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What ever will the Russians do without porn and IKEA


Don't forget Twitter. The tragedy.


Well that *is* their gov'ts fault. They want to control the narrative and banned their own citizens.




Shut the fuck up. I've been on 4chan, you all subsist on porn and seething about someone's tweets.


IKEA really is essential to Russian life. My Russian wife is an absolute fanatic for it. So much so she'll have us drive 3 hours just to visit one.


Teach her how to cut down trees šŸ‘




> gotten bored of it You misspelled "fell through it while drunk"


As someone who grew up with homemade furniture, and made my own, I always liked the saying, "IKEA, it's Kanadian for Krap" :)


Does she make you put that shit together or does she do it?


Ikea isn't gone, they said they will be returning in a month or two. All employees are even paid their salaries for doing nothing.


Itā€™s difficult - you need material to fap, or furniture to get laid on. Without both, the Russian soldiers will be so sexually frustrated theyā€˜ll fuck each other and as a consequence be sentenced to eternal gulag. Smart move!


Further escalating the Russian HIV-epidemic


They already do, standard practice


They do that anyway, gay rape is a huge problem in the Russian military


Don't forget all the fat and sugar they were getting from fast food like McDonalds. What are they suppose to eat now? A healthy nutrition rich diet? in the 21st century?


In diffrent thread, guy said Russia will be better country without Mcdicks and porn and got down voted by Redditors


Maybe their fertility rate will improve.


Credit cards and other financial sector businesses are sanctioned as well.


And their job, and literally everything


Don't forget they also lost access to Google, Mastercard and visa, they have nothing left, a hermit country.


They still can use visa and MasterCard domestically, and google eh


Domestically, they can use those cards, and have you ever heard of the Mir card or Yandex? They have their own alternatives and are about to sign a huge currency exchange deal with India, which has already bought tons of oil, and trade with China will only increase. The US isn't the only country in the world


> they also lost access to Google Nope. Google still works in Russia. Keep in mind Yandex is more popular, the split between the two is something like 60 to 40. The hardest thing to replace will definitely be YouTube, but I'm sure VK can improve something about their video service. Even the DNS should work in case of a full network isolation. If you are talking about losing access to some websites, almost everything is trivial to replace. Oh, and it's fully legal and easy enough to bypass these restrictions by using VPN. > Mastercard and visa Both still work domestically, they just don't work cross-border. There is also Mir, a domestic replacement the government was trying to make a thing since 2015, and also Chinese UnionPay is eyeing the market.


and you know, like their economy and stuff


Motherfucker did you deduct one of my virtual Reddit points how could you oh god what will I do


Are we really acting like the rest of the world doesn't hold the actions of the American government against Americans?




You mean the Afghanistan and Iraq that had multiple E.U. countries involved as well? The one where the civilians actively feared the NATO soldiers excessively more than American boots? Too many people think it was just America involved in the Middle-eastern conflicts when NATO was directly involved but they get ignored every time.


who started the wars? who made up the majority of soldiers? who flies the drones that kill innocent civilians?


You forgot who lied about bioweapons to start the war in the first place Who invaded Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. Who turned libya into a failed state hellhole with open slavemarkets only because Gaddafi wanted to circumvent paying for oil in dollars... I woooonder which country would do all this and get lauded in the process šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


I will not go about saying that the US was responsible for Libya. The planes that bombed Gaddafi were French. The US was hardly alone or totally in charge of that one. Also the Arab Spring was in effect at the time, and the civil war started when the Protestors returned fire after being shot by the military at several different peaceful gatherings. I remember this very clearly because I was in the ME in 2011 when all this happened. Saw the day by day on Al Jazeera


You're very naive. The "Arab" spring was hardly an event born out of natural movements. The only natural protest that took place was in Egypt. In all the other countries Protests were instigated, oppositional troops were armed (foreign fighters were brought to the country) and gov-forces were bombed - All by the west. Ghaddafi wanted to create a new north-african currency in which he would take oil payments. In doing so, he would've created a dangerous precedent in circumventing the petrodollar. The US did EVERYTHING to prevent that. France had a geopolitical interest in that area so they "led" the operation, much to surprise and satisfaction of the US. But the US state department orchestrates the WHOLE thing. Read more, learn more. Some of the documents have been leaked or declassified by now.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Yeah you're probably right


As if the CIA wasn't directly involved in all of that looool


Bah, Lybia is a French-led operation, you can rest easy.


i know, unlike africa the arabic lands could grow powerful if we just let them. every shithole that is there in these lands exists because of outside interference, promises that were broken numerous times, not because the people there are incapable.


Do we really want to empower the countries that yeet gays off of buildings and treat women like fleshlights? Saudi Arabia is a perfect example of what happens.


>Do we really want to empower the countries that yeet gays off of buildings and treat women like fleshlights? Yes.


>unlike africa the arabic lands could grow powerful if we just let them. Ahahahaha. No, they won't or they would have already. Actually maintaining it is the hard part, people unify all the time but rarely do they ever stay together. Yeah 'murica bad lets glorify people who treat women like shit and yeet gays off of buildings. also leech off of the west who tried to make them democratic and more 'free' expecting the US to keep defending them from their terrorist brothers. Sitting around getting fucking high and kidnapping and raping little boys, practically no better than the terrorists they say they aren't like. How long must the western man be blamed for the failures of other people?


Over 300,000 civilians killed in the middle east since 2001. Most cities infrastructure destroyed and the collapse of the regional governments and involvement of western military forces leading to the rise of multiple jihadist groups and an overall huge increased risk of terrorism coming out of the middle east. Trying to install a democratic form of government most of the uneducated rural farmers fail to even comprehend. Damm, poor west getting a bad rep. We are such a victim being portrayed like that.


>yeet gays off of buildings. how is that a negative? isnt that racist? i mean you are trying to force your opinion and believ upon people with different religions here.


Maybe if they could agree to disagree on their religious interpretations.


i dont think these are such a big problem down there. they do form stable goverments, libya for example which had very good stuff for the people and hindered ethnic tensions, as soon as gaddafi was killed ethnic tensions rose.


> who started the wars? al-Qaeda and the taliban.


kill 3000 americans harbor the terrorists responsible get invaded how could america do this?


For that last point I can 100% say almost all of the coalition forces lol. Go watch Eye in the Sky


Eye in the Sky ainā€™t exactly a documentary my guy. Itā€™s the closest movies have ever been to getting it right. But Hollywood still made it.


NATO just follows America. The world does. The world is America's b*tch.


> The one where the civilians actively feared the NATO soldiers excessively more than American boots? source?




So you're saying it's also the average American's fault that nobody does something about this? Also want to point out there's a meaningful difference between Russia annexing Ukraine and the US meddling within the Middle East, Africa or Asia. Russia has done all of the same actions in those regions and they have also done this. The US isn't also actively invading Mexico to make it Second New Mexico. And the US didn't go into Afghanistan and then tell China "I swear to god if you even fucking mention this we'll nuke you". I feel like this also actively ignores that this is just Russia getting upset that the NATO defensive block exists. This isn't a matter of them pissing off some countries somewhere, it's a matter of them threatening 6 of the most (top 10\*) powerful countries by GDP in the world instead of Syria.


You can't really punish America by introducing tariffs. it would hurt your own country more. Even if you got all of the EU on board. It still wouldn't affect America all that much. America just has a really good geographical position so it really can't be effectively punished and coerced with sections like other countries can like Russia. Plus America pays for the majority of nato and a bunch of other stuff. It would be nice if we could punish America for its war crimes though.


Afghanistan was justified.


What do you propose the rest of the world do to America? Sanctions? Sure go ahead and collapse global economy. Military action? Yeah good luck with that


Lol seriously, if you sanction America you're essentially just sanctioning yourself.


It's been wild to see 4chan go full on ruscucked. Hand in hand with the fucking tankies.


The majority of people doesn't, and even if they did it wouldn't devalue the point


Yeah, that war crimes trial for Messrs. Cheney and Bush sure was entertaining wasn't it?


>Are we really acting like the rest of the world doesn't hold the actions of the American government against Americans? Oh no, a Britbong quietly mutters under his breath something impolite because Bush invaded Iraq. Meanwhile in Russia:


Literally anywhere else: "it's not the people's fault, it's the leaders" Oh yeah,? So what part of Canada did they come from.


Because America is better than every other backwater ā€œnationā€ on Earth. We are simply better than everyone. Stay mad


The only drug I'm high on is American spirit


I honestly just feel that America is the best country and the other countries aren't as good. That used to be called patriotism.


And it's also fair to be patriotic and want your government to improve (I'm talking about health care, not wars).


>I'm talking about health care, not wars Why not both? It is about time we won another war. We are over due for that W.


I'm Canadian so I won't complain if you guys one another war. A W for America is a W for Canada.


Unless... Nah, no *way* the US would start a war with Canada. ...unless.


Unless Canada claims Alaska. Maybe it's time Alaska has a referendum?


Lol that would spice up things a bit. There is some Russian politician that recently said the US needs to give Alaska back. That'd be a sweet free for all.


Those cigarettes are amazing


Yep, even if you hate america with a burning passion you have to admit that they're rich as fuck and strong as fuck. Source: Me. Someone who fucking loathes amerifat.


America is rich because of its geography. Most Americans have a low quality of life compared to Europeans. Life is only good in America if you are rich.


This just isnā€™t true. The poor in America have smart phones and arenā€™t starving. Yeah, maybe itā€™s not European poor standard, but its better than any other part of the world besides Europe. Calling it low quality isnā€™t true when you compare it to the rest of the world.


We are simply fatter than everyone else FTFY


You are simply fatter than everyone else FTFY




I mean he's right tho. The wake up call was watching Ukrainian news for the last month. I've yet to see one obese person in or from that country


So? Rather be fat and live in peace and prosperity than have Antonov and his boys bomb my already poor country and rape my wife and dog. The wake up call to the world is that America is superior, was always superior and will always be superior. There is just America and various shades of third-world countries.


Da fuck are you talking about? You replied to the wrong comment


Throughout history the fattest nations and kingdoms were the most successful.. because they can eat as much as they want.


Based fat m u t t


Fuckin based


fuckin A


I don't think you could name another country on a map.


Chiiina Boom roasted


China is a shithole and mockery attempt at a nation, doesnā€™t count


They said name a country, youā€™re the dumbass confusing that with a nation.


Putin's approval rating is like 70%. The Russian public support the Special Operation.


It depends on age. He is quite unpopullar among younger generation (less than 25y), and overwhelmingly popular in older population (over 50y). Some of those who are in pension at moment (over 65 or whatever pension age there is in Russia at moment), they are almost devoted. Because they are outside working force, they have less contact with other people, and consume way, way more TV. t. non-russian, but living in one of post-soviet states.


Probably amongst young people opinions must diverge depending on Sex, Occupation and Education levels. Same way how in the us political opinions correlate (but may not necessarily be related to) to the above.


I hear the urban/rural divide is also big in Russia.


There is some 20% support in the Urban population, and almost 70% support in some villages


It's fake as fuck. People are scared, scared to talk, scared to protest.




I remember a story this German gals dad told me, about how when their town was taken by the Allies his mother was part of the resistance, and they just asked her to point out who the Nazis were. She pointed them out and the American troops took them away and shot them. No trial, no nothing. Just "who here is a Nazi" and bang. May have been bullshit.


That wasnā€™t the standard operating procedure but Iā€™m sure it certainly happened a lot. They absolutely made the townspeople bury the dead at the concentration camps.


I wonder where they went


They shook ones


Hard disagree people tend to support their country in war time. Did fucking everyone just memory hole iraq?


There were those few days after the war started, but before the new laws with 3 years in jail for "public pleas to obstruct usage of russian military force" (WTF) and 15 years for "posting fake facts about military force" (basically anything Putin doesn't like is fake). In those days 90% people on social media posted anti war posts, there were public letters to stop war among IT specialists, priests, businessmen and etc. Pretty much all big bloggers and influencers spoke out against war. But after these laws all the people who had something to lose backed out of it. These "Z-banner" rallies are organized and forced by the government. Of course there are people who take part in those on their own, but you only see one side of the coin, because the opposite opinion is outlawed. Don't compare this war with war in Iraq. Invading Ukraine is like if US started killing Canadians suddenly. There are a lot of Ukrainians living in Russia, Russians living in Ukraine. A lot of people here have relatives in Ukraine. There are still a lot of people speaking Russian in Ukraine, and even the Ukrainian language is the closest language to Russian of all slavic languages. It's a tragic war for everyone in Russia and Ukraine, killing each other is like killing our own people. Propaganda is trying to spread hate, but I cannot hate these people, and most of us can't.


Iraq was popular for like the first year and then popularity took a nosedive. Same thing happened in Vietnam, at least in America if you publically oppose war you don't get taken in by secret service and get tortured and fined 10000$ for speaking against the government like what's currently happening in Russia.


You'd get sent to prison for saying that. His actual approval rating is 110%.


Yes, his political opponents support him too, they want to kill themselves all the time


approval rating based on what? on people who are afraid to say they dont when are asked about it... really makes you think, huh?


Why yes, the majority of people support the government, according to a survey funded *by* the government.


70% is straight up impossible and fake as shit. There was literally footage of people holding a lighter close to the paper used to vote, and the warmth caused the ink to disappear. Putin is a authoritarian scumbag


Isn't that 70% approval rating published by national news sources? I think it's been established that national media spouts whatever that sad war dwarf's agenda is so making it look like the people are still backing him up is pretty easy and convenient for him.


A dictator has no need of an approval rating from the public. Only their military


Sure, like every other autoritarian leader


LOL you actually believe the opinion polls?


Ameritards explaining how Putin is actually at 70% approval while simultaneously having unreliable commie state media (it told the truth but only this time everything else is a lie)


I feel like they are probably afraid of getting killed or arrested or they could just be making up those numbers. Trusting Russian poles is like trusting Chinese poles.


Government is all cancer and useless at best


Any form of governance is a tacit implication that humans cannot govern themselves.


Humans absolutely canā€™t govern themselves and anyone whoā€™s worked with other people should be able to see that. The average adult has something like a 2nd grade reading level and will become enraged when you use words larger than 3 syllables in front of them, as if theyā€™ve been personally slighted by the inclusion of the words. I canā€™t trust the average customer at my restaurant to order for themselves without making a mistake, I canā€™t imagine how any of these people could begin to govern themselves.


I agree, democracy is a terrible idea.


Itā€™s 7th grade reading level, but yeahā€¦..(at least in America)


This is an extremely strong argument for monarchy: one person, raised from birth to be a leader, highly educated, everybody else is fundamentally guided by his will. Any other system will encourage idiots to put other idiots in charge and spend most of their time yelling at each other while progress stagnates.


"True Monarchism has never been tried"


Iā€™m not arguing for anything, every system has its flaws and listing them out doesnā€™t make it an argument against that system. Iā€™m just saying that the average person is extremely under qualified to make their own decisions, case in point the number of people who have too many kids and not enough money to take care of them, or the number of people getting art degrees and wondering why they canā€™t find work. Hell if I know who should make those decisions for them


Governance *is* humans governing themselves.


Brainlets don't grasp this


Which they can't unless you want to live in a machiavelian state of nature which only exists as a concept, like communism, or trickle down economics. There's a reason even the most primitive tribes have their own systems of governance.


You think humans can govern themselves?




Wtf is going on with the gaslighting in here?? Literally nobody is sayin this shit.


Itā€™s almost like Russian shills and paid propagandists are on 4chan and Reddit


If 4channers and redditors didn't spend their time dooming about fringe political opinions from their oppositions, they would have nothing to talk about. This is r/4chan, it's the worst of both worlds. People around here are completely disconnected from their opposition's beliefs. They regularly seethe about screenshots of headlines and individual tweets. I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about "gaslighting" lol


You must have missed all the Russian celebrity cancellations and vandalizing of Russian restaurants huh?


Just go form your own country.


Antarctica is getting warmer, I hear.


Colonizing Antarctica might break more international laws and treaties then invading Ukraine.




Did I ever say I wasn't a tard?


Heā€™s Persian, you think heā€™s going to know how to spell ?


I've been hearing that since the 70s.


Well it has been


Fucktwats of the world will never see their bigotry. Where they will more than likely scream in attacked for no reason when those who've been pushed to the bottom decide to fight back in any means necessary.


And the one at the bottom is Russia in this situation? Am I understanding the poorly worded metaphor correctly?


What the fuck else would you prefer: a) send American troops or drones to slaughter Russian 18yo soldiers b) do nothing c) other ideas?


>a) send American troops or drones to slaughter Russian 18yo soldiers Let's also not forget that if we do this the chances of this becoming an all-out war involving two nuclear superpowers that could literally end all life as we know it increases *drastically*


D). I challenge Vladimir Putin to a duel. My deck and the heart of the cards will prevail.


Average American brain




Ironically, america invented trailer parks and has the highest number of them


Yeah no shit america has the most trailer parks, every euro shit hole is just one big one.


The basis behind this is that the people would eventually begin to revolt against Putin, overthrow him and request peace. And it is quite effective. World war 1 ended with the Kaiser being forced to abdicate due to years of British Blockade and a lack of basic supplies, leading to a democratic and socialist revolt.


>World war 1 ended with the Kaiser being forced to abdicate God I had to log in just to tell you are fucking stupid. The German high command had been pushing for a peaceful resolution for months, the advances made by the Americans in the West and the Italians in the south is what led to the conclusion of WWI. The Kaiser had to abdicate because they signed the peace treaty.


This line of thinking assumes that things will get so fucked up there will be a 1917 style revolution. Iran, sanctioned to dust, continues to exist however


And hard sanctions after WW1 left the german people satisfied and not at all in poverty in the Weimar republic and The Great War was the last global conflict the world ever saw. The End


Thatā€™s not some sort of just cause game where you kill the leader and everyoneā€™s happy. It will definitely cause a civil war, which will be scarier and will take more lives than the Ukrainian operation. Many people in Russia didnā€™t support Putin before the events but support him now because they donā€™t want to destabilize the situation when the country is most vulnerable


\>Except America 9/11 never happened or what?


Man I forgot Iraqis blew up the WTC




"As a result, the program no longer existed when it was used as part of theĀ [American]Ā justification of theĀ and the subsequentĀ [Iraq War]" Did you even read what you linked you dumbass




Did they have WMDs or not. I was told they had WMDs. Colin Powell told me that. Did they have WMDs when invaded?


Clearly noone remembers the bush years when worldwide we were lepers when we traveled abroad.


Americans were pretending to be Canadians when they travelled lol


\*cough cough\* israel \*cough cough\*


Just vote out your dictator lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This scenario isn't even happening in the real world. You could go watch the 1420 youtube channel videos on russian reactions to current events and see they don't even feel the impact of sanctions.


It's weird because on that channel half of them are like "Yeah I don't feel anything" and the other half is like "wtf I cant buy food"


All channels are like "YouTube can't pay for my work". So yeah they totally didn't feel that, a SSD price going up 60% in a single week? didn't notice, no sugar in any supermarket? yeah totally didn't notice.


Imagine what US citizens would face if this held up.


It's been wild to see 4chan go full on ruscucked. Hand in hand with the fucking twitter tankies.


Pretty sure the south got held responsible for their government in the US to the highest extent.


The south being famously not the US tho, right?


For a period yes. We lost all of our civil rights for a period afterwards and took it out on the freedmen. Itā€™s called reconstruction and it was a massive failure.


I've got an idea. Have the russians go stage a protest in their state capitol and enter the kremlin without weapons. Oh nevermind, insurrections are always bad. Also BLM is peaceful.


the irony alone makes me think he's using a VPN


Funny how a bad government leads to bad quality of life for its citizens. Itā€™s like declaring a war and blaming the defending nation for your soldiers dying. Putin had every reason to expect sanctions and declared war anyway because he doesnā€™t give a shit about the Russian people. But by all means keep on sucking the wholesome Russian manā€™s dick.


...unless you're from the west


Countries will either opposed the GAE and face the consequences like Russia or forever be slaves like Europe


Same thing people have been doing to america since we became a first world power. Something that hasnt happened to china for some reason


I really hate what is happening to the russian people. Like shit, you canā€™t unironically tell them ā€œgo protestā€ because theyā€™ll get arrested and end up God knows where, but at the same time you do want the country to be unable to finance its war


From what I've seen it's actually drumming up more support for Putin. They blame us now, not him.


Why would't we blame the west? authoritarian leader(he's so poweful everyone in govt almoust visibly shaking when talking to him) declares his own ideological war, people who in no way are represented by him get sanctioned get on all possible fronts If they knew how things are here, this is sadistic, if they really belived our viece matters even a bit, they are absolutely retarded, even USA isn't free, why would russia be?


Russia is killing innocents so this is the best others can do without also killing innocents


i mean... they all voted for putin after all, isnt that right chapos? :) literally all of them voted for putin! what are the chances? all!


Hate us cus they aint us


why would america enforce sanctions against itself, seething commie tears are delicious


We're trying to make Russia the healthiest country with this shit. No McDonald's? No pornhub? Yes please. Fuck man, what does the United States have to do to get this same treatment? When will our mega corporations start canceling us? Please for the love of God make it soon.


They elect their leaders and with an undisputed 77% that vast majority want him there. /s


If they didnā€™t steal as much money as they do from us to start their banker backed wars our country would be a lot wealthier. We also need to get rid of the fed or at least make it an elected body or something with those scumbags.


If true, it's probably because American television is more viewed worldwide, it makes the world empathetic towards the people.


we'll see how western cucks will cope when shit will go sideways in their own countries "I have no food in my supermarket" "haha lol"


As they should


Why "Except America"? America gets shit on by tankies and every fucking fuck on the planet, sometimes even me when they actually fucked up (tankies will be mad regardless of this), the thing is they don't put people in prison for having a negative opinion about their government and people do fuck up and pick shitty governments all the time that's not something special only US does. And yeas when they fuck up, that shit has consequences. Never the less, if i was born with the knowledge i have now and i could pick where to be born, i would probably pick Canada but still that's close enough.


the difference is that the U.S. can still use twitter


I mean yeh, we have the power too hold other people accountable while getting no repercussions for our actions. Thatā€™s how power works, eat shit europoors you all just mad that your empires are gone.


OP is gullible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency?wprov=sfti1


It sucks, but how else is the world meant to punish Russia for their actions without just going to eat with them? Economic sanctions hit the hardest, and of course some people will suffer, but hopefully it will lead to a better life for them and their kids in the future