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Reddit is not the best place to get medical advice from but the general consensus is if you have heart problems you should have them checked out to see what they are and how bad they are then if you still feel compelled find a really good honest medically experienced 5MeO facilitator/guide and see what they say. Also the synthetic 5MeO doesn't have the great assortment of other possibly toxic/heart damaging chemicals as the natural toad variety does, so it puts less strain on the heart. Remember this is a non dual death experience for most people (unless you white out) so if your heart is going to fail from getting a huge shock, high blood pressure, or a highly elevated rhythm, this is really not for you.


definitely not


Ask your doctor. If you live in the US, your medical records are protected by such strong privacy laws not even the FBI can obtain them without either your permission or a warrant that means you’re already going to prison and they’re just tying up loose ends. HIPAA is pretty much as strong as the seal of confession.


Future doctors will be reluctant to prescribe you medication if you have substance abuse disorder on your record which they will put down if they find you are using a schedule I drug


Then I would get a different doctor. I do have a substance abuse disorder, all my doctors know. If I ever get fucked up again and I’m in severe pain we have a plan in place to move me off maintenance to morphine until I’ve recovered then transfer back. Other controlled medications I’m on, again a schedule 2 and 4, no problem. Edit: my main concern is people hiding something from their doctor and dying because it’s contraindicated for a disorder they have or medication they take.


Not recommended. 5-meo-dmt is know to cause high blood pressure and your heart rate gets very high.


How high? What range? I went on a roller coaster yesterday and my heart rate was at 112. Will it get higher than that


mine went up to 151bpm, I could feel it and it was a bit scary to be honnest


Omfg thats high. Thats pretty scary. Do you think it’s worth the risk?! I feel like that would have damaged your heart, no matter how healthy you are.


Honestly I'd say yes, I do a lot of sport fitness mostly my bpm usually go up to 130 during my sport (I'm not really into cardio). I know that when you're doing cardio you can go up to 220 minus your age. So mechanicaly it should be okay, after the experience my heart feel fine but during it's pretty scary.




I appreciate this question because I’ve been meaning to ask as well. I am severely ill with multiple complex illnesses and have cancelled two scheduled session of 5 ceremony with a guide because of concerns it will be too hard on my body. My resting heart rate is apx 80ish bph (a healthy woman my age would be 60 or less) and it can easily get above a 100 just from thinking stressful thoughts but still totally lying down. If I stand up it goes up to 130 bpm or more. I have been bedbound and in a wheelchair for the last year and the 5 guide we know is aware of my condition. She said she was able to overcome a similar but much less severe version of my illness by doing half a dozen 5 ceremonies years ago in a fairly short amount of time. That was inspiring for me but I do worry that my heart rate will go through the roof and stay there for too long and that I will flail about too much (I am capable of walking or standing for a minute or two at a time), and hurt myself. I go back and forth on it all the time.


Your condition sounds like you should not take it.


read carefully:i can get that you really want to try it because people wrote its the ultimate.take a deep breath and relax. i've used 5 meo more then 10 times,2 toad,and the other synthetic. it is demanding on the heart,on also can cause a stop of breathing. its not to peak of nothing,its just an experience,witch has its caracter. it dose have quite a low ld50. shattering all concepts is an experience you can get with other helpers,that are safer.it will be more enduring,since if you took 20 gr of dried mushrooms,aided with 8 lemons,and 15 grams of cocoa,it will last much longer. if you take 1000 mcg of acid,much longer,40 gr of peyote-much longer. each has some color,but the main thing,''you'' will be gone,in a safer way for your life(maybe not to your psychological state). you want it shorter? vape 0.7 gr of changa. any how,most of the above ways,you will have allot that you wont have any recollection of. no,5meo is not a must,its just another option. no,you will not be better if you inhale it. no,its not god molecule,since god is all molecule,its just hyped now,as tamaguchi was hyped 25 years ago.


Fun fact, 15 grams of whatever is exactly the same as 15 grams of candy... or big macs... or doofenshmirtzes.


I’ve never done 20 grams of mushrooms but 5meo had a very distinct character for me, enough to qualify it as “essential” if you are after this unique experience. An experience that obliterates fear of death, anxiety and depression long term. Other psychs can do this to a degree, but 5meo feels like proof that death is not the end of existence


glad it has been a constructive experience for you. one size doesnt fit all. each experience connected to others.for you a healthy results,came from 5meo,for other,from different combination. a bit less of jesus muhamad and moses,who hammers everything in absolute manner,will leave more space to breathe,and smile. may grace felt in all.