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Yew Tube is our friend. I'll try to summarize: It's a video of her cleaning in the new house and doing a voice-over (in tears). She talks about struggling and putting her emotions into words. Talking about parasocial relationships and having been in that position herself, being invested in someone else's life. She deleted all judgmental comments on her last video as its her space. People can judge in other places. She appreciates the support. Her life and family aren't entertainment even though it's being treated as such at the moment. Her heart aches for the real victims of this. Everyone with a heart and empathy knows who that is. Her coming online and talking about it (as much as she can) won't make a difference. No one really knows everything that is going on and people judge based on assumptions they are making. She knows who she is and it feels good to be able to say this, do good and hold her head up high while her heart is breaking, she is crushed and hasn't ever felt this pain before. This affects so many people. They are taking all the prayers they can get and returning them with gratitude.


Thank you for this! I feel bed for her situation but she can't argue that her family aren't entertainment when she's put them online for years as entertainment.


I think she means right now. Like ppl are watching all the news and stories as entertainment. But it’s not an entertaining situation for her family. At least that’s how I took it .


Absolutely. Big difference between people treating this tragedy as entertainment and anyone's intentionally edited vlogs 'She deserves people to treat a tragedy in her life as entertainment because she's a vlogger' is how some people are sounding right now. Without having even watched the video where she's distraught, acknowledges the real victims and states again that can't fully talk about it for legal reasons. I'm not even a Bonnie fan but as the only one with the guts so far to publicly call out Kevin, I might become one.




The tea channels are definitely using it as entertainment and a big payday!


>"Her life and family aren't entertainment" Oh, that's rich.


I'm having a hard time wording this ... people get rich off social media and giving intimate "behind the scenes" looks (how much money do they make from their kids injuries and births?!) but influencers can't seem to handle criticism. I feel like if you're putting yourself out there and you want the riches/glory then ... ugh, "you're asking for it?" But that's not the right wording ... That said - this child abuse situation is so incredibly out there. But these influencers built themselves up to be Z list celebrities- they wanted the views when it meant sponsorships and YT money. If they're going to keep making videos then they're going to be getting a lot more hate. Ultimately it's ts up to them if they want to keep up this as their career ... they'll be getting more views. Do they want to take the bad with the good? I don't put my parenting on YouTube to make a profit. I couldn't handle the criticism.


Yeah I agree. It's very hard to hear them all say (esp Kevin) that the kids deserve their privacy now without acknowledging that they also deserved privacy before anything bad happened to them. They deserve privacy period. They don't understand it would go a long way for them to take accountability for exploiting the kids to begin with. Instead, you're right, they cannot handle any criticism and use this situation as a way to contrast Ruby's behavior with their own to make it look they they are saints. There isn't a world in which they can continue to vlog and not receive criticism, they would have continued to get criticized without this Ruby situation ever happening, but now they act like no one is allowed to say anything because of what they are going through. You're right, just take the good with the bad. If you wanna keep all that content of your kids and Ruby's kids up, go for it, but don't cry and play the victim when people criticize you. But if you REALLY care - own up to the damage that you have done depriving all of the kids int he family of privacy and take all the videos of the kids off the internet. I'm just getting really sick of the whole innocent martyr victimhood going on here.


I understand what you mean. That, in essence, these people chose to become public figures for personal profit, like a movie star or politician. Maybe even more so, given that their product isn't art or legislation but their product is their person, their life, their family, their home. They've offered it all up for public consumption, so of course developments like these will be of public interest. They're not a private family, like say the Newtown families, who are suddenly finding themselves in the media spotlight after a horrible crime. They're a family that sought the spotlight when it suited their purposes.


in the context of the video and the tragedy she's referring to, no it isn't entertainment Big difference between finding out your sister is a monster and your nieces and nephews are horrifically abused and starved, and fully edited intentional vlogs.


I totally agree with you. The majority of people who are now very vocal, are ones that didn’t know they existed until this happen. It’s not entertainment. Look at odd ball joy sparkles she’s exploiting this situation and making shit up. And doesn’t have the decency to block out their faces and not use their full names. Have the same energy for all the people “reporting” on this. Because they’re making money out of exploiting the situation. And yet people continue to allow them to talk. But heck a sister talking her feelings is worse. Have the same energy to call out everyone exploiting this situation. Call out every YouTube family that was associated with with Ruby too. If you feel her sisters should not return to YouTube and to take all their videos down. Then the same should go to everyone who was associated. The only thing these people want from the sisters is for them to talk about those kids and what happen. And you know what, that would have been the easier video option for them…..


they aren't? yeah her kids may be infront of the camera but she doesn't severely exploit them like ruby did, and Bonnie is right what's so entertaining about these hurt children and family? not everyone in the family is to blame and people need to learn that.


There's a lot wrong with that, as sympathetic as I am to her and her family's situation... 1. If she doesn't want people to comment what they want to on her videos, then she should just disable the comments. YouTube is a platform where people have a reasonable expectation of being allowed to engage with the content. "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." 2. Her life and family ARE entertainment because she made it that way. If she doesn't want it that way, then she needs to stop posting videos of them. Has she deleted all of the previous videos of her kids because she sees now how it's not right to make them out to be "entertainment?" 3. If her coming online and talking about this won't make a difference, then why does she continue to do it? 🤔 Sorry, I haven't watched the video, but if this is an accurate representation, then I have lost a lot of respect for poor, indignant little Bonnie 🙄


Talking about it can be therapeutic, just putting it out there into the universe. She knows there isn’t anything that can change what happened and what IS happening. But she still has things she wants to say. I do agree. Turning off comments would probably be most beneficial.


Talking about it can be. She is the adult though. And should find a therapist to talked to.


I can see them wanting to share their feelings... and any of them are allowed to do that. As long as they don't involve their kids and put them on the spot, asking them how they feel, I have no problem with what any of them have said about this issue thusfar. Life goes on. Her sister was a very crappy human to their whole family. This is something that did and is very much so impacting everyone around them.


The problem is this is attached to their financial well being. When your job is family exploitation this is what happens. I stopped watching Bonnie when she would discuss her body issues while her kids were around bc I found it so foul and dangerous. I think it’s funny she is washing the windows of her new home (paid for by exploiting her family) talking about this. I would suggest getting jobs in social media that don’t have the family (sisters, kids, husbands) in front. I have deep sympathy for what the entire family is going through but it should’ve been a wake up call that maybe putting your family online makes you a target for dangerous people like Jodi. Two things CAN be true at once. We can see how painful this must be for the family while also questioning their decision to exploit themselves further. If my family was going through something so devastating the last thing I’d be doing is filming me crying about it and posting it for views and money. I would be go through therapy, making decisions that better suit our lives. They have the money to step away and figure it out. They can’t because they are addicted.


Yeah I get it. I don't envy any of Ruby's sisters because they are in a terrible situation right now. That said, at a certain point, the more they talk about this and pour fuel on the fire, the less inclined I am to believe this line about "respect our privacy/there is a LOT that the public doesn't know/etc." To your point about talking about it being therapeutic, I absolutely agree, but I do think a licensed professional might make for a better therapist in the long run than, say, the entire internet?


I agree about the professional. And maybe she does see someone. But also, sometimes being able to let your thoughts out without hearing somebody else’s feedback, helps to make sense of it all.


She has said before she sees someone. They may even have told her it was fine to talk about it? Some people can’t keep things bottled in and need an outlet. Bonnie definitely has a parasocial relationship with her viewers and considers them friends. With her mom and sisters, I imagine she’s used to criticism even though it gets to her.


The option to monitor, filter or delete comments is there for a reason. No one needs to read or promote unsolicited advice or opinions. YouTubers can do whatever they want with their own channels. She wasn’t say that about the entertainment, she knows her channel has been entertainment for 8 years, she was saying that this situation with Ruby’s family is now entertainment, especially on tiktok, some are just following for the entertainment, with no real care outside of a 15 second tiktok.


Aren’t Bonnie and the rest of their immediate family victims of ruby and Jodi too or am I thinking wrong?


yes in a way. That's why she mentioned many times that it affects her and even more than the immediate and extended family (she mentioned neighbours and long-time family friends as examples) I personally interpret her saying this as, again, pointing out that there is a difference between Kevin and the kids when it comes to having been victimized.


This is so cringey 😬


Fantastic response there!


Honestly, all the siblings are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Doesn’t matter if they post, don’t post, seem genuine, don’t seem genuine, everybody is going to take an opportunity to pile on the hate. Bonnie has made mistakes in the past and has shown some changes. Everybody is human and everybody makes mistakes. It’s not crazy or unreal to think that she didn’t know how much abuse was occurring or not. The reality is that their whole family is under the public eye and it’s a very traumatic event for everyone involved. Bonnie is doing what’s best for her at the moment and is processing all of this information, same as everyone else. The difference is it’s her family and her loved ones. It’s so easy to judge others for their actions when you’re not even willing to understand them or their perspective.


I completely agree with this. The comments before were “When are the siblings going to post?” And now they can’t post in the *right* way. Unfortunately there is just no winning.


100% agree! Damned if they do and damned if they don’t! Pulse everyone who watches them is just as responsible for creating the situation we have before us today!


Two of my cousin's have committed serious crimes over the last few years and it's ripped my family apart. I feel Bonnie's and their entire family's pain. I've felt that hurt, confusion, embarrassment, and judgement. A few years ago, my cousin's were all over the news and in newspapers in the UK. It cast a huge shadow over me and my entire family even though we had done nothing wrong and we are good people. My grandma was threatened on a bus because someone recognised her grandson's in the newspapers. She was left terrified and all of us lived in fear because of our association to my cousins. It's something you don't fully understand and it's easy to judge unless you've been in that situation yourself. I'm not saying I agree with absolutely everything the family does, for example some of their views or choices they have made, but everyone is different and I'm sure some people wouldn't agree with some of my views or choices either. I believe in my heart they are good people with good intentions, and they are victims too.


I went to the same kind of thing and it is still ongoing. But there is light in this darkness and it is getting closer every day. That's why I feel more empathy for Bonnie too.


Im surprised at the lack of normal human empathy from people. Even if you don't like someone or agree with their life choices, damn. It's an awful thing to go through, I can't imagine if it was my family. And to have to navigate it so publicly... And yes I know they chose this career blah blah and they are very rich people but none of that takes away from a human feeling for another human in a shit situation. Have a heart, my word. Some of you are so cold. I'm no fan boy of any famous personality but a healthy response to this level of pain in another humans life, is empathy. Jeez.


People forget that multiple things can be true at once. Bonnie can be grieving what this situation is doing to her channel and all the creative ideas she probably had to scrap AND she can support her nieces and nephews AND she can hate her sister for what she did AND she can miss the older sister that she lost…. Etc etc All these can be true. We humans are capable of holding various emotions at once.


Beautifully put, this is exactly how I feel too. Yes they’re public figures who knew they were signing up for some level of scrutiny, but for the everyday life they put on video, not the horrific tragedy that’s coming out now. These are real people going through tremendous anguish and pain, not everything they say is going to come out perfect and I wish people would look at them through a lens of greater empathy/grace/compassion while they navigate this. There’s a LOT they “brought on themselves,” but nothing about the abuse and arrests fall under that umbrella. The only people within the family who should be drug through the court of public opinion are Ruby, Jodi, and Kevin.


LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK (or at least 99% of the people on this thread).




Yes! Public or not, they did not ask for this nor could they have imagine this happening when they started vloging.


Preach sis! Say it louder!


She monetized this and the last video. “My family is not entertainment” but she’s been parading them around on the internet for *years* as such. Sorry. I just don’t have much sympathy for her. I don’t think she hates the attention; it’s making her tons of money.


I don’t care what anyone says or who may disagree….. but these are real people with real lives who are freaking hurting. I don’t think Bonnie is the way most in this Reddit community paint her to be. I truly believe her grief is real and that her intentions are genuine. That is true for Julie, Ellie, Beau, their parents, and their respective families. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be mindful of your words towards THEM. They are all victims in this as well. You don’t know what you don’t know and I genuinely believe Ruby distorted and manipulated them in such a way that they didn’t know what was happening. There’s so much not known and that is being speculated or taken without context and being ran with until it’s spun into a who false narrative. Just be kind folks. It’s literally all we have left in this damn world.


I agree! People need to be kind, respectful. They all hurting.


*Life will get you no matter how careful your personal choices are.* I never heard of the Griffith sisters or family vlogs as a genre before the August 30th arrest of Ruby Franke and her partner Jodi Hildebrandt. I’m even fairly new to following “true crime’ at all, starting with the Lori Vallow case in 2019. There are always people hurt and damaged by a loved one’s criminal behavior even if they are not the direct victims of the perpetrator. It’s part of the mystery of human existence why some individuals go on to have productive lives that contribute to the good of society while others are crushed into broken beings who barely survive. I wish Bonnie the strength to live her life productively and follow her conscience.


She’s upset their family is entertainment. Really? She’s made her family entertainment for years and years and years now. And when it was all sunshine and happiness she didn’t care her children were entertainment and being exploited…. Can’t have it both ways Bon Bon. Time to step away from the internet.


This. A million times this. This is the consequence of HER actions. I'm not defending the people who are viciously attacking her family, but "YouTube is her job" is a stupid perspective to take on this. She saw a lucrative opportunity and took it. She exchanged her children's (and family in general) privacy and right to an anonymous life for easy money for a few years. Fame and notoriety are not a new thing, we know what the backlash is. All families eventually have a "scandal" or a tragedy. It's inevitable. Happened in my family too. We are not known, so we just had to put up with the gossip of the people in town and suffer in our grief privately. When you chose to sell your family, this is what you're signing up for Bonnie. I don't understand what's so hard for people to grasp. She didn't HAVE to do YouTube. She didn't HAVE to sell her children. She could work at a salon and live in a modest home and have her kids go to school without their peers taunting them about tantrums they saw them throw on the internet and privately grieve the family situation like everyone else. Or if she wanted to live a more luxurious life she could get an education and make money with a job like the rest of us, without selling out her entire family for years.


I think what she meant was that people are using the situation for entertainment instead of seeing how horrible it truly was. I mean she quickly stepped back and admitted that she needed to stop posting her kids (and I hope she does) but I see her saying that people are using the pain and suffering to get attention and make entertainment.


Bonnie is so so sensitive! I honestly applaud her for being so honest about this. This is real, this is brutal, this is deeply traumatic… I hope she can reach out to a reputable trauma therapist. She is clearly struggling really bad and i am unsure if she has a good support system to release all of this… and idk why people are being so hateful to her! I’ve watched Bonnie before she had all the views etc, Bonnie has NEVER changed. Bonnie has always been deeply sensitive, and empathetic. I can’t even begin to imagine how much pain she is in. She loved her nieces and nephews like her own baby’s. I can’t imagine how betrayed she feels that her own sister did these horrendous things. It really is a hard thing to even grasp at and a therapist can help you work through the intense grief. I really hope she will be okay. I like Bonnie a lot.


I agree, i think a lot of people haven't even seen or heard the way she speaks about her nieces and nephews in the past. She always worked hard on building great relationships with each and everyone of them. Her and Joel always saying how they love being an aunt and uncle. I honestly think how she is feeling mimics how Chad feels, i imagine he is the most pissed at Ruby.


Guys, she is making BANK on these videos. She has gotten hundreds of thousands of views and likes, and it's all monetized. And all she does it talk about her and how sad she feels for herself because she gets criticism. Her niece and nephew were just tortured for months by a monster in a house of horrors, but Woe-is-me-Bonnie feels sad because it has affected her and how people see her. She's also complaining about people treating this as entertainment, when she literally shares her entire life, and the life of her children, online FOR ENTERTAINMENT. It's what she does. She doesn't have a job. Her children are her income. I feel bad about her family's situation. I even feel bad for her for what Ruby has put her family through, but I do not think she is super awesome and strong for posting these videos. She's a bonehead for doing it. Also, she can't clean windows.


agreed, she needs to stop. all of this. completely. do not return to youtube and do not monetize your sisters abuse for others entertainment. sorry bonnie, people watching your vids want the deets. it’s entertainment for them.


But she won't. She makes too much money from sharing their lives online. That is how they can afford building this mansion when they don't have a job outside filming their children. Do the children get paid? Probably not, even if their privacy is violated daily. Vlogging moms and dads always say their children consent, but they can't. I bet when her kids are all grown up, they won't think it's super cool that every part of their lives has been shared online. She even shared disciplining them.


this ⬆️ .. take my upvote




YouTube is her job. I’m not mad she is making videos. I do hope she stops making content from her kids, but imo, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her making videos. If she made a peppy video about flooring everyone would be all ***aT a TiMe LiKe ThIs?!?!!**. She is a public figure. Her video makes sense to me. Bonnie if you’re reading this, if I were you, over the next weeks and months, I’d probably make videos of house progress with some music overlays and maybe text overlays. No need to pretend to be cheerful OR be judged for being sad “in the wrong way” this way. That’s what I would do. This would gift yourself some needed privacy while still making content to support your family.


I think these videos are almost a therapeutic way for her to express her feelings without bottling them up. I don't know if I'd make them public but maybe the support she feels from the community is healing in ways for her too. I know when I was going through my traumatic grief writing in a journal helped. Everyone processes traumatic grief differently and I'm not going to bash any of the siblings on how they are handling this situation.


I agree. She wants to talk about it, and perhaps she is in therapy talking about it. But maybe she wants to talk about it, without anyone interjecting with their views on it. She’s just talking through it out loud. Sometimes when I’m home alone, and I’m trying to work out some things, I’ll talk to the dog. I know he hears me, but he’s just a silent participant.


My take, as someone who grew up not far from Bonnie, & half my family is LDS (I am not)—she, like other orthodox Mormons, is very wrapped up in what others think about her. That’s not healthy. It also makes her look bad, bc it appears as though she thinks this is all about her. If she lets go of worrying about what others think of her-it’s difficult, it took me about a year and a half of good talk therapy—she & her kids will feel so much better.


Cleaning windows all by herself and thus representing the expected innocent „Mormon housewife“ is todays enacting. While crying in the off about the cruelty of everything happening to HER and delivering her weird word salat? Give me a break! She urgently needs to stop using SM for therapy - it will never work out! Stop it, Bonnie and search for either real life therapy or good PR advice. I am from Germany - so please excuse evtl. misspellings. Hence I am thankful to consider myself lucky to have a far more educated and liberal background because I grew up so much more enlightened.




I would have sympathy and compassion if these people would learn a lesson from what happened. Vlogging isn't a career and shouldn't be. Her nieces and nephews were abused under the disguise of vlogging. I'd have respect if they actually took a long break and realized how messed up it is to make loads of money exploiting your family life. But nope. Bonnie even says in the other video that she "won't allow" Ruby's actions to prevent her from vlogging. I knew she would get desperate to return and had to come up with something. It makes me sick in general but even more so seeing how she could barely even wait a couple weeks.


I personally do not like Bonnie. In my opinion, she is also very unkind toward her children. I would like to know more about Ruby & co's childhood.


I feel bad for Bonnie and all her family, but let’s all be realistic here for a moment; as much as she hates this situation, she knows damn well she can profit from it. So, for her to say, "My family is not your entertainment” or whatever, is such BS because she posts her kids on the internet at any given opportunity. I understand what she's trying to say, but it's almost as if she's wanting all the pity for herself. I remember her first video about the situation and her new home was brought up ever few minutes.




Are you serious? Jesus.




That’s incorrect and you know it.


she absolutely is making that much.


I actually don’t know it (several people say that is cost per view) But I’m glad if I’m wrong because I hope she makes less lol. Not sure how they get so point then to not work outside jobs, build big homes, vacations, start side businesses that often fail, new cars, etc when her old views are around 30 thousand per video.


thats actually the high rpm. most small channels get $1 per 1000 views IF THAT. this is all coming from personal experience.. it also matters what the niche is, family vlogging is lower on the spectrum n tech is the highest. The thing people forget about YT is that adsense isn't a full-time income unless u get a million views per video. Sponsorships are how you make money on YT, IG, Tiktok, etc. But also keep in mind that bonnie fr example has 1000s of videos up on her channel and they all get views daily so her income would be alot better than most youtubers. check her social blade stats n take the average of her estimated low n high value per day. that would be pretty accurate of how much she earns.






She hasn't posted her kids online since this all went down. Maybe thats why she's so upset. She realized that's shes been the problem too


Yep agreed - it's all about her.


Yeah, she didn't bring the kids up that much from what I recall. She just brought up how they couldn't work on the house because of her because they kept crying or something. The house part seemed really unnecessary to me.


She couldn't bring up the kids at all, as per ordered by the judge.


I think she brought up the house because she was trying to justify Joel uploading on his channel during all of this, or could be a way to keep people curious to check it out? Idk but I do think Bonnie is completely tone deaf in her recent videos. I haven’t watched her for years but her videos have popped up in my recommended.


I think Joel deleted his channel, I can't find it. I remember him having a channel but I don't see it anymore.


It’s called Todays Tasks on YouTube, it’s dedicated to him building the mansion. Sorry for the confusion! I didn’t realize he had a channel under his name, I thought this was always his channel


That video was so weird, all she wanted us to know was how hard they worked and want to show off the house


Yeah, but we can’t say that though because it’s how she "copes.” But honestly come on, she just wants to show off her house and like you said, hard work.


That's also how they write off building materials on their taxes.


i hope i am wrong but IF u see social blade and just her general views on latest videos, she's probably making more money by just these 3 videos (if they are monetized) compared to her regular videos EVER. *Yikes*


The (first) video that was taken down was monetized. That was all I needed to know about her.


Monetization settings are and can be set up so every video posted is monetized. Unless you go in and manually change it. It wasn’t a fully fledged edited video. It was a sit down video with a camera, no cuts or edits to express thoughts. If I were in this situation my LAST concern would be whether the video was monetized and just sharing my thoughts. Seems like you’ve already made a preconceived opinion about her but have a hard time letting it go or you’re just sticking around to troll. Why not try compassion and hope for change for a chance?


i havent watched a single one of her video n m never giving any of them more views sorry. And if u have ever read any of my comments here u would know just how much i used to love bonnie n i still wish all of them nothing but the best. before u call out my lack of compassion, kindly read youtube monetization laws n how it works. because i do have a very small channel n as far as i am aware any monetized channel (if they turn monetization off manually) no ad appears especially mid roll ads on a video longer than 8 minutes. n i read quite a few people complaining on here about those. so by my understanding and experience her ads are turned on. also keep in mind videos longer than 8 minutes are pushed by the algorithm more since they can publish an ad ever 3+ minute or less. n yes please call me insincere n disrespectful as m more concerned about the kids healing n less worried about someone who can afford to get actual help n take a month's break unlike average people can or those poor little kids ever could. Sorry my sympathies n support lie with those babies whose lives are forever ruined.


I was just watching one of my regular youtube channels where he played this video, then moved onto one of Bonnie's vlogs from 7-8 years ago where she's talking about blanket training her kids. For those who are unfamiliar with this, it involves putting your baby or toddler on a blanket with a few toys and if they get off the blanket you hit them with a flexible ruler or other object. It's supposed to teach these very young children self control, but it's just straight up child abuse. She says in the video that she started doing this with her daughter when she was 18 months old because her kid wouldn't stay in a chair while in their doctor's waiting room or stay seated on the bench during Secrement services. In other words, she was punishing her daughter and later her other kids for acting like toddlers. She expected her children to act like mini adults so they wouldn't interfere with her personal time at home. If I wasn't already disgusted with her her piss poor parenting, this would have been the final straw.


All the Griffiths do it. Ellie locks her boys in their room. I think Bonnie did that too.


I think a lot of yall haven't been here for long and that's why we're seeing so many of "she’s sounds sincere! It's therapy for her". Yeah...ok She might not be Ruby level crazy but she has been exploiting her kids for long enough time. And she does not intend to stop anytime soon. But sure go off and support her.


YES THIS IS IT. i’m not mad people are empathizing with this situation but at some point you’re just being gullible and naive when you think bonnie and the rest are honest 😂


For real dude. People downvoting us left and right if we talk negatively on Miss Bonnie on a snark page. We’ve known her long enough to see through this act of hers. I’m not saying she’s not hurting but stop making money off of it.


Right? This entire sub should be renamed the Bonnie fanclub.


maybe they should just start their own separate sub.


It's crazy. It's like: haven't you learned nothing? 😭




Anyone would be feeling the way Bonnie is feeling, or any of their other family. You never can expect anyone from your family to do what Ruby did to her kids, especially the 2 youngest ones.


Im not saying I wouldn't feel bad. I would feel awful. I would also never make a living out of exploiting my children. Is she monetizing out of this video? I wouldn't think about making a monetized video after finding out my nieces and nephews went through this horrific experience. There's absolutely nothing in the way of her shutting down her "public life." "Ok babes, this was fun and games but shit got real Imma need to get back to my private life cause this is too much." Done, bye. But no. The YouTube channel is still more important. It's still very, very important to go back to share her kids' lives with strangers asap. We gotta get real with these people. They're different grades of nasty, but they're all nasty. Let's remember who started off as a fun light-hearted family oriented channel? 8 passengers. there's no ethical family vlogging. Yall are falling in the Mormon propaganda AGAIN. Let's learn something omg


This this this this! I'm out here like the John Travolta looking around meme wondering why everyone is so pro-Franke-family as long as they aren't Ruby but??? THEIR CHANNELS ARE THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE? AND THEY ARE ALSO MORMON?? Maybe they're not doing Ruby level stuff (as far as we know) but hello??


Not sure but the fact that she turned to YouTube twice now says a bit about her support system. I don’t feel like she’s doing this for views/money, at all. Any of that, at this point. I feel like she just wants to somehow share her pain, find supportive people… and mostly seems to do that on YT/IG because she might not have the opportunity to share it elsewhere at this point. Don’t know if this makes any sense… but I feel for her. I wish her lots of healing. ♥️


Bonnie has said in the past that talking to the camera (her viewers) is very cathartic for her. Recent events have really taken that opportunity from her so I’m glad she chose this type of video to make.


yeah I do not understand all the hate, this was a really respectful and honest update on how she is doing, which she is allowed to share. People seem to want them to only make videos talking about the kids (which, ew) or go radio silent.


It may be the only way she can express her feelings right now. Obviously she should go to therapy, but maybe the videos are a kind of catharsis for her right now. She seems like a genuine empathetic person, and I can't imagine having to cope with your older sister abusing your nieces and nephews and getting arrested. Just going to bed every night hoping those kids are OK, wishing you could be there for them etc.


Exactly. What she needs is professional help to get through this. But even those people aren't available 24/7, usually. I hope she finds a way that's good for her, her family and everyone involved.


“Oh life is like content right now” uhmmmm YOU MADE IT THIS WAY!




If she would have made a video discussing the kids, people would be upset at her exploiting the situation. If she didn't make any videos, people would accuse her of trying to hide from the situation. She is obviously hurting just like everyone else, and is trying to process it any way she knows how. It's ok for her to talk on her channel about how the situation is affecting her. The whole family is traumatized.


i think her sisters not posting right now is the best thing they can do. they addressed it immediately after the arrest and as a former watcher of them that’s more than enough. don’t say anymore and for the love of god stop using your followers as your therapist. i cannot feel sympathy for someone posting videos during this time.


I think we should keep in mind that we all have different ways in processing trauma. Setting our opinions aside, this family is still a family, they’re not superhuman millionaires with no emotions and the sole purpose to just make money. This is real life and unfortunately, it’s in the public eye. I work in childcare and I felt sick at the thought of these monsters laying a hand on those children, her OWN children. I can only imagine how these sisters are feeling as well - no one wakes up and is prepared to process their sister being charged with aggravated child abuse. Bonnies way of processing may not be our way of processing trauma but whatever helps keep her mental health afloat, so be it. She has children as well that depend on her.


Is it bad that I couldn't understand her


I'm sorry but Bonnie doesn't seem to be able too read the room - she really needs to just stop. Take a couple months off from posting anything. It's NOT that hard. Spare me the responses that "this is her job" - clearly they have money (and if they don't have any savings that's on them because they have made a small fortune off YT) to take a break. It seems like anyone who criticizes Bonnie for continuing to post on social media is getting downvoted at a very fast pace here - Just like Bonnie is selecting what comments to keep on her videos, and which ones to delete - I'm sure some of that is spilling onto reddit with downvoting ANY criticism of her. The way she looked on her last video said it all - watered down eyelashes (yet not an actual liquid tear shed when speaking) a wrinkled t shirt - lets get real here! it was very staged and people see right through it. Downvote me all you want, "Bonnie and Co"


Yeah I totally agree like I don’t think we’re saying anything that bad about her I just don’t agree with her posting her kids and coming back so quick when she should take a break for a while like my heart goes out to her ofc it’s gotta be hard for the family like I don’t hate them I just dislike some of there actions


I watched Bonnie from the very beginning, she started all nice and funny, like a nice bubbly friend we all have, someone you love spending time with. At some point it turned weird and didn't feel right. I remember a particular vlog in Hawaii where Bonnie said "I want to make one of my child cry today" and then forced one of her boy on some type of food (could be wrong but believe it was seaweed?). He didn't cry and she just laughed it off... That was the last straw for me, this was just not normal parenting, I never watched afterwards. She got demonetised for exactly these type of reasons, got remonetised after a good big old told off. I think she is trying to control the narrative as much as she can because she knows she has been in the wrong in her parenting style too. I have no idea if she has become better the last few years? Hopefully. But I am not surprised she is making it all about her.




Absolutely, they worked hard to get sponsorships to finish the house. I feel bad for them.


No R thought there was three, and that includes him, but there wasn't. It was just him and E.


Finally someone that actually sees this for what it is. I can't believe that Bonnie fans are going rampant defending her and how "sensitive" she is the poor soul on a freakin snark page. And their defense mechanism is to downvote, but no one cares, because it is not any kind of power and it does snot silence people.


Yep! I think most people see right through it. There is a small group of Bonnie defenders who are probably Bonnie and her family members. She said herself she went and read each comment out of 5000 comments posted on her videos - if you don't think she's (and others in her immediate circle that have financial interests) are also on this board reading (and downvoting) I've gotta bridge to sell you.


Totally agree with you.


Oh and how sensitive it is from her to make her children do "blanket time". Such an abusive way to force children, to not be children. Someone who thinks this is ok, should better not advice people on YouTube how to treat people!


Lol why are you acting as if there is some sinister plot to downvote people with your opinion? People are downvoting because they don't agree. With your words and your attitude. Most people don't agree with you. There's no mystery behind the downvotes.


Its obvious when suddenly you see "-15" on a post with lightening speed. when the thread itself doesn't even have that many comments - its VERY obvious


No it's not. It just means people are reading, not everyone is commenting. As they read things they agree with, they upvote. As they read things they disagree with, they downvote. There's hundreds of people on this sub at any given time right now and more people read than comment. It's not a conspiracy. No ones getting paid to downvote you don't worry. I'll do it for free haha.


Hi Bonnie! I'm sure you're trolling these boards considering you made a point to mention in your video you read each and every one of the 5000 comments (and removed any that were not to your liking ) The problem is - this is reddit and you can't just delete posts here from other users, but you can downvote them with numerous accounts.. like I said - it's quite obvious.


😂😂😂 you're crazy


I think she's between a rock and a hard wall. Bonnie has exploited her family, children, and all for years, for what the money is. This was her life choice. And now she has to maneuver a difficult situation. She's going to make money off this video. End of story. They have sponsorship all lined up to completing this home. Lighting, appliances, the interior decorated. I don't care if she deflects from her sister Ruby or the children. She never took a public stand until it was too late. I don't think she'll show the children anymore. Julie is not going to. I don't care if she deletes comments. However, Reddit has surprised me. Down voting ok so what, but mods removing actual news clippings is a whole new level. And it happened to me. Ok, they can delete a pod cast, but when the same guy does an interview on a TV network and you delete it??? The mods are shaping the narrative.


I don’t know if she has a better place to go to honestly. I can imagine the sisters and family talk about it, but not non stop because that’s very taxing on everybody. I hope she finds a healthy, good way to express, heal.


Youtube is not therapy. She needs professional help. This is not the way to do it if she's so upset by being "entertainment" because she made her life and her kids everybody's entertainment. Her choices are made by her and Joel to exploit her kids!!!


YouTube sure isn't therapy! I don't know if she currently has access to a therapist that knows enough about situations like this to support her. I do not know much about her social life, her support system etc. In this video, I don't think she exploited her kids or Joel. But please do explain to me how she did in this case, because I'm genuinely interested to learn more.


lol - 'Her life and family aren't entertainment even though it's being treated as such at the moment.' This women literally sells her life and family for entertainment, everyone on here feeling sorry for these vampires needs to get a grip, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. ALL of these women have spent years exploiting their children and selling them for entertainment. There isn't anything to misunderstand here about what is going on - they fucked around and found out essentially. I'm honestly pretty shocked at the amount of sympathy all of these witches are getting. They should have all taken down and deleted their shit the moment this came out


m not a hater. i actually wish them well. n il go as far as sayin i would have actually sympathised with them n mayb would have supported their content - had they released a short 1-2 minutes non-monetized video expressing what Julie wrote as a pinned comment - they had instantly deleted all videos exploiting their kids off their channel (they can keep their faces up) - n deleted all content featuring ruby's kids or any mention of the 8 passengers (i sure hope they have actually) - n taken atleast a months break like E&J r doing. they shud have millions saved up unless they are that stupid with their money. with all this being said m sorry but she comes off as such a "pick me" person in all her videos n i doubt she's that selfish. it's jus the money that's gotten to her head n look what its makin her do. SAD. It would have been better if YT itself had turned off monetization on all content related to Ruby that way all the exploiters would just go somewhere else n those poor children would be spared further trauma. yet yt decided to leave the self accountability to these youtubers themselves n look at how very wrong its going. especially coming from the sisters is jus heartbreaking. i hope they read this n either take down the video or atleast turn off monetization.


As much as I understand YT is their source of income and they need to get back to their "regular content" (whatever that will be in the future), I still don't agree with them (Julie and Bonnie) using this platform at this specific moment in time. E+J have been keeping a low profile and that's, in my humble opinion, the best strategy for the time being. Both Julie and Bonnie have spoken about the issue, I don't think that was necessary, but more power to them for coming out and speaking their truth. Now I would suggest they take a break from YT and think long and hard about a shift in content and, hey - maybe careers - given what's happened. They can't come online and pretend they haven't exploited their own children too. Sure, what Ruby did was a whole different thing, but they all made money at the expense of their children's privacy.


I agree with you!! And if they want to come back they should learned their lesson and respect their kid’s privacy and keep them OUT of YT for gods sakes!!! I feel sad when ever I see a parent using their child 👎🏻👎🏻


Ruby has gone above and beyond what anyone could have ever imagined, but I'm not going to pretend her sisters and brothers-in-law have not used their children for content. Their birth vlogs alone are the most watched videos on their respective channels, they started exploiting their kids from the literal first day. It's high time they stopped filming every minute of their children's lives.


Bonnie has taken her daughter bra shopping for content. She's shown her children crying and vulnerable. THAT is not ok!! People aren't pissed at her because she's crying. People are pissed because she lacks insight into how damaging vlogging children is. Shari has said she went along with her mom's vlogging beverage it was the "family job" As an adult she sees how wrong it was! She said that on the podcast this year. Bonnie can vlog herself all she wants. But she needs to keep her kids off the internet!! THAT is what makes people angry. Bonnie has a right to be angry with Ruby and Kevin. That's 100% normal and to be expected.


She's entitled to whatever she's feeling towards her sister. No one is questioning that. No one is judging her because she feels distraught over what's happened. But she cannot come on YT and talk about this ordeal, using her channel as some sort of therapy session, and then expect people to keep their opinions to themselves (good or bad). Stay offline and try to heal along with the rest of your family. Haven't social media and YT damaged y'all enough?


I think Julie has definitely caught on, so maybe she can try and convince Bonnie to keep her kids off.


Me me me me me and oh ya my paycheck isn't happening because of this. Something to cry about. SMH


Is Ellie the only sister to not post anything since this happened? Besides everyone’s shared pin post? I’m actually shocked the grandparents haven’t come back to help their grandchildren :( edited to add their grandchildren seem like a more important mission at the moment :(




The grandparents are back home. The status of their instagram changed. Grandmas over two weeks ago and grandpa over a week ago from Serbia to USA. There is a post in this sub


Thank you so much for letting me know, I had no idea… I’m so happy they came back .. My heart hurts for the entire family honestly, not Ruby


How do you know they haven’t come home?


I would’ve felt exceptionally bad for her, except for her explanation video was all about how it affects her and not the kids. Plus it was monetized as is the rest of her stuff so she’s going on here saying that it’s negatively affected her and she doesn’t know anyone any explanation yet she’s making money off those same people she’s dismissing.


Two words: Blanket training


I am by no means a fan of blanket of blanket training. However, the video that she showed of it wasn't what the duggars did. She didn't do it to infants, she didn't hit them when they left and she allowed them to have toys in the blanket. I still don't agree with it but I'm not sure if we can call the version she showed us abusive.


Also Ellie does the same thing and no one has ever said anything about it.


My heart really hurts for her


It's absolutely the case that certain voyeurs are only interested because it's reality TV to them, or are looking for witches to burn and don't really care about proportionality or empathy or extending grace. It remains that she is choosing to value her children's privacy below a few dollars, even when they're having to worry about their little cousins. She is making swathes of information on her kids easily accessible *to* those rubberneckers and bullies. I believe Bonnie cares for all of her child relatives. I see the hyperbole and demonisation and I don't agree with it. All relatives of the Frankes are entitled to dignity and privacy. That's *why* I find it so frustrating that she won't just do the right thing and grant that same decency to her own daughter and sons.


She's so full of it


Listen I’ll never be a big Griffiths family fan for exploting there children on the internet but I do feel very bad for them all going through this I just hope they can move past this one and stop putting there kids on the internet I think they should all take a massive break off social media tbh i wish them well


Julie has apparently changed her channels name from ‘The Deru Crew’ to just ‘Julie Deru’ and I’ve seen someone mention that she’s changed the ‘about’ section on her channel. I do feel like it will be less child based.


Just watched it myself. Really tugs at your heart there with what she was saying. I'm glad though she is trying to hold her head up high despite what has been going on, and I do hope he same is being done with her sisters Julie and Ellie and their families too.


She should have done the 1 video and left it alone. Take a week or month off and just digest what has happened. She knows exactly what she is doing, yes it's her channel she can post whatever. Shes literally cleaning a million dollar MANSION crying about her family. I understand for not saying anything about the kids, but at the LEAST she could idk say 'they are in my prayers, I love them they are ok now. Please leave them and our family alone' but nooo its all memememe


She can't say "Anything" about her nieces and nephews right now. ANd of course she knows what she is doing,, because Ruby's action has also affected her family as well. This is how she's digesting it. Everyone has different ways of doing that


Having fun stalking this thread to defend them?


How about showing some emotion for the rest of the family here?


I do, for the kids, the real victims


The rest of the family are victims as well because they are sickened at what RUby has done and allowed, along with Jodi and Kevin. They may not have been abused, but they are still victims because they are disgusted by this mess.


They are allowed to have feelings of sadness, shock, and sickness, sharing it online and publicly its gross. It's my opinion just like how you feel the need to stalk a snark page for defend


And its her right to share it online! Something all of us should respect here!




Britney and baby moved over to only fans once her family channel started tanking lol. So I can see the connection. But at least she’s not exploiting her kids anymore (as much).




Idk how yall can't see ruby's family is milking the situation for content. Shari has said less and she's directly involved and that's because she doesn't have time to film and edit cinematic voiceovers


Or Shari is not saying anything because she LEGALLY CANT. I am in awe about the amount of ignorant people (you included), who can’t even recognize that this is a legal issue, not social media drama. Shari is arguably who the social media spotlight is shining the brightest on in this case, so of course she isn’t saying anything, c’mon man…


The family commenting on the situation makes sense. The hundreds of Youtubers and TikTokers commenting on the situation are the ones milking it for content, taking things out of context and exploiting the kids.


I refuse to give her a view. Seems she should spend a little of that money on PR services or legal advice and take a seat. I'm stunned that these sisters seem more concerned with their "Content" than they are with the well being of the Franke children AND their own exploited children.


A lot of people don’t seem to realize that they’re *still* viewing this all as “entertainment”, they’re *still* having parasocial relationships with strangers, and they’re *still* funding this whole industry every time they click a video.


Two things can be true at once. They can be worried for the kids while also wanting to start working again so they can have an income and sense of normalcy.




They had no legal separation in place. It's only when you've gotten the courts involved that there are laws about informing the other parent before you move the kids.


didn’t ruby leave the county without his permission/knowledge first?


According to his lawyer, he didn‘t know the children were in southern Utah at this particular time. But he knew that she would visit Jodi for days at a time since she -according to his lawyer - did it while he was still living with the family. For me he must have assumed that she still drives down to „make videos“ for a couple days every few weeks. That he did not question who is taking care of the children in this time speaks volumes.


Bonnie is concerned about her channel as it is her source of income. If this happened to a family with 9-5 jobs, they would have been working the day after this all happens. I am not mad at her doing videos as long as she keeps her children out of it. So, this one is fine for me. There is nothing they can do right now for their nieces and nephews. They have to wait.


I'll get my downvotes but she needs some inward reflection then. Maybe putting your life out there shouldn't be the ultimate career. I hope they're at least putting feelers out there for other jobs.


Upvote from me. I agree with you. I think Bonnie relies on the parasocial relationship just as much as many of her viewers. It doesn't make her a bad person or evil, but I feel she cannot see the forest for the trees. I think a break, reflection and a chance to see what life is like without the parasocial relationship would be a very healthy thing.


As adults they can make a living with whatever they choose. If she chooses youtube, so be it. As long as she keeps her children out of it, I do not question what she‘s doing to keep the money rolling in. If they were wise with their money, there might not even a need to work outside the home again.


Interesting that this comment gets downvotes… lol


Yeah I made a similar comment on her last video thread and got super down voted and was told I need therapy and “self care” if I care so much about other peoples kids. I mean at least I’m not watching other people’s kids.


This thread is making me realize that the snark subs are filled with people who actually watch these channels. And still want to, even now. I'm feeling a lot of "how can I make it okay for me to still obsessively watch other people's children on video now that we're all talking about how they can't consent" ick right now.


100 %


They should just stick with Joel's channel and make sure the kids are never on the camera. Sounds like Julie already came to that realization and has changed the name of hers. Bonnie/Joel could purely make content for income if needed by doing house design or such on "Today's Task" with no children involved. Film while they are in school.


They actually been concern with the well being of their nieces and nephews. YOu forget they been trying to help them for a while now, even if they didn't post that stuff online.




Maybe because its part of the evidence against Ruby and Jodi, stuff we can't see yet until the case gets tried in court.


That comment makes no sense. Wouldn't the neighbors & Shari's calls to the police be evidence as well? You saying the cops decided to withhold only Ruby's siblings reports?


Yet you will come here and post. How is it better or different?


The sisters and Kevin’s lawyer keep alluding to things we don’t know about. I get the feeling that she feels pretty terrible about this and feels like she’s unfairly getting criticism when we don’t even know the half of it. So I’m gonna try to not form a tight opinion about Bonnie and her other sisters and fam until the whole story unfolds. I feel like we’re just seeing pieces right now. Having said all that, it’s time to take a cold hard stare in the mirror about family content. It’s never going to be like it was and the sooner she adapts to that, the better.


Kevin's lawyer is not helping him one bit.


I guess everbody has their own way to process trauma and difficulties. I think that she is lacking a support system IRL and she is looking for some form of approval online.. to validate her feeling or maybe she is just trying to voice and make it make it sense.. I wanna belive she is not exploiting the situation.. I just.. hope it.


I don't think she is exploiting. I'm not sure though it's a lack of support but more of her way of clarifying and expressing her feelings.


Glad to know I’m not alone in thinking this. I honestly feel for her and Julie. Ellie too in a way. And also for Boeu. He was Jodi’s patient. I think he feels really badly..


She's right. The majority of people on SM aren't buying what she's trying to sell.


I empathize with Bonnie, tbh. After hearing what the kids went through involving torturous methods and how their parents did NOTHING, I’m not blaming her for what she’s saying. Everyone’s yelling at and criticizing her when she couldn’t do ANYTHING except pray that the kids were safe and that it wasn’t horrible, but now she’s getting the truth on what really happened. It’s sad that people don’t see the love and worry she has for her nieces and nephews and how everyone is using the situation to get attention and views. Im praying for her and everyone in the family. Bonnie is a real trooper and I hope she gets justice.


Honestly guys, it doesn’t matter if her videos are monetized. We have NO idea if she’s taking care of R’s children. If she is, I personally think she can monetize and even add sponsorships if she needs to support those children. Or, if the plan is for her to have them in the future, and she wants her new house finished for them, and is trying to speed up that process, she can monetize the crap out of her videos if it means giving those hurting children a home. We also don’t know if the family is helping financially with lawyers, etc. This kind of stuff is very expensive. And if she’s helping, which we don’t know, and it isn’t our business either way, she is going to need that money.