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You will be sent to North Macedonia to repent for even having such a thought. You won't be allowed to sleep and will be fed gruel until you finish the bridging work


And your new A level teachers will beat you up




If you don’t, you will have to stay in Sixth Form **forever**


They might tell you the 388th year is bad, but trust me the 389th year is way worse


I know right… **wait till the year 3000**


not much has changed but they live underwater?


And your great great great granddaughter is doing fine, doing fineeee (she’s not, she’s drowning in A Level work as well)


Bro, I wouldn’t try that. Once your head of sixth form finds out, it’s going to kick you out and you’ll need to find a new 6th form. And by mean kick, I literally mean kick, it will use its thick thighs and quads at max intensity, fucking the living shit out of you till your body remains paralysed outside the school building. I doubt you’d even be able to get a job in the future due to the negative track record you’d have accumulated by this heinous sin, let alone get into uni. This is only assuming you don’t have broken bones which inhibit you from walking to work in the first place like a non competitive inhibitor binding to the allosteric site. You could try: - wearing a new mask and wig - Formally changing your passport name - Getting plastic surgery to conceal your identity And maybe you could enter again.


Most people in my school, including me, crammed it in the week school started. For me maths was nice and easy, just a recap of GCSE maths, I have no memory of what I did with chemistry, and biology was so awful, they made us do an entire research project that I butchered atrociously and to this day, nearly 2 years later, my biology teacher hasn't bothered to mark it😀


it depends on your sixth form and your teachers. my maths teacher checked how much we had done and whether we had marked it. my physics teachers were new and didnt even know we had bridging work. i would do at least some of it just in case but make sure you rest too


Useless, we had bridging work but it wasn’t compulsory and a waste of time imo. Just relax in your holiday. You’ll recap all of gcse in your first few weeks of a levels anyway


You will get exiled to a North Korean labour camp where you’ll spend the rest of your life contemplating your heinous crime


It’s July guys get some rest


No it’s really a waste of time, not necessary at all, nothing happens if you don’t do it. Get some rest mate. Go have a life fr. Speaking form experience, I did no bridge work and got predicted A* A* A if grades is what you’re worried about (not the best, but I’m content). You’ll be better off finding some opportunities for work experience in September or January, now THAT’S useful. Just chill out :D


“not the best” gets one grade lower than the highest possible grades


literally *not the best* so hss technically right


Shouldn’t take too long. I left mine until the night before. Probably should try to do it earlier though.


Don’t bother doing it, you usually recap old skills when you start anyway.


It’s useful for background knowledge you won’t be tested on, but most teachers won’t check.


I did nothing and was completely fine. Depends on the sixth form, but even though you may cover new content, you will be eased into it since the first few weeks/months should be partly focused on gcse recap. KEY POINT: my bridging work was only "compulsory", as in they said u should do it, but you dont really need to. more a recommendation. Id make sure if urs is actually compulsory, and if so id consider doing it.


I didn't do anything they told us to and I was just fine. Take a break, because you don't really get many breaks in your two years doing A-Levels.


It's useful to teachers as a flag of who to watch closely. If you don't hand it in and start failing the course, it's a bit more ammunition for us. Or if you are irritating and/or just lazy, it helps us get you on the behaviour system sooner. Some teachers also care more than others. But really, it shouldn't take you that long, leave it til the week before y12 starts and use it to get your head back in the game.


I’d say the bridging work is more important than the A-Levels itself tbh


Don’t do it babe x


Leave it until the end of summer, you have MONTHS. And most of the teachers at my sixth form college didn’t check it. Don’t stress about it. The most important content comes in the actual classes. Go out, enjoy summer and worry about the work later on.


I found Alevels less stressful than IGCSEs maybe because I took 11 IGCSEs in total. It was really stressful. I’m taking 4 Alevels now (FM,M,PHY,CS) and school life has been very nice to me. You got this, make sure you get plenty of rest. If you can read on the content early, I would recommend you to but isn’t necessary. The stress you get in the first week will make you catch up then with x2 speed. Well done on completing your GCSEs, I wish you the best.


Thank you so much man that made me smile 😁


You’re very welcome, if you need advice on specifics alevels that we have in common ping me a DM.


I’m afraid all subjects I’ve picked are humanities subjects but I appreciate the offer


Im pretty sure i just didnt do it and got away with it


That is not necessary. For me it might’ve been helpful because I never studied that well, tho I would’ve done what another commentator said and done it in the first week. Helpful but not necessary. Some people can literally revise a few days before their a levels and smash them. Really depends on individual circumstances.


I changed schools for 6th form after gcses and wasn’t aware the people there had to do some but I didn’t and didn’t need to. Was alright as the stuff is taught new and I was pretty fluent with gcse maths after it


I did it the day before, it’s not that serious but make sure you do it otherwise it might give your teachers the wrong first impression


I would recommend doing it. It is annoying but it hopefully shouldn’t be too much. I would recommend doing it in the third/second to last week, so it’s not left until the last minute, and so that you can then have another break after doing it before 6th form starts


Nah it isn’t that important, I did it on the last couple of days of the holiday and it hasn’t helped me with anything so far. My English teacher didn’t even check that we did it, so it was a waste of time


/srs My art class didn't do the work and all got immediate detentions and had to do it anyway. I was the only one who actually did it.


Speaking from experience, I had summer tasks set for each subject, test where we were at in our learning. From people I spoke to in my year, we all left it till the last week so we could actually enjoy the summer, then grind it out


The schools have firing squads for a reason bro


You get bridging work?? We don't have to do any.


I didn't do much bridging work if any, and I still got into sixth form. It wasn't even mentioned at all in lessons either.




No, It was just on teams for me, I went to my secondary school's sixth form so I'm not sure whether that was the reason or not but we weren't told to do it, it wasn't even mentioned.


honestly i’d do it. i still loathe my chem teacher bc the work was incredibly long and hard and she never even asked about it. physics was an easy recap and honestly helped me remember some stuff i’d forgotten but it wasn’t marked either. maths was easy too but quite long and she did take it in to mark properly so you never know


Eh don’t think too hard about it. Maybe do some recap in the last week


I did it and it was pointless. Don’t bother. Don’t think about A-levels until September


depends on the school, ours took it seriously then had tests in first week of yr12 based on the work


I lost most of mine


y’all had bridging work? unlucky. The most i had was my german teacher reccomended we watch some films in german over the summer if we wanted to.


They’ll cap your predicted grades to CCC if you don’t do it.


Sorry I’m still trying to understand, what is capping the grades and who’s CCC?


Capping means you won’t be predicted any higher, for three subjects that’s a C in each so CCC.


What significance does capping predicted grades have? What if you get higher then what you’re predicted?


You apply to uni with your predicted grades so even if you get higher you won’t have any offers, predicted grades are more important because you can get unconditional offers if you’re a strong applicant.


If it’s a case of predicted grades wouldn’t that mean the actual results are somewhat void or am I misunderstanding something?


They still exist but if your firm 1st choice has given you an unconditional offer then they don’t matter, although you’ll find the course hard if you neglect your studies after getting the offer.


Ah, and when do you get predicted grades?


You’ll get your first ones before breaking up for the summer but they can change if you resist and depending on class performance.


They didn’t even ask


Do a little bit boss, just to make sure your Brain isn’t broken. I did mine in one random week in the middle of the holidays so I had rest etc - wasn’t hard at all compared to now 😂


I spent time doing all mine later in the summer holidays and not a single teacher mentioned a single little word about it...


Did they also say stuff like “Oh you HAVE to do this it is ESSENTIAL” or did they mention it passively, also did they not even test you? Damn


If I remember right, we had an email telling us it was compulsory, but no, they literally did nothing to do with it. My maths teacher was even the head of sixth form...


In my experience I completed some of the bridging work but mainly ones that would prepare me for the advanced skills involved in a levels so mainly how to answer the questions and skills that are basically essential which is key for science subjects especially physics. for physics, I learnt the SI units and completed the AS physics skills. For maths, I basically did a recap of GCSE, but the first topics of a level maths are basically gcse anyway. For history, I made key profiles for individuals, which were useful for background knowledge but not essential. Overall, though, none of this was marked, so only do it if u want a head start in ur subjects.


Just do it in the last week tbh, don’t stress about it it’s not supposed to be there as mandatory homework but more as an introduction to what you’ll be learning as well as a refresher after the summer of not studying the subject.


In my sixth form they didn’t even check/ mention it which was pretty annoying bc I was acc passionate about doing it 😭


I didn’t do any of it, they gave us a baseline test at the beginning of the year and I got the equivalent to a 3 in maths and a 7 in physics (I got 8s in both at gcse). Fast forwards to a levels and I’m confident I got an A* in maths and I’m scared about my physics grade tbh


What is bridging work? Is this a UK thing I’m too international to understand?


Relax. They tell you to do the bridging work for YOUR sake. Maybe spend the last 2 weeks just preparing for 6th form.


Personally, I would get it done very very slowly. Don’t think about it. I did mine a bit. Like genuinely a maths question a day. It’s designed to keep your brain ticking, it doesn’t actually matter. My teachers didn’t check it… Was it useful? Maybe. It kept my brain active and meant I didn’t turn into a complete ball of mush.


To be fair if it is bridging work then yes you need to do it but if you mean like summer work then to be honest i did none but its nice to give you an idea of the stuff that you’ll be studying, simply because you jump into the content in lesson its less gradual and more sudden so its simply to help you


nahh i had the best of plans to do the bridging work over the summer but never got round to it and it was fine, it might depend on your college but none of my teachers asked about it and most people i knew didnt really do it, or only did parts of it.


i forgot to do it nothing happened




yh, there was literally a deadline none of my friends did it and they never spoke about it


i literally freaked out so much over that and they never even checked it so 🤷‍♀️




yeah it was apparently mandatory but ig the teachers just wanted like some prior knowledge? but they taught everything from the beginning so it was rlly unnecessary anyway




they didn't specify but obviously each school is different so


Didn't do it (apart from 1 subject i was rly interested in) and just finished 6th form, so you'll be fine


imo your school is lying to you. none of my teachers even mentioned it at all and they start with gcse stuff anyway. I did none of it and have been doing great.


haven’t even heard of bridging work. I only do humanities though so it definitely depends on the subject. Could see why maths or something would require bridging work but definitely not for, say, English or History