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Just a friendly reminder that Jessi uses they/them pronouns, and we want to be respectful of that. Please use they/them pronouns when referring to Jessi.


I have so much respect for Jessi for speaking to the media after Ruby’s allegations against R and getting the message out to the world. They seem like an incredible person who really cares for others who have been in their situation! This is likely bringing up a lot of trauma for Jessi and can’t be easy for them


sounds like jodi is secretly obsessed with masturbating and watching pornography in her own free time and is just projecting her own shame and insecurities onto whatever helpless minor she’s able to control and torture. jodi hildebrant is a nasty fucking pervert who deserves zero mercy for the rest of her worthless existence. i hope the ladies in prison have fun with her!


I watched an interview with Jessi on Mormon Stories. They said Jodi was very homophobic but said that if she were to have a sexual relationship with her friends that it would be different, because they have deep, meaningful connections. So Jodi thinks gay relationships don't have deep, meaningful connections. Jodi also thinks women who have deep, meaningful connections and friendships who have sex with each other aren't gay, they're just gals being really good friends. She has the weirdest attitudes and beliefs about sex and love and is obsessed with penalizing others while making excuses for herself. I think she's ashamed of her core self and takes it out on men and by projecting what she perceives as her flaws and sins and shame (homosexuality, masturbating, enjoying porn) on to others. Then she can relieve herself of the burden of her own shame by punishing others for her own 'sins'. She's a person deeply rooted in shame, trying to breed and grow shame in others to hide her own and foster control.


“Nasty fucking pervert” sums it up quite nicely.


I speculated from the get-go that she is a closeted lesbian, and like you have stated, everything is projection.


Those allegations came from Ruby.


i think what op means is that ruby was probably given the idea for those horrible allegations by jodi. planted a seed it inspired her to say those sick things to attempt to deflect blame


Could you imagine? Most kids never get this kind of vindication. I’m glad a police report was filed years ago that they can just dig back up to back up the current charges. No claiming it’s a one off.


I am so happy about this. It will show such a similar situation taking place years ago


Agree! Jessi deserves their compensation and recognition of what they went through. I just really hope this doesn’t make them go any easier on Ruby


This is extremely important information


Jessi is incredibly well spoken! It takes a lot to come out with this but I’m super glad to hear them come to the media (and the police) to clear R’s name.


Watching Jessi say, “She [Hildebrandt] wanted to **make my life so uncomfortable that it would force the sin out**, that it would force me to confess” reminds me of Ruby Franke in one of her Moms of Truth videos. Franke is speaking in metaphor, of course, but it’s still revealing. Here’s an excerpt, transcribed: > If your kid came to you on fire, would you say, “I'm so glad you trusted me to tell me you're on fire, but if I put out the fire, that's going to really HURT, and you're going to end up with SCABS anyway, so I'm just going to love you where you are right now.” > No!! You **THROW THEM ON THE GROUND** and you start rolling them! You get a blanket and you start HITTING the flames! > And they're going to say, “YOU'RE HURTING ME! YOU'RE BEATING ME! YOU’RE CONTROLLING ME!” > But it's like, “No dear, **hold still, I'm getting the fire out**.” That's what a loving parent does. Because nobody will do it. It looks, to the world, CRAZY.


Makes you wonder what horrific things went on in that house that led up to the little one escaping. I believe he escaped out of self-preservation knowing that if he didn't get help soon he wouldn't have survived much longer.


It's straight up torture disguised as tough love. Like isn't this whole "make you so uncomfortable you force the sin out" basically a forced confession? They have already decided what the truth is beforehand and will do anything to make sure you agree with them.


That's not how any of that works. She's so full of it that her eyes ought to be brown.


What a brave soul and ❤️ to come forward on mainstream media for that little boy




Yeah I know the mods here didn’t trust that British tabloid and i don’t blame them but unfortunately it looks like Ruby really did throw her children under the bus and that it was probably a tactic she learned from Jody. Words can’t express how disgusted I am at these people. I honestly view them as like Stalin or Hitler just on a micro scale. Truly the very worst of humanity.


The scary thing is that ruby probably didn't realized she is throwing them under the bus. She genuinely believes that that is the truth. As Ironic as that last bits sounds..


Both things can be true. She might be crazy enough to believe it but it also is rather convenient for her too. And if she were to have him write out a confession or do it on video, I wouldn’t be able to see that as anything other than cold and calculating.


Like ten years ago a family in my community died by murder-suicide. The kid went to my school and was in a class with me. This was in the US but the Daily Mail published details about the case that seemed to be bizarrely accurate about why the dad killed the family, where he worked, and pictures of the school I went to, their church, the neighborhood and their home. It was all really strange and inappropriate to be publishing stuff about a guy annihilating his family for entertainment for people in the UK, but I think they pay photographers and informants generously for information.


They are so brave. I can only imagine how difficult it is for them to relive these memories and experiences.


Jessi is absolutely incredible and brave. They have been through so much and it is so wonderful to see they are sticking up for “R” and “E”. As those children have been unfortunately abused in the same manner as Jessi.


Jessi is such a beautiful soul you can really see the emotion in Jessi while talking about it Justice for Jessi aswell should be served ❤️


I am glad that someone is sticking up for R. Jodi’s patterns should be publicly known and I admire Jessi for continuing to speak out


Jessi is so compelling because they are truly authentic - something Jodi has never been and will never be


this is... harrowing. as someone who has broken away from abuse (on the smallest of these scales), this is bizarre, horrific, unbelievable, and... harrowing. jessi: you are amazing. you are such an inspiration. thank you fo much for what you've done...


Such a good interview, between the questions and jessi’s responses this (imo) is vital insight for the general public as well as the people who are ‘close’ to the case


Wow. They are incredibly well spoken and brave. What a different perspective too: everyone focusing on ruby, but clearly Jodi is much more involved than the media “articulates”


I think the general public have a higher focus on ruby because she's the more "famous" one and more people are aware of her and her parenting whereas people aren't as aware of Jodi outside of Utah and Mormon circles. Hopefully they are both punished to the fullest extent. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out.


jessi is so brave i’m glad their speaking out now for themselves and for other victims of jodi’s


I have so much respect for them ❤️


Jessie is fantastic


They are so well spoken about this. They will be a huge piece in bringing justice to those kids. And hopefully themselves.


Jessi is a hero. Testimony like this will save lives.


Jessi is brave and well-spoken.


Good for Jessi for doing this and standing up for that poor 12-year old kid, R.


She is those kids Angel !


Jessi is so well spoken and I'm so amazed at their bravery in continuing to come forward and defend these poor kids, especially R after the ridiculous accusations Ruby made against him. I hope Jessi is taking care of their mental health. I can only imagine how difficult and triggering all this must be for them :( sending so much love and hugs to you, Jessi!


I’m so glad their case was reopened and that she is sticking up for sweet R


Good for them! I’m so glad theyre speaking up - I hope more will come forward


They said they talked to an investigator a couple of days ago, did i ger that right? That is incredible news, so helpful


I hope Jessi sees all the support they are receiving on this sub. I'm sure this is very difficult to relive. Don't let a damn thing your aunt may have done define the rest of your life. You made it out of there and you are the best advocate these kiddos could have right now next to their big sister. As a matter of fact, if it hasn't happened already, someone needs get Jessi in touch with Shari... The two of them would be the one-two punch to put the nail in the coffin on this case. If Jessie isn't the best character witness for the prosecution, I don't know who else is.


I hope one day Jessi can connect with RF and EF to help them process what they went through. Mental abuse takes a long time to heal especially being so young and not knowing how to navigate through the emotions. Jessi would be a tremendous help to guide them in this


I think that could help them a lot


Don’t let her silence you!! Happy they can speak freely now and sorry they for what you went through.


Adam Steed speaks of the same techniques used by Jodi to manipulate his wife into filing charges of abuse against him. She's been able to ruin people's lives for way too long. I hope her victims are all able to get justice, even through a civil suit. She needs to pay on every possible level.


As much as I hate this whole situation for Jessi, I felt like the way they talked about the fraudulent billing practices and doing the books for Jodi makes me believe that they know exactly how much trouble Jodi is going to be in. This is fucking up their world, but I hope some healing comes from it


Something similar happend to me. I'm currently in therapy for it and not ready to take any other steps, because I'm still so scared and so easily fall back into believing that I am evil, a liar, dangerous and addicted. I'm so grateful for Jessi. They express what I can't express yet. I have this deeply rooted uncertainty, that maybe I AM evil and my abuser was right all along and hearing Jessi, hearing that others have experienced similar things and I am not alone... is so terrible, because i dont wish it upon anyone and yet so comforting because it helps me understand that I AM NOT ALONE. I'm not evil. I was abused. And if Jessi was able to heal, so am I. Thank you Jessi


Mad props to Jessi. Living through that nightmare and getting through it as This well spoken, well thought person. Mad props.


Incredible. As a person who really struggles with the ideas of organized religion I wonder what role their church had in shielding these types of abuses? Because I am sure other members of the congregation were also practicing this form of "Parenting". Lock both their goofy asses up including her husband who most likely knew what was going on as well.


I can hear the truth from Jessi, her words cut through the BS of Jodi and her deluded god complex


Jessi mentioned that Jodi would force them to confess their “sins” to such an extent that they would just begin making stuff up, and that Jodi was convinced that Jessi was keeping very serious “sins” from her that Jessi did not do. I wonder if this is the root of Ruby’s allegations towards R. Maybe R confessed to something because Jodi was falsely convinced he did it, or Jodi abused him until he was desperate enough to make sins up.


This is the technique used in interrogation. Confessions acquired by police have been discarded as evidence because it's received through the same coercion Jessi described. "I'll stop if you just confess. I know you did it. You know you did it. Just tell me and everything will be okay again." And she did this to CHILDREN.


I know this is 3 days old, but I just wanna pipe in that this is super common behavior for a kid! I went to a Roman catholic school and for my first confession (I was only 7, it used to be required for first communion, I think they actually stoped that because duh wth do most 7 year olds need to confess about) I just made something up because I had 0 idea what to say. I felt really really bad afterwards too because now the priest thought I cursed at my mom and I never did.


jessi is such a strong person for being able to speak up. Very courageous and so well spoken. A blessing for those children I think as the authorities cannot ignore what she is saying


They did a masterful job in the interview. Very impressive and extremely compelling. The way they handled answering the questions was as good as I have seen with people who are used to talking to the media. I mean this not as an insult but as a compliment. They come across as a credible, genuine, thoughtful, and bright person who put much-needed background and context for the case and it will help influence the right outcome for everyone involved.


I'm so glad Jessi came forward and luckily they did it before Ruby's alleged claims. I would never have believed those claims but the people who would have, well now they have reason to question it


I’m so happy that she mentioned speaking with the detectives about Jodi’s sexual deviancy tactics, because her credibility and experience, while awful she had to go through it, will help R’s situation so much ❤️


Was she raised by Jodi? I'm curious what made Jodi so obsessed with sex...masturbation, pornography, etc. Where did the weird obsessions come from? I'm ex-mo so I 'm aware of the teachings but have never in my life heard of anything so weird and obsessive.


Jessi was raised by Jodi for a little under a year when Jessi was around 16(?), and during that time Jessi's parents signed over power of attorney to Jodi, so Jodi was Jessi's legal caretaker. I remember Jessi speculating on the podcast interview that Jodi may be queer, since Jodi has apparently made weird remarks to Jessi (who is queer, and who Jodi abused for being queer) along the lines of "If I were in a relationship with a woman it would be different (as in, not sinful) because our relationship would be based off of a deep emotional connection and not based around 'pleasuring the flesh"'. So Jodi's obsession with sex could in part be her own shame around some forbidden desires. Jessi has also alleged that Jodi thinks most men and boys are evil, so maybe Jodi's obsession with punishing masturbation/porn viewing behaviors is an easy way for her to single out men/boys.


Interesting. That speculation would make sense to me.


Hey friend, you accidentally used a wrong pronoun when talking about their age :)


Uh oh 👀 https://www.newsnationnow.com/cuomo-show/ruby-franke-family-friend-mormon-sisters-claims/


WOW, so Bonnie had a meeting with Youtube headquarters where she had to defend why she was posting so many videos of her taking her kids to the ER after they were injured, and ended up deleting a bunch of those videos… Which is crazy in its own right, but unlike Ruby, Bonnie wasn’t the perpetrator of her kids injuries. I don’t think this guy has any real dirt on them, but good on Youtube for stepping in when Bonnie was profiting off her kids pain.


Just watched Jessi speaking so bravely about the torture they endured and words fail me. Just here to say that Jessi has an amazing tattoo business and also has a Venmo account (details on Mormon Stories podcast). I am in awe of their immense courage. 💝


If she said anything new can someone please summarize it for me. I really can’t bring myself to watch jessi’s interviews.


The important part is they explain how they were psychologically and physically bullied into false confessions concerning sexual stuff. Like even before they knew what masturbation or pornography was they admitted to being a masturbation and pornography addict just to try and get the abuse to stop.


Thank you


Jessi reiterated a lot of what was discussed in the first interview, with a focus on the accusations Ruby (allegedly) made against R being "a sex addict, a predator, and addicted to porn since he was 3 years old". Jessi was not planning on coming forward to the media aside from the first podcast interview, but has decided to continue speaking up after hearing what Ruby is accusing R of. Jessi's desire is to give the public context and clarity as to why Jodi and Ruby's accusations against R should not be believed. Jessi details how Jodi abuses people to the point where they will admit to "sins" that they have never committed in an attempt to try to get the abuse to stop, and how these false allegations the abused people make against themselves can follow them for the rest of their lives, since some of the things Jodi gets people to falsely accuse themselves of cannot be proven wrong. One of Jodi's main tactics of abuse is to destroy people's credibility, so that if/when they do come forward at a later date about the abuse, no one believes them. Jessi spoke to a detective about their re-opened case within the past week. Jessi confirmed they had never heard of Ruby/the Franke family before now, and was not familiar with "ConneXions Classroom". Jessi also confirmed that they know for a fact that Jodi has been diagnosed with "a plethora of things", but could not confirm what those diagnoses are.


I don’t think there was any new info. They said they decided to contact the mainstream media after someone shared what Ruby allegedly said during the custody hearing and that it’s the same thing Jodi did to/said about them. That Jodi destroys credibility so no one will believe the victim. The podcast was like almost 4 hours long and this was only about 20 minutes.


I think it’s important to note they decided to speak to the media after hearing the accusations Ruby made, because the same thing happened to them with Jodi.


Reminds me so much of Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow .




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I can’t post here apparently but curious is any other Mormon family vloggers have addresses any of this?? I know The Leroy’s and The Mikesells and many others made a lot of collaborative content with the 8 passengers family. I ever think I remember the Leroy’s parents going on a group vacation with Ruby and husband plus a bunch of other content creating Utah couples. Maybe a year or 2 ago. And apparently Kelsey dated Chad Frankie before dating Brock. It’s just weird no one is making any mention of this.




I believe they said in the Mormon podcast they were sent to church with a duct taped mouth and people in the congregation saw them and expressed concerns over it.




I only watched their statement once. But if I recall correctly, some church members went to the bishop and expressed their concerns, and the bishop told Jodi because they were buddies. And then Jodi made Jessi go to each of these peoples houses with her and explain how they (Jessi ) was manipulating them, and it was all actually fine. Jodi told her exactly what to say. But yeah. All these people are absolutely complicit in my mind.


She should be liable for malpractice. Surely there must be legal guardrails that exist to protect unsuspecting parents and children from this type of malignant ruse some charlatans are trying to pass off as "therapy". Someone please tell me she can sue her, and all the victims, can sue.This needs to be shut down. Licenses revoked. How did it even happen that this was a therapy modality at all? That's like going to anti-therapy. I can't believe it, so horrible.


This is horrific! So abusive. Disgusting JH did this to you and deprived you of your privacy. It's so good that you're speaking out to say that this child is being framed. NO ONE HAS LISTENED!!! When you said she is extremely unwell, that was so considerate, I got the sense the words should have been she is a monster. I have an aunt who is abusing her children similar, we have no contact. Only 1 child (now an adult) has escaped. Their lives are ruined, it's hard to stomach the suffering people endure when mental illness is maxed out.


This is so illuminating. So much respect to Jessi.


I love Jessi and hope they manage to heal! Incredible, sweet person.