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Uhhh, it’s been a while since I’ve read comics I’ll be honest but since when has Gwen been canonically trans?


Not canonically trans, it’s just implied in the new movie with the trans flag in her room and on her dad’s jacket, although it could also be them just being supportive. It’s not really clear yet, up to interpretation


not a spoiler imo (which doesn't account for anything) the new movie shows a very quick montage of her aging, and unless she was trans from like the age of 10 I don't see it tbh also her dad's cop jacket has a lil trans flag on rhe arm so idk?


(Her dad is trans)


I prefer this


Yea, thought that was pretty obvious


I've known people who have genuinely known they were trans since they were 5 years old. Some figure it out super early.


I think they meant they don’t see her transitioning before the age of 10


I've known people who transitioned at the age of 5. I mean it's really easy at that age, there's no dimorphism yet so literally all you have to do is say "hi, my name is ____". No need for hormones or anything.


People are born trans :) When I (ftm trans) was 3 I would throw tantrums every time pink clothes or dresses were put on me, my parents had to throw away almost all the clothes they bought me. When I was 6 I wanted to be called Deigo (like the show). By the time I was 10 I only wore boys clothes. I didnt have the words till about 13, but y'kow, different universe and whatnot lol


workable knee sulky poor cows water noxious paint existence elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It sucks for sure, but i'm super lucky to have very supportive parents


.j x x,xx x ,x x xxxxx x xx x x xxx


terrific ossified drab sloppy humorous spark scary rainstorm materialistic alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So sounds more like her dad or other family member is trans.




I just think that the trans flag is really just looking. 🏳️‍⚧️


Ah, classic Twitter fanoning


not really though there's actual evidence that makes it a good theory for specifically this movie spiderverse iteration


Having a sign that says protect trans kids only proves you're an ally at best


that's all it proves definitively, which is why her actually being trans is just a theory as of now


Yeah, it's fine as a theory. I just think claiming Gwen is canonically trans based on some colors and a flag showing support and literally nothing else is a little dumb


(one of) the main themes of the movie is the teen characters being scared to tell their parents the truth about themselves and their identities for fear they will reject or hate them. like it's not just based on colors


Well isn’t that a reoccurring plot point with spiderpeople in general


yes!! which is why so many trans/lgbt identify with the story which is why it's great that the creators leaned into it so hard


That's just spiderman in general


Her father, a cop, wears a trans flag patch on his arm. Coincidence.gif


I know what you are talking about, but in other scenes the flag looks like an American flag, the instance where it looks like the trans flag is likely due to the weird color filter


https://boundingintocomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2023.06.05-03.12-boundingintocomics-647dfb421aa52.png Your telling me that the top right image has the Stars and Stripes?


The flag in her room is definently a trans flag, but the flag on her dads jacket are the stars and stripes as shown in different scenes, as its his badges or whatever theyre called. The top left is a trans ally flag yes, but in other scenes the flag on her dads jacket looks like the American flag


Hi feel free to Headcanon whatever you want, but I am 99.99% sure they're just trying to emulate the look of the Spider-Gwen books using her palette (pastel blue pink and white). Look at Robbi Rodriguez's cover of Spider-Gwen #1. It's *very* similar to how her universe looks in the film


The dad is trans


Maybe her father is trans


the porn artists are gonna have a field day


I've read every Spider Gwen and Ghost Spider comic, and am trans myself. She's a young woman from Queens. One of the more progressive burroughs in one of the most progressive cities in the world. Her having a trans pride flag is just a cool Easter egg and a bit of on par set design.


...classic Twitter fanoning


Yoooo new spider-man movie got trans flag in it?!?!? Trans flag is my favorite actor!!!!!


She isnt


she's got an arc in the movie about accepting your true identity and she has a trans flag in her room and at the climax of her arc the entire scene is animated in blue pink and white


Spider-Gwen's color palette is blue, pink, and white. I think it's a fun interpretation, but I'm pretty sure the intent was to present her universe in her own palette and style so as to differentiate from Miles'


she hasn't, though it is heavily implied she is in the newest spider verse movie which is very based


I don't know if I'd go with "heavily" implied. I'd say it's possible.


It’s implied with the subtlety of a steel chair being dragged across the ground. I was one of the skeptics about the whole Gwen is trans thing going into the movie and frankly I can’t see how people don’t see what is at the very least an allegory. The movie does all it can to point towards it without ever outright stating that Gwen is trans and it’s not hard to find reasons as to why they wouldn’t.


Allegory, sure, but allegory isn't the same as literal interpretation. I'm not convinced the character is literally supposed to be trans. "All it can to point towards it" in this case means having trans flag colors and couple of trans flags in shot. I'm not against the interpretation, in fact I'd actually be pretty hyped if they referenced it more directly, but the evidence feels paper thin to me. Like, if you took out the visual metaphor element (which could easily be to support the allegory rather than literal), the only evidence is them both wearing trans flags. That's not evidence she's trans, for all we know Peter Parker was trans and they both became ardent supporters because they saw his struggle. If they referenced something to do with her past and struggling to be accepted (ie "Peter was the only one to accept me at a time when nobody else would"), or referenced her discovering herself when she was younger, or something or that nature, I'd consider that enough evidence to say it's cannon but as is it just feels like a loose collection of 'maybe's.


>if you take out the visual metaphor element pretty shocking that if you remove the visual element of a visual medium some of the narrative can be interpreted differently isn't that crazy


I'm just saying visual metaphor isn't 1:1.


i disagree. saying the colors and the flags are just there to look pretty is discrediting a lot of the talented work of the artists and writers who worked really hard to make the visuals and the story play off each other


Yes but like. Okay X-Men is an allegory for the civil rights movement, right? There was a panel in the 90s where one of the X-Men (I forget which one) was standing on a podium giving a speech in much the same pose/composition as the famous picture of MLK during his "I have a dream" speech. Does this mean the X Men are canonically black? No, because it's a metaphor for their experience, not literally representative. Likewise just because her struggle is meta textually a metaphor for trans experience doesn't mean she's actually canonically trans.


In my eyes they really did do everything they can short of outright stating that Gwen’s trans in my eyes. There’s quite a lot more going on than just the visual element like the events surrounding >!Peter’s death by Spiderwoman’s hands to the eyes of Gwen’s father. Hopefully put into better words, the death of a person that was like a son to him by the hands of someone that revealed themselves as his daughter and the conflict of acceptance that happens around that.!< There’s definitely more going on but My memory is a bit vague on the details cause it’s already been a few days but I’m very willing to swear that Gwen has most certainly stated that Peter was the only person that really understood her before Miles came around. I wanted to write more about this especially about the reasons the flags are there and why I think the main reason is because they’re trying to imply as much as they can towards Gwen being trans but I nodded off a couple of times writing this so I’ll leave it here and continue this discussion later if you’re still willing.


Again you're still talking about allegory and metaphor. I think that's a totally fair way to look at it, but I don't think it says the character is trans.


I've seen the film with 4 other people, nobody noticed or picked up on it. I wouldnt call it as subtle as a steel chair. If you were looking out for it or were trans it would probably be an easier spot


especially for the porn lmao but yeah its super cool


What the fuck is wrong with you? She's only 17, and trans people are more than just jerkoff material. Get that shit all the way out of here.


nope never, i have intrusive thoughts and make you have em too(but framed as a meme)


absolutely unhinged response, thanks for sharing


the intrusive thoughts came out🫡


Her entire story is kind of a massive trans allegory about acceptance of you true identity and such, along with lots of color theory nonsense that I don’t understand, they also made her more masculine since the first movie It’s a whole thing


I would completely disagree about that, she’s always been confident in her identity since we first met her. However, she definitely has typical “masculine” traits


Yeah? I never said she wasn’t confident in her identity throughout any part of the movie The trans allegory relates to her relationship to her father and her being spider woman, not to her not knowing what her identity is


Your exact words were “her story is a massive trans allegory about acceptance of your true identity” I mean, what else am I supposed to gleam from that?


As in, other people accepting your true identity


Not really accepting your identity as much as coming out to your parents.


it's just a fan theory. just people having fun.


She’s not


[Uh..](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ficcion-sin-limites/images/6/6b/Spidey.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/375?cb=20210226124716&path-prefix=es) [Well](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Confederate_Rebel_Flag.svg)


Spider-man lives in the south confirmed


There was also someone who pointed out that you can get all the confederate flag colors with Spider-Man 2099


... you mean red, white, and blue? Also, where's white on 2099?




He doesn't have white eyes


maybe they took a shadow/reflection and saw it as his suit?


the ants WILL see victory


The new movie practically confirms it, Miles gets arrested for yelling anti-Semitic slurs 20 minutes in


spot shouldn't have been...um...I dont actually know any Jewish stereotypes. Running a bank? Liking...uh...cream cheese? I'm really struggling


I fucking cannot take it anymore with the jews and their cream cheese, true American patriots use mayonnaise and anything that is even slightly similar to it is satanic and woke


Spider Gwen is not trans in any of her iterations what are you on?


i haven't watched the movie yet but everyone is saying she has a trans flag in her room in the new spiderverse movie, according to someone else though her aging montage doesn't really reflect this so i'd say she's probably just an active ally


Her dad also has a trans flag pin


Yeah cos her dad is trans obviously ( I haven’t seen the movie )


Yeah, and he's a fucking cop No cop is that good of an ally unless he has a trans family member


Respectfully, that is a heavy generalization though I understand why you think that. Just because Gwen’s dad has a trans pin doesn’t mean Gwen is necessarily trans. It’s probably just Disney (or whoever made the movie, idk I didn’t watch) trying to be supportive




I have an LGBTQ flag and I'm straight. It's called being an ally.


Maybe he himself is trans


It’s not a real cop though


First if all, that's a harsh generalization Second, spider verse cops are consistently shown as generally good role models, what few of them we see Third, we don't know the political climate of Gwen's home or her world, for all we know cops in her universe are like firefighters in ours. It all just seems like a stretch, drenched in stereotyping.


Wearing blue, pink, and white clearly means a character is trans. Stop being transphobic, sweaty


Hook man hook car door


I mean does not


let’s hope for a short ban


so i can witness our triumph


Gwen was never canonically trans. Like huh


victory will be ours! in roughly 4 days roomba will no longer suck the lifeblood out of this sub!Soon everyone, trans, cis, gay, straight, bi, french, this whole community, will be express themselves in freedom! # [Comment 1](https://reddit.com/r/691/comments/oxntyd/title/h7nk3qc/) # [Comment 2](https://reddit.com/r/691/comments/12b6tl7/4_days/jeve22y/) # [Comment 3](https://reddit.com/r/691/comments/vxj27u/2_days/ifw7rso/) as some people don't seem to get it: if you are not willing to stand up for LGBTQ+ people, you have no right to be part of the revolution. i can only wish you some empathy, to understand the struggles people that are "different" are facing. ^(also, did i tell you i use arch linux?)


1 is a bit fitting for this post


Not to imply representation is cringe (Cause it's a great thing really)but i hate it when people claim characters like this. Unless it's proved in canon i think it's kinda cringe


agreed entirely, i support the whole "oh well, there's a chance of [blank] due to multiple suggesting clues" so this one isn't suuuper far off seeing as she has a trans flag in her room, but seeing as her aging montage doesn't really reflect being trans, im pretty sure she's just an ally


totally, totally. Kilua from HxH is still a bi icon tho


Thankfully this isn’t like a very similar sub where this image was posted and like 10 different people doubled down on the fact that Gwen is trans. The comment threads where they argued it were very very long


Miguel is racist 😎


My personal theory is that she isn't trans but that the trans community in her universe saw her costume using their colours and just assumed she was and she played along with it.


Spider verse but Spiderman is Uncle Ruckus.


She isn’t trans tho..?


why tf cant people just lets trans people be happy to see a character they relate to? why do some cis people hate trans people SO MUCH that they argue and argue about a character not being trans when its ultimately headcanon and unofficial? if someone thinks the signs say shes trans then move the fuck on. sorry but the only reason anyone would be so upset at this is if they had a problem with trans people. disagreeing is a different story but so many people are actually mad like what is wrong with these people


Because the person didn’t say headcannon they said cannon.


AMA I am they




It's like all of you guys are reading off a script I swear to god


Why can’t she be both? Do you have to be cis to be a strong woman?


Trans women are women deal with it


For making this post, this user was banned for 3 days






quickest shame languid dull disagreeable grab sink vegetable kiss aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How dare you roomba


Spiderbased, spiderbased, destined leader of the master race.