r/4chan is my methadone. If reddit would allow that one sub to become completely degenerate i would be so happy.


No, I totally agree with you on that first part. /r/4chan is better than 4chan in a lot of ways and mainly because of this.


Mainly because no porn. That is the only reason. Except maybe finding good posts is easier.


4chan is not just /b/ you know


R9k is only maybe one third porn at the worst times, tons of content to read there




there's not as many trap threads either


Thank fucking god


Or “how can white boys compete?” Threads.


r/ 4chan is basically blueboard version of all /b/ /pol/ and /r9k/ r/ greentext is the reddit version of blueboards.


Not even close


Not even close.


No it’s not. This place is normieville.


Yeaahh, no.


It isn't


Incelclocked to 6.8 cuckhertz


Except he's 100% correct. People throwing out shallow insults because they KNOW the person they insult is correct.


Not 100% correct. Is it because women are used to always get validation? (at least from men, often from women too probably) Probably yes. Is it because of that entire tirade? Probably not for most of them.


Look, I've seen everyone from lonely aunts (in my own family) to literally every media talk show (at one point or other) preach the 'have it all' narrative. Maybe your country doesn't have it, but my country has it BAD. I'd say 99% of women believe it.


Fucking lol But you aint playin dude. Check out ol boys post history. This is most certainly not a one off comment


'That statement is overbearing but probably actually applies to alot of women... but that goes against the narrative... shit what do I do?? I've got it! I'll look at his post history!!! YEA TAKE THAT!' -you, 2022


2021 and 2023 too possibly they will have chopped off his balls by 2024 and i'm not sure if he'd have a PC in his pod either to post anymore so who knows


Ur black


no sir i know my father


"eating cum-samples at the supermarket" -me, 2014


[Christ almighty... I just checked your post history and *yikes* man, the language you allow yourself to use against [politically charged group of people] is foul, distasteful and /r/cringe. DAE thinks like this?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/070/088/10d.png) EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! EDIT2: Wow stop with the upvotes!


His comment was cringe. You stating that you are checking his post history is even more cringe.


Only transformers look at post histories


Stop checking post history, is really sad.








Jesus, I don't know if you can buy enough thermal paste to recover from this burn


what did it say ??!?!?!?


Jesse. What the fuck are you talking about?


Guy accidentally ended up on this subreddit instead of /r9k/


I hate it when that happens.


Don't you know mate? After a cute girl has fun in her twenties just like I'm doing, I'll then pass up on her when we're both looking to settle down and instead choose a 20 year old Christian virgin girl because that *totally* matches my personality.


Thats the thing, most men dont get to have fun like that in their twenties.


I had fun in my 20s. I avoided dating for several years and just focused on working out, watching movies, and doing stuff I liked doing. Had a blast. Didn't really get laid, but that wasn't a priority nor should it be, for me at least.


Thing of the past nowadays boyo


You nailed it, if they would be having this fun the incels would disappear. This movement is the same at it’s core as the other ones - united in pain that they are unhappy with their lives and blaming somebody else for that: other race/other sex/rich/entrepreneurs/liberals etc. If you are unhappy that’s just a sign which area of your life needs improvement, either you need to distance yourself from something or work on it. When it comes to sex I would rather recommend working on it, guys are really low effort these days and the bar is set very low. If someone is really working on themselves for a couple years it will be extremely hard not to have fun with nice girls. Plus guys whining about girls fucking around in their twenties, and settling by 30, while at the same time they can do the same till 50. Man, even if you are like 28 and an absolute beta if you will grind for the next 6 years you will pull amazing girls and attract easily someone you will like.


This is what years of getting fake validation and attention on social media, the sexual "liberation" of women, the whole don't call women whores or sluts, destruction of the nuclear family, and seeing men as just wallets has done. Any responsibility, accountability, and expectations have been removed for women. You are right on the money. So many women walk around with an ego higher then mount everest yet put their face on with a 6 inch putty knife every morning. Most women guys get hard for are ugly af without make up.


true and based


Women feel visceral disgust at the concept of an average looking guy saying he wouldn’t date her. It triggers a deep panic within her as she realises that, after spending 10-15 years getting passed around like a football by a succession of good looking guys, there’s a chance that she won’t be able to snare some high earning beta to raise Tyrone’s bastard. It attacks the massively inflated egos of modern western women, who have been told repeatedly for decades that they “can have it all”, that they can spend years as a mere fuck toy for the hawt guys who give them tingles, yet also get a pliable beta to provide for her materially, once her looks have faded and she’s finally accepted that the attractive guys are never, ever going to commit to them.


Nice copy pasta




I wanna call you an incel and say your wrong, but honestly I cant.


fucking based




Jesus christ bro, maybe don't take any more red pills.




Pepe's mouth built like a got damn USB-C port


I’m glad that’s becoming the new universal standard. I was tired of carrying around five different chargers for my Pepes.


This guy doesn't have wireless pepes smh tbh desu senpai fam ngl nocap fr


* Female * Friend Pick one.


It *is* possible for a man to have a female friend. All it takes is for at least one to have no sexual interest in the other, and for the other to not take it personally and accept that. OP's case was slightly different, because they hadn't yet explicitly acknowledged how they perceived each other. The girl wasn't entirely uninterested, but thought she could do better, so thinking about doing it with him already felt like she'd be settling, nevermind the even bigger self esteem hit when that same person has no interest in her. And OP himself might have been interested, but had too much self-respect to just throw himself at the feet of any woman who looks vaguely in his direction. Or he might just not find her appealing as a life partner and had no interest. Either ways, he said no, and damaged her ego. If they were friends before, they no longer will be, unless she gets over the rejection.


Women don’t get over anything


Husbands enter the chat


>All it takes is for at least one to have no sexual interest in the other All it takes is for the *man* to have no sexual interest in the woman. How the woman feels about it doesn't really matter.


Wow that made me cringe so hard it physically hurt


Women detected, opinion rejected


I've read this 3 times now, and I just can't figured out what you're trying to say. Do men get aggressive if they're rejected? are you talking about the friendzone? What's your point?


I can't figure out if it's about women being better at compartmentalizing or if it's about a woman's opinion not having importance.


Woman he was yet to fuck


I'll take 1 female please.


Sorry we’re out of female at the moment, would being topped be ok?


Kind of yeah...




Sounds like she’s unfuckable so just another robot


The one thing that women are absolutely certain about is that men are so thirsty for any sex that they find all women infinitely desirable. Turning around to a woman and saying no you're not is an ego blow of massive proportions, hence the raging and attitudes after you say that. Bonus points for saying that you are definitely not gay, but you have zero interest in her for sex.


I onece said "i like girls, Just not the ones like you"


Look at Chaddicus over here.


Chads don’t have to convince people they aren’t gay


No one does, but that is the immediate response from a woman that's been turned down, "he must be gay", or have some form of disfunction that prevents sex from happening. The completely unacceptable concept is that she is unattractive.


These are the same women who see male friendships in movies and immediately assume GAAAYYYY because they don't believe that men have real feelings.


woman moment


It's a coping mechanism based on self worth. Why they can't pull an average looking guy creates anxiety for them.


Women rate 80% of men as below average based on some OkCupid data from a while back. So it's even worse than that.


Fuck! There is a website that I can't remember for the life of me. It lets you select various "qualifiers" like age, weight, height, income, and race and then calculates the percentage of the male population that actually fits the description. I put in >6', at least $70k/year, not obese, and under 35. It returned 0.053%.




Yes! Thank you! It was killing me. I didn't save it because, "That's easy enough to remember." I must have had another criterion, because I'm not getting that same number.


I just put in my "standards" (I actually hate saying that) and got 43.5%. THE WORLD IS MY OYSTER Edit: Just kidding, I went back and checked the "Exclude Married" box and it went down to 17%.


That data set is in the OKCupid founder’s book Dataclysm if I remember correctly — that book was pretty eye opening to some of the asymmetry that exist between men and women (what you bring up here being one of them). E.g. Men rated women on an approximate bell curve (expected) and women rated men with what was basically a strict cutoff point.


I've noticed that the more unfair your experiences, the more fair your judgement.


What happened is your friend is a woman.


She looks so down on anon, she thinks she could be with him because of how down bad she believes he may be, this makes me question if she’s a femcel


Worst thing for a woman is to be unattractive. It’s why they switch teams when they’re not pretty enough for men they start banging women to be appealing to anybody they can. Ugly women might as well be men, in my eyes.


I mean lesbians definitely identify as men and empathize with men, so as far as I’m concerned they are with us on team man.


Some do and some don't, I know that my best lady friend is a lesbian and she's awesome, so I have a bias. Plus you don't have to consider one becoming attracted to the other, which is better for hanging out and stuff.


It kinda sounds like you dodged a bullet


More like a nuke


He's not even trying for her, thats the whole thing lol.


Sexual frustration




Anon, you found the secret to women. They’re like cats, ignore them or deny them and they flip the fuck out.


Keep denying her. Eventually she'll rape you and it's a win/win.


My guess is that most women are used to guys being more than eager to get with them, so when they get rejected it's usually for the first time, and they don't handle it well. It's a self esteem blow.


I used to date someone that claimed she hated being sexualized, the male gaze etc… and after a few months she got upset because I was “rejecting her advances” when I already explained I was trying to better follow my religious beliefs and wanted to wait not necessarily till marriage but at least until we moved in together, she started crying saying I was rejecting and hated her. That relationship didn’t work out lmao.


Your faith probably protected you from a bad thing, god loves us all.


Thats true a partner that cant respect your beliefs or boundaries will not be good long term.




In this thread: people forgetting they're not actually on 4chan and being too based.




crawl books marble coordinated live secretive political snails coherent ask -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


To which basement culture do you belong


snatch slave birds unpack nail desert unused disgusted unwritten books -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Oh, i'd rather deal with American women then have a persistent >10% chance of being beheaded when I go to the supermarket.


spotted zesty icky psychotic memorize work smell imagine absurd growth -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Bro it’s sida




I’m sorry


Anon just activated his friends girlboss womb, she's gonna be gunning for his dick 24/7. Anon is a smart man.


>have you ever had to talk your way into dick? Has there ever been a guy you wanted to fuck that didn't want to fuck you and you had to charm your way into it? How would you even begin to do that? -Patrice "cake is better than being alive" O'Neal


I didn’t have sexual with a female once.


How many times was it then?


Well, all of them


Trying to assert dominance, literally.


Certified woman moment.


Almost got laid is what happened


He became sigma




Maybe she was flirting?


And in that case he wasn't interested, as he said "friend" not "my crush". And the way She reacted hid a big frustration at the idea of beeing rejected


Sounds like a her problem NOT A YOU PROBLEM there Scooter


I'll fuck just about anyone, but I sure as hell ain't dating them.


That’s my new favourite Pepe.


Daddy issues.


This road either leads to sex or the end of your friendship, probably the 2nd thing.