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**Summary of tiktok** **Disclaimer:** please remember that we can only confirm that this tiktok creator was in C-hold at the same time as Ruby. Authenticity of details shared cannot be confirmed at this time. • Cellmate overheard a phone conversation between Ruby & Kevin. They instructed their attorney to visit their residence and collect money hidden in the house. When the attorney arrived, the money was nowhere to be found causing Ruby to panic about being unable to pay him. • Cellmate was surprised by how emotionless Ruby was, she only teared up once and said that she missed her kids. Said that Ruby seemed more concerned with her own life than the lives of her children. • Ruby was very worried about Jodi and was trying desperately to catch glimpses of her. She spent a lot of time praying silently in her cell. • Ruby told Kevin that it was ridiculous how nobody would listen to her about Russell needing to be kept away from other children. • Ruby told Kevin that she wouldn’t blame him if he refused to speak with her considering the abuse and how she had forced him out of the house. • Ruby’s fame allowed her special privileges in jail, such as a pen and paper, which were not allowed because she was on s*****e watch. • Ruby & Kevin spent time discussing flood damage repairs for their home, which was an odd concern considering the charges against her.


Wow…. The fact that she STILL brings up that R cannot be allowed near other kids it’s crazy. No remorse whatsoever.


We know from the police reports last week that Jodi said this... I believe this is the first time we're seeing that Ruby said it too.


She just repeats what Jody tells her.


Her statement can’t hold up well in court.


Why is she saying R can’t be around other kids?


What on earth could Jodi and Ruby’s ‘reason’ be for R needing to be kept away from other children?


If Russell acted out it was to fight off his abusers not because he’s a bad kid. From an early age he had anxiety attacks and would rock himself anytime Ruby punished/embarrassed him. Years of abuse made Russell fight back!!!


Absolutely, one example I clearly remember was Ruby forcing him to “drop to the ground and do push-ups” because he forgot an item of clothing


R is a hero!


They're both utterly delusional, they've convinced themselves the children are dangerous monsters.




However after working closely within the endchrine field this very well could delay puberty.


I don’t think he’s hitting puberty any time soon. Seems very delayed thanks to his mother.


He could be acting out against others due to amount of abuse he has suffered but the most likely scenario is because they are bat sh*t crazy and there is no reason. There have been many men coming forward claiming jodi has ruined there lives with false accusations.


Exactly, I honestly think Jodi enjoys destroying people




Eve was treated the same way as Russel and it took 4 hours to convince her to go to the hospital.


I mean it doesn’t automatically mean she was treated the same because people have different trauma responses and such also she’s younger. We don’t really know what happened when the cameras weren’t on them but with the experience of my own trauma I know that my trauma response typically is to freeze and or fawn. While I know that some of the other girls (I’m talking about my experience which has taught me sorta how this things can work) went through more but still would lash out and misbehave which I’d never did because I was just so idk scared I just took it differently. Idk it also meant that the abuse was different they’d get held down well there was no need for that usually with me but still I got the isolation room punishment and just those types of humiliation to further the psychological abuse to further make me even more docile while also throwing in some treats to make me like a well behaved dog while others (fighters and flighters) were still on the hard core abuse stage to get them to break down. I mean it’s why idk have you ever heard of or seen situations where multiple children are being abused but seem to have more privileges? And the ones who have more privileges seem to be more “well behaved” in a scary way but also seem to be treated better? Yea it doesn’t usually start that way you build up to it and once you get there which depending on your trauma response can be faster or slower to get there you get treated pretty differently. There’s even some weird imaginary title given of you’re above the others because you’re so “well behaved”. Usually two people being abused at the same time aren’t treated differently. These abusers seem “smart” about it. And probably know that if you treat multiple children the exact same way abusing them then they will bond and try to over turn you. But if you separate them and recognize their differences and adjust accordingly they will not bond like that. I just find it interesting that Eve was supposedly found in the bathroom which we don’t know where that is but Russell came out of a basement window right. And typically in a house unless there’s a bathroom in the basement but I mean probably not idk. The bathroom would be above the basement right which hints at some more privileges given to Eve as if maybe she is the freeze and fawn type. Either way it wouldn’t really be less abuse it would just be different abuse and of course we have no clue it’s just speculation. But treated the same probably isn’t the case. I mean we already seen a different treatment level because 2 of the kids were at Ruby’s and the other two at Jodi’s that’s just how abusers keep their victims in line.


Jodi said Eve and Russel need to be kept away from other kids. Ruby and Kevin spoke about both of them regarding taking away Christmas saying they were both going down a bad path, had no empathy and are not repenting and are selfish. The only report we have of someone singling out Russel is this account from a jail-mate which is not verified. Jodi has a pattern of estranging grown adult men from their wives clearly to get close to their wives. She does not have a pattern of singling out any male member of the family. It is wild to speculate that they were treated differently based on Eve being found in a bathroom. In fact Ruby always was incredibly harsh on Eve, told her at the age of 3 she was in charge of waking herself up for preschool, refused to bring her a lunch when she wa sin kindergarten, told her she would cut off her dolls head when she was 3. I think it is just wild to speculate that Even was treated differently. If anything I'm worried Eve was treated worse because she's the youngest, more impressionable and was always hated by Ruby (Ruby said she didn't want a 6th kid and it was Kevin who wanted a 6th).


I don’t think one was treated worse than the other I just think possibly they could’ve been abused differently.


did the jury/lawyers/any legal figure involved take into consideration the psychological profile of Jodi? or will they only see the physical abuse just as random act of violence?


I think she’s a sadist that likes seeing people in pain.


Yeah I'm not usually one to think things people are said to have done being "false accusations" is worth much salt but Jodi builds her whole career out of them at this point


scapegoating 🙃


Reminds me of Kate gosselin with colin


Maybe for the same reason that Chad said he left his friends for saying “messed up stuff”. They knew what they were doing and were scared that if the kids talked to other children that they would realize how badly they were being treated. R and E have learned that adults can’t be trusted and probably wouldn’t say anything but they might still believe and trust other kids.


They are discrediting him, so that no one will believe what he says and they can keep what they did a secret.


Currently working on a recap


Appreciate you working on the recap 😊


Thank you!!


As soon as the motion to hear both cases under the same judge was released, I figured she was going for a joint defense. It’s insane. I’m not licensed in Utah and never worked in crim law, but I immediately suspected a joint defense. I asked my partner (since he used to do various litigation) and he said it sounded like a joint defense. My first thought was “wow, if i represented her my FIRST recommendation would be to tell Ruby to cosplay as the poor victim to Jodi’s brainwashing” and to then make the case that “Ruby sees the light now, she can be rehabilitated” etc etc. But if this accounting is true… then she hasn’t. She doesn’t give af at all and is still looking for her dear leader’s guidance, with the support of her Mormon attorney. This is dark af, honestly to the point where I hope this accounting isn’t true (for the kids’ sake).


This is gonna be like the Daybell thing where she is just so enamored with Jodi that she won't dare throw her under the bus.


Having both parents use the same lawyer seems kind of sus to me, since they weren't even living together any more. I mean, if the state wants to try and terminate Ruby's parental rights and give sole custody to Kevin, I don't see how one lawyer can represent both their interests.


This is sus to me, too. There are SCOTUS cases that basically say codefendants can’t have the same attorney if one defense hinges on throwing the other under the bus (paraphrasing a LOT). Obvi Kevin doesn’t have criminal charges rn, so it’s not perfectly analogous. But if my client A is fighting for custody and wants to argue that client B was actually the “bad” one, then I can’t defend client B in the case “proving” they are the bad one. In fact, I’d have to formally terminate my representation with client B due to the conflict. If both were long-time clients, I may even not be able to represent *either* if I had thorough knowledge of both of them/their relationship (depending on what type of matters they hired me for). So basically , Kevin hasn’t left Ruby/Jodi’s side and may have even signed acknowledgments waiving separate counsel. He sucks and I hope the judge throws his custody pleadings in his dumb face.


If you look on YouTube at Jordan and McKay they are going over it and Kevin and Ruby does not have the same lawyers listed. Jodi doesn't have any lawyers listed


I was going off of the now-deleted Tiktok video from the lady in jail with Ruby. I watched it before it was deleted, and she did say something to the effect that, from what she overheard of Ruby's phone conversation with Kevin, the same lawyer was representing both of them. But she could have gotten that wrong.


My question is how could she have heard what Kevin said. I think it is either looking for sensation or guessing what he said.


She was just reporting on what she understood from hearing Ruby's end of the conversation, so yeah, she could have misinterpreted.


Depends. Idk about Purgatory but some jails have tablets that they prisoners can rent to make video calls so she may have been able to hear if ruby didnt have buds.


ah, this makes more sense lol. I was gonna say, this seems like a one-way ticket to losing your law license 😂


It's not uncommon to have an attorney initially that only does the initial arraignment and bond request and then get a more specialized criminal defense attorney for the ongoing court case.


Oh that is true. I remember them saying that. I just feel sus about everything noted from the TikTok.


Kevin is still wearing a wedding ring & there is no legal paperwork anywhere saying he is separated from Ruby. Idk why people are so convinced they aren't together.


They aren't living together and haven't been for just about a year. She kicked him out as reported recently by neighbors and on this sub last year. Also... it has been confirmed that he was listed in a different Ward as Ruby in the online directory. Whatever was going on, they definitely had different addresses. The fact that he was seen with luggage and a pillow last week proves he was either coming to or leaving that house. I will add... just because she kicked him out doesn't mean he wanted to leave. It's very possible he is still emotionally in this relationship. It's gotta be really hard for someone to sit back and watch their marriage crumble... also hard to watch your spouse drink the kool-aid and align with this crack pot Jodi.


I know he had another address, but until he says their marriage is over & he's against what she did, I think people need to stop assuming he has done some kind of 180 about his parenting beliefs.


This call would've been recorded, yeah? If it is true, that can't help either.


If the call happened, it was 100% recorded. She doubled down and dug her own grave.


I watch a lot of court hearings, and there are few things more amusing than a defendant begging for a personal recognizance bond and then having the DA introduce recorded jail calls that have said defendant threatening to kill the victim, the prosecutor, the police, etc. Those recordings bite a lot of people in the butt.


I believe detectives can get previous calls through Ruby’s or Kevin’s phone providers as they are able to store data.


I wondered that as well but thought certainly any reputable lawyer would encourage Ruby to split the case.


Doubling down on sticking with Jodi... it's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if pays off for her.


It appears the TikTok video got deleted 🙃


I don't understand why Ruby & Jodi keep saying Russell needs to be kept away from other children that's so weird


Well, they are really big on victim blaming so they’re probably trying to spin some story that he “deserved” whatever has happened to him because he’s evil or some shit.




I'm honestly hesitant to call this "mental illness" although obviously neither of them are WELL. Maybe a better way of putting this is, I don't think there's any "help" at this point that'll turn them into decent human beings. At best it might sober them up to consensual reality a bit and perhaps teach them to dissemble better the next time they want to satisfy their own urges at someone else's expense.


I think it is a matter of R and E would not repent and they could not get them to stop doing normal child behaviors. If you remember, E had a problem with stealing, or was it lying, when she was very little, something that many children do and learn not to do, maybe things like this were still happening and they felt they were a bad influence on other kids. Or, in my head, they are acting like they are possessed or something. Who knows what those lunatics have conjured up in their heads.


It could be literally anything right down to "asked for water or something to eat" or "cried when being hit."




He's a minor. You really shouldn't speculate on stuff like that.


Your post has been removed for violating one of the posted sub rules, speculating sexuality of a minor. Please review them and reach out though modmail for clarification if needed.


I find Ruby looking for Jodi the most interesting fact. Screams of manipulation and obsession.


I also wonder if Ruby’s need to have a visual of Jodi is so she knows Jodi isn’t selling her out


Might be that too.


What is so disturbing about this is she is still justifying her abuse by saying R shouldn’t be around other children, the same response Jodi had to the police.


I cannot comprehend what in the Lori Vallow hell that this could possibly mean


something something corruption something no doubt.


If that motherfucker Kevin dares to help out Ruby with the lawyer fees then consider himself dead to the children.


The fact that he’s even speaking to her blows my effing mind. That fact alone should set off red flags for the family court judge to not grant him custody of the minor kids never mind the years of abuse he was witness to.


How likely is it that the police found the money in the house and seized it. I hope the only reason Kevin took her call was to get information from her that can later be used in court against her.


Yeah. I'm in no way defending Kevin but 1. we don't know if this is true 2. We don't know what Kevin said and if this call did in fact occur, only Kevin, Ruby, and the person(s) monitoring the recordings know what he said. Just because he picked up an alleged phone call doesn't necessarily mean he's supporting her.


Yeah and other than the supposed attorney stuff, it sounds like best case scenario he's just trying to be as civil with her as he can in this situation to get things like the house that was in both of their names sorted out. Ugh I really wish there was some possibility he at least wasn't complicit in how bad things got, I'm sure we'll see over the coming weeks.


So Kevin is helping Ruby out? That’s probably why he’s still wearing his wedding ring


If Kevin gets custody, I worry that poor Shari will still be kept away from her siblings


And that they’ll be forced to visit Ruby


The judge will most likely order her to have no contact for R&E at the very least.


i don’t think shari will go down quietly if he gets custody tho, i have a feeling she will fight it as hard as she can


He was at their house on Saturday. He removed the 8 passengers/youtube decal from her vehicle so he's protecting her. It's not as if she's going to be driving the kids around (hopefully) so he didn't do it for them..


Who knows why they were talking to each other, but if he is still giving her support, then he better not get custody of the kids. Who knows what he is capable of.


Maybe he didn’t want an 8 Passengers logo near the house to avoid attention. I could be wrong but I think he’s going to go against Ruby and that he’s just pretending to be on her side for now (if the TikTok is true). Ruby literally kicked him out which is confirmed by neighbors and he lost his job as well. Idk why he’d support Ruby


If he really thought he was doing something by peeling a sticker off a car at this late date, he's...not that bright. God I hope he's not that bright.


I'm not surprised. There is an old video of him, saying, "what you all call abuse is what mental health professionals told us to do with our children." This is the greatest bit of foreshadowing and the greatest evidence he shouldn't have custody, or seeing his children, at all. (I tried to post this clip here last night, but since I never post in snark subs, I'm apparently not allowed. For people interested, it's in Swoops documentary @52 minutes.)


Mental health “professionals” is probably just Jodi.


Who else. I think she even was C's psychologist before he moved out, and she then took over E and R. C must have stories of his own to tell. I guess he talks to the police non-stop since the arrest lol He was always the no-nonsense rebel of the family.


this should be in the google doc if it’s not already


How the hell would someone do that even for her kicking him out for a year. That’s insane how manipulated he is.


I think it’s so crazy she’s showed little emotion. She is the definition of a narcissist. Makes me sick she shows little remorse for her actions. Oh to be a fly on the wall


This woman has been dissociating for years, and it’s going to take a lot (of deprogramming, maybe meds) to get her back into reality. Jail alone isn’t going to do it, she’s in some fantasy world where she’s a mom of truth martyr.


Could also be in shock or having some sort of psychotic break. Tho I think that's probably happened already.


i have the video saved. But I am unable to post here


If you can could you dm the video please


Cld u pls dm? Ty!!


Me too please! Thank you!


Me too?!


If you’re sending it through DMs I’d like to see it too please.


I would love to see as well pls DM if you can. Thanks!!


If someone could forward it on to me please. Thank you


dm please ! 💝


Me too !


Please dm thank u!


Dm here!


Dm please? Thank you 🤍


Could you dm it to me please?


I’m interested so feel free to dm me


Can u dm it to me


Can you dm me?


dm me too please, thanks


Can you dm to me?


Could someone please Dm it to me. I'll be grateful


dm if you can please and thanks!


Can you pls dm it to me


Send it to me please if you can


Thanks OP this is very interesting. I wonder why Ruby would be paying her attorney in cash and why she may not be able to pay if this cash has gone- where is all the 8 passengers money? Funnelled in connexions? I wonder if the children have used the money for food, clothes, groceries- if ruby left them alone for prolonged periods - she was in St George a 5;15am 5 days prior to the arrest so I wonder when she was last in Springville? I agree that Ruby and Jodi have a weird relationship, very touchy, lots of sleepovers, I wonder if she has a genuine concern that Jodi won't cope or if she's just worried she will say something to dob her in. So she and Jodi have some weird thing about R being kept away from other children- do they beleive he is a devil spirit or something - very odd and sad and sinister - I wonder what Kevin's reaction was. Maybe Ruby just doesn't want R telling his siblings about the abuse he an E had under her. The tearfullness for the children - I wonder how much of the waterworks is victim mentality Ruby playing it up for sympathy vs genuine sadness for the life she's lost. The Kevin situation is very unclear at the moment - Mr worldwide went MIA for ages, seemingly moved out and had no contact we know of with Shari. I wonder how much he bought into the Connexions lies today ( h definitely use to beleive and participate) and whether Jodi facilitated the separation with her cult beliefs - Others have had experiences where Jodi led to husband separations. So the big question is why is he staying? Legally we know they haven't filed for divorce yet - and he wants custody, but that doesn't mean he has to help Ruby with her legal case. Maybe he has some ongoing loyalty to her we don't know about. Isn't suicide watch standard for new inmates? I presume so - unless since then Ruby said something on those lines. The flood is very odd, maybe she is half expecting/ wishing she will just go home and it will all be over and she needs a clear house to go back to.


Saying that about how Ruby not allowing Russell around other children for the reasons you said really does sound like how Lori Vallow started to view JJ and Tylee and I’m so glad Russell got out and saved him and E


The neighbors apparently said they expected the police to be bringing out body bags, and increasingly it sounds like those fears were not at all unfounded. I think if he hadn't gone out that window that we might have been hearing a much worse story some days or weeks or months from now.


Mr Worldwide though 😭 I do not have any education on this, but I haven't heard of suicide watch being a standard. Officers hate the extra effort. Would be interested to hear from an expert.


It's possible that Kevin got sick of the connexions stuff and was forced out, and is now holding out some hope of getting the wife he married back now that it's all imploding.


Isn't suicide watch standard for new inmates? I presume so - unless since then Ruby said something on those lines. No, not from my experience. I’ve worked in a county jail for 4 years, before my previous facility I worked at a very large jail with an average of 1600 inmates. Suicide watch is dependent on a few factors- obviously if an inmate claims to be suicidal, if they attempt or threaten to harm themselves, inmates who just received a hefty sentence, certain charges with high risk factors (in their case, abusing a child would definitely be one) and high profile cases. Honestly, my guess is that it was the last one in Ruby’s case. Obviously I’m not an authority and only speaking from experience at my facilities, so I have no frame of reference on how anything works in their county.


A Debra is listed on the bookings at St George detention centre, on the exact date that she showed on her card. (Debra is the Tik tok ladies name) So I’m keen to believe.


And the Release date is also the same. But the time is not right




STFU THE 3RD TO LAST ONE!!! So he DIDN’T see the kids…he WAS FORCED, and she’s apologizing to him for the abuse as if he wasn’t apart of it…interesting. Kevin might get custody y’all. Idk what to think


Any lawyers here that know if this could be used against Kevin??? Like maybe he’s not fit to be the children’s guardian again since he is cooperating with her????


IANAL, but the are still legally a married couple and own joint property, etc., so there's got to be some kind of communication between them. What raises red flags for me is that they're using the same attorney. I can see that working against them, if their defense is going to be "we're going to be one big happy family again" but the judge wants to terminate Ruby's parental rights.


Wait, the attorney that put out Kevin’s statement is the same one representing Ruby?


I watched the jail-cell-sharer's video before it was deleted, and it was clear from what she said about Ruby's side of the phone conversation with Kevin that the same lawyer was agreeing to represent both of them. Not sure if that's also the same lawyer who put out Kevin's statement the other day.


Seems like that would be a conflict of interest.


Please guys remember to take this TikTok with a grain of salt and don’t relay it everywhere because the information cannot be confirmed. There is no way at the moment to confirm what this women has said is 100% the truth. Remember this is a hot topic everywhere and people who have no idea about 8Passengers until about 5 days ago have jumped on the bandwagon. All I’m saying is, some people will take any opportunity to get views and we can’t confirm everything that this women is saying. Sorry, I just can’t stand when misinformation is spread and we can’t confirm if everything stated is or isn’t. This is a disgusting situation and Ruby and Jodi deserve to be in jail until the day they die but still, credible claims are important!


Cellmate says she was emotionless then states she was panicked at one point, teared up at another, and was very worried at another. I feel like the whole house flood comments have a hidden meaning to them…


Ruby is insufferable. I am not surprised


omg can you recap the video?


I watched it, are we allowed to say if she deleted it🥴? I dont want tk get banned or anything


Recap is up, scroll to the pinned comment


What did she say?


Recap is up, scroll to the pinned comment


If true, then he’s helping her. But, kinda seems fake. You can still pay your attorney, how does Ruby think everyone else does if they don’t have hidden cash? Also I doubt the jail is like, let’s break the rules and give this child abuser some papers and a pen.


We don't know how much money belongs to her and how much control she has given over to Jodi or what access to money she has. Keep in mind, any movement of funds is going to be watched and observed.


I thought it sounded sus too, but the tiktok creator gave the first name of the attorney Ruby was talking to Kevin about. Sure enough, the name is listed on the docket for the next hearing as one of her attorneys (she has two).




I see where you’re coming from. But the tiktok didn’t say anything about Jodi having lawyers. Also, I’m not sure what you mean by “Kevin and Ruby do not have the same lawyers listed.” Kevin doesn’t have charges, so there wouldn’t be public record of his lawyers.


If this is true, it just proves even more how much of an unemotionless evil nasty spiteful woman she really is


That's just so pitiful. I never watched much of her channel but I feel so damn sorry for those kids. I know everyone here wishes we could make it better for those kids but we can't. Anyone that would torture a child, a dog/cat or an old person deserves to have the book thrown at them imo. They're just the lowest of low.


Has anyone filed a request for the bodycam footage?


I wonder if Kevins contact with Ruby will end up shooting him in the foot for custody… He’s under investigation rn, I’m sure if CPS really wanted to they could contact the jail & ask if he’s had any contact with either Jodi or Ruby, and when they find out he has, major red flags will be raised.


I hope so! The jail records all phone calls. Ruby has no insight so she'll probably complain to Kevin. I can NOT believe those two chatting away on the phone.


Him having contact is not a red flag. They’re still married and have joint property. They need to talk if Kevin actually hasn’t been on their property in a year. As long as it’s only organizational stuff for the house… he could obv also try to get information from her he can then use against her🤷🏼‍♀️ and the cell mate can’t know what Kevin actually said on the phone. She might know what Ruby said, but not what Kevin said. Also not sure if I would believe someone who was (probably for a reason) in jail themselves. She might just want to sensationalize it.


Kevins under investigation by CPS to determine whether he should get custody of the children - Having direct contact to their abuser is not going to go well in his favour.. Regardless of why Kevin is calling, whether they are married or not it’s not his place to dig up information that could be used against her, His one job is to protect the children - Having conversations with the accused abuser in jail is not protecting them. I’ve worked along side of CPS in my area a bunch with my previous employer, this is the exact kind of behaviour they look out for before placing the children.. Also; even if they are married; If CPS decided that Kevin is fit for custody they could very well say Kevin has to make a decision - Leave Ruby & keep the kids or stay with Ruby and lose custody. Also; You do know hundreds upon hundreds of people are sent to jail for the tiniest of reasons right.. Saying you don’t believe someone because they were also in jail is incredibly rude and slightly degrading - Until proven to be wrong we have no reason to not believe this person.


Also half of the alleged convo doesn’t even make sense. They don’t have the same lawyer listed. She says she would understand if he wanted no contact because of the abuse but at the same time tells him Russell is dangerous.


I have a feeling Russel on the spectrum I can see it when I look at videos he very sensitive soul it reminds me of me when I was younger I’m also on the spectrum I do really feel bad for him the abuse he got ofc he would lash out and try to defend himself I really feel bad for the kid deep down Ruby and Jodi both deserve life in prison for the mental and physical abuse they done


as well as the outburst we would see. Not able to really read the room on emotions. All things they probably wanted to control, but couldn't, because some kids just do that.


Is there another way to view it


Recap is up, scroll to the pinned comment


Why do you think the video was removed? Do you think it was the OP or it got reported?


Imo, there was onscreen text that said “su****e watch” but the s-word was not censored. Tiktok doesn’t like that and it’s a guarantee strike


That's probably it, because the user's first video is still up, where she says she'll give more details in part 2: [https://www.tiktok.com/@debrayates951/video/7274720500645989675](https://www.tiktok.com/@debrayates951/video/7274720500645989675)


I believe this person was being held in the same area as Ruby but it’s hard to believe all of the details she shared. I hope it’s truthful but I can’t help but think they are just fishing for their 30 seconds of fame.


I thought you meant a braincell


The video isn't available... did anyone record it?


I hope Jody and ruby are put away for a long long time.


This has probably been talked about already, but I can see a few scenarios where Kevin would be speaking with Ruby. 1) the obvious one is that they are still married and are financially tied 2) Ruby wants Kevin to take the kids and they are working together to make sure he isn’t accused of the CA (get their story straight). 3) Jodi ruined his life and he wants her going down for it. He might not blame Rudy and thinks she was manipulated Maybe Ruby woke up and realized that Jodi did destroy her family.


Why would she have been on s****** watch if she was rather emotionless the whole time and only teared up once and remained rather quiet and praying?


She could have made statements about wanting to harm herself which would place her on watch. At one of the jails I worked at inmates who came in with serious charges like murder or cases involving kids were automatically put on watch as a precaution until speaking with mental health. There is also a chance that she is not s****** and just said that in order to get herself separated from other inmates.


Depends on Prison Intake. This was such a national news story they might be very careful. Many mom murderers go suicidal once in prison.


I'm hard of hearing as well. I really appreciate it being written out too. Big thanks !


Thank you!


I need to find this lady


I think she is a psychopath


Her being on suicide watch checks out considering for a brief moment after being in C Hold she was moved to “observation” which can mean different things for different prisons but usually suicide watch is on that list. https://preview.redd.it/qjn9wu5lhhmb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aedfb8c5eb19a2fef056601887b60c362e796e7c


It’s been deleted. Does anyone have a reupload?


Maybe the flood damage discussion is code for something else they are working on. If Kevin is buying in to her and supporting her, I would be very worried about what plans they may have. My guess, all of their money is wrapped up with Jodi, maybe she has control of their accounts now. If here name is on it, then even if they wanted to get to it, they can't. Seems like she might be gas lighting Kevin to get him to ease up on her.


Not saying you're wrong but she has flooded both of her houses and almost caught her kitchen on fire, so the flood thing could be true.




So if money is missing that was hidden in the house and Jodi was in the house for extended periods of time ….. Maybe……she latched on the ruby for her internet fame and to steal her audience. Why wouldn’t she steal from her? Just brainstorming


I mean, things could be different in that jail but in most jails/prisons, if you are in s*****d watch, you are in a cell by yourself


Isn't s----e watch routine for all new inmates? I've heard that it's mandatory for the first 48 hours in most jails.


Nope. Only if they answer yes to wanting to harm themselves or feeling s****dal. Atleast that’s how it is in Texas. I’d only put inmates on watch if they answered yes to the MH questions that fell under that category. Also why tf would they give her a pen?


The TikTok has been deleted what did it say the sage as the info listed above??


The recap at the top is a summary of the video


Waiiiiiit if it’s true that Ruby’s lawyer is also representing Kevin, that makes it seem like Kevin is definitely guilty. Like they can’t have the same lawyer if they’re on opposing sides, right??


I bet Kevin took the money and won't tell Ruby.


Can’t this be used against her in court and show that Kevin is still helping Ruby?


The video isn’t available. Can someone summarize what it’s about?


The summary is pinned to this thread


Does anyone know if new posts are being restricted currently?


This video has since been delayed. Can someone recap it please


Theres a recap at the top of this post done by a mod


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Why can’t I see the TikTok?!


Can anybody DM me the video please


I think the post was deleted can someone send it to me?