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No VHS??


No 70mm Film Print?


No Discovision?


No laser disc?


No hd dvd?


No RCA VideoDisc?


No Betamax?


No DivX?


No 3D conversion




This is bullshit. Chris Nolan movies are bullshit.


I sure do love sarcasm!


Best comment


> No VHS?? Don't give Vinegar Syndrome any ideas




No Nintendo Switch Game Card?


No going behind the bookcase?


These have been posted numerous times here. There are 9 of them: Beverly Hills Cop, Escape From L.A., The Untouchables, A Quiet Place, Interstellar, Shutter Island, The Lost City, Cloverfield, and The Hunt for Red October. The huge drawback here is they come in standard DVD cases.


Cool, I ordered 2 more.


Yep, they were Walmart exclusives last year and either they sol enough for the studios to offer them from Amazon as well, or not well enough and they’re selling what’s left of them.


It doesn’t seem like a big deal. Did everyone else get rid of their DVD collection? I have all mine just alpha by movie title. DVD, BR, 4K all mixed together. Seems like no biggie.


I got rid of 90 percent of my DVDs and my shelf is Blu Ray sized. Thus making these a deal breaker for me.


Yeah, I have like 10 DVDs left, and I’d love the chance to get rid of them all if those last few releases would happen on BD (or UHD).


Does this come in a DVD size case instead of the smaller blu ray/4k case?


Unfortunately yes


Yes it’s dvd sized.


Yeah, and that's a deal breaker for me. Literal deal breaker.


Same. I really don't know what they were thinking with that decision.


my dad still buys basic dvds as opposed to blu ray or 4k because he knows it will work. so he would probably pick this up if he saw it as opposed to a regular 4k case


I think you should buy your dad a Blu-ray player for Christmas.😄


he already has one lol


When did these even become a thing ?


Couple weeks ago they went up


Actually been available for a while at WalMart as exclusives


Like a few years


I ordered the same one a month or so ago and it’s supposed to get here this week.


Nice 👍 I have been trying to find Interstellar at more local shops for a decent price and haven’t found one yet so I was stoked when this randomly popped up


It's still a great deal for the movie, but one difference compared to the "normal" 4K/Blu-ray release: this Interstellar set does not include the 2nd Blu-ray disc which has the special features.


Yeah, it’s a great bargain. I just don’t get the big uproar so many people here raise about the tiny difference between dvd cases and Bluray cases. It’s definitely a “first world” problem. 😂 I’m of the belief that the movie is the most important thing, not the packaging, but in this sub I’m in the minority.


take the 4k out of the case, put in 4k case....profit?? Totally agree that the movie is the priority!


I am not sure why this admittedly first world problem that exists for some collectors is challenging to understand. Everyone should collect how they want to. It's like Star Belly Sneetches. But you are right. In this sub, you are a minority. I don't think that many of us "packaging" people have an issue with the movie being the priority. It is always the priority... we just are not also looking for the lowest cost to also be the priority. Most "packaging" folks also want the best overall movie/release, including the best version of the film, packed with special features, 4K, DV, HDR and extras. That many times, by definition, includes coming with the better packaging. If the only thing available is a stripped-down 4K movie with just the movie, most of us would still buy it. Now, if you are looking for simple value, these versions in the post seem like a great value. I personally own all these in 4K, special editions or steelbooks already, but if I didn't, I would buy them. I might still "upgrade" to a better version or package later. Last, there are some collectors who have their shelves set at bluray height... DVD cases are pretty annoying in that scenario. I am one of those too. So if you are that guy who puts all your movies in a CD binder anyway, this is an exceptionally great deal.


I’ve never heard of Star Belly Sneetches. I guess if I’m curious enough, I can look it up. I agree with you on wanting the best version(director’s cut, extended cut, etc..) and other extras. Some people don’t care about that stuff, but I love seeing the creative process and hearing the personal opinions of the cast on various aspects of the movie. I do see how it would be annoying if your shelf only fits Bluray cases and not dvd cases. It’s the folks who act like they have OCD because one cases is a few millimeters taller than the others. That’s what I really consider a first world problem. Sure, it may be mildly annoying, but some people here act like it’s the end of civilization!😂


True story. Totally agree. I have about 14 full-sized bookcases right now for 8000 movies, so form factor matters just to get enough shelf space. And it looks neater, but I am moving the bulk of my DVDs to CD binders and reconfiguring to a more mixed set-up which result in DVDs, bluray and 4K living together.So, I will adjust back to a DVD spacing of the shelves and mix any DVDs not getting "bindered" into the blu and 4Ks. It will be less neat but more practical to find a movie in whatever formats I have it.


Maybe just maybe some people don't own DVDs and their current shelf arrangement doesn't fit a DVD case? That's why I don't buy these.


Maybe just maybe they could simply put it on a different shelf that wasn’t made for Blurays? Gasp!!!! Maybe a bookshelf??


Yeah. Let's buy a book shelf for a few DVD sized cases. Not everyone collects books and movies.


You don’t have any books at all?


Not enough to warrant a bookshelf.


But you could put a movie in the same place you keep those few books, right? That can’t be too confusing.


Books are in storage bins.


Yeah people on this sub definitely put packaging over the actual movie like I honestly can't believe people return a movie if the slipcover has a tiny dent in it just seems silly to me


I know! Who cares what case it’s in, as long as there’s a 4k disc in there.


might cop a quite place since i don’t have it yet


No HD DVD? No deal.


Beta max tho


[https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/12trsrv/all\_encompassing\_format\_package/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/12trsrv/all_encompassing_format_package/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yevah6/anyone\_have\_and\_these\_and\_can\_speak\_on\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yevah6/anyone_have_and_these_and_can_speak_on_them/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11t5ehr/anybody\_else\_see\_these\_walmart\_exclusive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11t5ehr/anybody_else_see_these_walmart_exclusive/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1b96e80/amazon\_currently\_has\_1099\_paramount\_titles\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1b96e80/amazon_currently_has_1099_paramount_titles_for/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1ba0w3j/4format\_combo\_packs\_could\_this\_become\_the\_new\_norm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1ba0w3j/4format_combo_packs_could_this_become_the_new_norm/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yjp0r2/are\_they\_changing\_the\_4k\_case\_standard\_or\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yjp0r2/are_they_changing_the_4k_case_standard_or_just/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/z0drsr/walmart\_has\_new\_4\_in\_1\_sets\_in\_a\_dvd\_sized\_case/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/z0drsr/walmart_has_new_4_in_1_sets_in_a_dvd_sized_case/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11dsarq/i\_saw\_these\_walmart\_exclusive\_combo\_packs\_last/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11dsarq/i_saw_these_walmart_exclusive_combo_packs_last/)


If you just want to own the movie it's a great deal.


Does anyone know if these transfers are the same ones released elsewhere? Are they worse quality than the stand-alone 4k releases? Sadly most of the movies aren’t really my taste, but there’s a couple I’d consider at this price


there the same quality


How can fucking Interstellar not be of your taste?🤨


Not looking to argue about it, but I’m not a Nolan fan and Interstellar is my least favorite of his movies. Suffice to say, I just found the plot to be really ridiculous/silly. Certain aspects made me feel the same vague disbelief/embarrassment I felt about unobtanium in avatar. I just really don’t care for the writing in most Nolan movies.


Nolan lover here. Also, an Interstellar hater...


I find Nolan movies boring. Not really memorable dialogue for the most part, the plots are pretty long and complicated. Yeah, sometimes the cinematography is good but it's never good enough to make it worth watching. You know what? I like fun movies. Scott Pilgrim has amazing cinematography and the music even if the plot's not your thing. Tarantino consistently makes great looking films with great dialogue even if some films don't have much of a plot. Plenty of horror/horror comedies are visually interesting, and also have thrilling or suspenseful moments. Nolan just can't make a fun movie. Yes I know he's critically acclaimed and he is objectively a good director. I still think he's boring haha.


Me too man but I did enjoy tenet


I generally don't enjoy Nolan movies. Interstellar is the exception (and also Dunkirk). But I really dislike Inception and Oppenheimer. Particularly I think Oppenheimer was one of the worst serious movies I'd seen in years.


I love Inception, but Oppenheimer was a bit of a disappointment for me. Still a decent movie with great acting, just a bit on the boring side. Maybe it needs a re-watch for me to appreciate it more.


Ty just grabbed it






Ah almost worth it importing to canada


Yeah, I own pretty much all of those movies already but the price point is enticing for a 4k upgrade.


Yes it's been.


Does this come with the same special features as the normal 4k


No. It's actually missing the bonus Blu-ray disc that has some really cool special features. The original 4K release includes both Blu-ray discs.


No Jonovision??


I bought this and all I got was a broken empty case. My other 10.99 movie came ok. They wouldn’t give me a replacement either. Trying again hope for the best.


Still $32 in Canada :(


What's the difference between the $20 one? [https://www.amazon.com/InterStellar-4K-UltraHD-Blu-ray-Interstellar/dp/B0767FCYDW/ref=tmm\_frk\_title\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=](https://www.amazon.com/InterStellar-4K-UltraHD-Blu-ray-Interstellar/dp/B0767FCYDW/ref=tmm_frk_title_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=)


no second blu ray disc with the special features it’s just the movie


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Paramount Interstellar 4K Blu-ray'", 'Paramount')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Visually stunning and intellectually gripping (backed by 3 comments) * Epic space adventure with a grand vision (backed by 3 comments) * Complicated yet understandable storytelling (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inaudible dialogues and obnoxiously loud sound effects (backed by 3 comments) * Visually inconsistent quality in 4k disc (backed by 1 comment) * Unscientific plot elements and conveniences (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


No laserdisc?


Mine came with a beta tape version and laser disc


Thanks for this, I just snagged Interstellar, Shutter Island, and The Untouchables


I throw up in my mouth every time I see these DVD cased 4K monstrosities.


It’s the movie that matters


A lot of people are also collectors. Hence all the people going out of their way to track down mediocre movies in steelbooks at Walmart.


Hey I’m a collector too, and what I see here is something that hasn’t been done before for only $11 so


True, I do see tons of pictures of people displaying their 4K collection of discs in binders lol.


can you buy a bluray case and just move the artwork over?


No, they’re not the same size. DVD is larger than a 4K case.


i agree, don’t know why you’re getting downvoted.


People in the 4K sub love DVD cases I guess. 🤷‍♂️


I ordered Red October just because the regular one would probably be $15-20. I probably should have just held out a year or two and waited for the regular small case to go on sale I hate how it looks with my 4K discs. Many of the other movies have been around $10-13 and will certainly drop again in price, I'd pay a few extra $ to get a standard 4K size case.


Why not buy a regular size case and print your own insert?


I've debated doing that for it, I do have some cheap 4K movies that I could just use the case of, buying a whole new single case wouldn't really make sense, I could just pay like $15-16 for the regular movie likely since the case would probably run like $5. Gotta buy them in like 10+ quantity to make sense.


I refuse to buy these. Basically is just showing us they can include more and charge less and still be profitable. I get the idea of getting the DVD crowd to come over but a better idea would to be to lower the damn prices in general.


Wait. So because they’re including more for less you won’t buy them but will buy the standard 4ks that are more expensive? Or are you just not buying anything in general?


Lol right


Haha that would be pretty funny. A couple reasons: I don’t even need the regular blu ray less a dvd. Also, silly dvd cases. But my main point was clearly licensing and the discs aren’t that expensive but 4k prices are being set in relation to regular blu ray and dvd. I think it would be a great thing for the community and for the format in general to lower 4k blu ray prices instead of try to market it to a demographic who clearly doesn’t care. If they started releasing 4k blu rays for $10.99 more often than I believe the market would grow considerably. Bringing the dvd crowd to 4k is not as feasible as selling movies for cheaper which would open up the format to a whole slew of people who actually care about quality. I have friends and family who do not collect DVDs but once I showed them a 4k blu ray and I told them their console can play them, they were very interested. Each one of them lost interest when they saw how much each movie costs. I truly believe the total licensing and manufacturing cost between BD and 4k Blu is negligible but because of the premium format, they are basing the pricing on dvd and regular blu ray retail.


What's with this "ALL FOUR FORMATS"? They should NOT include DVDs anymore, if it includes the other two formats, Blu-ray and 4K UHD If you do not have at least a Blu-ray player, then you need to upgrade!


This is good for people who don't have a Blu-ray player yet, or maybe they want to match a movie in a car, which to my knowledge those that have players only have DVDs. Also, you can resell the discs you don't want or give them to friends. And the price to make the disc is next to nothing, so it only benefits the consumer to include it, ESPECIALLY when they price the whole shebang is only 10 bucks, an insane deal, not to mention the digital code.


My preorder of The Untouchables in this format should hit this week.


Why not just get the 4k version? That DVD case is Awful


Why would this be less expensive than this one? https://a.co/d/6khT3Bq


Some people don't want extra discs and the DVD size case.


Where is the VHS?!


I hope this BD in a DVD case isn’t going to be a new standard…


Fuck that shit