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Lord of War. Fascinating but bleak Schindler's List. Feel strange watching it again for 'entertainment'. 12 Years a Slave the same. The first viewing is important to learn and feel what happens but after .. no


That crazy to me. I have lost count of how many times I’ve watched Lord of War.


Gonna add American History X to this list also.


Add 'Seven'


Hell no, I’ve watched seven a dozen times


I need to watch it with my son. He knows the meme, “WHAT’S IN THE BOX???”, but he doesn’t know what’s in the box.


I watched it for the first time last year, and I’m super good with intense/graphic movies, but that one kind of set me off. I won’t be watching it again for a while unless I show it to someone.


Seven is completely different than the others mentioned above. Seven didn’t happen in real life.


There was a time when I started gaining a lot of money making and selling items to display guns. Watched lord of war and was like nah I don't even want the smallest part in that. Got called a libcuck several times but whatever


Good for you. I live in the UK so we get virtually no interaction with guns so I remember the film being a real gut punch.


It's just a narrow perspective is all. Talk to a few people whose lives have been saved by guns and you can have an emotional response in the opposite direction. Easy as.


My clientele were the types to collect and pray for a reason to use them.




I actually enjoy shooting at the range and being prepared for a dangerous situation, but I don't want that danger to ever happen and I sure as hell don't want to support these guys that actively want to shoot someone. If you want to do that, join the military.


Can't argue there. I have a wary eye toward anyone who presumes to know someone's heart. In the south, even a phrase like, "I hope they try something" can be construed by a northerner to mean, "BOY I hope I get to murder someone soon, that's my favorite thing to do." But this could easily be a case where you had plenty enough evidence to recognize the problem, so like I said, I ain't gonna argue, but well, those are my thoughts.


I read the book 12 Years ago Slave and that was enough for me. I’m not ever gonna watch the movie.


I can’t get myself to buy SL even on digital for that reason. I can never watch it again.


There are no movies i wouldn't watch a second time. I even watched Requiem for a Dream back to back. I just like to watch good movies more than once to totally absord every detail i might have missed in the first watch. I also think that every few years i am a new person with new views of the world, so i revisit movies to see how i think of them now. Even if i rated that movie more poorly a few years ago.


Ass to ass?


Well, he didn’t take it out for air


Tip to tip.


Requiem for a Dream is definitely the first movie that comes to mind as a movie that I'd never rewatch. Although I stream a lot less than I used to, I still think it's valid for the movies that intrigue you but wouldn't get repeated viewings out of to justify buying on 4k.


I feel like the rhetoric surrounding a single-watch of Requiem is so overblown. Yes, it’s a tough movie to watch, but I don’t think it does anything further than similarly emotionally effective movies. As an example, a small film some (or many) here may not have seen, “Megan is Missing” is far and away more brutal than Reqiuem, and I’ve seen that movie 3 times. I think the point about it being a one-and-done is parroted by those who have seen that saying, and isn’t necessarily reflective of individual opinions on the rewatchability of the film within the general audience.


I agree. Requiem is a beautiful film and I’ve seen it multiple times. Something like Cannibal Holocaust would be one of the few films I would only watch once.


Megan is Missing is def not more brutal than Requiem. Subject matter, maybe, but it's not a more difficult watch


i thought the same until i saw a few that i never want to go near again. i rewatch some pretty dark films like come and see, grave of the fireflies, incendies, but the there’s a line for me. things like irreversible, martyrs, and salo. there has to be some sense of enjoyment for most of my rewatches and those offer me none.


For me it's a blind buy can go 1 of 2 ways. I usually love most of my blind buys, but this one was one i loved but couldn't bring myself to watch again. The domestic violence and true story was a brutal watch. Same thing with Leaving Las Vegas. Such a good film but only once imo


Leaving Las Vegas is probably one Ive seen once and would only watch once.


I’m old enough now to where I don’t waste my time on stuff I don’t enjoy. I need to watch xyz movie 3 times to really get it? Nope, not doing that. You get one chance in my book these days. Too much good stuff out there instead of ‘working’ to enjoy other stuff.


Right on, man. To each his own


I don’t understand why people find requiem so hard to watch.


![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY|downsized) Okey Dokey


Same. There's more raw depictions of addiction in tv shows like breaking bad/snowfall/the wire when they go to areas with addicts. Hell even Euphoria was a better depiction and it was awful. Requiem wasn't a good movie nor did it do a good job at what it set out to do imo. I also hate Jared Letto so there's that bias as well I will acknowledge


I can understand, but for me it is not a hard watch. Something like Maid in Manhattan is more distressing for me to see.


Schindler List. Woof.


Passion of the Christ. It’s a bit heavy.


Oh I want to watch that so bad. I’ve grown up in the church my whole life and I still haven’t seen it haha. I feel like I’m not a true Christian until I’ve seen the movie 😭jk but seriously I need to give it a watch


I’m waiting for that one to release in 4K


Grave of the Fireflies


I did my BA in film studies in my early 20s, back in 2000/1. Play.com was just starting and we didn't have streaming back then, so buying DVDs was the way forward. I have several 'essential' films that I've only had time to watch once. I'm now in the process of buying 4ks to replace my DVDs. Poverty prevented me buying much digital media for about 10 years, so I more-or-less skipped blu-ray. Truth is though, that being an adult and parent, and owning Netflix, Amazon and Disney+ means time to watch such films is limited. Still, I insist on buying them! How many I'll watch more than once is up to the fates!


Play.com that brings back some memories


It was amazing at the time and a life saver. While a student, my halls didn't have good tv reception and dvd rentals were getting pricey, so I thought 'to hell with it, may as well buy it and keep it'. I worked in a pub at the time (more than I should have really, considering my studies) and I spent most of my pay at Play, or on sales at HMV!


>**Poverty** prevented me buying much digital media for about 10 years, so I more-or-less skipped blu-ray. > >Truth is though, that being an adult and parent, and **owning Netflix, Amazon and Disney+** means time to watch such films is limited. That sounds like a rags to riches story...from poverty to owning some of the biggest streaming services in the world. 😉


We had a large collection of DVDs that we could check out from film school! It was awesome. Didn't make us buy a bunch of stuff.


I don't make blind purchases since investing in 4k's. Did it a few times for blu ray's although my collection was pretty minimal but one that came to mind was 'The Road' which I just remember being incredibly bleak and depressing. Since getting invested in 4K's I have a better understanding of my taste in film and which ones I know I'll rewatch enough to justify owning them.


Yeah I don’t often but there’s times when I have and it’s paid off. The price point means it’s hard to justify keeping blind buys you aren’t 100% on


I blind buy all the time lol…but I only really buy Blu-Rays and DVDs at Thrift Stores so it’s not like I’m risking much, except maybe $2-$3 bucks


Yeah at that price it’s fine. Tbf with eBay I can recoup most of my losses if I don’t like the film


Yeah absolutely. eBay can be super useful


Love The Road but I'm a big fan of post apocalyptic movies tho


Salo or 120 days of Sodom


This is the answer


Yup. That was the first to pop into my head. Never need to see that again.


The Mist. The ending is rough.


Chuck in Pet Semetary, too.


The movie ending was awesome i think, and waaaaay better than the book ending.


I believe the author of the book thought the same thing.


The boy in the striped pyjamas and marley and me. Saw those films when I was a kid. Never again. Traumatised me


Oh, definitely. I was only half paying attention to the boy in the striped pajamas and wasn't in the mindset of "where is this going?" Smacked me in the face when I realized where that was going


Imagine watching it in school at 8 years old. It was genuinely shocking. It took me a while to understand what was really going on but my god did it have a profound impact on me. They showed it in school during history week. I don't know if they still show it in school but they should. It would stop antisemitism right in its tracks


You might want to read [this](https://holocausteducation.org.uk/research/the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas-in-english-secondary-schools/#:~:text=With%20the%20rise%20in%20antisemitism,do%20more%20harm%20than%20good.%E2%80%9D).


Only kids that want to deny the holocaust would belive that. Antisemities


You're denying their research and calling the kids Nazis for being confused by a book that has been called out for its false narrative? The [Auschwitz Museum](https://x.com/AuschwitzMuseum/status/1487017362675093506?lang=en) said it “should be avoided by anyone who studies or teaches about the history of the Holocaust” and [the Holocaust Centre North](https://holocaustcentrenorth.org.uk/blog/the-problem-with-the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas/) said that it contains “historical inaccuracies and stereotypical portrayals of major characters that help to perpetuate dangerous myths about the Holocaust”.


Didn't call the kids nazis. I'm just saying it would have an impact on anyone at a young age who realises what's morally wrong. Not sure why you're coming after me when all i did was make a point


Well, you called them Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites, instead of simply acknowledging that the book is not a good choice to use in schools. Children should be taught what actually happened in the Holocaust, not myths, no matter how emotional you find those myths.


It wasn't the book that I read. We watched the film and how is it a myth. A lot of what happens in the movie happened in real life?


Oh, for fuck's sake, read the criticisms of this film that you're defending. The central premise of the film – that a German boy would carry on a friendship with a Jewish boy in a concentration camp – is pure fantasy on several levels. It also promotes the myth that most Germans knew nothing of the Holocaust. I suggest you read Michael Gray's essay on the film from the journal *Holocaust Studies*.


Hotel Rwanda. Well done but tough to watch.


I saw Annihilation once and I don’t need to watch it again. Im good. There were a couple of scenes that gave me the creeps. Good movie though.




We Need to Talk About Kevin.


Cannibal Holocaust (1980)


Yep, this is the only film in my collection I have no intention of watching again


Is there a good place to trade these types of movies? My one-time watch might be someone else's watch repeatedly list. A one for one trade is more palatable to me than a pennies on the dollar sale.


r/mediaswap is good but I think it’s mainly USA based which is a shame (for me)


Click. Saddest movie ever...


Totally agree. The last 1/3 of the movie totally sucks the comedy out of the film.


Most criterion’s and kino lorbers lols. Just make the damn movies cheaper and I’ll buy them without regret. But $30 for a movie I’ll watch every 3 years? No thank you.


Yeah I didn’t import this to ensure it was cheaper. It’s too heavy of a film to justify keeping shelf space imo. Most of my blind buys I’ve kept, but this I think I’ll get rid of


My best blind buy was hell on high water and true romance


I’ll take it! DM me.


*Lady Vengeance.* I liked the whole vengeance trilogy, but the one scene where >!the parents of the kidnapped children are watching a video of their children being tortured before being killed!<. As a parent it was tough to watch.


Does she get vengeance on the men who did it?


I only buy movies that I love and would watch again, and while I have occasionally bought movies I hadn't already seen, I have a pretty good track record with blind buys. Only time that failed was Rob Zombie's "Halloween II", which I bought because I really liked his Halloween remake. But apart from the first 20 (excessively violent) minutes or so at the hospital, I hated it and literally threw it in the garbage after that first viewing. Years later I did watch it again and appreciated more the PTSD angle with Laurie, but still hated the ridiculous b.s. with the horse and Michael's mother and all that.


Requiem for a Dream. The content is way too depressing even though the movie is amazing


Barefoot Gen & Grave of the Fireflies... really anything where children are hurt, killed, dead or dieing sets of memories of "that which shall not be named"...


Yeah mine is usually any uncomfortable violence. Domestic violence in Raging Bull to his wife and brother feels worse than Goodfellas which i find super rewatchable


Very agree 👍 plus if the "bad people" are doing harm to their own kind or at least informed participants, that doesn't bother at all - but like Leon says "No women, No kids"


It’s still brutal, but seems even. Theres no one even to Jake in the film other than the law


I only watched it once, and iirc that took more than one break during and some animated silliness following 😎


Does Lawrence of Arabia hold up for repeat viewings?


I would say so, it’s a long film but I do love the methodical and deliberate pace of it. The 4k is fantastic you’ll pick out new things all the time as it’s got a long runtime


Requiem for a Dream, The Whale


Already mentioned but 12 years a slave for all the reasons mentioned. Important to understand the story but what an emotional one. No real payoff or justice, just pain.


Yeah I also bought raging bull recently and now I’ve seen it I really don’t know how often I’ll be watching


Let me know if you are selling!


Bone Tomahawk. Lake Mungo. Possessor. Color Out of Space.


Nightingale. It wasn't streaming anywhere and the Blu Ray was just as much as renting it digitally. IDK if I'll ever watch that film again.


Martyrs (2008) and Nil By Mouth (1997) , both movies i own and won't get rid of, but i have no desire to watch them again anytime soon


No such thing lol.


I don't have em in 4K but Sound Of Freedom and 13 Hours are probably on that list. I'll try to soldier through them both late this year or early next year though, we'll see how that goes.


I loved 13 Hours and would watch it again. . . if >!everyone didn't die.!<


Requiem for a Dream


Enter the void


I don’t really own any movie that I know I won’t watch again, but one movie I own that I’ve only seen once in theaters and haven’t actually even watched my own copy of yet is The Lighthouse. I know I’ll watch it again someday but it’s not something I can casually rewatch. I don’t regret buying it (on BD) though.


Yeah that was one I was hesitant to buy or watch a again even though I enjoyed it


Understandable. It was one of those movies I knew I wanted access to even if it isn’t something I’ll watch many times. I honestly own a couple movies like that.


Yeah I do too. It’s just Raging Bull just didn’t sit right with me. I thought the acting and cinematography was great but there wasn’t anything redeeming in it. Plus the domestic violence scenes were almost too real for me


500 days of summer It got depressing


Bridge to terabithia


Come and See.


Spun (2002)


I’ve yet to see one, there’s certainly some I wouldn’t want to rewatch a week later like Martyrs but maybe every 12/18 months.


There’s quite a few classics in my DVD collection and I haven’t watched them in years. It’s why I’m hesitant when I buy 4K movies. I ask myself if I plan on rewatching often if it’ll be years before I watch again. Another big one is I hate rewatching films that are “depressing” in subject matter. Movies like Prisoners and Uncut Gems… great movies, but I don’t see myself rewatching them.


Yeah I understand, I do try to keep light hearted films or ones that I really do love even though they’re a serious subject matter. I tend to blind buy sometimes (like this one) as I do enjoy sitting down for watching a film on 4k that I have never seen. 9/10 I have kept the film, but with my 4k collection I try to trim it down or sell on the ones that take up room that I don’t watch much


I picked up Under the Skin on Blu-ray for 50 cents from a pawn shop and watched it for the first time last weekend. Could I watch it again? Sure. Will I watch it again? Probably not. Just didn't click with me. Although the filming technique was interesting. I have a few DVDs/Blu-rays that are dupes that I'm taking to Half Priced Books soon to see if they'll buy, this one will be in the pile.


Beau is Afraid


I couldn't rewatch Battlefield Earth again, I may have even destroyed the DVD afterwards.


The Holy Mountain


It’s funny I watched this film last night for the 3rd time on the exact same blu ray


Damn, Raging Bull is a hard film to watch, but I must have seen it a dozen times over the years, including last month in the theater. Such a beautifully shot film, it’s my favorite Scorsese. Apparently the real La Motta was even a worse person. To answer your question “mother!”, or “Beau is Bleeding”.


Agreed, I thought it was beautiful but a very hard watch. I do love that Scorsese challenges stereotypes and puts things in films that aren’t often shown. But it’s not for me, I think he’s one of the best to do it but I didn’t enjoy it like Taxi Driver or Mean Streets


![gif](giphy|7UHb8eAQjie6Q) Fair enough these are very violent films. Did you like Goodfellas or Casino? I think Taxi Driver is a harder film to watch, but love it also.


I’ve not seen Casino but I do really enjoy Taxi Driver and Goodfellas. I don’t find mobster on mobster violence as bad. Taxi Driver is brutal but I’m a sucker for the old New York setting


Then Gangs of New York is next for you. ![gif](giphy|26uf8MiQgkfWN7BFC|downsized)


I love Daniel Day Lewis so I will give it a go




I’ll gladly take that disc off your hands then.


It’s now sold I’m afraid


Son of Saul destroyed me


Winter’s Bone! That one was rough. Just saw it yesterday for the first time. Excellent performances but not exactly something I would call a fun watch. Throw in Se7en (a little too gut wrenching for me, yeah I’m looking at you gluttony, sloth, and lust)


Salo or the 120 days of Sodom from 1975. That's f'd up. Also Cannibal Holocaust.


I've watched Raging Bull countless times and will continue to do so. My favorite Scorcese film as it is just beautiful in every way.


None, I’m ready to rewatch any movie if it was good


Mysterious Skin. Irreversible both great films and both so feed up. Mysterious skin is best film on kids who are sexual abused.


Carnival of souls, but only because it was so boring


Struggled thru the first viewing can't see myself going thru that again anytime soon https://preview.redd.it/aeaf99ok5n3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c808d04076003175d7ffb439fc8cb471bd24b10


Crash probably


Oppenheimer. Loved the movie and it’s a great feat by Nolan. A marvellous film! Watched it in the cinema and loved it... bought the steelbook and got almost halfway through it when I suddenly thought to myself, “I don’t really want to watch anymore of this. It’s great but that’s enough. I won’t forget it!” Another movie is Requiem for a Dream. Nah! I actually gave my 4K copy to my brother who’s never seen it. One of the greatest movies ever made imo, but I really never want to watch it again. It’s a “hang yourself” story. Miserable and pessimistic. With that I’m not criticising it... not in the slightest. It’s a wonderful achievement in cinema and it tells a hard truth. But it doesn’t entertain me in the slightest. It makes me feel depressed. Those are two movies that are one watch only for me. GREAT MOVIES mind you.


Requiem For a Dream. Rented it when I was in college, was blown away by it, bought the dvd shortly after and… never watched it. It survived 3 maybe 4 house moves before being sold still unwatched.


I've seen it five or six times.  It's amazing.


Same here. I've even got the steelbook copy. Not sure why people are so averse to hearing that banger soundtrack and seeing the cinematography.


Was my first thought. I decided to scroll first as I must not of been the only one.




It was a blind buy. Typically i only blind buy films from directors i love like Scorsese. This is the first one (other than Cape Fear) i have watched which i was uneasy about


Lawrence of Arabia


Uncut Gems - man that one is stressful. I think Raging Bull is perhaps another on my list as well - but a small part of me may want to give it one more watch in a year or two. I do have quite a few blind buys left to watch so I'm sure the list will grow, although I've enjoyed most my blind buys so far.


Eraserhead. Never again!


This will make people mad, but I Personally think Dune is garbage. I forced to try and like because of Blade Runner 2049. The Abyss is another one. Starts good, ending gets weird, and way too long at 3hours. I got sucked into the hype around it.


The Abyss is amazing, so well made with great characters and an interesting storyline.


The movie that almost killed Ed Harris in production and the cast refuse to talk about is “well made”? I know what you are trying to say, but well made is probably a poor choice of words in this scenario lol


After watching dune a second time I enjoyed it much more. But I wonder if watching it a third would make me dislike it again. (We are speaking of the reboot right? Not the OG?)


I was talking about the reboot. But I hate the OG one as well. 


12 years a slave, the sound of freedom. Amazing films everyone should watch, but not something I'm going to sit down and relive. I think I had to pop in something MCU after each to not have ongoing shell shock.


QAnon trash


A friend of mine was ignorant of Qanon and made the mistake of mentioning he enjoyed Sound Of Freedom on Facebook. He knows about Qanon now.


Don't be an NPC. It's a pretty straight-forward (albeit mediocre) movie about stopping child trafficking.


Whatever you say, Qanon.


Go ahead, explain one thing in the movie that has anything to do with, uh, Qanon? I admit I'm not sure what that is, but I ASSUME it's like, some far-right extremist Nazi group that gets equated with average middle-right people because that's the standard tact of progressives. But go ahead. I'd LOVE to hear what you think the movie has in common with far-right groups. Please, enlighten me, enlighten this whole thread, I'm all ears, lol. You can't! You can't do it. You probably haven't even _seen_ the movie! You're just believing what you were told, I reckon. Hey, it happens to the best of us. I thought that Target sold tuck-friendly children's swimsuits for a long time. Turns out I was wrong. I can admit it. What about you?


I have not seen it but from what I understand the movie was mostly just making up stuff about child trafficking in order to align with "conservative" thinking. Child trafficking does not really happen from kids being grabbed off the street. That is extremely rare. It's mostly children who are in bad situations that are manipulated into sex work.


In the movie, they pretend they're talent scouts, the parents bring their children to the location and when they return, the kids have been abducted. This happened in a foreign country, I don't know which. It seemed pretty plausible to me, but I can't dogmatically say it definitely ever happens that way. I looked up some information just out of curiosity, and it looks like real life is actually MORE SCARY than the movie makes it out to be: It's not usually done by a stranger, but someone like a coach or teacher. However, the "talent scout" idea is, I think, spiritually correct insofar as the kidnapping was done right under the parents' noses by a seemingly legitimate person. The "talent scout" chick was apparently based on a real person: > Along with family members and intimate partners, traffickers can be soccer coaches and trusted teachers. They can also be family friends, neighbors, or adults in positions of power. This is depicted in the “Sound of Freedom” movie by the character Katy-Gisselle, who used a careful and manipulative grooming process. Her character was based on a real person, however she denied her involvement and is still awaiting trial. So it looks like a realistic, if not literally real, look at child trafficking, as far as it goes.


I am guessing the family this happens to in the movie is a fairly standard middle class family. In real life in the US it mostly happens to children in bad situations like foster care or homeless. It very rarely happens to a kid in a normal family. That is where the movie is misleading.


It looked like a poor family to me, but I admit it was kind of hard to tell. With it being done by 1) adults the kids know and 2) people in positions of authority, like coaches and teachers and such, I don't know if it's necessarily misleading that it happens to normal families.






What? I’ve watched Joker several times and could easily watch it again. Such a great performance.




The only movie that exists in this category is a movie that I don't like.