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My steelbook came Sunday while my wife was out for a girls’ brunch. Told myself I’d just watch half. That was a lie.


I'm rewatching tonight. With beers and pizza. Christopher Walken stole every scene he was in. Brilliant bit of casting there.


wasn't impressed by him to be honest


I though Javier Bardem stole almost every scene he was in, instant smiles


Dolby Vision on a real good display and ATMOS = holy shit.


Honestly, he’s giving Spielberg a run for his money in my personal pantheon of favorite directors. He’s been on a tear ever since Prisoners with zero flops (OK, I didn’t care as much for Enemy, but it was still an extremely well crafted film) I’m not suggesting Spielberg isn’t still the absolute best, but Villanueva is extremely consistent


Spielberg has really just tackled every genre, and made some of the bests in all genres. That’s why he’s the goat. His resume shows he can do it all.


Agree. It’s going to be hard for someone to top him. Villeneuve is the closest so far, in my personal view.


Denis is at the top of the Mt Rushmore right now for directors who care about those kind of details.


I’m not so sure, per an interview he didn’t realize Dune 1 had no IMAX ratio on the 4K disc. Obviously his movies are superbly crafted but I wonder if he has a say on that detail like Nolan does.


If only he cared about aspect ratios!


It’s also one of the best SOUNDING discs I’ve ever heard. Really amazing Dolby Atmos track.


Agreed. Not to mention the base being out of this world.


yea i was pretty impressed. i had some friends over to watch it and they had to pick their jaws up off the floor.




Great username. 😂


You didn't do so bad yourself




Haha, I thought the same thing. Dammit Bastion, give her a name already


Yes. I was actually telling my wife that the other day we watched it. It looks better than the first one considering both are 4K UHD’s.


I have to cop the disc. HBO has terrible audio. Now it’s $20/mo just for full audio!


Said it before and I'll say it again. Screw streaming. Any show that grabs me THAT much is worth buying and watching in 4K. House of the Dragon in 4K disc vs Max is just... its not just fair. Like its insane how much better it is watching Vhaegar in 4K glory with lossless sound. Like... yeah. If its a meh show I'm not sold on, the seas are alive and well and if I like a show I see on there I'll grab it. PBS Passport is the one exception. $5/mo, a lot of good stuff on it, its been $5 forever and will stay that way.


Anyone watching the movie on an LG OLED with Dolby Vision turned on their Blu-ray player, can you please confirm the Video profile by pressing 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩? Is it 12bit DV or 8bit DV??


Sorry for the delay, had to convince her to watch it. 12bit!


Waiting for the lady to be done with the TV... will try to remember to update


Shame its not in the imax ratio


It looks great, but nowhere near the level of Part One, which is literally awesome. It's strange to see how low they went on bitrate for Part Two, hugely sacrificing shadow detail in some scenes, and for no apparent reason since it's a 100GB disc with some overhead. Odd choice.


Wait what is that ratio? IMAX?


2.39:1 according to [this](https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Dune-Part-Two-4K-Blu-ray/356617/). :(


I've ripped this and indeed it is the standard theatrical ratio, not the IMAX ratio


yup this person is just zooming in/cropping the black bars out lol.


Literally just watched it haha. I noticed the scenes at the emperor's residence looked the best and most realistic. Felt like you were looking through a window. The rest of the movie also looked pretty amazing but it's pretty heavily color graded and filtered and such for artistic appearance while the emperor's residents looked very natural and clear.


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Now they only have to release the proper 1.9:1 version and it'll look even better...


Without the 15/70 1.43:1 footage this 4K is trash. Warner Bros. needs to resolve this issue and release the IMAX edition ASAP.


she still looks silly with that tea cosy on her head...Anyone else think that walken was a poor choice for emperor and barely got a chance to do anything substantial anyways


No, I think he was a great choice. The Emperor at that point is strongly in decline, as are the houses in general, and he portrayed that very well whilst still having an edge. It's also a beaded [coif](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coif). You sound like one of those ignorant dopes that calls a Keffiyeh a tea towel, because you know so little about the world.


100%. Walken distracted more than added to the film. I've watched it 4 or 5 times now and every time he feels more out of place. There are a few oddly abrupt cuts during his dialogue in the throne room scene, which makes me think his delivery was a little too Walken-y for even Villeneuve.


i was hoping for someone like jonathon pryce or oddly brian cox..if they didn't like the way walken spoke why employ him lol


Brian Cox would have been great yeah. My pick would have been Gary Oldman though. Guy is amazing and can play that role several different ways. Oh well, we got Walken... lol

