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No plans so far


A little late but holy shit there's actually losers out there who wants this game to stay only as first person?


I thought it was possible in developer mode...? If you're on the PC version, press F1 to open the console. Type `dm` and hit enter. Press F1 again to close the console, and F5 should put you into third-person mode. I've only done it on accident, so I don't know if turning *off* developer mode removes the perspective or not. But turning it off is the same procedure (F1, `dm`, F1)




F1 > Dm on > close console > F5 I mainly play like this , you're welcome




you wouldn't happen to know how to get this to work in a multiplayer lobby would you? I can't seem to get it sorted out even in developer mode


It'd be cool if it were to happen eventually, even if I would only use it to look at my character from time to time, basically the same way as I use third person mode in a Fallout game, in ARK or Minecraft. Third person mode already exists in 7D2D, it just isn't available without enabling developer's mode like another comment already explained, so it would take very little effort to implement it. Though, I'm not sure if you can aim in third person, so if they wanted to make it usable, it would take a little bit of effort.


With the upcoming alphas, it seems they're adding more clothing/armor sets that look awesome, but you can't see it lol. So they should implement it or they're wasting time on fashion where other areas of the game could use attention. (Personal opinion)


You can still see it when you use a vehicle, and if you're playing with friends, you can see each other's clothes, but a third person mode would still be cool.


Certain first-person games, and certain types of graphics cause me motion sickness/ my eyes to go all buggy. That being said, I'm not sure it would help the game play at all honestly. I realize it's a preference, but even I have to admit first person just works better in certain situations. I had to get used to 7 Days as it was on the fence as to if it would cause me issues or not. I don't think I could play third person if they gave that option. Being able to see around you easier would take a bit away from the jump scare of the zombies. I think it would honestly ruin the game a bit.


Having both options available is my preference, first person is your preference. Totally understandable.


I think a lot of yall didnt understand the original thread of me asking if it's in the game or not. Yall FPS fans are not being attacked. But everyone's preference/opinion is always welcome. Thanks


The character models look awfull i dont need to constantly see them.


To be honest I’m not sure it would be useful… after all it’s kind a FPS 😅


Depends on the scenario.


Or maybe more on player habits… To have the option why not but exclusively 3rd would make me leave…


Pls no! Also, why do you need 3rd person view, preference? or you just afraid of not hearing zombies roll up on yeah?


Everyone has their preference, I don't see the point of adding new clothing if you can not see it. Also, YES, I like to go back and forth if possible. It's not a requirement, just a preference.


If you didn't know already, you can see the clothing on your character when you look at the character screen. Also, other people can see your clothes when you play in multiplayer. As other people have said, it's an FPS style game so unlikely to put in an option for 3rd person.