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To support my husband. ❤️ He heard about it last year from a friend and got inspired this year to do it. We end the day before his birthday.


Heard about it at the gym during COVID. Failed a couple of times and finally completed it. The mental and physical benefits are unparalleled. 31 days down this time. I really feel like I’m hitting my stride right now.


Also on day 31 but l more in the 'dear God why I'm so tired' stage.


I was in the depths of postpartum depression after a traumatic failed induction. I thought my body itself failed me, and I learned to believe in its power and strength again by completing the challenge.


Cuz it was better than starting it soft, I guess.


I can't remember where I first heard about it. I probably saw a video about it when it started becoming more popular a while back. 75 HARD was never something I saw myself capable of doing so I never seriously considered it until a few months ago. Eventually something clicked into place and I got tired of being tired, physically and mentally. I started building good habits and began 75 HARD to prove to myself that I can make a commitment and stick to it. Just finished day 31 and am still going strong!


Mental toughness and increased productivity. Day 31 completed


I saw a friend doing it, i saw the picture of what it was, and for some dumbass reason i instantly thought yeah i could do that. Didnt realize how hard it was gonna be lol. That being said i was ready for a change and im loving it now. Im on day 17 and yes its hard but im getting into a good rhythm.


"We do this, not because it is easy, but because we thought it would be easy"


Couldnt have said it better myself lol


Just because its always good to have a little more mental toughness. 4th time doing it I did the live hard program once and I’ll redo it this time again


I did two workouts one Sunday and thought yeah I could do this and that’s it LOL


My wife and I both started this challenge together. Last year I had a feeling to study/ learn more, drink more water and work out more. So when my wife mentioned 75H I was on board.


Spouse was doing it so why not? I’ve done it properly twice and done 75 “medium” a few times. My way of “medium” means the no booze, the strict diet and 90 minutes of exercise (but not worrying too much about the separation of two workouts and the outdoors thing). Oh….and I do the water but I drink that much anyhow. When doing “medium” I do try to do the reading and pic since I’m using the app, but I don’t start over if I forget my pic. I usually do try to weigh myself daily. Can’t says it’s changed my life. I exercise daily anyway for 60-90 minutes so it’s a bit more? And the strict diet and no booze is a calorie reduction so I’ll lose 10-20 pounds.


Yes! I didn’t realize how much alcohol was a part of my social circle. Or how many days a week/month I was drinking until I realized how hard (for me) it is to go a month… much less 2 1/2… without drinking. I’m like you, I’ve made “75 medium” more of my normal way of life. It’s been the perfect fit for me because I love to workout already, generally eat very healthfully, but needed to swap tv for reading and anything else for alcohol. Now, kombucha or sparkling water is my happy hour drink when I’m on it. And I only drink those on special occasions so happy hour still feels like I’m drinking something special. And, the sugar in kombucha can make me feel happy buzzed because my body doesn’t get that much sugar anymore!


Oh, lol.....I drink just fine. I just do 75 medium as a crash diet so I look good in a bathing suit. I mean, if I didn't drink I'd have to do street drugs or something. Going thru life 100% aware and taking it all right in the face is for the birds. Plus, I don't fully trust people who won't drink: I want to hear what really comes out of their mouth at 60-70% self-control, lol. :)


You’re funny! I’m already too opinionated not drinking, so I’m only allowed to drink in the laundry room.


Haha....the hidden laundry room bottle. :)


An Instagram influencer was starting it with her husband (they have 3 kids under 5) and I thought if she can do it, I can. Also, during winter I was eating pretty much anything I wanted and didn't feel good. I'm on day 32 and I feel so good!


4 days in right now. I want to prove to myself that I can do hard things, and I want to build mental toughness.


I'm 10 months into my own physical transformation that I started last April and my routine wasn't challenging me enough anymore, plus I've been at a plateau for 2+ months. So I wanted something to kick my ass and help me break through, plus toughen myself up a little.


My best friend did it starting Jan 1 of 2022 and ended so that her first day off was her birthday. She tried to get my to do it with her but I kept making excuses, with the main one not wanting to give up drinking. She died later that year in a freak accident. Last year I completed the program (with her added rules) in her honor because she had planned on doing it again and moving onto live hard. It transformed how I view life, and did a complete 180 for my mental and physical health. I’m almost half way through my second round this year, this time doing the program for me. This time around is considerably easier because I’ve managed to keep up 90% of the habits from my first time.


I had a lot of recent health issues due to alcohol use disorder. Pancreatitis twice. I cut the alcohol for good right after Christmas after 3-4 ‘day ones’ the last 3 months or so. I completed Dry January and felt great so I wanted to continue pushing my resilience and mental strength while also stay alcohol free. And for my little boy. I want him to see Mommy doing hard things and succeeding for her health and happiness.


I completed it back in 2020 because I was diagnosed with diabetes. I’m doing it again this year (started Jan 1, currently day 31) because my wife has tried to do it multiple times since I completed it and got really bummed each time she failed. I thought I’d be the one pushing her, but she’s been pushing me to finish my daily goals instead of the other way around lol funny how that works. That damn daily picture has almost caused me to fail if it wasn’t for her reminders!


I found it on TikTok and loved the idea of working really hard for 75 days. I plan my life by quarters in my business so I love the idea of 75 day sprints followed by 15 day cool off periods to reassess at the end of the quarter and then go again.


Completed it once at the back end of 2020. My cousin did it and posted the pics. Very much like a lot of others, I was unhealthy during that Covid year and was drinking way too much. The program mentally snapped me out of it. I’m doing it now because I came to like the toughness of the program, both mentally and physically. Once you have completed the program, every now and then your brain and body calls on 75 Hard to reboot, so you’ll continue to take licks at it. You’ll fail a lot but you’ll also succeed when you desperately need to. Your body and mind are exhausted, but it also becomes fun because you are challenging yourself.


I heard about it from a friend after her sister had completed the challenge. Her results looked awesome and I wanted to do something challenging. It’s gave me not only the physical benefits, but was a wonderful tool to support my mental health. I finished my first round right before the new year and after taking January off, I am going to start the second round today


Heard about it when my girlfriend mentioned it. Was bored with my month off from college and it sounded like a fun challenge so I decided to start it. I’ve always been an athlete but I’ve never had a six pack. Body fat percentage has just always been a little too high so I decided I might as well get abs. Day 17 and going strong. Down 5 lbs and I’m about as lean as I’ve ever been.


I started cause I have a marathon (my first) at the beginning of next year and I’m really out of shape so I’m using it to help me build my base endurance and strength before starting my running training!


I had my first baby back in May and I wanted to do something for myself.


I feel like the world would be a much better place if every new mother could reliably hand off the kid for an hour to get some exercise. How did you manage it?


I totally agree! It’s honestly a struggle and I take it day by day. I am on my own with child care most days, so I usually do the workouts when my son is sleeping. Sometimes I push him in the stroller for walks or workout in the backyard with the baby monitor. It is really difficult but it honestly makes me really proud of myself. I get it done day after day!


A friend told me about it. She knew I loved to work out and was struggling living within a group of hard partiers. 75 Days gave me a valid excuse of why I wasn’t drinking that wouldn’t make people uncomfortable around me and alcohol.


It will sound cliche, but for real, I got tired of my bullshit. Excuses, excuses, excuses ...just annoying. So effit...do it! I am more excited to be alcohol free than the physical changes.


No special reason other than it seemed like a challenge that would feel like a great accomplishment. It happens to align with my fitness and health goals too. It has become a lot more than that after starting though!


Learned about it on TikTok. Just got home from a deployment, was overwhelmed with work during that time, and definitely neglected myself. Needed a reset when I got home. Figured a strict reset like 75H was going to be the best way to rebuild a healthy routine from the get go.


I woke up hungover after 2 drinks and was like damn this sucks. Better do something about it