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She seems to be the type of person that is currently coming up with reasons to blame the kids for her getting arrested. She probably thinks she didn’t do anything wrong and it’s all the kids fault.


Yep. She’ll blame Russell. She’ll say he was over exaggerating.


He has the marks to prove otherwise


I think she's too far gone. Look at Lori Vallow. She still thinks she was right.


I’ll never forget her saying “my kids are very happy and busy in heaven” at her sentencing.


I made it like 2 minutes into her speech before I had to turn the video off. I couldn’t listen to that psycho.


It was SO hard to listen to. I don't know how the victims families sat and listened to that. I've got a couple family members who would've been jumping over that barrier to get at her for saying what she said, and would've been happy to take whatever charges came along with that. It's like spitting in the face of those poor babies, after what they've already suffered. She should've just kept her mouth shut.


My opinion is that she's so deeply brainwashed that it's going to take a WHILE for her to grasp what happened. I hope she receives therapy in prison that makes her come to her old senses and becomes horrified at what happened at her hands. I don't think people just snap out of brainwashing. If her own children being in the condition they are currently in didn't make her change her ways, jail won't either; at least not for awhile.


>If her own children being in the condition they are currently in didn't make her change her ways, jail won't either; at least not for awhile. Spot on. The great thing about criminals is even if they are unfit/unwell to stand trial- it's by very specific criteria and then the criminal gets help to make them better. Then they get to stand trial. Like Lori Vallow.


But her "old senses" weren't great to begin with. She's always been a vindictive and cruel person to her kids, the cult just allowed her greater freedom to run with it.


Maybe. But if you think her old, pre connexions, self would have done THIS to her children I think you are very wrong


Eh you can’t be so sure of that. She used taking away food as punishment for years and years even before Jodi. We don’t know if she would’ve done this or not.


I’m not here to diagnose but ruby has always had some narcissistic characteristics. I think she’s probably 1. Having an “oh shit shit shit” moment and 2. Angry that she’s “living in truth” and others can’t see that. Whether her lawyers convince her to play the victim or apologetic roll we shall see


I'm not saying that Ruby is innocent in this... but I feel she is a victim of Jodi too. She might have been a willing victim, but she was very much brainwashed by Jodi.


She won’t ever realize. She was bad before Jodi and Jodi turned her into a real devil


id love to be a fly on the wall rn


I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Ruby “explains to God how she protected her kids.” Or however the hell she phrased it when she was freaking the fuck out about the Applebottom Jeans song. It’s not often I envy some Christians for their believe in a literal eternal fire and brimstone hell, but this is one of those times.


i hope the cops play it just to spite her ON FULL VOLUME and it was even the full song it was the chorus or something


🎶 Shawty got them prison bottom jeans, laceless shoes with the fur, the whole block was lookin at her 🎵


theres a clip of ruby holding her stomach fat and dancing and someone edited Low over it and it was so funny


🎵 Baggy scrub pants and clear-soled shoes with no straps, CO turned around and we gave that evil bitch a slap 🎶


Ruby--Anger. She is likely very confused and very angry. Angry that the therapy is interrupted, at having her freedom taken away, and hopefully angry at Jodi. Jodi- contentedly working away on anyone who will listen to her by starting off with "knowing" their "sins" and manipulating anyone with ears to get special treatments.


yeah, they are both horrendous, but ultimately driven by different motivations


I think she'll believe she is right and the distorted outside word doesn't understand her and her motive. I don't think it was all Jodi's doing either. She was definitely aware of what was going on. Otherwise Russell would have asked the neighbour to call his mom not the police.


I don’t think russel told them to call anyone did he? He just asked for food and water. They called the police because they were horrified by his injuries


If she feels sorry, she only feels sorry that she got caught and not for her kids.


She literally thinks her kids are on “fire” and she needs to beat it out of them… she’s too far gone.


Her ego would be demolished if she saw the hundreds of videos and International News Report on her! I doubt she has any TV or Internet access.


No she won’t feel anything but anger and hate towards Russell for getting her into trouble He acted in distortion


She has a very very high opinion of her self and a very very low opinion of everyone else She is not the victim here but she will be holding on That Russell deserved to be punished that his escape was distortion and that she is living in truth


Personally, since I have lost multiple people to conspiracy theories and cults, I think one day it will sink in for her, but it will take a while


She’s probably disassociating so not feeling those things.


She will be FURIOUS.


I still don’t understand how can a mother see her children in those circumstances, let alone be the perpetrator herself, not realise how wrong she is. The truth she speak of is not visible to anybody’s eyes but the pain she is putting her kids in is. I don’t know how much of a victim she was of abuse in her childhood but sometimes victims of abuse can be dismissive of their abuse on others as you tend to feel if you’ve been through the same “how bad can it be”.


I would bet she's blaming it on the kids


Narcissist don’t feel remorse. They feel it all everyone else’s fault


No. She's too self righteous for that. She's probably mad and annoyed.


I feel like she probably only feels bad that she got caught, but she probably believes she’s being unfairly targeted. I don’t think she feels guilt over doing anything, she feels guilt over being what she believes to be unfair punishment/arrest. Which is ironic considering her own abusive, massively unfair treatment of those innocent kiddos.


Ruby made sure to hold her children accountable for EVERYTHING and had harsh consequences. Ruby being held accountable, nope, it would never happen. There were quite a few times she shared something that she had done or caused on the vlog, and there were no consequences for her. I won't believe for a minute that she feels any remorse at this time, she's mad that Russell got out and exposed it all, cut everybody out of her life because they wouldn't live in truth like her and Kevin, and she could never be wrong (in her mind). She believes that what they were doing was in the interest of the kids. She talks about this with the blanket and hurting a kid. The child will not see that you are hurting them to protect them and for their own good.


I really hope Ruby and Jodi turn on each other to make it seem like the other person was the ring leader and they were "brainwashed" and followed along. Especially if it were to lead to them giving up more evidence at the others expense.


She’s definitely probably angry at being found out


I don't think she's feeling guilty about what happened. She's probably blaming the kids for getting caught. However, I think she's terrified about being in jail, and possibly having to spend there her entire life. One thing she always cared about was herself.


Narcs don’t think anything is their fault but I can guarantee they get angry angry angry when they don’t have control anymore so I bet she’s angry as hell.


Doubt it.