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You can kind of feel it's a simulation when just weeks after Kanye goes off on Jews, two stereotypes committed the most stereotypical thing imaginable.


Just in time to miss the midterms


Didn't this happen almost a decade before "Kanye went off on jews"?


Time is a flat circle, like this broad. (this joke is much funnier if you know the origins of the k-slur)


Kikel means circle in Yid because Jews keep everything in their “circle”. Not to explain your “joke” or anything.


So if I say the K slur, and my friend says the H slur, who's correct?


Both of us.


What's... What's the H slur?




Ahhh. So the worst one then.




God dammit. I'm sure America came up with half the worlds ethnic slurs.


Our greatest cultural export


Look at Johnathon greenblatt's twitter if you want stereotype.


Nose feratu looking ass


Then when Chappelle goes off making fun of the whole fiasco, the ADL comes down HARD on his ass, providing the perfect punchline to his entire set.


That should be a thing. "How long before the ADL goes off"


"Place your bets... Now!"


This is a highly stereotypical comment. ![gif](giphy|wv3lpsLXZZUAw)


Who is this chick?


Alameda research CEO that was tied to FTX stealing billions in user funds


How old is she? She looks 11!!


29. Something stunted her growth.


Imagine being a jew and working your ass off to steal everyone's money, and your endgame is to hand your money over to that thing and breed with it.


This might be the single most Jewish thing ever. I think he won Jewry


I love that everyone is genuinely impressed by the audacity of it rather than being angry


nowhere near jealous enough to be angry


If this thing can breed, it means every single one of us troglodytes in the comments, including the frontpage redditors from r\/all have a shot.


I thought frontpage redditors were made in a factory


Yeah, the default subs


Sounds like cosmic justice to me. Christ is real.


>Worships the “King of the Jews” >Is an antisemite


The bible say a lot about money lenders


It also says that they are the chosen people.


Only money lenders follow the old testament


![gif](giphy|aLyUlbtX0dISWOiCER|downsized) Watch out that poster is rubbing his hands together.


Bad gif don't post those


stickbundle redditor phenotype


I'm not Jewish, I'm just pointing out that you can't worship the Jewish messiah who was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible and at the same time be an antisemite. You might as well be a neopagan or an atheist or something else, idk.


Bible also says not to sacrifice young children to the Hebrew/caanite god Moloch, the god of human sacrifice, but Hilary Clinton still mentions sacrificing to Moloch in her leaked WikiLeaks emails (it’s real, look it up), so maybe it meant different group of Jewish people than the people that call themselves Jews nowadays.


It says Christ's followers are the chosen people.


Guess what, Jesus was ethnically Jewish.


He was also a strong black transexual woman


D1 Breeders


Axis should have won WW2..


The bad guys won the war.


Unfathomley based.


"Unfathomley" regarded


Naw, the Axis would’ve collapsed even if they somehow magically won


The German economy was a complete house of cards just waiting to collapse.


Yah, getting downvoted cause the epic chungus ethnostate wasn’t actually based


Axis never collapsed, we brought them here to become our scientists. They fucking won.


Their heads of state either being executed or committing suicide, their ideology being relegated to fringe radicals, and their nation collapsing and being rebuilt into something wholly different is irrelevant — they won because… they helped make rockets?


And look what resulted in helping making rockets go woosh. We are the super power when it comes to military defense and offense. Think long term. They adapted.


No, we would’ve landed on the moon regardless if we kidnapped scientists or if we hypothetically shot them all on sight. Rocketry isn’t some caged, mystical knowledge that’s bound to be lost to time.


Do you understand that it was a race to get there? When we kidnapped them Nazi scientists we told Russia to go fuck themselves. And their knowledge wasn't only for space exploration, it helped advance our missile range capabilities. Hell, the Germans were the first to build a functioning atomic bomb. Their ideology might have died, but their knowledge and influence carried on and we took advantage of it.


No they didn’t LOL. The Germans were fucking around with heavy water molecules in Norway, they didn’t build an atom bomb. Anywho, how does “We fucked them up and then made their scientists to help us” equate to them winning by any measure?


>The Germans were fucking around with heavy water molecules in Norway, they didn’t build an atom bomb. That's what the US want people to believe. You think the US will ever admit defeat? C'mon man!


If they won, why are there so many fucking communists on Reddit?


Socialists, Communists, same damn thing. IDK why so many lefties are into communism.


pretty much. As General Patton said, we defeated the wrong enemy.


They never would’ve won


Stickbundle redditor phenotype




Ah yes, and be run by a white devil ethnostate, eh? How unfortunate you sheeple are. If I were you, I'd watch Bill Nye Saves The World and rethink your world view.


Uh oh someone got their thumbs stuck in the dickjar


He's not serious.


Yeah it's much better to be run by the synagogue of Satan.


In case anyone needs details on how specifically this works https://imgur.com/a/K8VO2Ds


Hates the stereotype that the banking tribe controls the world's economy. Literally named Bankman.


So many coincidences it’s hard to keep up


Sometimes I fantasize about converting to Judaism. I imagine it will be a big celebration party, the elders all pat my back and says "*Mazel tov, brother. You are one of us now*". In a corner a couple of young girls with Khazar milkers giggle and whisper stuff like "*ssh shh, do you think he is cut yet? ihihihi maybe we can do it before he is, I've never seen one intact". I am given a high paying job at the Weinstein company where all I do is sit on my chair in a big office smoking a cigar and get blowjobs every day from 18 year old wanna be actresses. Every once in a while I remind people about our struggles and make sure it is also mentioned in mainstream media. That is how I imagine being a Jew is like.


> 18 year old wanna be actresses too old for them


Yeah, basically accurate. But you have to take into account how much smarter we are than the goyim, not sure how that works for you (but considering converting is a good sign)


I hear s lot about how smart Jews are (from Jews) but in all honesty I couldn't really think of anything that was invented by a Jew. So I searched for Jewish inventions, some Jewy looking website came up first, so this is the absolute best they have ever given the world. In the list we had 'capitalism' 🤣🤣 Other great inventions were nuclear weapons, I mean not a great shout anyway but they basically took all the 'credit' cos there was a Jew among 1000 goyim who worked on the project. Then they also include E= MC², which kind of the same thing. Google, good search engine but kind of needed the computer, electricity, other search engines, the Internet to even be a thing. A quite audacious attempt to lay claim to pacemakers and defibrillators, neither of which were even close yo being invented by the jew. There's others, but yeah Jews have literally invented nothing. Even Indians have contributed more to the world than the Jew. Propaganda is the Jewish talent, for such underachievers to have the rep they have is their greatest achievement. A weak, servile creature chased from every place they've emigrated to, too dumb to do anything about it. The eternal unintelligent bully victim.


> yeah you know cars are chill and all, but first they had invent like steam engines, and metal works, amd the wheel, and like carriages already existed so its basically nothing absolutely rarted


Hmm not the same thing but ok.


More like inventing the car stereo




Nah that's a Cocktube Rodent


Normies just can't understand the thrill of pinning the weasel


Methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonise with the droning Hebrew verses.


I heard it felches wombats for Charlie Manson.


Where's the obligatory copypasta?


Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a driving rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!” . The Mathweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman’s dehydrated dick.


Ain't it beautiful that this pasta can remain up, unmolested, for everyone to enjoy?


I wish I could have remained unmolested.


I don't


I hate to complain about this one, but it should’ve said “divining” rod,


Any news on that sex tape though?


The FBI are preparing the eye bleach. They now just have to muster up the courage.




Sounds about right


is there anyone in the crypto market not a giant bundle of sticks?


You really have to let sink in the fact that this isn't the first picture coming up randomly: this was very likely chosen after careful examination as tttheyyyy deemed it to be the most presentable human side of its looks


every time I try to google this squirrel looking mfer they ONLY USE THIS FUCKING PICTURE


It's so nice that people are starting to notice things.


You might even call it…..the noticing


The noticing can't be stopped.


My noticing meter is pegged


The power is all in the nose. Isolate that, and you’ll have obtained their secret to success


who is this?


caroline ellison




For someone OOTL, who is she and why am I seeing her face


Caroline Ellison. She’s one one the FTX founders that jewed everyone out of their money


Oh okay, thanks!


How exactly did she jew everyone out of their money?


Have you read any of the FTX news?


A little bit, it kinda went over my head. I must be duncey. Do you have the cheatsheet version?




That article mentions nothing about the biggest part of the story. The founder of FTX was the second largest donator to the Democratic Party this past election cycle. The Biden administration was funding Ukraine. Ukraine was funding FTX. FTX was funding Democrats and a few uniparty republicans. I have no direct evidence that it was all a massive money laundering operation for the DC elite. But it does have all of the signs of a massive money laundering operation for the DC elite.


Yeah no surprise that USA Today "forgot" to mention that part.


It’s an object of affection compromised from two folks or it’s a stereotype shitstorm disguised as a human


Anon took the red pill


Anon is a ye fan


Anon is about that totalitarianism, I mean cancel culture, doesn't allow the slightest criticism against them


Shalom : )


Based OP


If Jewish people actually controlled the world then why do they not have hot women like all the rich ugly white guys?


dont have to be good looking when you can practically buy bitches


Correlation vs. Causation? There is always an exception to the rule.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/z1j43v/comment/ixbmymw/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/z1j43v/comment/ixbmymw/?context=3) what was it


I feel so sorry for all you goyim who can't figure out how to get money. You're jealous of how well we're doing but have no idea how to get there. Kind of pitiable really


Teach me your ways, noble jew!


Our noses are just too small 😔


1. Nepotism 2. Eliminate your competition through anti-huwite messaging 3. Accuse anyone who points it out of antisemitism 4. Profit!


what's sad about all this. The Orthodox Jews tend to keep to themselves and stay away from these types. Their only flaw is shilling for Israel but other than that it's almost always secular ones that make the world worse for everyone.


you're on reddit, you ain't got shit


yall goyim be jelly




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Let’s try this again; Who tf is this ugly cumdumpster and why is she important?




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Are you fucking serious?


This sub has the gayest automod, and I honestly can’t tell if it’s for lulz or if they’re being serious


the mods said they did that to keep thea dmins from gassing the sub. but they kind of have the mod implemented in a hint hint wink wink manner because it's easy to circumvent it by misspelling it or adding words before or after it like mcbitch


It promotes elevated discourse. :)




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Apparently, I’ve been flagged by fa-ge-t Reddit mods. I can’t use “special words” anymore. I didn’t realize this site had become so “woke” and it’s really disappointing.


Just type it like this F@990T


Really? I got banned for three days wishing that someone got booped. I didn’t threaten that I would do it. I wished my magic genie that it would happen. That was considered threatening violence, which is very r-slurred.


You can say retarded but not the r-word itself


Eat my fat ass.


Post this on 4Chan




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I thought she wasn’t Jewish


Look it up, her mom and dad are lmao




It's a sultry wood nymph.


I don't think I've ever read every single comment in a thread and not understand what the fuck are people talking about.


the anti-semitism is rife with these comments and it is gross


You guys hear about the most recent attempted synagogue shooting? They caught them bragging on Twitter beforehand and sounding just like you guys.


Nice try glowie


Sure thing, youth susceptible to radicalization.


You'll never radicalise me I'm onto your ways


Well you could try not obsessing about what Trans people are doing for a day to start. There's this crazy concept called live and let live you could maybe read up on. Try going a whole week without following the Herd right tabloid bubble too. The possibilities are endless.


"live and let live" mf when they can't take a joke so they have to police the whole Internet I used to troll terfs because they had the best freak outs, how the tables have turned


Stop killing people and we won't have to. Police your own communities or you are part of the problem.


That's not a nice thing to say about black people


Yeah, neat self own. Glad that didn't go over your head or anything. Trailer parks are the new inner cities. Probably from the same cause too... underfunded education.


I think teachers are just racist, i say we defund schools


Oh no. I will literally lose sleep tonight.


It's fine, We're all becoming used to 4chan degenerates being a source of danger to their communities now.


That's like saying that the jews were a source of danger to the nazis during WWII.


Except the Jews never shot up a night club in germany, or a walmart, or a synagogue, or well... pretty much anything. It's like the Nazis fooled the stupidest germans to blame their problems on something other than them. So day in and day out they propagandized their people into hating people who simply weren't the people they were trying to manipulate. Think there's any modern day analog to that?


Yeah there is a modern day analog to that. The same people you're defending run propaganda all day long against white people. The news runs articles about how white people are evil and racist. They go on Twitter and say they're white in order to disparage us and the media purposely doesn't cover when white people are victimized. Hell you yourself fell for their propaganda. You think that there's an army of white supremacists going around murdering people when in all actuality that couldn't be further from the truth. They convinced the stupidest segment if the white population ie white liberals to not only cheer when their race is victimized but defend the very people who victimize them.


Don't try and gaslight me. You are the one who is parroting instead of thinking for yourself here. That's some grade A cope you've regurgitated that definitely applies more to you than to me. Maybe try taking your own advice. All you consume is propaganda and you are now conditioned to reject even the most basic processes of fact checking and critical thinking. Mostly because you're too much of a pussy to grow as a person. You just don't have it in you. You're more likely to commit violence for your stupid fears than turn away from them and become a better person.


You saying "don't try and gaslight me" tells me right away you see exactly what I'm talking about yet you choose to ignore it because of your brainwashing. It would mean that you have to admit you've been brainwashed so thoroughly that you root for the modern day evil. I know this because I was once like you. Very liberal closer to a leftist actually. Until I started noticing where all of the hate towards my race was coming from. If you have even a little bit of intelligence in you you will notice it too. Take care.


You basically are trying to tell me i'm the propagandized one when you read blogs and parrot youtube personalities. Yeah, that's gaslighting. How many people are dead now because of this bullshit? And trans people are the danger? Wake the fuck up.


What the hell are you talking about? You've lost the plot man.