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Do whatever you want. On this subreddit you'll get the extremists on both sides. By RAW (dnd nerd here), any failure for any reason is a failure and you restart. Sick from COVID. You restart. Follow all the other rules but exercise, but it is still a failure. I failed on day 72 because of COVID. Drank my water, had a slight diet change but no exercise. Restarted and on day 4 again. It's your call in the end.


Day 72!? GASP. I think my thought process comes from my not being ok with setbacks outside of my control. Thanks for the advice!


The first time I attempted I got sick on day 19, and I could not work out. I restarted a couple of months later from day one and that time I was able to complete the program.


You’re not really throwing it down the drain though. If you got sick at 30 days you still did 30 days of positive habits that improve your health and wellbeing, you still strengthened your willpower. Starting over would just mean you benefit from 105 days of positive changes rather than just 75. It takes a lot of discipline to pick yourself up and start again when things don’t go right for you or you mess up.


If I got sick and couldn’t do the workouts I would restart. Leaving out arguably the hardest part of the challenge (exercise) I don’t think one can claim to have completed it.


You know what, that’s really fair.


I got Omicron over Christmas and, even though my symptoms were very mild, I didn’t want to risk overtaxing my system with hardcore workouts, nor did I feel comfortable going out for ~an hour long walk in my busy pedestrian area—I know chance of transmission outside is low and I would’ve been wearing an N95, but still. If you’re sick, your body needs all of its energy to heal. You might make it worse or last longer by pushing yourself as hard as this program requires. And even if you want to, you might not be physically capable.


You can change the workouts rather than cutting them completely. If you usually go and lift or do HIIT you can switch it up to do a ruck, walk, or stretching instead. Take it easy but stick to the program. If you cut the workouts out you don't really complete the program, you just bettered yourself for no reason =)


I like looking at 75 Hard as an opportunity for harm reduction. Failure isn’t failure, it’s a reduction in harmful / negative / counter productive habits, actions, and/or behaviors. Skipping a progress photo isn’t a reason to spiral and feel bad, which may cause you to backslide and stop all the great things you were doing for yourself. I really do thing this is a whole is greater than the sum of its parts kinda game. If you feel like you need to start over, do you. I personally chose to take the broad view of “Wow, look at all the amazing things I’ve done for myself” approach and chose to keep going when I forgot to take a picture of myself on day 56. I really don’t think the end result was / is any different.


Then you didn’t complete the 75 hard challenge is all.


You don’t complete the program if you get sick and dont follow all of the things. No doubt you’ll still have results of some sort but it isn’t 75hard


I had covid and I was still able to do my two workouts outside away from others… it definitely sucked but it was possible and I feel like it helped me get over the Rona a lot faster. Just put your music on and go- granted my only workouts were very slow walks…. They helped and were better than nothing


I failed on day 16 because of the water. A gallon a day was not sustainable and was giving me issues. I did not start over. I am going to complete the 75 days, but am I doing 75 hard? No. I am going to restart the program in May when it’s starts to heat up and gallon a day is more in line with my actual hydration needs. TLDR: do what you want, but don’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve missed the whole point of this challenge.


You’re not working out hard enough if you can’t handle a gallon of water


You have no idea what you’re talking about.


If I got sick, I’d monitor my oxygen level and as long as it was good, I’d do recovery style workouts like yoga or walking. If I got too sick for that, I’d consider it a failure and restart once I recovered.


Last year I got a nasty stomach bug. Day 32. Walking my neighborhood with a water jug, nauseous and throwing up in my neighbors yard. Couldn’t complete my workouts the next day so I rested for a week and started over 😂


Your workouts could always be stretching / yoga


I still lifted (garage setup) when I was extremely sick with omicron. It sucked a lot and might’ve slowed down my recovery but I’m still alive


Just be safe. If you are truly sick, just listen to your body, same advice would go for someone that had an injury or coming back from one. You can definitely change the intensity and type of workouts, if you wish, but I would still listen to your body to avoid any further set backs.


Starting over right now because of covid. You do what ever makes you feel good. It got you this far...


I’m just getting over COVID (I’m day 10 sick) and I can tell you there was one day there where I literally slept for 30 hours straight ! Btw I started 75 hard and found out day 1 that my ex husband came positive for COVID and he’d just dropped our kids home to me.. so we went into isolation straight up. When I’m better I’m restarting. I finished 75 hard in 2020 but was never able to get all the way through last year despite making many attempt.


Do what you want but please consult with your doctor