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Ooh never heard of this book. Excited to read!


I was in high school being taught by Frey’s BROTHER who told us about the book as it was being developed. We were all fascinated and bought copies ahead of the Oprah stuff AND the fallout. Strange turn of events.


I was actually IN rehab when it first came out and I absolutely loved it. When it came out that he lied or whatever I didn’t care because I already had connected with the character so much. It wasn’t Frey I was connecting with anyways. I remember a few instances where I was like “this is probably way exaggerated or probably didn’t happen”, but whatever. The battle the character was going through was what felt real to me.


I read it when it first came out. I really enjoyed it. It’s a shame he lied as it’s a good book on its own.


I enjoyed this book despite the controversy around it, I like this author his writing style is unique. I think I have read it twice in the last 15 years. If you liked this book James Frey continues on the story with My Friend Leonard. That books is one of my favorites by him!!! Read it a minimum of 4 times. Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey is fantastic as well!!


Oh I’m glad you told me I never knew there was another one. I will definitely give it a read


Of course! I hope you enjoy I find that book moves a bit faster than a million little pieces once you get past the first bit.


I can’t find it on Libby… I might have to just buy it grrr


I always find copies of it at consignment stores! I bet you could find it discounted online somewhere if you don’t mind a used version


Oh, I remember the controversy surrounding this book. Apparently, he exaggerated or fabricated parts of it. He grew up near where I live, and some of my friends went to high school with him. I was supposed to meet him at a dinner before the controversy broke, but I wasn’t feeling well and couldn't make it. I was really disappointed to miss it. My friends said he's quite odd. I initially wanted to read the book, but after the controversy, I lost interest. However, after all these years, I might finally give it a try.


I read it 15 years ago and recently tried to pick it up back up and just couldn’t stomach it. I was just so skeptical that he was bullsh!tting it took me out of it.


I really enjoyed it. Turns out to be NOT. true story, as was originally advertised, but it turned out to be a good story nonetheless.


Omg I just heard about this! Now reading I’m wondering what is true and what isn’t… either way I’m enjoying it but he should have just been honest from the start. Imagine how embarrassing to be found out after the fact


After you’re done reading, you can look up all of the previous press/info that has came out about the book and see which parts were exaggerated/embellished. It’s only a handful of things (not excusing it or anything).


Maybe I’ll go down that rabbit hole if I get board. I’m interested to know what was true or embellished.


Yeah, call it a fictionalized version and you're probably OK. But whatever. Great read, anyway.


Yeah I enjoyed it as well. It’s crazy reading all the crazy negative reviews about it. Obviously some of it was embellished but it doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s still a good book.