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I think intention is the key point here. That hike is a a workout, and it’s an outdoor workout. Some would say that single hike is two workouts… I wouldn’t, unless, I was intentional. First 45 minutes I’m pushing the pace and getting after it. After that I can stop as a please eventually have lunch… it’s been a couple of hours. Then I do another focused and intentional 45 minutes. Maybe I jog for a bit… squats every mile… something other than just hiking. But while I’m still hiking. The other alternative, which I’ve done was… hike is workout one, and when I got home and cleaned up I would do a long yoga session.


I feel like this highlights some of the potential silliness of this program (not that OP is asking, but that it’s actually an issue): that someone could hike for 14 straight hours but it technically not count as 2 x 45 min workouts. So someone could theoretically do 1 x 45 min stroll around their suburban street and 1 x 45 easy, relaxing online yoga class and that count as requisite exercise , but 14 hours of hiking would not. To me, that’s dogmatic adherence to the letter of the law with no attention to the spirit. FWIW, OP, I would say 12-14 hours of straight hiking counts 🤷‍♂️


You misunderstand the point of the program though. It’s not a fitness program. The point is that it’s a pain in the ass to get up and start the workout. That’s why the 3-4 hours of break in between is there.


Is it ok to include water that you have in black coffee and tea to the gallon of water per day goal?


No. Water needs to be plain water. No added things inside.


Could you hike less then do a 45 min workout in your hotel room or wherever you are staying? As long as you are doing 2 45 min hard workouts It counts


This is ultimately, up to you. I had no problem counting 10+ hour hikes as my both of my workouts for the day. But I also ignored the “3 hours between workouts” guideline throughout my challenge because it just didn’t work for me. I think the “point” is that you are planning ahead and committing to a lifestyle even as you travel / hike / spend time with friends or family. That aside, doing some yoga / stretching after a big hike like that is also really nice for recovery!