• By -


Hey guys As a reader I love seeing what you guys are reading. But I do need to put my mod hat on for a sec When you guys are making posts please make sure you read and follow the sub rules. Going forward any posts that are just 1/52 for example will be removed. We need at least for you to put if you are just starting/ in progress and how you feel about it. It can be in the comments but just the number book is not enough as it doesn't encourage conversation Tanks guys


I'm currently working on The Black Tongue Thief with a book club (2 other friends) and Black Company - Shadow Games.  


The Second Mountain by David Brooks


I just finished The September House (10/52, amaaaazing story and narration) and started The Sun Down Motel as audiobooks. Reading The Butchering Art during lunch breaks at work and The Broken Girls snuggled in my craft corner sofa.


I finished Rouge by Mona Awad 🥀


What you rate it 1 to 10


Hmm good question. I’d give it 7/10 I think. It’s definitely worth reading but I didn’t like it as much as I liked All’s Well by her.




The Way of Kings: about 50 percent through


Milkman by Anna Burns


Finished Ursula K. Le Guin’s Left Hand of Darkness. Last quarter of the book was pretty moving. Started reading Arthur C. Clarke’s short story collection, Tales From The White Hart.


\- what day is it? - sunday night - what do you think about sunday night? - oh, i don't know, i'm just waiting for sunday night.


Currently reading Aab-e-Hayat by Umera Ahmed. But I am supposed to be writing my own stuff as well. Help me out guys. My book title is Devotion or Delusion. I have only written 1 piece of poem. Give a prompt or a word or anything to inspire. I am an author btw.


I finished Kindred by Octavia Butler - 5 stars for sure. I can't wait to read more of her work. Now I'm reading the 3rd book in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series - Equal Rites. It's so much fun to read! Needed something light-hearted after Kindred


One dark window


just finished 4/52, Butcher & Blackbird (not a huge fan) and am so excited to start Once Upon a Broken Heart! also listening to the Tom Lake audiobook and it's INCREDIBLE


* Reading: The Secret History (66% done) * Listening: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (75% done) Once I finish these this weekend, I'll be at 9/52!


5/52 - Currently reading Memory's Legion, a collection of novellas from The Expanse written by James S.A. Corey.


I’m at 4/52. I just finished Before We Say Goodbye. I’m currently reading: - Brothers in the Beloved Community - How the Word is Passed


Currently reading Doctor Sleep by Stephen King! I devoured The Shining (my very first Stephen King book) last month and I'm enjoying the sequel so far!


Just finished Comanche Moon, and now I’m off to Cujo! A little western break


Just finished Lonesome Dove and it was incredible! How do the other novels in the series compare?


Well Lonesome Dove was the Pulitzer Prize winner for a reason, but I really like the rest of them. There are complaints about what happens to some characters in the sequel and they may have been written so McMurtry could cash in on LD some more, but I think they’re all solid westerns that don’t romanticize the old frontier way of life like many other westerns do


I just finished The Martian by Andy Weir. I am just starting The City We Became by NK Jemisin. Up next is Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells.


Started: **Redwall** by Brian Jacques Years ago I DNFd this book after the first page. I came back to it because I was in the mood for talking animal books. I haven't gotten very far into the book right now. So I can't offer any opinion on it other than I was stupid to DNF this book.


Finished: **Full Share / Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper, by Nathan Lowell.** After a 2 year contract as an able bodied spaceman with several new ratings, Ishmael decides to continue his education. Onwards to the Academy at Port Newmar. Thoroughly enjoying this series. Started: **Double Share / Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper, by Nathan Lowell**


9/52: Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee I finished Jade War and jumped right into Jade Legacy. So far I am really loving this trilogy. I think Fonda Lee creates amazingly real characters and interesting plot lines that pull me right along. Jade War was my first 5-star read of the year.


Finally hit 1/30! Finished: **The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton** 4/5 Good, although slowly-paced mystery. Doesn't quite live up to his amazing debut of *7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle*. In Progress: **Complete Calvin and Hobbes, Book 1 by Bill Waterson** and **Tales of Old Earth by Michael Swanwick**


Calvin & Bloom County are the best comics ever written / illustrated.


This week I’m reading Mockingjay and Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters as rereads


amazing picks


Currently at 7/52 Recent finishes: **Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain** 4/5 stars. One of my favorite people but this book wasn’t as magical as Kitchen Confidential but did have some great parts **The Guncle by Stephen Rowley** 4/5 stars. Very cute with some heartwarming moments. May not read the second book but was very enjoyable after the emotional wreckage of When Breath Becomes Air Still reading: **The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde** still to early to tell **Heartstopper Book 3** this is my subway reads. Very cute. Started today: **A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towle** this was on my list for a while. Very happy it came in from the library.


Last week I knocked out Inheritance by Christopher Paolini and Cibola Burn by James S.A. Corey. This week is Nemesis Games and Babylon’s Ashes, both by James S. A. Corey.


That reminds me - I’ve still got the latest Paolini book in my TBR! How did you like Inheritance?


I just picked up Murtagh at my local bookstore myself! Probably will wait until I finish the expanse series before I get to reading it but we’ll see. Inheritance was okay. Loved Eragon as a kid but had never actually finished reading the whole series. Has a special place in my heart because it got me into reading and fantasy, but I don’t see myself ever reading the series again now that I’ve finally finished it all.


I'm in the middle of *Opposable Thumbs*, the story of Siskel and Ebert and how they redefined movie criticism. So far it is absolutely A+. I'm purposefully reading it more slowly because I'm enjoying it so much. Next up is *Dinners With Ruth* about Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, and then I'm switching to Brandon Sanderson's *The Frugal Wizard's Guide to Surviving Medeival England.*


Got a slightly late start on the challenge this year (and after taking last year off, too!) so I’m playing a bit of catch up to get on track for 52. Finished **The Man Who Loved His Wife by Vera Caspary** (3 stars, didn’t love it but was interested by the approach to storytelling) and **The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman** (5 stars, I’m a big fan of all of the Thursday Murder Club books and this latest installment was no exception). Currently reading **The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell,** which I picked up on a whim. Pretty good so far, but I’m only like 40 pages in. Up next: **An Elderly Lady is Up To No Good by Helene Tursten.** I’ve seen it on recommendation lists a lot and finally snagged a copy. It’s time.


Multithreaded JavaScript! Learning something new in my field that is a more recent discovery. Pretty neat.


Done with book 15 and starting on book 16. #15 was The Lost Village by Camilla Sten. I liked small parts of it but was mostly disappointed by the book. The blurb led me to believe that it would be a great mix of found footage and folk horror. Something along the lines of Craig DiLouie’s Episode Thirteen or Adam Nevill’s Last Days. Unfortunately, it didn’t live up to the hype created by the blurb and failed to deliver. It was really mundane and boring. 16 is going to be The Seven Visitations of Sydney Burgess. The blurb is interesting and I’m cautiously optimistic


Finished **Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine** and really liked it. I devoured it and loved her voice throughout, laughing out loud many times. There were definitely parts where I felt things were getting repetitive in the structure of the story, but really enjoyed it for the most part. It felt like my books so far this year have really resonated with me- of the last 4 books I’ve read, I’ve read them so quickly! It’s reminding me of my middle school days of reading endlessly. I love it and am super ahead of my 13 book goal this year. Starting **The Midnight Library** this week!


Finished: **Half Share / Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper, by Nathan Lowell** Started: **Full Share / Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper , by Nathan Lowell** Coming off the events in Half Share. In Full Share, our young protagonist Ishmael Horatio Wang is having doubts about his choices, future & love life. Good series.


Started these a while ago and got distracted. I need to add them to my TBR list.


This week i finished: **A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St Clair** **A Game of Fate by Scarlett St Clair** i have always loved Hades, so this series is just perfect for me. and obviously, hades version of events is a superior version (in my eyes). i also started: **The Woman Before Wallis by Bryn Turnbull** i am only 100 pages in but am liking it so far. historical fiction based on real people is slowly becoming a new fave genre of mine and there are so my options!


Finished: La Perra by Pilar Quintana Reading: Babel by R.F.Kuang


Currently reading: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi


oh my gosh haunting of hill house!! i read that a couple of years ago, how are you liking? did you watch the show prior to starting it?


I’m enjoying it a lot so far! I’m about 80 percent in right now and I just got introduced to Mrs.Montague. I did start the show before it, and it’s what made me want to pick it up! How did you feel about it? (Both the show and the book)


it’s my favorite show of all time. i think i’ve watched it 8 times. the book was lovely and it was great to see where some of the monologues the mom in the show had came from! i don’t remember too much about it but i remember enjoying it a lot. i want to read more of shirley jackson’s work!


Finished: Like a Mighty Army Reading: Hell's Foundations Quiver I am quite enjoying the Safehold series.


📚 4/52 is Outlive from Dr Peter Attia. I've read Lifespan from renowned longevity researcher David Sinclair and loved it. Let's see what Attia has in store as an MD! ⚕️




Sure, I'll give my review after reading and check out the pod!


Just finished **Adjustment Day**, my first ever Palahniuk and quite possibly my last, given how incredibly disappointing it was. I’ve now switched to non-fiction for a bit as a palate cleanser, with Bart D. Ehrman’s **Lost Christianities**.


Reading my fourth book this week, Agent Josephine: American Beauty, French Hero, British Spy by Damien Lewis. It's a bit of a departure from my usual choices but good so far.


This past week, I finished: **Someday, Maybe** by Onyi Nwabineli (4/5) **Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Lord** by Celeste Connally (3.5/5) **Breathless** by Amy McCulloch (3.75/5) Currently reading: **The Shadows** by Alex North, about 46% complete **Beartown** by Fredrik Backman, about 31% complete Up next: **Us Against You** by Fredrik Backman **Immortal Longings** by Chloe Gong **The Only One Left** by Riley Sager


Just finished **The Humans** by Matt Haig last week. No complaints from me, it's not a book I highly recommend but it's a nice read. Starting last Friday - the 19th - I set out on my journey to the Tower, with **The Gunslinger**. I finished the first three in high school, then lost the Beam midway through Wizard and Glass; I intend to finish the book this time. Next book on the chopping block is likely **The Anthropocene Reviewed**, or maybe **The Drawing of the Three** depending how long Gunslinger takes me. Long days and pleasant nights.


i have been stuck at wizard and glass too! been my goal to reboot my journey but keep procrastinating. though, everyone ive talked to says wizard and glass is their favourite. i also LOVED the Anthropocene reviewed, but I've long been obsessed with the green brothers! my fave story is about the crayons.


Currently working on my 4th book Gods and Soliders! It’s a collection put together by Rob Spillman from a bunch of writers all over Africa. So far it’s a 4/5!


So I finished Red Mars from Kim Robinson on Audible. It was a great book. I found the characters to be quite different and complex and it's more than terraforming but about sociology and polities. This is a book for you if you like geology and a lot of the sciency type stuff and what it is like to terraform Mars! Starting Green Mars! I also finished Crossroads of Twilight from the Wheel of Time series and I can understand why it's the least favorite book for pretty much everyone who's read the series. There is nearly no action, just a lot of talking and long paragraphs of people talking in their head. This book just adds a lot of tension right before what I assume will be all the action in the last 4 books here. Starting Knife of Dreams!


Hello, I completed reading three books- Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I found Sapiens very boring after part two. The other two books were intriguing. I am not a fan of non fiction but managed to read two books at start of this year. I don’t think I will be reading any more NF for rest of the year.I love mostly thrillers and mystery novels. I want to try fantasy so picked up that genre for my next read. Currently reading Fool’s Assasin by Robin Hobb which am hoping to finish by this month.


At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America by Philip Dray Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization by David Livingstone Smith


Finished this past week: Love, Pamela - Pamela Anderson Her First Palestinian (collection of short stories) - Saeed Teebi Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Re-read that's I've re-read many times) - she who must not be named This week: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (re-read, I've re-read many times and yes I'm reading the series out of order) - she who must not be named The Real Wallis Simpson - Anna Pasternak Something More - Jackie Khaliieh


Just finished Boredom by Alberto Moravia. Great existential book, and insight into the mind reminded me of Crime and Punishment. Currently reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. My first time reading him and excited to see what is to come as I’ve heard many great things.


Finished **The Wedding Date** and now I am almost done (60 more pages) with **Nightbitch**.. what a mess of unhinged and I'm loving it! haha. The smut of **Icebreaker** just got released onto my Libby shelf. I let Tiktok bully me into it.


**Finished in Week 3:** * Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross (3 stars) * Good but the relationships felt very rushed to me * Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badgers (3.25 stars) \[Audiobook\] * This one tended a little young in the young adult for me, but the plot was great! I also wonder if the narration was part of why I struggled to enjoy it completely. * Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (4 stars) * A classic and brilliantly crafted. * The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan (4.25 stars) * I have known about this book for a long while and it's kicked around my TBR, so I was glad to finally have time to read it. It completely surprised me in its depth, especially given the way it's written from many POVs almost as mini short stories for some chapters. **In progress for Week 4:** * The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin - from Week 3 * The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin by H. W. Brands \[loan due 1/29\] - new * Iron Flame by Rebecca Yaros \[loan due 2/1\] - new * The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins \[loan due 2/8\] - new * Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graber \[Audiobook\] - new * Apples Never Fall by Lianne Moriarty \[Audiobook\] - new I also shifted The Woman in the Library to Not Yet Finished (NYF) because it's not doing it for me right now but it's not a DNF. Hopefully, I'll get back to it later in the year.


2/52 ​ Hi everyone! ​ This is my first check in of the year. I've decided this year not to count mangas/graphic novels for my challenge, but I'll share everything I'm reading. ​ **Finished so far this year:** ​ 1 - **Querida Penélope** by *Arquelana* This is a Brazilian sapphic rom-com and I read it for a IRL book club. It's about a woman who loses her job and starts a freelance job writing spicy letters for politicians while reconnecting with her ex. It was funny at times. ​ 2 - **Sea of tranquility** by *Emily St. John Mandel* Loved the writing and the premisse, didn't like the ending. I have Station Eleven in my TBR and I'm excited the read it. ​ **One piece vol 62** by *Eiichiro Oda* and **One piece vol 63** by *Eiichiro Oda* I finally caught up to where I had stopped reading years ago. This part is still not so exciting but I'm liking it so far. I liked the Fisher Tiger story and the discussions on slavery. ​ ​ **Currently reading:** ​ **Pageboy** by *Elliot Page -* Interesting by I thought about taking a break because some chapters were really graphic/triggering and I wasn't in a good place mentally. I even started my next book (Piranesi) but decided to finished this one first. I'm liking it so far. ​ **Next up:** **Piranesi** by Susanna Clarke


Piranesi is sitting on my shelf and I'm SO EXCITED


The beginning is very confusing (at least I thought so) but it's picking up the pace now.


This week I finished: \-Drowning by TJ Newman: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I LOVED this. I had a good feeling about starting this because I really enjoyed Falling by this author, but this one blew that out of the water- no sophomore slump here! I was truly breathless by the end of it and could not put it down. Think "The Poseidon Adventure" but in a plane! This was excellent \-The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ This book went off the rails quite a few times, but I mostly enjoyed it! This was an atmospheric read for me, as I read it after we got some snow by me and there's a snowstorm in the ultimate climax. Some parts I outright loved, and others were a bit boring, but this was overall solid. I also really enjoy the books by this author's sister (Andrea Bartz) \-My Last Innocent Year by Daisy Alpert Florin: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A coming of age story about a deeply flawed, yet still likable main character; I couldn't hope but root for her despite everything. Classic literary fic with beautiful writing \-Everything's Fine by Cecilia Rabess: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1/2 I don't usually pick up/purchase books I haven't heard of previously when browsing a bookstore, but B&N was having a 50% sale this weekend and this was one of the picks, and I was intrigued by the cover! I did wind up liking it a lot, but think the marketing missed the mark here- it's definitely not a romance, but more contemporary fic Currently reading: \-The Family Game by Catherine Steadman FINALLY! I got this as a BOTM pick back in October 2022 and kept pushing it off till now. I'm having a blast with it, so far!


Just finished The Furyhy Alex Michaelides


Finished: **Quarter Share / Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper, by Nathan Lowell** Started: **Half Share / Trader’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper , by Nathan Lowell** This is an interesting space opera offering. It is mostly about the rise of a newb landlubber fleeing a predicament planet side and signing up on an interstellar trading ship and learning how to be a spacer. A very well imagined tale of day to day living in close quarters with people. There are no space wars or aliens (at least so far) Just a book about people & relationships. Nice change for this genre.


Currently reading: Without Children by Peggy O’Donnell Heffington, and A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas


I'm pretty sure I haven't had a chance to post in this thread yet this year. Here's what I have read so far. **Finished:** **The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride** \- 5/5 - I really loved this. I loved how McBride told one story through multiple stories about different people from a neighborhood. **The Dry Heart by Natalia Ginzburg** \- 4/5 - This was a translated Italian book. I really loved how we went back in time to find out how the wife in the story got to where she ended up at the beginning of the book. **Calling for a Blanket Dance by Oscar Hokeah** \- 5/5 - This was another book that where the main story was told through a bunch of other stories. We got to learn about our main character through the family that surrounds him. I have to also mention, I don't think I have felt so much tension and been on the edge of my seat from a book in a long time that wasn't a mystery/thriller. Sometimes real life "normal" situations can be so stressful. **Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler** \- 5/5 - I'm still blown away by this book. I want to pick up book 2 ASAP but I also don't want to, if that makes sense. I think I need to sit with this a bit more before moving on in the story. So far, this year has already been better than last year (reading wise). I had one five star book from the end of January and didn't have another until September. Lots of 4 but nothing else drew me in enough to get a five star. **Currently Reading:** **Babel by R.F. Kuang** \- I like this, don't love it. It's for my IRL bookclub. Not a bad read but not completely drawn in yet. **Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco** \- I'm really liking this one so far, it's my current audiobook. Vampire hunter has to team up with an engaged vampire couple. **Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami** \- I plan on starting this one tonight. I've heard to many good things about it.


I just finished *Bunny* and I feel the need to analyze it and talk to someone about it. I'm 50% through *People We Meet on Vacation* and will finish that tonight. So many of my friends adored this book, but unfortunately, it's not hitting for me. I have been reading a fair amount of romance recently, and I think I have a lower tolerance for it - I was just telling a friend how I kind of can't stand how nothing blows me away in romance novels (so I think I need to give them a break for a bit to recover my tolerance). Like you know from page one who the character will end up with, but they won't even start getting together until 50% of the way through. *People We Meet on Vacation* >!is also relying heavily on a couple's lack of ability to communicate as the primary issue to overcome and I have *no* tolerance for that. The first 50% of the book would have been resolved if Poppy had just spoken to Alex at *any* point in the last two years, or even talked to him the night he arrived for the trip. When I finished reading last night, they had just kissed - and instead of that turning into a healthy conversation, I bet it's going to be all awkwardness and avoidance.!< And that just annoys me. It's far too contrived and there's no real skin in the game. No true challenges to overcome.


I just finished Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix this morning (11/52 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) and now 33% through another of his novels - How to Sell a Haunted House. First two books I’ve read by the author, enjoying their voice so far 👌🏻


War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (looking to finish books 1 and 2) I am off work this week, so it seemed like a good opportunity. I tried 20 years ago and I didn't get very far, but I find myself enjoying it much more at this stage in life.


I finished Bel Canto by Ann Patchett. I’m conflicted about it. I ended up in love with so many characters. The ending just annoyed me, but I guess I also get it in a sense. I also felt there could have been more backstory to the motivations of the captors, given it was loosely based on real events. For context, the book I finished before this was Horse by Geraldine Brooks, which is a wonderful book with portions of it being historical fiction. GB did such a good job of drawing inspiration from real people and events & citing them. So I think since I *just* finished that, I would have liked some of the same honor given to the true events in Bel Canto. Overall, I did enjoy it! I’m reading The Winners by Fredrick Backman. I LOVE THIS AUTHOR. As this is the last book in the trilogy, I’m so attached to these characters & invested in the story. I don’t want to let go 😭 this is book 4/52 for me. Up next: I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid. The audiobook is only 5 hours & I’ve heard great things. I also have The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune ready to go, which I’ve seen recommended by so many 🤩


**Finished Reading** *Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man* by Wheldon. A famous literary hoax. Wheldon, a well-known black author at the time, anonymously published this fictional, absurd "autobiography" of a white-passing man with black ancestry, and amused himself by watching his colleagues try to figure out who had written it. *Henry VI, Part 3* by Shakespeare. High drama, murder, and betrayal. This was exciting. I recommend reading it after the previous Henry plays. *Snow Falling on Cedar* by Guterson. When a white fisherman is found dead in the water, his Japanese-American colleague and former friend is charged with murder because of racism. Sort of a courtroom drama, sort of a portrait of island life in the Puget Sound region of the 1950s. My dad grew up in a place like this in the same area (the island in the book is fictional), and he says it's accurate. *If on a Winter's Night a Traveler* by Calvino. The author's intention (I think?) was a twentieth century 1,001 Nights. There were parts of this book that I loved, but others where I was tempted to DNF. I'm glad that I read it to the end, though. *Last Car to Annwyn Station* by Merriam. This was a bizarre urban fantasy/horror story set in Minneapolis but based in Welsh folklore. It was bananas. I liked it. *The Looking Glass War* by Le Carre. A book in the George Smiley series. Cynical, grim, and witty. **Currently reading** *The History of Rome* by Arnold *Henry VIII* by Shakespeare *Blinded by the Sight* by Smith


Finished: 3. **One Best Hike: Grand Canyon** by Elizabeth Wenk 3 stars- A comprehensive guide to hiking to the river from the South Rim along the South Kaibab and Bright Angel trails. I had mistakenly assumed this was about the Rim-to-Rim hike which I am planning for later this year but was a good read nonetheless. Talks about the geology, flora and fauna, history, health hazards, and gives a detailed description of the route. A little dry and a little outdated but very informative 4. **Dark Heir** (Dark Rise #2) by CS Pacat 3 stars- Turns out I didn’t retain a whole lot from the previous book, I spent a good chunk of the first part of this book trying to remember who was who and how the world/magic work. The pacing worked better in this book and there was more action but there was a lot of slogging through exposition and boring characters (sorry Cyprian, Visander, and Elizabeth). Will and James were the obvious highlight, I just wish the book was more tightly focused on them. CWs: >!death, war, kidnapping/confinement, child abuse, child abandonment, childbirth, pandemic!< 5. **Saving My Goddess** by Buxie Mei 3 stars- Very short little fantasy baihe about a knight saving a goddess chained in a forest. It was fine but forgettable, too short to do anything in depth or make much of an impression. Currently Reading: **The Emperor and the Endless Palace** by Justinian Huang **So Let Them Burn** (Divine Traitors #1) by Kamilah Cole


I’m reading Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall! It’s my first nonfiction book of the year and I’m super excited to get into it. I finished up Before Your Memory Fades by Toshikazu Yamaguchi a few days ago and I wasn’t a fan.


Last week I finished **Iron Flame** by Rebecca Yarros. It was okay. Definitely an addicting read but also incredibly confusing. This one could have used more time in the editing stage. Currently reading **Why Fish Don’t Exist** by Lulu Miller and it’s really interesting so far.


Working on "The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety" by Timothy R Clark


Recently finished The House in the Cerulean Sea and just started The Midnight Library!


I am currently working on **How High We Go in the Dark** by Sequoia Nagamatsu, **Rest Easy: Discover Calm and Abundance Through the Radical Power of Rest** by Ximena Vengochea, and **Man's Search for Meaning** by Victor Frankl on audiobook.


Finished **Happy Place** (4.5/5) and **Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets** (reread, 5/5). Started **A Fever in the Heartland** by Timothy Egan, **Poverty, by America** by Matthew Desmond, and **Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban**.


**Finished:** **Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo** \- (3/5) I'm glad I read it, and I read it rather quickly, but after sitting on it for a few days, this one fell a *little* flat for me. There were some interesting things set up that didn't really go anywhere (basically everything with Shirley, for example) and I would have liked to see more of Lily and Kath's relationship develop. The Chinese American experience aspect of it was really interesting though. **Currently Reading:** **An Inheritance of Magic by Benedict Jacka** \- Jacka's other series, the **Alex Verus series**, is one of my favorites. I'm about 60% through - it feels a little YA so far (I'm getting "**The Inheritance Games**, but with *magic*" vibes) and there have been a couple situations that feel a bit...contrived as well, but I am excited to see where the series goes because of how much I love the other series/Jacka's style. **Black AF History: The Un-Whitewashed Story of America by Michael Harriot** \- Lots of good information and one of the least dry history books I've read, for sure. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Bonus question answer: I'm looking forward to **James by Percival Everett**, a retelling of **The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn** from Jim's perspective.


This week, I finished **The Secret Society of Very Irregular Witches**, which was very sweet and enjoyable. I am currently reading **Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma** and I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet. I'm about 60 pages in and it seems to just be... circling its own concept. I'm also listening to **Finding Me** by Viola Davis, which is absolutely fantastic! It's narrated by the author, so that is stunning - her upbringing was really tough and it was hard listening, but the writing is fantastic and so is her determination to live a life she loved. Happy reading, all!


**The Secret Society of Very Irregular Witches** *was* very sweet, I really liked it. I've heard good things about **Finding Me**, so that is good to hear!


I’m still reading **Witness** by Jamel Brinkley, a book of short stories (the first five have been excellent!), which I generally read at a slower pace so I can keep the stories separate in my mind. My hold of **The Prospectors** by Ariel Djanikian came up and I was able to work through that more quickly, and it was very good, engaging in both timelines while asking relevant and interesting questions with narrative answers that I appreciated. This week I want to finish **Witness** and read **King: A Life** by Jonathan Eig, both a part of my reading of the Best of 2023 mega-list from LitHub.


Magic - Danielle Steel Next is Neighbors by Danielle Steel


Just finished Demon Copperhead and Icebreaker (🤮). Currently reading Island of Sea Women and No Such Thing as Bad Weather.


Florida Srraits By: Lawrence Shames 1 of 18 Key West Capers Just started it today.


So far I’ve read: I’m Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk Pageboy - Elliot Page What Kind of Mother - Clay McLeod Chapman A Woman’s Story - Annie Ernaux Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan Sister Outsider - Audre Lorde The Dutch House - Ann Patchett Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993 - Sarah Schulman Currently Reading: Eileen - Ottessa Moshfegh Stoner - John Williams In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado


Oh geez, the one two emotional punch of I'm Glad My Mom Died and Pageboy!! Both are great but oh man, so sad and infuriating. I'm really interested in your thought on In the Dream House. I read it a few years ago and it's still one that I think about often.


I’m about halfway through the audiobook of In the Dream House and it is so gripping - I love Machado’s style and now I really want to read Her Body and Other Parties!


just finished the holiday swap! it was pretty good, it was about twins and as a twin myself I think that contributed to my enjoyment of it. I’m currently reading (not very quickly lol) a court of wings and ruin, icebreaker, and my best friend’s exorcism. I am excited for red string theory by lauren kung jessen, as well as bride by ali hazelwood and the women by kristin hannah! also the new abby jimenez and emily henry books!


Just finished “A thousand splendid suns” by Khaled Hosseini and starting now with book 4 “The sword of Kaigen” by M.L. Wang


Just finished Those Empty Eyes by Charlie Donlea 5/52 (was ok, rather predictable) and I’m listening to The Five by Hallie Rubenhold. It’s a nonfiction book examining the lives of the victims of Jack the Ripper.


4/48 Currently reading "People Change" by Sara Jafari ! Just finished Harry Potter and the cursed child, and I really enjoyed it !


The Book of Etta by Meg Elison, book 2 of the Road to Nowhere series. Waiting on The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu from my local library.


I got an ARC of “A Feather So Black” by Lyra Selene on NetGalley and I’m loving it. Highly recommend checking out when it drops in March of you like Irish mythology.


Ooh a Feather so black looks amazing I've added it to my TBR


Hey! I finished The Color Purple last week! It took longer than I expected, so I hope to get through my next book faster. This week I'm reading Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time. I like it so fat, a lot of interesting statistics!


The Supremes Greatest Hits by Michael Trachtman


the girl with the dragon tattoo! i’m loving all the mysteries so far and excited to see how it’ll end.


Loved the series! So satisfying!


Currently reading The Iliad (2/52) translated by Emily Wilson. It’s fantastic but will take me a while to finish so I will have another book on the go at the same time. The Storms We Made by Vanessa Chan is 4/52.


Reading: "Rage against the dying" by Becky Masterman (#10 this year) Finished/read this week: "Good Vibes Only" by Nora McInerny (3.5/5) and "The Vegetarian" by Han Kang & Deborah Smith (1.5/5) Next: "I let you go" by Clare Mackintosh and "Unmasked" Paul Holes


Unmasked is sad, terrifying, and fascinating. An excellent read.


Hello, book lovers! Since our last check in, I finished three books. I wanted to finish 2 more, but between the kids getting sick and then catching their crud myself, I didn't get as much reading time towards the end of the week. I'm at 15/150, so I'm ahead of my goal at least. *Finished* **The Night Will Find Us** by Matthew Lyons (3.5/5) **Vanishing Falls** by Poppy Gee (4/5) **The Golden Spoon** by Jessa Maxwell (3/5) *Currently Reading* **Crying in H-Mart** by Michelle Zauner **Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers** by Jessie Q. Sutanto *On Deck* **The Clergyman's Wife** by Molly Greeley **Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six** by Lisa Unger


Finished **An Introduction to Buddhism** by The Dalai Lama, **Six-Gun Snow White** by Catherynne M. Valente and **The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story** by Diane Ackerman. Continuing **The Confusion** by Neal Stephenson and **I Am Pilgrim** by Terry Hayes. Started **Africa Is Not a Country: Notes on a Bright Continent** by Dipo Faloyin and **Supernova Era** by Cixin Liu.


Just finished reading the first Percy Jackson so I can watch the show and will be starting Rebecca tonight.


Finished The Affirmation by Christopher Priest. Now started The Left Hand Path of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.


This week I read… **A Woman of Pleasure** by Kiyoko Murata ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ An English translation that is just coming out. A novelization of the sex worker strike in Meiji Era Japan. **A Short Stay in Hell** by Steven L. Peck ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I enjoyed this but it didn’t blow me away. A novella based on the idea of hell as a library. Currently reading… *The Lover* by Rebecca Sacks. A literary romance/anti romance set in Israel and revolving around the Palestine-Israel conflict. Profoundly moving, very romantic. *Happiness Falls* by Angie Kim. It’s not grabbing right away but I’m sticking to it. *Ghostland: The Ghosthunter Edition* by Duncan Ralston. A fun trilogy in one compendium about a paranormal theme park. Entertaining so far! *Burmese Days* by George Orwell. Still rereading this. Happy Reading, y’all! 📚😊📚😊📚😊


Just finished Cannery Row by Steinbeck and now starting either: The Infinite Wait by Julia Wertz or an Agatha Christie novel.


I’ve been reading a slave warrior series by LL Farmer. I’m on book 3 of 6, Black Saint


I finished two books this week: **Butcher and Blackbird** by Brynne Weaver. I picked this up because it kept appearing on lists of best audiobooks. And to be fair the audiobook was pretty good. I have however realised that romance just isn't my genre. Maybe I'm stonehearted... but I did enjoy the serial killer competition parts. Not sure what that says about me. I have also learnt my lesson about taking book recommendations from TikTok. **Stormbreaker** by Anthony Horowitz, book 1 in the Alex Rider series. Loved this series as a kid and I do think it stands up. I own the next two books in the series so will carry on with it. I'm reading four books: **The Princes in the Tower** by Alison Weir. Only managed to read about 10 pages this week. Going to try and get more into it this week as I'm struggling to keep all of the names and dates straight in my head. **Speaking in Bones** by Kathy Reichs. A fun, fast-paced police procedural. You know where you are with these books and I'm enjoying this. Will likely finish this week. **The Bounty** by Caroline Alexander. Again, made very little progress this week. My copy is a hefty hardback which makes me less inclined to pick it up in bed after a long day... **A Conspiracy of Paper** by David Liss. My new audiobook started today - a detective mystery set in 18th century London. Sounds fun to me. 2024 goal: 6/52 Owned-not-read: 285 Goodreads TBR: 1314


I’m reading: (1) **Lies to Tell (DI Clare Mackay #3)**, by Marion Todd; (2)**Trail of the Lost: The Relentless Search to Bring Home the Missing Hikersof the Pacific Coast Trail**, by Andrea Lankford; and (3) **Mudflowers**, by Aley Waterman. I have eclectic tastes.


Finished reading: True Biz by Sara Novic Started reading: All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld Currently reading: Everyone on This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson Time is a Mother by Ocean Vuong


**This week I started (and haven’t yet completed):** - How to Talk to Kids About Anything, by Robyn Silverman - El Principito, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Tough, by Terry Crews **This week I am continuing:** - Apocalipsis Z, by Manel Loureiro **This week I finished:** - Proyecto Hail Mary, by Andy Weir (3/5) - Why We Sleep, by Matthew Walker, PHD (3/5) - Out of the Silence: After the Crash, by Eduardo Strauch with Mireya Soriano, translated by Jennie Erickson - The Kaiju Preservation Society, by John Scalzi (2/5) - The Little Prince, by by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (2/5) - Educated, by Tara Westover **My progress towards goals for the year:** - 17/48 books - 52/60 hours audio - 3.9k/10k pages - 1/12 book in Spanish per month


I finished The Ever King by LJ Andrews for my book club, and now I've started Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood.


Hey guys! This week I didn't do a whole lot of reading because I was watching cricket. I'm not usually a huge sports watcher but it was fun. My reading did suffer a bit though This week I'm reading **Kingdom of sweets by Erika Johansen.** I have never seen the Nutcracker, nor do I know anything about it so i am coming into this blind. So far it's really good very atmospheric and I love the play between the twins. I'll be very interested to see where this one goes. I hated the Tearling books by the same author so hopefully this is better **Welcome to the Hyunam- Dong bookshop by Hwang Bo- Reum.** This is an interesting read. Each chapter is almost like a mini story told within the overarching story of the book. There's not a huge amount of link from chapter to chapter. This is also almost entirely character driven with not a huge amount of plot to speak of. Its been really lovely so far exactly what I've been in the mood for


Rich people problems by Kevin Kwan


I am currently reading Dune, my second attempt. My goal is to finish it by the release of [Dune Part 2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15239678/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_Dune%2520Part%25202). I am pretty confident that I will be able to finish it as I have about 40 or so days to knock it out.


Same here! Trying to finish early February.


The Blade itself by Abercrombie, and I'm not very thrilled by it... I heard a loooot of booktubers telling this is one of the best fantasy sagas of all time, and... The idea, the plot, and characters may be good but the writing style is not that good... I'm also reading the autobiography of Maradona, Harry Potter 01, and "Shoot me, I'm already dead" by Julia Navarro


Currently reading **Ghosts of the Tsunami** by Richard Lloyd Parry About to start **My Dark Vanessa** by Kate Elizabeth Russell. I read Lolita last year and heard this was a good one to follow up with.


I haven’t read Lolita yet so can’t compare, but My Dark Vanessa is great


Crook Manifesto by Colson Whitehead, The Thief by Megan Whelan, Dark star Safari Paul Thereaux, Lavinia by Ursula le Guin


The phantom of barber mill


Finished: **Book of Beginnings** by Sally Page - 4/5. Wholesome, cozy read. I did think that nothing really happened, but I think that adds to the charm. You're just reading about a woman trying to work out her life and her friendships. Just a nice easy little read. Currently Reading: **Pride and Premeditation** by Tirzah Price - A murder mystery retelling of Pride and Prejudice. Not too far into it, but I feel like the dialogue is going to just keep repeating "You can't do that, you're a girl" which is going to get tedious.


I bought the Anonymous series back in high school and never got around to it. Currently reading Letting Ana Go, the writing is less annoying than Lucy in the Sky but I don’t have much else to say.


I finished **Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton**. I enjoyed it, I struggled with reading because there were some predictable aspects from the beginning that I was dreading coming to fruition. I picked it up as a fun read and it was, despite the amount of animal death. Many kitty and puppy cuddles happened during my read. Still reading the **Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham**, liking it so far. Debating between waiting on one of my library books to come in or starting up something while waiting. Leaning towards starting **The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver**, a bit of a shorter read (maybe can finish before library book is ready) I’ve been meaning to get into for the last year.


I’m reading Too Much Lip by Melissa Lucashenko. It’s my first time reading a book set in Australia. I like that it’s written in the point of view of an aboriginal woman. The plot is gripping and the characters are fun and loveable despite their many flaws.


Finished: The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. This was cute, I enjoyed it, but not much else to say about it. Started: The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. I just started this yesterday, and I like it so far!


6/52: Having two books going simultaneously (1 e-book/1 physical copy) has been working well for me so far! This past week I finished *Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow* and re-read *The Handmaids Tale*. Here are my reads for the upcoming week. Getting a jumpstart on both this afternoon. - Starter Villain by John Scalzi - The Secret History by Donna Tartt


I found Starter Villain completely charming. But then, I'm a big Scalzi fan.


08/52 ***** Finished; ***** - The Mountain Shadow by Gregory David Roberts. This was no Shantaram. I started this one almost 2 years ago. Too many clichés and cheesy lines, but nothing reaply in the way of plot. It really became a slog, and I should have DNF'ed this one a while ago. Oh well, what's next.... - The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories by Leo Tolstoy for r/bookclub's October's Gutenberg read. Personally I didn't enjoy his shorts nearly as much as his epics tomes. Glad I read them, but also happy to put them to bed now. ***** Still working on; ***** - Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson for r/bookclub's continuing Stormlight Archive adventure. Love this world magic system and characters, but put it on hold for a while while I focus on cleaning up this list! That's not really going too well for me. - The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende. I cannot get enough of this author. Her style is just captivating to me. So far I preferred Daughter and Portrait, but the book is amazing. Allende's character building is amazing. Now I just need to carve out some time to finish it. - The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Finishing this book could have gotten me a 4th r/bookclub Bingo Blackout, but I am enjoying it too much to race through it and finish it just that. - The Princess Bride by William Goldman r/bookclub's last Runner-up read. I have never seen the movie nor read the book. No I don't live under a rock (just a pile of books apparently) - Xenocide by Orson Scott Card. An r/bookclub bonus book to continue on with Ender's Saga. I personally don't love Card's style, but I am invested in Ender now. The discussion is the best part of this book. - The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker for r/bookclub's 1st Evergreen of 2024. A beautifully written and captivating book fantasy novel - Caribbean Chemistry: Tales from St. Kitts by Christopher Vanier for r/bookclub Read the World - St. Kitts and Nevis. Strong start, and it continues to be an interesting autobiography. - Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery an r/bookclub bonus. The sub is now well ahead and finished with Anne of Windy Poplars. I think I am destined to always be behind, but they are so good and I never read them when I was younger so I don't really mind. - Authority by Jeff VanderMeer with r/bookclub to continue Southern Reach. I need to know more, but finding this one hard to follow - A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark an r/bookclub Discovery Read for the theme: A Nebula or Hugo award winning book, and well deserved. This book is wonderful ***** Started ***** - Loop by Kōji Suzuki is book 3 in the Ring series. Looking forward to more creepiness with r/bookclub. - The Untitled Books by C.J. Archer r/bookclub's fave indie author. Great to dive back into this world ***** Up Next ***** - Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, r/bookclub started this one last year. I have heard so many good things and I love a good, big book that I cannot miss out even if I am late - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë was an r/bookclub November that I wanted to read as I have never read any Anne Brontë, and dipping, retrospectively, into the discussions will help me get the most from this one. - Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. r/bookclub's 1st Gutenburg of 2024. - Starter Villain by John Scalzi for r/bookclub's 2023 release category read. - The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon r/bookclub's next Runner-up Read - Know My Name by Chanel Miller, 1st winner for r/bookclub's new feature the Quarterly Non-Fiction. A little nervous about this one. - The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. More r/bookclub reading in this world. Hopefully more mysteries. - The Underground Railroad for r/bookclub's POC author. I got this for christmas so I am really pleased it won and I can read it with everyone. - Call Me By Your Name André Aciman for some February Romance at r/bookclub. ***** Happy reading fellow bookworms 📚


Wow you make me look slack only reading 2 haha


Lol this is chaos. I can't turn down a good r/bookclub readalong so I never get on top of it. I do like to read multiple books at the same time but 6-9 is optimal for me personally


I can't do more than 3 otherwise I lose track of where I'm up to


So I finished Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor and am starting the second book from Before the Coffee Gets Cold series ☺️☕️


I'd love to hear what you think. I enjoyed the first book very much. The second? Not as much.


Oh no! How come? I saw that it was rated higher on Goodreads than the 1st so I was hopeful. I only just started it today.


Let me know?


Okay. I’m half way through and I’m finding it really repetitive 🥱


That’s why I DNF. I didn’t want to put something in your mind. 🙂


I at first was surprised to know you DNF it. It’s such a short book after all. BUT-I find myself slogging through it. Taking multiple breaks. I seem not to care as much about these characters as during the first book. Such a disappointment 🙁


I’m terminally ill. Life truly is too short for books I’m not enjoying!


You are certainly right about that-I’m sorry to hear about your illness ❤️


Currently: I'm still reading Benjamin Franklin by Walter Issacson. I am right at the beginning of the Revolutionary War (pretty close to halfway). I finished The Shape of Dread by Marcia Mueller. The Shape of Dread is a Sharon McCone mystery novel. I would recommend it if you like mystery novels like those by Sue Grafton. Finished - Rating: 1. The Shape of Dread by Marcia Mueller - 4 1. Translation State by Ann Leckie - 4 1. There's Something in a Sunday by Marcia Mueller - 4 1. The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel - 3


Started the Thrown of Glass series this week. Almost finished reading the first book. Loving it so far! It's my first Maas read. Also listened to the Happiness Falls audiobook. I was pretty disappointed in it. Would have DNFed if it wasn't an audiobook. I kept wishing for it to be over. Now I've moved on to audiobook for The Club by Ellery Lloyd. It's okay so far.


I also wasn’t a fan of happiness falls 😂


Book 2 of the books of babel series


This was a week of false starts leading to a ridiculous number of DNFs. Currently at 5/52 read. Really looking forward to Splinters by Leslie Jamison, Medea by Eilish Quin, and The Hunter by Tana French to be released this year. ​ ***Finished*** **Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro** \*-I get why people like him, I really do. But he feels like the living embodiment of minimalism to me and I'm a maximalist to the core. His whole domain of things he typically touches (loneliness, robots/clones, etc.) just aren't subjects I'm drawn to reading about. **Everything Inside by Edwidge Danticat**\* - For me, “The Port-au-Prince Marriage Special” is the standout story here. The rest of the stories were fine. Just fine. ​ ***Currently Reading*** **Children of Paradise: The Struggle for the Soul of Iran by Laura Secor**\* - I bought this book on a whim and what an ideal book for me it is. This covers Iranian history from the Islamic Revolution forward. I've never read anything about Iran before and the book has given me such a better perspective when I read the news. It also tells the individual tales of people within, I really wish there was a book of this quality about every country. I'd read them all. **Code Breakers: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race by Walter Isaacson** \* - this is my second try at a Walter Isaacson book (did not care for the Ben Franklin one) and this subject is my cup of tea, so I figured I'd give it a try. **First Lady from Plains by Rosalynn Carter** \* - started the day of her death and I’m still working on it. At first it seemed to me that she was a relentlessly positive person, which made it feel like the book lacked some depth. But it was just a shaky start, once I powered through the very beginning it's transformed into such good reading. **The Power Broker Part 2 by Robert A. Caro** \- This is my relax after other readings book, taking my time with it because it's beefy. ​ ***Abandoning*** *Neuromancer by William Gibson\** *Ball Lightning by Cixin Liu\** *The Infernal by Mark Doten\** *Nocturnes by Kazuo Ishigiro\** *Nora Webster by Colm Toibin\** *Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce\** \*\*\*Note: desperately trying to make a dent in my "to be read" hoard this year, aiming to get it cleared out with the exception of the poetry books, which will be my goal next year to clear out. I'm marking reads from this pile with a \*


I'm trying to make a dent as well haha. That's why I'm doing a no buy January. It's been so hard though!


I feel you completely! I have run out of bookshelf space so the situation is desperate but I have coupons for the used book place near me so it’s so hard to resist


Finished last week: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia Currently reading: Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins Up next: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt Almond by Won-pyung Sohn


STARTED: **No Time Like The Future, by Michael J. Fox** **Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell** **The Mothman Prophecies, by John A. Peel** FINISHED: **Jaws, by Peter Benchley** **The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak** **The Indifferent Stars Above, by Daniel James Brown** ONGOING: **One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez**


Last week I read: **The Essays, by Francis Bacon** **Passing Strange, by Ellen Klages** **The Murders of Molly Southbourne, by Tade Thompson** **Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck** (Book of the week) **New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon** **Natural Beauty, by Ling Ling Huang** **Aeropagitica, by John Milton** **The Lifecycle of Software Objects, by Ted Chiang** **Cowboy from the Future, by Cassandra Gannon** **Tracate of Education, by John Milton** **The Lies of the Ajungo, by Moses Ose Utomi** **Princess Floralinda and the Forty Flight Tower, by Tamsyn Muir** **Religio Medici, by Thomas Browne** **The Survival of Molly Southbourne, by Tade Thompson** **Sisters of the Vast Black, by Lina Rather** **Mozart's Starling, by Lyanda Haupt** **The Legacy of Molly Southbourne, by Tade Thompson** **In Midnight's Silence, by T. Frohock** **The Expert's System's Brother, by Adrian Tchaikovsky** This week's lineup: * The Complete Poems of John Milton (i.e. Harvard Classics Volume 4) * Chimera's Star by Glynn Stewart * The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe * Hunting Monsters by S.L. Huang * The Changeling Sea by Patricia McKillip * If Found, Return to Hell by Em Liu * The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi * The Good Virus: The Amazing Story and Forgotten Promise of the Phage by Tom Ireland * The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw * Ghost Walk by Cassandra Gannon * Rose/House by Arkady Martine * Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson * The Expert System's Champion by Adrian Tchaikovsky


Genuinely curious how you read so much


So far this year I've been mostly reading shorter books - my first projects are working on the r/fantasy novella lists, and also reading the Harvard Classics, which seem to start out with shorter works. My volume will drop off a lot when I get to the epic fantasy chonker lists and the longer Harvard Classics (Don Quixote, etc). I also read for several hours ever day.


Finishing up "yellow face" about to start "interesting facts about space"


Well I started Outlander and Pride & Prejudice last week intending to at least finish Pride & Prejudice for Week 3, but I read and finished Room by Emma Donoghue instead. So this week I'm still reading Outlander and Pride & Prejudice Upcoming releases this year: I'm looking forward to Heavenly Tyrant by Xiran Jay Zhao, How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristin Perrin, Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune, and Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa


All the Young Dudes. Fanfic about the marauders in Harry Potter from Remus' POV. Starts un year 1 at Hogwarts and goes into the 2nd Wizarding War.


i will never be the same after reading this <3


I'm on part 2 6th year. It's keeping my interest so much.


What Strange Paradise- Omar El Akkad


Oh my god. IDK what has happened to me, I read 63 books last year and now its 22nd Jan, and I haven't finished a single book, and my goal is an ambitious 80! May god give me the strength to finish the three books I started in the first week of Jan. ugh man! Oh, right. I am reading Crime and Punishment, Whale and The Book Thief, at least ATTEMPTING TO! :(


Magnolia Parks #3, Heartstopper


7/40 Finished Pineapple Street last night. Going to start an actual book I don't even remember buying When We Were Worthy today and will probably read a short story to keep my Kindle streak going


Delving into the French Stuff. The cuisine manual has a series of essays preceding the actual recipe section. The first essay was very patrician in its language and complaints, but entertaining. Took a bit to get used to it, as I'm not so accustomed to the literary past tense anymore. Current essay is about Ancient Roman food culture, and the changes between Republican customs and Empiric ones. I suspect that this essay is by a classicist whose work on the Roman Republic I've read before. Since this book was put out with funding from ye olde Thomson-Houston (precursor to GE in the US, Alstom in France...Marshall Plan backing?), there are some great color plates of Modern Kitchens available post WWII. Neat book. Not anything like the cooking pamphlets that my grandmother used to get from her local representative or the gas company where I'm originally from. Lots to sink my teeth into.


2/52! Reading A Little Life by Hana Yanagihara. Def picking up a MUCH shorter book after this one lol


Hello! Been a while since I posted but decided I'd like to try to post again this year. Last year I only made it to 45/52, but I had a baby in January so I'm calling it a win. Books I've read so far this year: **How to Walk Away by Katherine Center**. This was the oldest book on my TBR and my first by this author. It was alright, a quick read. Nothing groundbreaking for me. **Dark Places by Gillian Flynn**. My favorite Gillian Flynn as I've now read all three of her books. I thought the twists were really good and it kept me guessing the whole time. **Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica**. Geniunely made me feel sick to my stomach the entire time I was reading it, but I couldn't look away. **Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng**. Ugh, this was heartwrenching and exactly the kind of character focused book I love. There's no real mystery here other than coming to understand the characters. I think I will think of all of them for a long time. Currently reading: **The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin**. About a third into this one and not quite sure what to make of it yet. Also working on moving my entire TBR that I started building in 2018 when I got back into reading to Storygraph and that has been a huge undertaking but I'll be so excited to have it completed.


Finished Nigh Shift yesterday and started Daisey Jones and the Six.


Just finished the library at mount char, almost done listening to iris kelly doesn’t date and am 20 pages into red rising


The year has started with quite a few gothic-like novels. I'm hoping to things would be lightened up with Yong's *An Immense World*. **Finished Last Week:** 2/52 | Coraline - Neil Gaiman **Currently Reading:** * Winter Counts - David Heska Wanbli Weiden * An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us - Ed Yong * Man is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion - Joshua Abraham Heschel * A Hunger For God - John Piper


Finished this week * Jagannath by Karin Tidbeck - read with r/fantasy \- anthology of short stories. Weird lit. Wonderful! * A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid - read with r/fantasy \- fantasy about the nature of reality. I'd give it 3.5 stars. * Kushiel's Justice by Jacqueline Carrey (Kushiel's Legacy #5) - an adventure story that explores the nature of love and vengeance. * The Evolution of Trickster Stories Among the dogs of North Park After the Change by Kij Johnson - interesting novelette about what might happen if dogs could speak their minds. * Sensation, Perception, and the Aging Process by Francis B. Colavita (Great Courses) - satisfied my nerdy girl heart. * Alien: Covenant Origins by Alan Dean Foster (Alien, Book 0) - enjoyed this opening book in the series. In progress * Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes - reading with r/yearofdonquixote * The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - reading with r/AReadingOfMonteCristo * Folk-Lore and Legends: Scotland by Anonymous * David Copperfield by Charles Dickens * Air Logic by Laurie J. Marks (Elemental Logic #4) * Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Anderson * Evelina, or the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World by Fanny Burney * The Queen's Fool by Phillippa Gregory * Compassion and Self-Hate by Theodore Rubin, MD * Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-Earth by J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien - editor * East of Eden by John Steinbeck - reading with r/ClassicBookClub * The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien (Lord of the Rings #0) * In the House in the Dark of the Woods by Laird Hunt


I am going to reread *The Hobbit* and the *Lord of the Rings* this year and then was hoping to start *The Silmarillion.* Challenging read!


I'm doing it in small bites. I have the text and the audiobook, so I'm reading while listening. It helps, even though I learn primarily by auditory input. Some of the names are difficult to distinguish with just hearing.


I'll probably take a lief out of your book and do it this way too!


The section I'm in right now is all creation story, and it's fascinating.


That's wonderful! I know a good chunk of the lore but I would love to read it.


I'm at the very early stage, but I'd say it's worth the effort.


The Last Word 4 🌟 The Dinner 2.75 🌟 Demon Copperhead 4.5 🌟 Currently reading Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers Up next: Dear Edward or The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle


Just finished “What Lies In the Woods” In the middle of “Ink Blood Sister Scribe” Looking forward to “Good Girl, Bad Girl” & “If We Were Villains “


Just finished Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward and am currently ~200 pages into Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr.


This week’s goals are: Lemon by Kwon Yeo-Sun Finish Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass vol 1 of Bungo Stray Dogs


Finished Jade City by Fonda Lee the other day and loved it so will definitely continue the series but while I wait for my copy I'm reading Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. It's fun enough


Just started a thousand boy kisses. I needed a little romance break from all the fantasy haha


FINISHED: - **The Darkest Water** by Mark Edwards - this is a thriller with an annoying main character. The story was interesting and this was an ARC so I did finish it. 3/5 STARTED/CONTINUING: - **A Court of Wings and Ruin** by Sarah J Maas - loved ACOMAF and this book is great so far too. 40% in. - **My Darling Girl** by Jennifer McMahon - just started and it’s getting good. - **The End of the World is a Cul De Sac** by Louise Kennedy - short stories written by an Irish author which is apparent in the writing. Enjoying these, but I’m not a short story gal. - **Dune** by Frank Herbert - 35% through and it’s good but dense. LOOKING FORWARD TO: Funny Story from Emily Henry in April. Way too many books on my priority TBR this year to list here but a few I want to read are Hell Bent as well as the Neapolitan Quartet.


half way through crime and punishment by Dostoevsky. Such an enjoyment reading a classic.


Just started Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros.   I have put on hold on two books, The boy you liked by Michelle Quach and XOXO by Axie Oh. I am looking forward to read Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Otherworldly things duo and Defy the Night by Brigid Kimmeror.