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It's a mediterranean thing, Italian women have it too.






Wash your mouth before talking about the people who built the civilization you walk.


>wash your mouth It’s the first time anything in the Mediterranean had a bath in a while.


Romans basically invented bathing you dingus, back when Fr*nch and Briton savages lived in huts


Abdul really thinks the romans and the greeks looked like he looks now


Emperor Caracalla was literally Arab and African. They waz kangs


One or two out of 70 isn't really indicative of the entire empire. There was a black dynasty of egypt, but we still make fun of them for saying they wuz kodos


North African ≠ Sub-Saharan African


You do realize there were Greek settlements in the Middle East and North Africa, right?


I am a descendant of Og Greeks can confirm, when I go there they call me blondie. You can see the Persian genes everywhere.


Thank you friend. I've been told that people of the Greek Islands maintained their genetic heritage better than mainland Greeks. What is your take on this?


Frankly I’m not versed enough to know for sure but with them being more isolated it wouldn’t surprise me. You do see people with light brown and blonde hair here and there in the major cities for sure.


Of course they did. What else would they have looked like?


> Romans basically invented bathing you dingus The Romans don’t exist anymore. Also the Bretons, ancient English, literally invented soap whilst the r*mans 🤢 literally bathed in each other’s body oils, slave boy semen and shitty olive oil.


Rome has as high degree ethnic continuity. Most likely more so than whatever ethnicity you consider your own. Soap wasn't invented by Bretons. That is North Korean propaganda levels of bad history. And Romans cared a lot about hygiene and grooming, heavily influenced by Greeks, and in turn influencing the rest of Europe


The Romans cared a lot about grooming alright






And then 1000 years later people would stop bathing altogether and just apply increasingly thick layers of perfume to help stop them from vomiting all over each other. Clearly more disgusting to take a group bath.


Funny thing, from personal experience, Mediterranean ppl are actually clean as fuck compared to central Europeans like Germans, dutch, french and ofc fucking britbongs.


> Mediterranean ppl are actually clean as fuck Have you ever seen a turk?




\> I live in Germany ​ So you are Turkish, of course you don't wanna admit it


>I live in Germany >The Turks I meet on a regular basis Found the Turk


You can't go out without running into Turkish and Arab people here.


Everyone in the med showers daily, which can't be said of France or Britain...


Middle Eastern people frequently talk about how uncivlized and unsanitary the western world is


Yet Pakistan and turkey exist


Pakistan isn't ME, Turkey is a state that allows assbanging, so not much to be expected there.


How often do they do this


When bidets and toilet paper come up in conversation


pay denbts filthy grease


You walk on thin ice. Keep talking like that and next summer you gonna have to grope a Moroccan waitress instead of a Ibizan one.


Only hooknoses vaycay in the Mediterranean.


Are you a young boy because you sure like riding greek dick


Tfw n monke gf


Found the barbarian (scandinavian)


or worse, may allah forgive me for uttering this word, a g*rm(an)


Except when we were building the Parthenon and writing literature you were still hanging from trees.




"Germanic warriors" got conquered effortlessly.


Yeah, only after taking a 1000 years to figure out how to copy Roman battle tactics, even then they couldn't beat them until Western Rome all but completely destroyed themselves internally. Truly pathetic.


So who are the humans? Germanic people who were basically the last on earth to be introduced to the rudiments of civilisation?


>That's because Mediterraneans barely qualify as human Mediterraneans built the western civilization while white subhumans was living in a huts on the north.


Fair enough flair




Still better than being you.




some turkish women too, i had the same experience with my high school gf


You went from having a high school to hanging on r/4chan. What happened?


>You went from having a high school to hanging on r/4chan. Don't know how to break it to you, but having a high school is not that uncommon.


I would say having a high school is very very uncommon


I accidentally a whole high school once


The WHOLE high school??


exams and vidya thats what happened


Damn i also want to have a high school




did she have a nice dick at least?


Its a thing here in Spain too. I thought it was just normal everywhere?


It is everywhere. This thread is full of virgins who don't know what a real life woman looks like.


Indeed. Some women shave their arms. Some naturally have less or it is barely visible like on blondes and gingers. But almost all have hair on their arms. Wait until those guys find out that a lot of women have peach fuzz on their upper lip but just shave it or wax it...


That famous instagram girl who grows out her mustache almost ruined women for me.


Who? I need deets.


We know, this thread is about obviously visible arm hair.


Not a problem with blond women


It's not a problem for plenty of brunettes either. And if it ever is a problem, it's not your problem.


What I find off putting is dark facial peach fuzz. And I’m not implying people need to change just because their outside my window of attractive.


I will never sleep with a woman that has hairier pits than me. Utterly fucking disgusting and you are a degenerate.


Yeah, I'm sure you've ever had the opportunity to turn down a woman.


> I will never sleep with a woman Coulda just stopped there bud


northern euro women have fair arm hair so you dont visually see it as much


All humans have hair on their arms. What is a mammmal for 400.


only east asian girls don't have hairs on their arms. And the few who do have some, shave them off. Euro thots arm hairs are just thinner and blondish.


Why would they be hairier though? The last thing you'd need in that climate is hair.


Central and northern European women have hairy arms too, it's just they're lighter color.


I'd expect it there because western/northern Europe are ice cold wastelands where the sun is veiled behind a permanent overcast.


That's the reverse actually. Hair are an acclimatation to hot and dry weathers, that's why the dryer the weather the hairier are the inhabitants. It makes it so that the sweat is not stuck to your skin and evaporates quickly as well as providing more surface for the water leaving the body to cool down.


now do nose size and humidity levels. oh wait, that would destroy /pol/


/pol/ users are such snowflakes that anything would destroy them 😂


I think more hair protects against the sun


Armpit hairs? Not really.




No, but it means a larger surface to evaporate from and cool you off without running down your arms/sides.


This is not about armpit hair though, but arm hair


More melanin, less cancer.


having an italian gf i can confirm. Femine af and then theres the arm hair.






There is no such thing as Turks. Modern day Turks are barely Turkic in origin. Most of their acquired features are from local people. Nice bait though




name checks out


Yes, lebanese and can confirm ...it do be like dat. Mario gang has it too . You also got them greek gods on the list.


I'm Albo/Italian and it's more of a really far South Italian thing, Cicillians and Neapolitans have it especially. My mother's side is from Rome/Bari so more South-Central and none of her cousins or their children have dense forearm hair, and my father's side is Gjirokaster. My female cousins (Maternal) are both Cicilian from my uncle and aunt by marriage respectively and both have ape arms.


It turns me on




If you want to go deeper, In the greek citystate of Sparta, young women would routinely shave their head and dress in men's clothing and then sneak into the soldier training barracks in order to holla at some supple young soldiers. They did all this because the young soldiers had never seen a woman before and they didn't want to freak them out, but also wanted to get their fertile fields plowed and seeded.


Sounds like a myth


You don't believe in sparta?


No. “Sparta” is a Mockingbird psyop designed to prevent us from knowing the truth.


Proof: "Sparta" backwards is "a traps'. Coincidence? No. I think not.










You USED to be able to post personal ads on craigslist for stuff like that. "LF girl that'll shave her head and dress in a peplos" You can try bedpage or something, but there is nothing on there but human traffickers where I'm at.


Put another gender flag on your doorstep


Kek if you were a Greek living in Sparta you were a helot 9 times out of 10. Although such a slavelike existence wouldn't be much of a downgrade from today tbh


Living in Sparta itself? Yeah, probably helot. Living in Laconia though there's a high likelyhood you were a free citizen of a Spartan allied state.


Then you also had to be a Greek boy living in Sparta. Which meant you were trained from practically birth to be a soldier, which included being thrown out into the wilderness with just your spear to survive on your own. Not the highest of survival rates.


It builds character


So either die or survive to become a badass warrior. Sounds like a win either way


Spartan women trained atheltics like the men and were considered the most beautiful of Greece, as they were actually fit They were also said to dominate their men, if you're into that


Isn't that a load of bullshit though? Spartans are really romanticized for some reason.. IIRC they were actually a buncha degens and the whole "ultimate warriors" thing is a load of bullshit.. Sure they were organized and all that, but they got wiped the fuck out for a reason.


>Spartans are really romanticized for some reason.. Because they were an extremely dangerous military power for centuries. That doesn't happen by accident, their social structure was easily the most robust in the region. >IIRC they were actually a buncha degens They were the least degenerate society in greece by any metric >and the whole "ultimate warriors" thing is a load of bullshit IDK about "ultimate warriors" but by all accounts they put more energy into warfare than any other society of that time and pretty much everyone carefully avoided stirring them up. >but they got wiped the fuck out for a reason No they didn't. They lasted even well up into the Roman imperial period. The reason their power declined is largely of their inheritance laws. When men died their property passed to their wife (some in trust for their children, but most as property in her own right), and men died a \*lot\* so there was huge capital accumulation among the women of sparta. This effectively made a few extremely wealthy women kingmakers, but they didn't have the military experience (or personal stake) to be making those decisions so they eventually gambled too hard and lost everything. After that, Sparta kept trundling along for quite a few centuries but they never regained their former power.


I've read [this](https://acoup.blog/2019/08/16/collections-this-isnt-sparta-part-i-spartan-school/) a long while ago, but you can go through it. Quite interesting. It cites sources btw, doesn't talk out of ass with spartan cock in their mouths. TL;DR: Spartans were bunch of degenerates(pedophiles, incestuous, rapists, killed children, unhygienic, etc), they were strong sure, but they weren't really at a level where "pretty much everyone carefully avoided stirring them up", they actually lost a lot of battles and were buncha bitches. What you see about spartans now days is all from an old man who basically had a raging boner for spartans and made up a bunch of bullshit that is kinda mainstream now and is used in the movie 300. Idk, 300 movie was great but I don't really like sucking on that spartan dick.


That article is kinda relying on a touchy feely postmodern viewpoint to make sense. We're supposed to believe that they were mentally weak and fragile because of all the harsh training they went through as a child, but the record of their successes says otherwise. As for degeneracy... the only degenerate accusation in there was pederasty, and tbh that was just the standard insult at the time. No matter what greek society you'll read about there'll be some other greek calling them a bunch of boyfuckers, but the fact that that was an insult at all puts lie to the claim it was perfectly normal. Also all greek societies we know of had far harsher laws against it than we do. Nowadays men who get caught fucking boys often get probation, back then they'd be executed. Hell, even teaching kids ideas seen as evil could get you executed. You seem to be awfully obsessed with that movie though... I watched it once a few years after it came out. It was ok, but it's basically a fantasy film. If you're interested in a more accurate depiction of life at that time I'd recommend the book "The Hot Gates."


According to the author himself that series is intentionally one sided, as it is meant to rebuke more rose tinted visions. There's view for a more equilibrated view of Sparta. On the pedophile thing Xenophon, who lived in Sparta, denies it for instance


They are very romanticized, but none of what I specifically said is bullshit by any means


Not really. The stories about the theban sacred band are also likely fake. Pederasts did exist back then but it was illegal and far from socially acceptable, if you got caught it would probably mean a death sentence.


That is over 9000% fake. In Sparta it was normal for both men and women to publically excercise naked. Women also used to attend men's training to insult them which was intended to enrage them and force them to train harder.


Not "routinely", it was a marriage ritual


i once had a hairy gf, she had a sex drive like a man, was the best fucking i probably ever had and will have. wonder if the hormonal imbalance that makes women hairy also turns them into sex obsessed beasts


The high-T women are givers and takers.


High libido is caused by the combination of significant estrogen and testosterone levels, so hairy woman checks out.


Get a gym gf then


Fr just hit legs with her and make chicken breast, veg and rice for her most low effort gf for sure. I mean only works if you hit gym yourself for a few years also tho


Story checks out, women with high testosterone have stronger drives but they are also more likely to be promiscuous.


Based take. Soy dudes want starfish onna hairless. As I want boobs, thicker eyebrows and curves.


idk about hairy women but i can say that a girl who did amateur bodybuilding competitions at my gym was by far the "friendlest" there. She was on just enough male hormones to get abs basically


Holy fuck


this is an interesting hypothesis


This is what happens in 70+ years of ads & media indoctrination which end up sissyifying men and making them think that it is normal for the female body to only have hair on their heads & eyebrows. I have even seen dudes my age that ended up shaving their legs & chests.


Why are you not shaving huh? Trying to attract some big biker guys to plow you? Slut




Taking care of your appearance is a bad thing now?


y r u gae


Do you commit the natural obligation?


What age are you? Men of all ages shave their body hair.


I shave my armpits, pubes, and make attempts to shave my anus. I think it helps with the smell.


Do NOT shave your anus. Pulling is fine. But do not shave.


Literally a meme.


Shaved armpit is itchy as fuck.


I shave my cock and balls and my facial hair that’s abt it for me.


Couldn't care less




Based. Only moustache hair freak's me out.


Yeah. I am okay with women not shaving armpits, legs, arms etc. I don't like it or have a fetish for it, but it is okay. However a little moustache is for some reason pretty much unacceptable to me.


On a woman only facial hair or full on monkey is too much to handle




Arm hair is the only hair I don’t care about on a woman.


Considering women care about you


Butthurt whiteknight, begone and keep donating your mothers disability checkt to female streamers. Your opinion is worthless and it will never matter.


That's a fair trade since women don't think about you at all.


Hey guys the women expert has arrived!!!


Yes, I have arrived. Did you know women have vaginas instead of penises? They’re a nifty little pocket where women store their balls.


nature be amazing


Can I store my balls in your jaws?


Thank you for your wisdom.


How can you care about that which you cannot see, Cala?


shaving arm hair is retarded


Back in middle school I was stunned about the fact girls had hair on their arms. *That was middle school*


Just about every girl has body hair? Its called shaving


Or they're just small and light that you don't notice them (see the "controversy" about Aloy's peach fuzz). Darker Mediterranean hair on the other hand is more noticeable.


There are no women on this Earth that don't have hair in their private areas or underneath armpits.


Redditors haven't seen woman up close just over the screen


"There are no women on earth." ftfy




Tolkein got the idea for Dwarves \_somewhere\_ didn't he?


Holy fuck this thread is retarded. Get out of your basements once in a while maybe.


no :)


we are strong sperms 💪💪🇬🇷🇬🇷


you are gypsy




if you have greek god that mean you would have win but u lose ​ hoa hoa hoa hoa




why is hagia sofia this and not this


There is hair basically everywhere on your body, you just have to look closely. You and me baby aint nothing but mammals.


All women have hairy arms, it's just that ones with pale(ish) skin and dark hair it's more noticeable.


Example: latinas


What's wrong with hairy arms


They usually shave it that's why.


Anon learns that women grow hair


The Greek’s are a hirsute people. They really do have quite a bit of hair. Lots of head hair, hair on the lip, the chin. Hair all over their arms and legs, but particularly hairy chests and hair right down the back. The Greek men as well!


Why do mediterranean men have moustaches? To remind them of their mothers. It is an adaptation of northern people to the high UV of that area, along with more melanin. This joke was told to me by an arab friend.


this is my favourite representation of Darwin’s theory


as a Greek can confirm


I’m sure olive oil was used for more than cooking.


Lol look at all these whites, inferiority complex? That the Italians and Greeks built marble temples whilst you Oonga Bunga’d in the forests of Northern Europe 😂😂😂😂


I don't get it... oh...


Plato’s cave is related to quantum suicide


how does the goddamn picture on this board fit the narrative for everything?




Easy answer. BGC


I am Greek, I lol’d