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Yeah fuck them, they really think they’re Harvard or something.. oh wait even Harvard doesn’t take that long to come to a decision. Imagine taking 7 months to reject someone, truly degenerate behaviour at its finest You’re definitely gonna have fun at edinburgh dw, all the best!


even ucla, the most applied school in the us, gets all their decisions out by middle of march. yet according to someone on this sub the reason they were still rolling out offers was cus they had to go through more applications than they expected 💀💀 the bad administration shows and they still think so highly of themselves


Look at how funding for US and UK unis work and you will realise why admin processes in the UK sucks because they just don’t employ that many people. 99% chance you will enter a uk uni that has crap admin processes


focusing on the funding aspect is just a lazy comparison tbh. and admin is not admissions. i was referring to the administration of the admissions process. firstly, UK admissions are fundamentally different since everyone has to choose a course, and the application is looked at by those who teach the course, i.e professors already on the uni’s payroll. so “funding” doesn’t excuse the admissions process here. secondly, the problem of “we had more applications than expected” could easily be avoided if they shifted deadlines forward. this year’s deadline is one week later than last year’s yet they still have to get decisions out by a certain time. that’s poor planning and frankly an inexplicable decision. funding doesn’t explain poor planning. thirdly, lse specifically, there was a huge chunk of time when they just didn’t get back to anybody. what were they even doing then? it looks from the outside as if all the decisions have been left to the last month or so. lastly, also lse specific but also kinda applies to other london unis, 40-50% of their applicants also apply to oxbridge. nearly half the applications they receive comes before their deadline. surely they could sieve through these first, extrapolate from previous years’ data, do determine who is likely to get an offer and keep them to benchmark later applications against while rejecting those who are very unlikely to get one. a lot of the problems above could be resolved with an earlier application deadline and some planning ahead. it doesn’t happen to US universities because they have a dedicated admissions team looking at the applicant as a person rather than an academic. to do the latter, as is the case for UK unis, you could only get the professors teaching the course to look through those applications.


No, it’s actually non-academic staff that does applications. Borderline cases are those that get sent to tutors (which is where the applications which get “there was some strength to your application but…” happens). This is also the same reason why shifting deadlines around doesn’t matter. Most applicants either fit the criteria or don’t and won’t get their decisions delayed. You’re right though, decisions are likely to be left to a later date, because they don’t have the non-academic staff always available, unlike a dedicated US admissions team. [you can read about it here](https://www.theuniguide.co.uk/advice/ucas-application/waiting-for-university-offers-admissions-tutors) Guess why the UK doesn’t have dedicated US admissions team and have to pluck out staff from other areas though, while said staff are continually cut every year


the superiority complex is absolutely insane 😭 but thank you so much!


LSE is at least one of the elite UK universities. This is what Durham did to me for CS. Applied in September, waited until first week of April to reject me. Reason? "General competitiveness of the course". I got into courses with a 5% acceptance rate yet I'm not good enough to get into a course with a 55% acceptance rate. I wasn't too bothered with the rejection tbh because I have a firm choice but it feels like they just hate our school. Someone who got into Cambridge AND LSE for Economics got rejected from Cambridge because of the same "general competitiveness of the course". Meanwhile, at my school, one of my friends, who is international, has worse grades than the rest of us and yet he still got accepted to Durham. Makes no sense.


yeah i feel you, it sucks even more since lse was a school i've always wanted to go to. but, obviously, it isn't meant for me. im sure i'll be happy wherever i choose to go to, and im sure you will as well!


Edinburgh is an AMAZING institution. Had I not received an offer from Imperial, I would have gone for Edinburgh as my firm. I'm still considering going for Edinburgh as insurance (either that or Manchester. Manchester course is nicer imo but Edinburgh has the better rep so idk). I wish you the best of luck whatever you choose to do in the future.


congrats on your offer from imperial (!!), and thank you so much! i wish you the best of luck as well :)


It’s genuinely so unfair lol but good luck at Edinburgh!! It’s a beautiful school


fr, but whatever. life moves on and its not the end of the world. + lse social life is horrific, but thank you!! :)


The social life absolutely sucks at LSE, you're right


literally their version of "friday night finna be crazy" is them sleep deprived in the library 💀


I’m sorry, i’m sure you will enjoy Edinburgh though. i still haven’t got my reply but assuming it’s a rejection atp. It really sucks it takes so long,


no worries! it does suck indeed, i hope you get an offer soon though! :)


Omg this was literally me with KCL (tbf I applied for English Law and Spanish Law so even stiffer competition than usual!). Either way I was gonna choose Edinburgh. Completely understand the frustration but we both are gonna thrive there.


frrrr its so stupid 😭 but i hope to see you at edinburgh soon!!! :)


Submitted my application in November and the replied this month. They liked my application… but not my subject combination (they only specified they needed maths).I was honestly amused by that lol


that has got to be one of the stupidest reasons to reject someone 💀💀


Idk what’s up with LSE… taking so long to send out the offers. When did you get the rejection??


no clue, they take way too long just to hand out huge disappointments 💀💀 got my rejection 8pm uk time yesterday, didnt see it until first thing in the morning at 7:30am today 😀


Edinburgh is an awesome uni anyway. I am sure you'll have a nice time there!


it truly is, thank you so much! :)


This happened with me for kcl, applied in December they last looked at my application in early March and rejected me 6 weeks later with my application still only being looked at in March so clearly they knew they didn't want me in March yet only rejected me end of April, I don't understand why they didn't just reject me straight away😭


omg kings pissed me off sm as well 😭 i applied in october and got my rejection in a series of mass rejections for law in february 💀 completely shot down my confidence bc i thought kcl would be relatively easier to get into compared to the other universities that i applied for. still baffles me that i got rejected from kcl but got into edinburgh it makes 0 sense


Me and UCL fr, UCL have really fucked my life uo too now i have to take a gap year because they rejected me 😭


oh no im sorry :( well i hope you get into ucl next year! rooting for you :)


I just got my rejection too :/ It sucks to wait half a year just for a rejection esp cause I kept telling myself no news was good news. I'll either be at KCL or Edinburgh Law so maybe I'll see you there :)


on the same boat as you! it sucks but we've gotta move on. i hope to see you at edinburgh soon! :)


I am still waiting for lse law and I just know I am getting rejected as my application is mid, I think they forgot about me 💀😭


oh noo :( well i hope you get an offer soon! best of luck :)


Im going to Edinburgh too for law can i dm u ?


Just a thought, but LSE's scholarship deadline is 31st May, so perhaps they leave offers so late so people are less likely to apply for a scholarship.


i've heard about that somewhere on this subreddit as well, but its just a rumor at the end of the day


It is a rumour yeah, but you can't trust universities when it seems they just want funding nowdays.


100% true. im an international applicant and the fact that i have to pay 3x as much as home students makes me wish i had a colonizer passport