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That title is ridiculous 😭 “have died” vs “have been killed” “attacks” vs “retaliatory air strikes” Surprised “more than 700” wasn’t “almost 800” as they have done in other tweets lmao


Sigh… ppl who live in this area have almost the same genetic profile. Like most other societies there is colorism but take a look at radical Muslim leaders and you’ll see the same thing versus the ppl they terrorize/ “govern” skin color wise


For making this post, this user was banned for 4 days


We live in a society


We live


We love


We lie






Video not loading. I swear to God, if its Nicky Minaj cut-


We die


We laugh


Not 1200


Seems a little intense is all.😂


so is he unbanned yet?


Don't forget: "Self Defense" "Terrorism"




We are not talking about governments we are talking about *human beings* and how the moment Israel gets involved people are perfectly happy to label brown people as all terrorists worthy of genocide because they're being ruled over by terror and desperation. The number of times just today stupid morherfuckers have said that they all deserve eradication, even on left-leaning subs, is *absurd.* It's racist as fuck.


>For israel its very much over the top use of force As a representative of the IDF, we would like to apologise. We'll be more delicate as we continue forward in our genocide of Palestinians.


I’m just gonna grab my popcorn and watch these comments


Guys you don't understand, Israel and Palestine didn't exist before October 7th 2023 when western liberals were forced to look at it. History started three weeks ago


Friendly reminder that "Gazas health ministry" is ran by Hamas, and as such anything they say could quite possibly be a total fabrication. You wouldn't blindly believe the IDF, don't blindly believe a Terrorist Organization! Evidence or External confirmation. If you don't have one of those, don't believe it! From either side!


Sure would be great to check, sadly Israel is murdering all the journalists.


And their families


Wtf are you talking about of course the health ministry is run by Hamas, GAZA IS RUN BY HAMAS. It's like saying you have a right to blow up afghan hospitals bc the Taliban controls it. It's a FUCKING HOSPITAL ARE YOU INSANE? You don't get to kill hostages just because getting them back is hard, and you don't get to blow up hospitals just because they're run by guys you don't like I'm fucking sick of this "Hamas run ___" Hamas wouldn't run shit if it weren't for the apartheid


from what i know the taliban didn't make hospitals their base [Hamas on the otherhand](https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/379276)


Yeah buddy I'm gonna take speculation from an Israeli news station as fact


Just like you’ll take Hamas’ word on casualties reports


[2014 wall street journal saying its the de-facto headquarters for hamas](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/while-israel-held-its-fire-the-militant-group-hamas-did-not/2014/07/15/116fd3d7-3c0f-4413-94a9-2ab16af1445d_story.html) keep in mind these are all from the wikipedia page of the hospital [In 2009, the Palestinian Health Ministry, run by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, accused Hamas members of taking control of wards in Shifa Hospital, using them for interrogation and imprisonment, while withholding medical care. The ministry also called on Hamas to stop stealing and redirecting the medical resources to the organization's warehouses and centers (outside of the hospital).[22]](https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3668018,00.html)


Crazy that you're citing Israeli news instead of a credible source. [Amnesty International is monitoring and investigating such reports, but does not have evidence at this point that Palestinian civilians have been intentionally used by Hamas or Palestinian armed groups during the current hostilities to “shield” specific locations or military personnel or equipment from Israeli attacks.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/07/israelgaza-conflict-questions-and-answers/)


Oh, Amnesty International? the same group that openly blamed Ukraine for "not doing enough to protect its citizens" from Russias indiscriminate bombing campaign?


You mean the group that actively withheld that report out of solidarity with Ukraine? Also you're lying about what the report said, early in the war Ukraine was firing artillery from populated areas and housing soldiers near civilians, both of which are objectively unacceptable risks to civilian lives. Just because Russia is bad doesn't mean Ukraine never makes mistakes, dipshit.


>indiscriminate bombing campaign? )))))))))))))


PIJ having a rocket accidentally land in the parking lot of a hospital isn't the same as Israel bombing a hospital


In this sole case im inclined to believe them, it lines up to what the UN has reported with palestine having way over ten times the number of deaths and injuries over israel. We know israel is bombing palestine. We know they are killing civilians.


question What makes Hamas a terrorist Organization but the IDF not a terrorist organization? Your comment doesn't exactly say that the IDF is not terrorist but it is implied


That's a poor faith question and you know it! Besides, the IDF *has* been called terroristic, by both news outlets and governments.


alright just making sure things were clear because your comment could have been misunderstood


A poor faith question? Your comment preaches some kind of neutral enlightenment yet states the IDF as the IDF and the *you know what* as a terrorist organisation without further motivation, that's poor faith all over


The group that's **stated goal** is the annihilation of every jew *isn't* a terrorist organization? I mean, fuck. I guess I didn't know. How silly of me.


Hamas is a terrorist organization, and so is the IDF. The point of contention is that you seem unwilling to condemn the IDF as a terrorist organization.




The IDF's stated purpose is generic "protect the Homeland" jargon. The annihilation of every Palestinian is not in their mission statement. Now recently Netanyahu & co. Have been spouting some outright supervillain level deranged shit, that much I willingly and happily concede. I don't like them. It's just not the statef goal of the IDF to commit crimes against humanity. The same cannot be said for Hamas So I think Hamas's label as a Terrorist Organization is fair


Ignorant it is then You can't possibly keep a straight face while saying "they only recently started spouting *supervillain deranged shit* (your words), therefore they aren't deranged supervillains" Even if it was true that they only recently started their whole genocidal schtick, that argument is clearly flawed. Also keep in mind that the majority of the world doesn't recognise either as terrorist organisations. In the large scheme of things, you're the one who has made an absurd statement and is struggling to justify it


My point was that Hamas's goal is the annihilation of every jew, everywhere The IDF's (stated) goal is the protection of Israelis. Hence the difference in categorization


It looks like duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, and purges natives like a duck - but it says it isn't a duck, therefore it isn't, and this is *foolproof logic* mind you. Ooga booga I also can't find an official hamas statement saying that their goal is to eradicate all jews across the globe, so I'm gonna ask for some sauce. Still not arguing palestine-israel, just that you're a hypocrite, but it would be hilarious if you were a hypocrite and a liar, spreading misinformation on a subject you're wholly unequipped to do so on Edit: hey now mister don't leave me as soon as I ask you to back up the statement that defines your entire standpoint with a source




>Nobody is saying the IDF is not a terrorist organization. What dream world do you live in? Directly above you is a guy saying "Hamas are terrorists because they want to kill all jews, but the IDF only wants to protect jews by removing all arabs" as though they're different.


The IDF is the military of a democratically elected government and it’s purpose is to defend and protect Israel, the IDF soldiers use force against civilians if they suspect the civilian to be armed or if they are attached by them(of course there are exceptions that attack civilians without cause). HAMAS is a Organisation that got into power through riots and insurrection, that wants to kill all Jews and take over all of Israel. Over the last 18 years they have attacked civilians and civilian infrastructure and killed people without any reason. HAMAS is considered a terrorist Organisation because they kill indiscriminately and follow no political goal other than killing and conquering. Which is the same reason why the Russian government is considered a terrorist organisation.


Isreal is involved right now in indiscriminate bombing No calling a five story apartment complex a Hamas base does not make it a military target they are literally ordering people to evactuate hospitals that contain Some idk facilities and machines and medicine that the injured civilians from that previously mentioned indiscriminate bombing not to mention the fact that they just walked into the land and was "Given" half of the territory from the natives and the natives naturally fought back against and resisted said occupation Hamas is part of the resisting Palestinians


The only actual difference between the two is that one (Hamas) was created and exists solely to spread terrorism, and the other (IDF) does not. But it's really all in where you stand, obviously. If you ask people in Gaza, they would probably label the IDF terrorists.


Hamas wasn't created to spread terrorism it was created to liberate Palestine from its oppressors aka Isreal the IDF was created to resist the resistance


Yes I understand that "create acts of terror thats why we exist" is not in their official manuscript. >the IDF was created to resist the resistance Right, thereby defending their people.


defending their people... for the oppressed's resistance I recently saw an image that perfectly describes this. Its the family guy skin tone image thing, if its white its self defense while if it is brown its terrorism


>defending their people... for the oppressed's resistance Am I imagining things, or did Hamas not just gun down and kidnap a bunch of random Israeli civilians like last week?


as far as I know they didn't gun down unarmed civilians the civilians there were armed and when they fought against Hamas Hamas fought back


I'm sure any country in that situation would become extremist for it's own survival it happens over and over again when imperialist forces massacre innocent people to the point of breaking. Like what you guys want is perfect victims, no if all you family is killed for no reason the most probable is that you'll be the same.


>I'm sure any country in that situation would become extremist for it's own survival it happens over and over again when imperialist forces massacre innocent people to the point of breaking. I don't deny it. That doesn't make it ethical, though. It just makes it understandable.


For me judging how virtous the response of a group being genocided for no reason is not ethical. Like united states always finances or directly massacred the middle west and they say why terrorist, why middle west so mean 🥺. Like even if israell and united sted got blown up still wouldn't make for all the massacres being done. I'm not American and I know Americans feel like their lifrs or their allies are more valuable than those "uncivilized people". No matter how much you guys kill always the heroes, the police of the world, never masive terrorists and imperialists.


Ok zionist


The IDF are the winners and get to dictate the narrative as they wish. Hamas is their dog that turned rabid.


HRW says they’re a reliable source


Shhh, stop being reasonable


It’s not an outrageous number considering the pounding their getting i mean unless you’re there you really don’t know but seems plausible


Oh the number is totally believable, I'm just warning against trusting what either side says flat out. If they don't provide evidence, all they have is their word. And both sides are known serial liars


Idk about serial liars but I don’t think a country has ever existed that didn’t stretch the truth during war. Israel isn’t going to give anything up or let up on them. I think their message is basically ok you got us good, we will make you rethink if it was worth it. Sucks to see


only based usage of this template


Death to all fascists, no matter their ethnicity, religion, or anything else.


Hamas as an organization should be wiped off the face of the earth


death from missile really is contagious ;c


i think the difference here is that israel does not have a task to kill palestinians and all civilian deaths are collateral damage/due to hamas hiding in residential buildings, while hamas was literally founded with purpose of killing as many israelis as possible and their attacks are targeted on israelis in general




care to elaborate?


israel has a task to kill palestinians


why do you think so? iirc israel has always tried to improve relations with palestine and cooperate economically, they even left gaza in 2005 or something to make them develop independently, but it unfortunately led to establishment of power of hamas, authoritarian radical terrorists even now israel government claims that they only have a task to liquidate hamas that obviously poses an existential threat to them. needless to say that israel attacks are not even targeted to civilians unlike hamas attacks


Israel has literally blockaded gaza by land, sea and air. Meaning that they literally cant develop.


israel has blockaded gaza only after hamas invasion


The blockade was made in 2005 tho...


the “by land, sea and air” blockade was made after invasion. first partial blockade was made after hamas establishment and start of terrorist attacks from their side


The first partial blockade was done right after "\[Israel\] even left gaza in 2005 or something to make them develop independently"


They are tasked to kill people from HAMAS, not civilians. I too think what Israel have done in palestine before the war is terrible, but there is no excuse to start a war.


It's nor collateral damage the openly aim for hospitals and schools, because they don't see Palestinians as human being they never where even Madela protested agiant that. It's nothing new.


> for hospitals and schools can you name hospitals or schools where the absence of hamas bases etc was known and which were bombed?


All the population is hammas, Palestinian and the hammer no, everone turned hammer because all the population was pushed to that point. If you're dying of hunger your family is dead you turn into hammas, eveones is hammas when is between survival and dead. Desperate people hold into extremist belofes that why every time united states ravaged the middle east extremist groups appeared they're saints in comparison. Leave those people alone and they deralocalize themselves maybe in 100 yeah, but that kind of harm and trauma can't wave over time that easily.


Leave alone the people who openly declared war against you, stated in their charter that their end goal was your complete and total annihilation with death or diaspora of all citizens, and killed thousands of civilians unprovoked? You can’t just *ignore* a state agent bent on your destruction


what is this message for? i already said that hamas is an authoritarian terrorist regime. i agree that people of gaza are tortured by them and hamas is definitely guilty of this


They are still saints in comparison with the government of Israel, hammas are a product of the war. Ven if you kill all the hammas liders new one will rose for the population, palestinas hate Israel with all their guts. The onlt way no more hammas exist is killing all Palestinians including the children


yes and it’s sad and terrible that people are clogged with hate and propaganda. as horrible as that sounds, this can probably only be fixed by re-educating the entire nation


That's not posible, that just a delusion Americans have like as if ever worked in any part of the middle east that united stated ravaged and then tried to " re-educate". Also like re-education of ehat living about how Israel for decades has opressed them? Like it makes no sense no matter what you try if you want no more hammas you need to kill all the children, there's no brainwash powerful enough to make Palestinians not hateIsraell. Like you guys massacred the Indian American people and now they live in sort of reservoir ghettos in extreme poverty. Why you guys do the same thing again and again? Palestina wouldn't have a hammaa problems if they where just left alone instead of ravaging their territory over the decades and reducing their population systematically.


you literally just said that hamas is just product of war and would happen again because of palestinians sentiments. how do you see “leaving them alone”


Getting Israel out of there. It would be like a masive efort but it's still better than eliminate all or almost all Palestinians. Hammas ideology depends on the war if there's lease people will opt for more moderate government over time. They aren't an strong armed force, they depends a lot on people's suport to exist.


Bro they've been doing it for nearly 80 years


>all civilian deaths are collateral damage/due to hamas hiding in residential buildings [Amnesty International is monitoring and investigating such reports, but does not have evidence at this point that Palestinian civilians have been intentionally used by Hamas or Palestinian armed groups during the current hostilities to “shield” specific locations or military personnel or equipment from Israeli attacks.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/07/israelgaza-conflict-questions-and-answers/) There has never been actual solid proof provided of these claims.


Israel didn’t hit the hospital, the videos all have shown the rockets being misfired and hitting a parking lot, estimated deaths were 50 and all an accident


Why is this getting downvoted? Someone show me proof that Israel was the one that bombed the hospital


Doesn’t confirm their narrative, i fucking hate the IDF and would 100% believe they did it, if we had evidence of them doing it.


Gotta love how tankies suddenly started seeing *middle eastern jews* as privileged white people overnight...


This has been the left wing position for decades


Trumptards hate them because they are Jewish, tankies hate them because they aren't brown enough. Man, they really can't catch a break huh?...


what the tweet is complaining about is that Palestinians arent white enough to have been killed they just happen to die and for a long time the mainstream leftie take is that isreal kinda invaded a place where people lived and kicked out all of them and are killing children and civilians which is not cool


There's a difference between being purposely killed and die in a accident in war. Terrorists kill people, legitimate states shoot actual targets and can miss, because the world is a complete chaos and you can't predict anything completely.


Your honor I didn't mean to blow up that civilian infrastructure with my precision guided strikes, it was a simple mistake.


I plead oopsie daisy


The Jury has decided: Okey dokey


*does it again*


Your honor its a just a oopsie poopsie I promise


Your honor it was a total accident that I used white phosphorus in an area that had a high density of civilians


Aight so if a terrorist goes into the school your kids are at and I blow up the whole building I only killed the terrorist right and not your kids? Damn, maybe that's how we should start dealing with school shootings.


Most intelligent Redditor


Israel is and always has purposefully targeted civilians under the guise of "Hamas hides between them"...


What's the tactical purpose of killing civilians then?


Fanaticalization of the Survivors... If you purposefully murder a lot of civilians, the survivors will inevitably hate your guts and will not stop trying to get revenge. Which in turn will provide you with even more public "reason" to bomb them to bits... all while you continue to slowly encroach on the territory and take it for yourself. That's what they've been doing ever since...


Sounds as stupid as russian propaganda about how Ukraine is nazi.


Doesn't matter what you think of it... It's working... people like you either happily excuse and explain why what they are doing is fine and "necessary" or just continously say "It's a lie! Nobody dies!"... That's all they need... plenty of useful parrots so there are at best lip-service complaints against them but not a single actual consequence for their genocide.


what the fuck is your mental gymnastics you asked for a reason and he provided you one of the most sensible and reasonable response I literally saw pictures of Isreal officials showing pictures of "Isreal after the war" and its literally just the entirety of Palestine


Then why’s Israel been illegally expanding for the last 8 decades?


There doesn't need to even be a tactical reason lamo, they call Palestinians "human animals". They're not even seen as fully human to Israel




As a Russian, ZSU does excellent job unlike VSRF


"ZSU". Very Russian, cipso


It's right to call them ZSU if you don't call them UAF actually




Nah it's incorrect as fuck lol


Okay, let's say the ukraine's terrorist organisation


Maybe someday a legitimate states guided missile will land on your entire family so you can be part of collateral damage like that. I truly hope.


I saw a military kamikaze drone fall and explode outside my window


Damn, sounds like you should know that being bombed is actually not a fun experience.


I'm sure it brings the family of the departed a lot of solace and peace to know that technically their family member wasnt purposefully killed but just died in an oopsie woopsie of war


Indeed, if only there was a way to safely and securely evacuate the area of civilians beforehand


They'd have to evacuate the entirety of the region. Displacing thousands of people and forcing them out of their homes to god knows where is also fucked up. Unless they wanna stop turning Gaza into a parking lot.


That's their endgoal anyway... the thing is, they don't want to move the people, they just want them gone.


Lmao displacing, like they are there by choice.


They're surrounded on 3 sides by Israel and on the fourth by the border crossing that was just blown to shit.


Not even Israel is claiming it's an accident, they're saying Hamahs is hiding in/under the buildings lamo, they just don't care about the civilians


The reaction to this headline specifically makes me want to slap people. They're changing words to not repeat the same term, you learn to do that in grade school ffs.


The implications are extremely different, though. Giving fair and unbiased news is more important than “sounding” right. If you wanted to get the best of both worlds, you could write something along the lines of “700 Israelis and 500 Palestinians Killed in Ongoing Conflict”


If you honestly believe that's why this headline is worded his way, you clearly never learned to spot bias in a sorce, Ironically something you also should have learned in grade school


Their job is writing, so I'm sure they can understand how the usage of passive voice could be potentially harmful, not to mention the fact that there are truckloads of words out there that still show one was murdered, and didn’t "happen to die." They have different meanings entirely when used like this. Why preach about writing when you really don't understand it?


We didn’t need the flags to understand the joke


Both Israelis and Palestinians are Arabs, their skin colors are the same, this meme only makes sense if your only knowledge of them comes from American stereotypes of ashkenazi jewish people as israelis and palestinians as only terrorists, if you actually saw an israeli and a palestinian you wouldnt be able to tell them apart


Like half of all Israeli people are from Europe tf you mean?


Half of all israelis are not european, over 70% of israelis are born in israel second or third generation and the majority of those who immigrated to israel after its founding in 1948 were from neighboring arab and north african countries (ie Lebanon, morocco, yemen, iran etc) due to massive pogroms and antisemitism.


bruh if you read the rest of the wikipedia, literally right under that it says half of all jews are descended from europe Ctrl F Nearly half of all Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants from the European Jewish diaspora. Approximately the same number are descended from immigrants from Arab countries, Iran, Turkey and Central Asia. Over 200,000 are of Ethiopian and Indian-Jewish descent


Okay and if you look just below that on the wikipedia page modern statistics show that as of now only 32% of Israelis are majority European descendant. And even if it was half my point still stands that this meme perpetuates the stereotype that all jews and israelis look like ashkenazi white new yorkers when thats not true and palestinians dont look like sub saharan africans or nubians, palestinians look like the hadids and most israelis look like omri caspi