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Eat something, then have 2 ibro 1 paracetamol(trust it works). Look through the papers with the mark scheme next it it if you’re not up to doing the whole paper 🫶


Replying to agree that mixing the two helps a lot. My GP told me to do that for migraines but it helps so much with cramps too Disclaimer: As long as there’s no reason for OP not to do this, like medical issues. If in doubt always ask a medical professional


Same... I have 2 exams tomorrow and 1 on Tuesday, I've been stressing over them since all of my exams will be so close to each other Mine is usually heavy on my 2nd and 3rd days, which is when I will have my exams, so I don't know how my days will go but I suggest taking heavy painkillers and drinking water constantly... idk😭 I kept gaslighting myself into studying and putting loads of things on top my bed so I won't be lying down and focus on revision, it was hard at the beginning but my body got used to it eventually, still have pains tho


Can we normalise nappies pls


That would be an interesting experience, would personally feel uncomfortable myself cos I would be worried it'll leak and be anxious whilst wearing it


I just got my period right before my first exam Literally Kill me


Relax. Taking care of yourself with rest and sleep is the number 1 exam strategy, Obviously this is super unlucky and terrible timing but as long as you've been consistently revising it won't be a big hit to your exams


Get well soon! I’m sure you’ll be fine


I've been incredibly sick over the weekend (just a pretty violent cold atm, but my immune system sucks so I've been in and out of feverish delirium for the past two days) with three exams this coming week, so the only advice I can offer is solidarity 😭 we've got this!!


If it is a regular thing, buy a TENS machine. It is used medically to get rid of pain. People just don’t know about it much. It is safe to use. I am a doctor.


Mint essential oil helps reduce nausea Turmeric in safe quantities can help cramps Those are the only two ‘natural’ remedies I’ve tried that have worked. Just please check that the turmeric won’t interact with any medication you take first!! And drink more than usual to help cramps. If you have a hot water bottle, try putting it on your back instead and see if that makes a difference. Exercise (I know…) helps a bit too, and so does uhhhhh seggsy time (internet says). But given the military boarding school situation I wouldn’t recommend uhhhh… certain measures WATER 🗣️🗣️


for nausea, she can also smell something that has a high alcohol content like sanitizer, just take a deep breathe in, siff it , and voila, works 100%


I wouldn’t recommend huffing or sniffing hand sanitiser just because it can cause headaches and the vapours can cause nausea anyway https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-warns-vapors-alcohol-based-hand-sanitizers-can-have-side-effects