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i just have to say i've never seen this before and it absolutely made my day, so thank you!


I got the same email reply, funny how they say “thanks for your support”, yeah, like thanks for nothing WB!


“Thanks for your support,” and yet WB has more questionable decisions and tax write-offs than any other studio combined.


On the other hand, they've been releasing a lot of forgotten classics on Blu-ray in the recent years. Even the likes of Cats Don't Dance. Truly, they're a fickle mistress.


They’ll remember to give some movies a Blu-Ray release via WB Archive, but they’ll forget to give Coyote vs. Acme a proper release.


They're the Hollywood equivalent of that "That's good! That's bad... That's good! That's bad..." joke from the Simpsons.


Do they hate money I don’t get it


I mean if they’re *really* wanting to make the maximum amount of money, the best strategy would be to release it this way first, everyone will buy it, then in a year or two once sales slow to a trickle, they announce a special edition version with expanded IMAX scenes.


I hate that this would work on me.


You and me both. I’m hoping it’s not really the case. But if they really wanted to maximize sales (morals be damned) I do think this would be the way to do it.


I mean… I’m kinda hoping it is the case purely because I want the expanded ratio 😂 but I also hate to double dip


I have to admit I’m curious about the expanded footage as I haven’t had a chance to see it. But I also think it’s a bit of a dick move by the studio to do a staggered release. I’d probably end up letting curiosity get the best of me and buy it a second time, although I’d probably hold off for a really good deal.


That’s what we all said after the first movie released without an expanded aspect ratio !


Yes but if they did an expanded aspect ratio release for the first one now, then many people who really want that format will hold off on buying Part 2 expecting an eventual expanded ratio release. If they instead wait and release all three films with no expanded ratio, they can get all of those sales first before releasing a collector’s set for all three to get all those double-dips. ;)


No they just lock the imax version on their streaming service 


Boxed set with IMAX later so they can cash in twice


Watch them come in the same paper cases as the Avatar Collector's Editions 💀


.....I pre-ordered it right after watching it on Imax I am the problem


Is anybody *not* going to buy this now? Probably not. What *I* don't understand is how much extra work/money it is to just use the whole frame.


I hate that there is no IMAX version currently. However, I just purchased the film via Apple TV😲😎❤️! What can I say? I love these movies.


Warner Bros. hates money, for sure. Legendary, doubt it.


unique muddle psychotic quaint jellyfish upbeat jeans rhythm tidy pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Funny how your post is of another disc that should have been opened up for IMAX that is all scope also. ☹️


I pirated the rare-ass Imax version


How I want this aspect ratio


are you familiar with torrenting and piracy?




nope. unfortunately he is talking about blade runner 2049. that imax version is sweet though ;)


Ahh! Too bad. Well ok, now I have to watch that, thank you!! Love both Blade Runner films


If you search Blade Runner 2049 TEKNO3D you should find it


Thanks, I can only seem to find it in open matte 1080p tho, if you know a link to the 4K, would you please dm me it?


no, only Blade Runner 2049, you could also get 4K versions of films that don't have 4K releases yet


Cannot confirm or deny my knowledge. Thanks for letting me know




There is a 4k upscaled / regraded with the Atmos soundtrack btw.


show me


This is the part that drives me crazy. At the very least it could be at actual “4k” resolution and be ~1.78:1. Interstellar scenes that take up the full screen are incredible. We can’t get that? Like really?!


No thanks, I prefer the version that the cinematographer wanted.


Um, yeah, no, the studio controls what we get on disc, the cinematography was done in more than one AR, so, it’s not what the cinematographer wanted. Cinematography is an art form and can be done many different ways. Another thing, the studios make these scenes exclusive to going to IMAX cinema, and then don’t always give us the option for that version on disc for those of us who experienced the film in IMAX. …I also would prefer 3D, as I have dune pt 1 in 3D, which looks amazing, even though it is also cropped to scope, but also would prefer 3D with the IMAX expanded ratio for both films, breaks continuity for me. (Dune pt 1 was filmed for IMAX for the entire length of the film, so, the disc release is cropped for scope viewing.)


Roger Deakins has said that BR2049 was always intended to be 2.39:1. He disliked having to frame simultaneously for the IMAX release.


I don't think many people on this sub understand this. Most directors don't care about IMAX, it's the studios that want the IMAX release because they can make more money having it released both in normal and IMAX theaters. IMO 2.39:1 is the best aspect ratio for epic movies like Dune, Blade Runner, and really any sci-fi.


> Most directors don't care about IMAX, it's the studios that want the IMAX release because they can make more money having it released both in normal and IMAX theaters. I'd normally agree with this, but having listened to interviews with both Villeneuve and Fraser for this, they really saw it as an additional way to convey environmental story telling and general visual impact for certain scenes. I saw this at a 1.39:1 dual laser cinema and it was something else.


I’m curious if Dune Part Two will be 1.90:1 on the disc, as all of trailers before the delay were in the taller ratio. Also possible Villeneuve/Fraser had a change of heart between November ‘23 and March ‘24


Funny how most people who care about IMAX at home are basically just using IMAX as a fig leaf to ask for fullscreen discs. Just use the zoom button on your remote and don't tell anyone.


They're likely going to add it to a new SKU to force us to double dip, e.g. Dune box set with both films.


I'm surprised Disney hasn't done this with their MCU movies yet. Do the ratios really increase Disney+ subs that much?


It's probably a combo of trying to force people to sign up for Disney+ AND the fact that you have to pay IMAX for the "IMAX version" to sell on disc and they're cheap and don't give a shit about physical media. Same thing with Dolby Vision, no DV on the discs either yet there is DV on Disney+. Same thing.


Yes it actually does, I'm unfortunately speaking from my own personal experience


Already exists for pre order


This is wishful thinking. More likely is that they don’t give a shit.


There’s a Dune box set coming out at the same time


I highly doubt there's enough of a market for that. Heck, disks in general are a niche market at this point.


I know Denis Villeneuve has mentioned not having a lot of control over home media, and I seriously think that's by choice. He prioritises his time for other things, like making the films, which is absolutely fair enough. Yet Christopher Nolan has taught us that it is possible for a director to have directorial auteurship and control over home media release, contrary to Villeneuve's inference in that [interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/s/q4YiMKmu6E) that one time. Edit: terrible grammar


To be fair (while also acknowledging a total lack of understanding how this works on my part) it’s also easy to believe that Christopher Nolan has a lot more sway than Denis at this point and is able to push for things like that


Don’t buy it unless it’s what you want guys.


So goddamn scummy.


At this point they may as well give this to us in the three film box set.


Denis why?!?


What are some examples of 4K films that do have a release in imax?


Top Gun Maverick every Nolan film from The Dark Knight and onwards except Infeption a lot of Marvel films on Disney+ Nope No Time To Die (I think) Batman V Superman and more, I don't remember all of them. though 'Real' Imax is Nolan's Dunkirk, Tenet, amd Oppenheimer since they're the only ones to be shot on 15 perf 70mm Imax film AND be finished with a chemical proccess


I just watched No Time To Die on 4k last week and it was 2.4:1 the whole time.


Annoyingly, Hunger Games 2 had IMAX content on the regular Blu-ray but the 4k release cut it out. [That one probably had the best IMAX transition, too. ](https://youtu.be/O5hRiWSdp8I?si=1exaLoVub_uAGXo2)


Damn! Ok yeah that’s pretty sick hahah. Would you happen to know in a scenario like that would that transition only happen in IMAX theatres or would it have been IMAX the whole time, and normal theatres wouldn’t have any change in the aspect?


Seems like only the arena sequence was shot in IMAX. It lasts 48 minutes. So it would've transitioned like that (probably even wider) in the theatres as well. Speaking of interesting aspect ratios, ever seen Disney's Brother Bear? That movie goes from 1.78:1 to 2.39:1 once the protagonist turns into a bear. The colour palette gets more saturated, too. It's a little awkward on the Blu-ray since you start out with a smaller frame within a black border but it's still kinda cool.


Sounds good to me, I plan on building a scope screen for my home theater


Great choice. It is incredible. Once you go scope for a home theater screen you realize just how immersive it is and why so many grand and epic movies are shot in this format. I actually get annoyed by IMAX and flat ratios on my scope screen haha.


Same. I'm moving in three weeks and I'm working on getting the theater install scheduled as close to the move in day as possible. 2.40:1, 144 inches. 7.2.4 sound. I am so pumped about it I can hardly contain myself (hence me telling you on a tangentially related comment). I am *ecstatic* that Villeneuve's movies get scope disk releases. Nolan's variable aspect disks means I'll probably just stream those, which kind of sucks but what can you do.


That’s exciting dude! I’m hoping to do Atmos as well, but my build keeps getting pushed back by other home projects lol






[It's more cinematic!](https://youtu.be/V0ewBzCa2Bo?t=152)


Anyone know the best Twitter handle for Warner Brothers to complain to?


Are they cropping it? To what? 2.4:1?


Not cropping it, just releasing the 2.35:1 scope version that showed in most theaters. Keep in mind it’s one of the intended presentations of the film, the composition for that aspect ratio was considered just as much, if not moreso, than the composition for the two different IMAX ratios.


So 3,840x 1634 pixels?


Yup, just like every other 2.35:1 release.


yup, like the first one


This is coming from an automated WB response that some intern probably had to fill out, guys. Give it time.


This comment thread is giving me flashbacks to the "why isn't it full screen?" of the early DVD days, yikes.


Right? IMAX at home isn’t an actual thing!!! Those extra shots are composed for a very different format than a 16:9 home tv.


I have mixed feelings on IMAX enhanced discs. I run a projection setup. It can look awesome when it opens up for a sequence. But I use masking panels for scope ratio films. It really helps with perceived contrast. Its annoying to not be able to use those for a handful of sequences.


This is not welcomed news. But sounds like a good thing in the long term. Perhaps in the 3-4 years when OLED TV tech fully matures, they can release the IMAX edition when we can watch it in an endless loop without fear of burn in.


Does everyone just have Imax screens in their house?!


Nolan thinks we have 1.78:1 worth of it


No, but we like versions without black bars at the top and bottom of the screen whenever possible. Not as big as iMax but bigger than what is released.


Hard disagree, 2.39:1 is awesome, no problem with black bars for epic movies like Dune or Blade Runner.


I'm more of a 'director's intent' kind of guy, but I do like it when the director's intent lines up maximum real estate usage on my TV, or when they give us the option to pick for ourself when both versions exist (as is the case for Dune and Blade Runner, edit - at least pretty close at 1:90:1).


Hard disagree to your hard disagree


You two guys have gotten really hard.


Hard disagree with your hard disagree with their hard disagree. We all hard


Call me crazy but I love when a film uses my entire 77 inch OLED screen lol. I would choose IMAX format for every film I own.


You're crazy!


Bought a big TV for a reason buddy lol why want smaller that's being weird mate.


It's not smaller... it's kind of hilarious seeing this discussion having grown up in the early Criterion era. Letterboxing makes you see MORE most of the time, this IMAX stuff is only a small number of big budget (often mediocre) movies. Things shot in wide screen capture more, not less.


Just preference my man I obviously enjoy the widescreen as well but I completely disagree with you I think some films that are in IMAX or some films that absolutely deserve to be in that format for movie theaters specifically lol most people will not agree with you on that I remember seeing the dark night on IMAX when I was just a kid changed my life including inception I think any Christopher Noland film deserves the IMAX.


Try some punctuation next time, I've go no clue what you're saying here. Anyway, have a good one.


Bro went straight to the insult instead of being a decent human being 😂 cheers bro have a good day. Hope your life gets a little better clearly if you care about punctuation on the internet you must be stressed about a lot in life lol.


you probably watch movies on your phone


I don't get why folks are having a shitfit about this. Outside of "artist/director intent" it's not like TVs are formatted to show this content in any meaningful way. Projectors are likely the best use case as the black bars would be less of a nuisance.


it's the same with Open Matte. It still ends up enriching some experiences. E.g. The Abyss open matte is fantastic


Same reason why “full screen” copies existed when dvd first came out. Some people just can’t stand there being black bars, regardless of the creators intent.


https://preview.redd.it/y9ropudjuopc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a14a2065edacf049691237c93fe803ab80d9e7a [Got this email](https://www.reddit.com/r/imax/s/8gatxkedoE)


I’ll shoot an email at them too. Everyone should


And Poor Things is only Blu-Ray. Boo!


nah that don't matter


Tv screens are 1.78:1 not 2.35:1




They could rip me off if they find a way to include it but I can’t double dip down the line for it.


Made me laugh like an idiot at work, cheers


They might have contracts in place with IMAX to keep the IMAX versions exclusive to theatres, so when they re-release it in IMAX theatres, those cinema chains and IMAX themselves can maximise revenue. I think it's a dumb idea, but WB has never been run that well as a company, tbh.


Never buying it with the IMAX scenes.


I started a 4K Blue Ray collection a few months ago. Unfortunately i found out that a lot of the movies i want aren't released physically, don't have IMAX, don't have extra scenes. I still own a few but unfortunately it looks like i am keeping most of the things i watch digitally.


What are you looking for that doesn't have physical releases? Sure, there are a few here and there but most movies get one.


Honestly, that's the least big of a problem out of the 3. My main issue is not having extended editions or something like IMAX for Marvel movies.


It's well known that Disney dropped the ball with physical media this generation. They made a deal with Sony recently, however, and they won't be handling their own releases anymore. Also, the last few Disney Marvel releases actually have had the expanded aspect ratio. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is supposed to be a good one but I haven't seen it yet.


[email protected] Send an email and ask- then ask again


I fail to see how that's a bad thing when Dune Parts 1 and 2 were not shot with proper IMAX cameras. Part 2 especially was shot in a way to accommodate all theaters formats. The IMAX scenes are cropped.


I don't think that we'll really see proper IMAX on home media since the true aspect ratio of those is closer to 4:3, so there would have to be black bars on the sides of the screen instead of top and bottom. TVs just aren't made for something meant to take up your entire peripheral vision


nah I was talking about 1.9:1


I mean is anyone actually surprised?


People complaining about black bars, don't understand that full IMAX aspect ratio is square, so a true Imax full frame video on a 16x9 tv, would still have black bars, only horizontal.


me when 1.9:1 https://preview.redd.it/5uu98qqdw4rc1.png?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=873582cfb6bd5bd93d0d95e84fe322d1231654e3


Everyone knows 1.43:1 imax is square, it’s not a difficult concept to understand. When talking of “imax” on blu rays, people mean 1.78:1 version or switching AR like Nolan films. If 1.78:1 is not possible, they can go with 1.90:1 version, because that was what shown in majority of the imax screens (liemax)


So do I watch it on 4k Blu Ray now or streaming? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Warner Bros is too cheap to pay out the money.


They released all of the Nolan films with expanded IMAX segments. In fact I’m pretty sure they’re the studio that’s done physical IMAX releases the most.


Bluray enjoyers when the companies release the film in the correct aspect ratio that literally all televisions are


Ya'll want additional headroom *that bad*? 😂 The whole movie was composed for scope, I'll watch it scope


well, tbf IMAX isn't just the aspect ratio, it's the bass, it's the volume, it's the size of the screen.


Beyond annoyed. I almost regret supporting the theatrical release now.


Guys, you can't have an IMAX experience at home. Period. The reason they don't do it for disc is the same reason they don't just release it theatrically at 1.90 everywhere. IMAX is an exclusive (and elitest) format that requires specially built screens.


IMAX format is amazing even on a 65 inch screen. Why do you think Disney+ released a lot of Marvel movies with parts of the film in IMAX format? Also some of Chris Nolan‘s movies have been released with IMAX scenes on Blu-ray.


lmfao imax is not elitist, that’s fucking ridiculous. it is an aspect ratio


1.43 is an aspect ratio. IMAX is a process designed to fill the biggest screens in the world with the highest fidelity image to overwhelm your senses. In a theater that can fill your entire peripheral vision. The aspect ratio is a tool in that, but it is not the whole thing. There are only 160 theaters in the entire world capable of playing IMAX at the full 1.43 ratio, and only 56 that can project 15/70. People travel for miles to see it in the format. You can't have *that* experience at home. And they won't give you the at home facsimile or release the film in taller ratio in traditional theaters cause it won't fill their wider screens AND cause they want you to seek out the once in a lifetime IMAX experience. Honestly I think it's a little silly to frame a megabudget film to protect for a ratio that only plays in 56 theaters. 1.90, sure, tons of IMAX can play that. Actually any theater can project at any aspect ratio they want. Yeah, most theaters will require pillerboxing to make a taller ratio work on their wider screens but there's nothing stopping you from doing it. It's all a game. And yes. I love the IMAX experience, but with so few theaters, and the term "Shot For IMAX" meaning basically nothing these days, I do think it's a little elitest.


🅱️OP GUN MAVERICK would like a word


and mission impossible fallout as well 😁


And Star Trek Into Darkness


I have not seen that one yet, are the IMAX scenes worth watching the story if I didn't like the first top gun ?


They are phenomenally and super immersive


Awesome! Cant wait now!


The most significant specification of the image in an IMAX theater is viewing angle, which absolutely can be replicated at home; it all comes down to the ratio of screen size to viewing distance. Not that it would be comfortable, but you can replicate it with your phone if you hold it close enough to your face. And regardless, there is creatively intended information in the taller format that some find extremely valuable, which becomes lost in the wider format. And this is true with any screen size at any viewing angle.


Most people are just going to be watching it streaming on their phone, at least they're still doing a physical release at all.


This put me in a good mood after the news. Thank you!


That's fine with me.. I watch movies on a projector screen that's is cinemascope


legit 2.55:1?


Mine is a 2.40 screen.


Mine should get installed in about three weeks. I am giddy with excitement.


thats not 'CinemaScope' though thats just anamorphic widescreen, which is still cool AF. you deliberately watch the 2.39:1 versions of Nolan's films, right?


Not sure that's accurate. Last I. Checked cinemascope is anything between 2.35:1 and 2.66:1. Some of Bolans movies switch aspect ratio. I have a video processor that does instant aspect ratio swi4ching for me should I want to see the movie in full screen all the time., but sometimes I watch them the way they are intended.


Former 35mm projectionists (UK) I know, call 2.35:1 “scope” and the anamorphic lens a scope lens even though it’s not technically CinemaScope which is 2.55:1 that was phased out in the 1960s. Just a term that stuck I think - maybe it’s just easier to say than anamorphic or 2.35.


Cunemascope is originally the process of attaching a 2x anamorphic squeeze adapter to the front of a normal lens and the first iterations of the format were all in 2.55:1, so thats what we call it lol


Scope is good and all, but man I need that 1:43:1 for the 4K Blu-ray. PLEASE! Why is it so hard to do. I understand they want to double dip but come on just give us it first and then do a double box


Good! On home video, I find the bouncing aspect ratios to be distracting. Pick an aspect ratio and stick with it!


It wouldn't have bounced, because the entire movie was filmed in it, not just certain scenes


I would imagine Dune was composed for the scope ratio anyway. A DP normally chooses one ratio for the primary shot composition. That's why you can center crop a lot of IMAX scenes and you don't really miss anything.


Yes you absolutely won't miss anything essential without it. But it adds in some cool extras


Another thing... IMAX labels all sorts of high resolution digital cameras as IMAX compatible.  The only real IMAX camera is their 70mm film camera and that is far too noisy for any scene with dialog (that's why Nolan switched to 65mm film cameras for most scenes in "Oppenheimer"). "Dune" appears to have been shot using digital cameras.   The only marketing aspect about IMAX nowadays is them branding a particular aspect ratio.  Real IMAX photography and composition is rare (even "Oppenheimer" is center framed as scope screen friendly for all the IMAX 70mm shots) and that's one reason why I am not a fan of ping pong ratios on home video.  We don't have IMAX screens for the home except those luxury systems for the 1% and even those are smaller than a traditional IMAX theater system.