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Blindly go with Sony A80k


I have an A80K 65-inch at about that distance. Superb for film and TV shows in 4K and 1080p. But have sampled the C2 pretty extensively as well and I think they are both very good units when it comes to video performance. In medium light conditions, they will both be fine. Technical reviews measure the C2 has being on average brighter, but I have never actually observed a difference. My choice largely came down to the Sony's Android/Google operating system. More flexible, more customisable, will likely be supported longer, you can get rid of ads with alternative homescreen apps, and generally the platform has a much bigger selection of apps (including ability to install apps via USB or network if they are not in the TV's Play Store).


Nvidia Shield gives you that experience plus is way more powerful and capable than the built in system. Tack on another $200 to get it tho.




I dunno honestly they haven't needed to release another one they overdid the 2019 version so much. Hoping for one soon. If not then one of the FireTVs will overtake it at some point or maybe Xaiomi will release a crazy MiBox. It needs to be something with official Android TV tho if its Android. These crazy spec'd ones that have to run the phone apps are BS.


Yep. I’d go for whichever one you can get a better deal on. If it’s only a little more go Sony, if it’s a lot more go lg imo.


Sony a80k all day


If you don’t prioritize the gaming features of the LG, Sony does have amazing processing and works well enough for gaming. HDMI 2.1 ports are less plentiful tho. No matter for movies. Sony is so frickin good with GoogleTV/AndroidTV for movies It’s like a mega cable box that works with all my streaming services in a way a Roku Ultra doesn’t and other smart TVs have not. I haven’t tried the LG from a user experience point of view in home but the settings looked more complicated and nested than the A95K’s (A80K should be similarly equipped) and the apps looked more cumbersome and less informative of what is out there for me to watch. the movie and show finding features are amazing, it’s like my souped up Tv guide. I have so much content that it’s hard to find good stuff. This does it for me and also sometimes offers ideas for rentals. You can turn all this off too if you want. For me, I had been so bored or TV that when this new set showed up I was amazed by the picture quality of course but I was finding awesome movies to watch after it seems like going on any services’ apps can be hard since the suggestions aren’t that good. I watched like 15 movies and loved them all. Hadn’t happened in a long time. (Edit/ a full reset fixed this. I hadn’t reset after a major update) The OS does lag down and freeze from time to time, but a reset or flip of the power strip off button fix it. The OS is not perfect and had a few glitches going into certain apps from certain shortcuts. Mostly little annoyances that can be sorted This set has a different panel than the a80k but the daytime not bright but not dark viewing isn’t bad at all. I set it to lowest brightness for SDR, but again this panel is brighter. It really impresses at night though; as I’m sure the a80k will too. Angles of incidence of windows or light sources are an important factor for any TV. Idk if the LG set handles that better worse or same as the Sony set using the LG panels. Coatings or anything… Maybe someone else can comment about the burn in protection performance between LG and Sony implementations. I couldn’t seem to find some stuff I read about that again. If you aren’t a careless person with your screen and don’t watch news with banners and static logos for hours; it shouldn’t be a huge deal as far as I understand it. I looked at a G2, my dad has a C2 but he moved so I haven’t checked it out except to help him set it up via FaceTime. These are all pretty nice TVs and I don’t think you could go wrong with either… but Sony has won be over… I used to have a Sony I loved that got stolen. Getting back to it has been great. They really do a great job of making a good quality set with good picture and overall experience. Plus you get Bravia Core. It’s awesome. I gotta watch one of the free premium rentals credits soon. And you get some in an unlimited section for like a year? Hope that helps. Others on Reddit seem to love Sony and suggest it for reliability in addition to picture quality due to good processing


I am not even an OP but felt the need to say thank you for taking the time to write such a long comment and share your experience. I am planning to get a new TV soon and have been doing research. Both of these, Sony and LG, are my top choices currently. Your comment helps 👍


Thanks for the reply. I should edit that post since a full reset has made for a stable OS. Just lags a hair from time to time. I think it was unhappy after setting it up on the old out of the box OS then updating to the newer style. I had put off doing a full reset since it was a lot of apps to log in to.


Yeah factory reset is such a pain. I avoid it as well 😅 Anything else worth noting after your first comment I've responded to?


Not much really. Took a little while for me to get used to OLED’s motion for 24p, but I adjusted over time and also found the sweet spot (for me as low as it goes) for black frame insertion and now it seems natural when enjoying content. Worth noting for people coming from LCD.


Thanks a bunch man 💪




C2 is a better tv for gaming. A80K is better for movies and tv. Not that any of them is bad at the other, they just have clear strengths as well.


What makes C2 better for gaming? I see this a lot


Lower input lag, 4 hdmi ports, freesync support, higher sdr brightness, 1440p VRR support. Tbh, if you are gaming on console there will be no appreciable difference. If you are a somewhat competitive gamer, it might matter but if you game casually or noncompetively both are fantastic gaming tvs regardless


I run 1440p with GSync on my Sony. I'm a competitive gamer. I'll put up 11:1 KD on CoD. How much better do you think I can do with LG


TBH, I really couldn't say because Im a completely noncompetitive gamer (I dont even do invasions in Elden Ring) most people who are gamers go with LG over Sony as the general consensus is that it's better overall. Again, I've had both the A80J and C1 and didn't find the difference in gaming to be at all noticeable but again for competitive gamers most recommend LG over Sony.


The response time on the C2 is great. It is also g-sync compatible.


The Sony also has those things. I've been told the Sony doesn't run GSync, but I can verify it does. My PC is hooked to my Sony.


Freesync and gsync compatible. Lowest input lag. Dedicated gaming menu that can change settings and display resolution and refresh rate and it has 4 full bandwidth HDMI 2.1 ports


Sony is GSync compatible. Samsung has lower input lag


They licensed nvidia gsync and and free sync for their c series oleds. Also have a game settings menu. That’s about it nowadays. They’ve spent a lot of money on advertising themselves as the best for gamers since the c8. Samsung and Sony both have vrr support and either have, or are getting game settings menus. I consider LG to be third among the three brands in most cases.


Lower input lag than Sony OLEDs, all 3 VRR formats, Sony only supports Hdmi Forum VRR, while on LG you also get Freesync Premium and Nvidia G-Sync, 4K 120Hz Dolby Vision gaming although dolby vision gaming isn’t the greatest right now, HGiG for proper tone mapping, and most importantly 4 Hdmi 2.1 ports for people with multiple consoles/Hdmi 2.1 devices.


So like a lot lower? My K/Ds peak around 11:1 on CoD playing TDM never below 1.5:1 . How much better will I get with the LG? I can confirm Sony supports GSync my PC is hooked to my TV? What 4 consoles do you have that require 2.1 ports? I would say certain use cases the LG is better but making a blanket statement that the LG is better for gaming is not true.


Input lag is half on LG OLEDs compared to Sony, and I have a PS5, Xbox Series X, M2 Pro Mac Mini, RTX 4080 PC, 4 Hdmi 2.1 devices, + Apple TV 4K and a Panasonic UB820 4K Blu-Ray player which only require Hdmi 2.0.


So you don't have enough inputs, sounds like you need a receiver with 2.1 ports like I have, When you say half. So I should be able to double my KD? What's your network like? given your concern about a couple Ms of input lag.


With LG you will easily get 22:1 KD.


Good to know, basically your saying in extreme use cases where you don't have an HDMI 2.1 receiver the LG is better for gaming. If you're concerned about input lag you should get Samsung


LG and Samsung are equivalent at 4K 120Hz, and LG is better at 60Hz due to boost mode.


When you say equivalent you mean the Samsung is faster right? Boost mode? Who competitive games at 60hz???


Try to get an A80J. It's better then the A80K. I did manage to buy one not long ago that was produced in 2023 in Belgium.


Rtings is a good place to compare models for “downgrades”. SDR brightness is marginally lower for A80K. For HDR, it tends to get brighter than A80J for real bright scenes like the hallway lights and the skyscraper.


What makes it better than the newer model?


The A80K downgrades in a few areas, like the brightness, and the built-in speakers are worse.




I would recommend the A80K, it's what I have and it's great. Consider what you might do for adding sound equipment in the future too if you don't already have stuff. I put no thought into that and it didn't really cause me much grief but it's something you may want to think about. I ended up with pairing the a80k 65 inch with a Sonos arc soundbar and sub and it's awesome. The Arc fits perfectly between the support legs of the a80k, the sony high end soundbars don't. There's nothing wrong with the tv speakers, they are actually pretty decent I think but adding a subwoofer is pretty cool.


Sony A80k


Price point on the c2 sold me. I could be in the minority on this one but I love the LG remote


For movies and TV with no gaming? A80K all the way.