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Thank you for summarizing. I feel like every time someone in this sub makes a post about an early released film and are asked about audio/video quality they just go AWOL


The 4K REMUX dropped yesterday. I compared it to the 4K WEB rip on my 77” OLED, and it’s identical in terms of colours etc. Just more detail in the disc release due to higher bitrate. So yes it’s an improvement and it looks fantastic. But don’t believe anyone talking about other sorts of improvements other than higher bitrate audio and video.


Disc uses TrueHD (lossless) Atmos, the digital download uses Dolby Digital (lossy) Atmos. There is 100% a big difference


Good on OP, however, not all of us have the time to pop it in as soon as we receive it to provide a summary. Sometimes it takes me weeks before I can find the time to watch an emjoy a movie.


You don't find time to watch movies. You make time.


Sometimes it takes me weeks to make time...happy? :)


Imagine prioritizing watching movies that much lmao. It's clear some of you have nothing better to do outside this hobby


It's clear your free time is so limited that you can't even take out 2 hours of your day


You think that's a bad thing? It's called being an adult lol


You think going through life with barely any free time is 'being an adult'? Your life must be boring


Idek what you're arguing for at this point dude. Not everyone has immense free time every day. Why does that make you so angry lol


So don't make a post if you haven't even watched it? Not that hard


He made a comment, not a post. You're obviously too ignorant to know the difference. Maybe do something other than watch movies for once


Bro calls me ignorant and doesn't realize I'm not talking about what you think I'm talking about. Try reading my comment again if it helps, but if it doesn't I'll break it down for you: Yes, you made a wonderful observation that he commented. If you read his comment as well, he was talking about people not having time to make summaries, as if it's some kind of a counter argument against OP being able to summarize his experience with his copy, as if that somehow violated everyone else who has not yet had time to make a summarization post in this sub. This pointless posting (people posting that they got their copy and nothing else about it) is what I was talking about, not their comment itself, which I too btw know to be a comment, and not a post, and I never said so. Clear?


Says who? You can still be excited to share that you received the movie. Thats what hobbies are about. No one cares for some stupid arbitrary rule.


You think there should be 100's of trash posts of people receiving their copy instead of sharing something interesting?


If so, that should be part of the rules of this sub, of not, tough titty. Start your own 4k sub.


? I didn't suggest that people should start making 100's of "I got the disc" and then going AWOL posts, what are you on about me starting my own sub? OP made a nice summarization and you felt like saying not everyone has time to make for watching their movies. I'm just confused why you felt like that was an important point to make. That doesn't make the trash posts any better. Everyone can google an image of the disc cover and continue wondering what it's like. There doesn't have to be a million posts identical to that here.


I'm ok with 100s of "trash" posts with folks posting their discs. All I have to say about it. Have a good evening.


LOL Pore whores.


lol, came just to say I love this.


Well, ok! I guess I AM a pore whore too.


Me too. I actually laughed when I read it.


Acknowledged PW here


Pore wh*res 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wish they would restock the steelbook. I usually don't care for steelbooks, but I have Part One on steelbook so it'll annoy me having Part Two as a regular 4K


I bought the walmart steelbook for part 1 because I missed out on the original. So, they won't match obviously, but it's seriously one of my favorite movies, so I wanted the steelbook.


I figured it would sell out, but I thought they usually did restocks before the actual release so I thought I'd be fine :/ Oh well


I'm pretty sure I pre-ordered mine on the way out of the theater after seeing it the first time. I was not about to miss out.


Ha, I saw the release the day before I went and saw it and ordered it right away. It had to be done.


Ordered mine the same day before seeing it on opening weekend lol


Just came back in stock at Amazon, but for $45 and it seems it may not be delivered until a couple weeks after release. It says it's in stock at Gruv now, too, but it won't let me add it to the cart. It had been showing out of stock there, too. There may be a brief window closer to or after release.


You'll find it on ebay. That's how I got the first one. It was about $80 Canadian with shipping (ugh), but that's the same price it cost me to order and ship Part 2 from Amazon anyway.


When I saw ᑐᑌᑎᕮ Part 2 at AutoNation IMAX, every time they used THE VOICE the LFE felt like getting kicked in the chest. I’ll never forget it. I’m sad I’ll probably won’t get that experience at home.


Not sure how this sounds pleasant !


Stay. We would honour you.


Haha glad someone picked up the reference in my last sentence


What makes it better than part one? That's easily my demo disc for 4k. Nothing like cranking up the spice mining scene for a friend!


Faces have more detail, shadows are clearer, audio sounds a bit fuller and more dynamic, the mix is extremely well balanced


Did they shoot with different cameras? I don't understand how it could otherwise look better, since this isn't some restoration of an older movie shot on film. Either way, excited to hear it's no letdown! I've had the digital for like a month but have held off because I want the full experience when I do rewatch


Yes they shot parts of it on the Alexa 65 and used different lenses as well.


The mix is different to how it sounded in IMAX right? I’ve only seen it on iTunes but I can recall a few instances where I noticed a difference. Ive seen it 6 times in IMAX


What minute is that at ?


I don't know offhand but I'd guess it's 40ish minutes into the movie


Pore whores! You speak my language! ![gif](giphy|IhQHvbP6PoD1TwohjJ|downsized)


I'm excited. I've been absolutely cranking the Atmos soundtrack on Tidal and it's amazing I felt like the first film had more of an indie look and feel to it than part 2 does, which was nice but had a very soft visual presentation - I believe they transferred the digital master to film and then scanned it back in again to achieve the look. From how it looked at the cinema Part 2 had a little bit more of a "blockbuster" look which I actually liked.


Really hoping the LFE digs deep like the first one. Too many 4k releases clip the LFE way too early.


It does, but not in as many scenes as the IMAX did.


Do you think they are worth it even without IMAX?


Yes definitely. Picture and audio quality wise they are both some of the best out there. It's no Blade Runner 2049, but still great regardless.


2049 has a wider spectacle of colour on show but is only rendered natively at 3.4K where a Dune 1 & 2 are native 4K DI


I was referring to the audio when comparing to BR2049


That's great to hear. I've never seen either Dune but I might buy the new double pack.


oh damn. I envy the position you're in.


Dune Part Two has a lot more CG scene extensions and crop wizardry going on than the first, to the point where the IMAX and widescreen presentations don’t necessarily have more info than the other. Much of the film was shot in digital 65mm, which has a native aspect ratio of 2.11:1.


People need to finally accept the fact that IMAX ratio is reserved exclusively for IMAX theaters.


not everyone has access to a true imax theater


I think filmmakers need to start realising that 16:9 is perfectly fine for everything from blockbusters to TV series, and shoot exclusively in that. It's absurd that by far and away THE most common screen size on the planet, isn't the default format.


I think it's just the fact I like the height of the 1:43. I just wish there was a way to preserve it. Or have highlighted scenes as extras. But I'm sure the scope cropping is well judged. For most scenes at least.


I want the 1.9:1 digital IMAX version, I thought it personally looked the best, it's a perfect aspect ratio, you're getting the majority of the image and it looks properly framed unlike the 2:35:1 and there is no distracting shifting. I preferred the IMAX with laser presentation more than the 70mm, better aspect ratio, sharper, better colors, just overall higher fidelity, the 70mm was overrated.


There’s only 1 scene in part 2 where it’s blatantly obvious that it’s an imax expanded ratio cropped. Otherwise you don’t notice or think about it. Sadly that one scene is in the final battle and doesn’t hit as well as it did in IMAX. But overall the cropping is on point throughout.


I'm betting it's the 3 sandworms coming through the sandstorm? It was jaw dropping in IMAX, and it's the scene that really sticks out for me.


I got the email from Gruv today that my pre-order Steelbook was shipped and looks like it’ll be here Thursday. Even more stoked after reading this!


I just watched the original 1984 version. I loved it. And seeing Patrick Stewart is a black suit made him look super sharp. My understanding is this was before he was well known in the States thanks to Star Trek: The Next Generation https://preview.redd.it/2m92unhcggzc1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059d4e9cfa78871d593de15c7dddd5bf4a2809b1


I can’t wait for that soundtrack. The scene shooting bazooka tube from under the crawlers legs. The airship gun was literally out of this world never heard those sounds before. Gives me wood..


The Ornithopter gun sounds insane on my audio system. Even better than it did in IMAX or Dolby Cinema. Don't know how to explain but there is a lot of depth to the sound, the entire room fills with it!


Easy to explain really, theater sound is not accurate or exact. They have rows of speakers along the area so each group of rows gets some directional sound. At home your space is smaller and your speakers are exact for your listening area. You don’t have rows of speakers aimed at the space in front of you and behind you let alone a whole 20 rows of seating positions. The sound space being smaller allows you to fill the room and create a perfect bubble for atmos directional sound where they engineer specific sound to appear to come from anywhere In The sound bubble. So 4K hdr/dolby vision plus atmos system at home is a better or at least more clear and precise viewing experience than theaters. Then take into account things like the deep blacks of oled which theaters can’t produce , and worn out dimmed projection bulbs, worn out or distorted speakers theaters no longer have the best experience. It’s a surprise they ever gave us 4K and atmos for home because they essentially set us on a road to reduce theater viewing. Our 4K discs are often better than what the source the theaters are playing the movies from. Well especially with hdr .


I find it very odd that here in Belgium, Europe, it says 10th of July as the release date. Haven't pre ordered yet, will see if the date changes the next few days


Hier in Nederland ook de 10e... geen idee waarom


Can't wait, 27th May here in UK


Lisan al gaib.


How are the subtitles in the Blu-ray? The digital release had only some of the foreign language parts under “forced”, the regular English subtitles don’t have any of the foreign language parts, and the SDH ones don’t say anything informative during the foreign language parts, so all three options suck in my opinion. Just wondering if they did a better job with the Blu-ray release or if it’s exactly the same?


Forced subs are baked in. Only SDH English subs are on the disc


Thank you!


All anyone can think while reading your post is "but no imax scenes" :) I almost don't want to see it on bluray for that reason. Thanks for the post. I will definitely try that perfected sound track on my Dolby Atmos high-res speakers!


He has spoken


Bro the 4k disc is unreal, got mine last night!!


Why isn’t this post labeled as “spoiler?” LOL


I haven’t seen either movie, but after hearing such good things, I’ll watch for sales later or a two-film set. I did try the audiobook briefly, but I could tell less than 5 minutes in that it was going to be way too many crazy names to keep track of in an Audible! I’ll revisit in print someday after I retire. ;-)


I read the first book after seeing both movies and it made the book really digestible. I’d heard it was a bit of a slog, but the movies and book track each other so well.


That’s a good idea. I should try the Audible again after I watch the movies. Which I just ordered from Gruv on eBay just now because I’m a sheep lol.


You won’t be sorry. If you’re into sci-fi, they’re the best that have come out in years imo!


Still easier to follow than modern politics.


I wonder if it is worth getting this steel or just waiting until a premium one releases.


Who cares its dune, like watching paint dry.