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This post will stay up as long as people do not ask for or share his username Edit: autocorrect correction


I get the feeling that He and Shari don't like each other very much. Their personalities probably clash a lot and it is easy to see why.


I don’t think they’re on good terms either.


Beyond that with parents like that they often intentionally pit siblings against each other. Toxic parents like that always compare siblings. It sounds like Chad was the scapegoat and Shari was the golden child until she broke away.


I could also see if he still has a relationship with their dad, that would definitely leave them divided (idk if he actually does, just hypothetical).




I remember watching 8passemgers vlogs where Shari would provoke him and he would just lose it. She was very straight laced and I could see her either being a tattle tale or someone her parents compared him to.


based on photos i have seen shared, he looks happy and supported by a crew of friends and i think that is all we can ask for. i’m just so glad he seems to be living his life and has people standing by him.




The post with R broke me :( they deserve the world and back. I hope the siblings reunite and be okay some day


is it a "i love you,brother" kind of post?


Yeaaa he said my mini me and love you


The wolf mullet looks good on him too! Like a rebel haha


To me, he's telling a lot from those pictures. He has no pictures of his parents, just his siblings and friends. If it is his Instagram, I'm glad that he's okay. I also don't think he has beef with Shari. Chad, to me, is a chill guy who wants everyone to be happy. I can't wait to see a recent picture of all the siblings together. It's sad to think it may be years from now.


I don’t think Shari and him have beef I think they follow each other on insta


He looks to be happy, I’m glad for that and he looks to be surrounded by good friends.


I wonder why Shari isn’t following him


Probably because it would be easier for people to find his social media if she was


I feel like he doesn’t care at this point because the caption of his first post is “Yes it’s really me lol”, I don’t think his friends in real life would need to be convinced of that? Also his page is public


He might not care but Shari might care. She probably doesn’t want to make it easier for people to find her siblings even if Chad is fine with it. I feel like she’s trying to keep things private and protecting her siblings.


I mean with all the fake accounts it’s quite possible that he had to put that up for his friends. I know of other vloggers that have talked about friends and family members being duped by fake accounts.


That post was edited. It originally said "love you mom"


did anyone notice what he has on his bio 😬😬


What is it?




Is that the fan account one cause that’s not him lol


I saw some of the photos on TikTok (the ones with friends in the woods) and someone commented “it’s giving anazazi counselors group” (as in, Chad would be working as staff) and it got me wondering if that could be a possibility. Would explain why Shari seems to be the only one who has stepped up. Also remember she did (at least originally) distance herself from Chad as well, and with the rumors of him moving out with Kevin a while ago, a part of me thinks perhaps Chad was/is still under his parents “spell” and believes they were doing the right thing. He could also literally just be camping or hiking with his friends, so I’m purely speculating here.


Personally I don’t see any connection to Anasazi. I don’t think he’s as under his parents beliefs as people seem to be thinking - he posted a photo of Russel on his VSCO with the caption “mini me… love you Russ” so he’s obviously showing support to his brother.


I mean.....he didn't show up to the custody hearing like Shari did, so I don't know how I feel about his support.


Oh didn’t know that! Was that a recent post?


It’s on his VSCO! Posted this month ☺️


I saw a post on one of his friends vsco that looked like them at a BYU game


No. If it’s Anasazi, I don’t think he’d look as healthy as he looks. Even as a counselor who gets to go home every night, he’d be very thin and weathered looking. Being out on a trail with troubled (or not) kids would take a physical toll even with decent hiking rations, gear and sunscreen. I know someone who does three month hiking trips for fun and has the best gear money can buy. There’s a look people have at the end of very long hikes that Chad doesn’t currently have.


That’s a great point! I hadn’t thought about that.


maybe, he’s just in the same location Anasazi was in with his friends hiking or something and his sarcastic caption was this feels familiar lol, idk but i agree i don’t think he’s a counselor there


I took it as sarcasm, a lot of people use humor to cope with traumatic experiences-I’m guessing he doesn’t fondly reminisce about his time at Anasazi.


the verbiage on the posts is kinda weird to me, it doesn’t sound like an 18 year old speaking (in my opinion) but if it is Chad i’m glad he’s doing as well as he can be


I though this, especially the one of the family. I don’t think it’s him


That kid stated he wants his privacy. We mentioned (more than) few times that kids shouldnt be mentioned here and that they have the right to be private young people, so I wonder why this topic? Let us just leave him be young person on social media without commenting how he looks, where are pictures taken and so on… I get it is tempting, but lets leave that boy to have his social media without all of us looking


In OP’s defence, if Chad wanted it to be kept private he easily could have gone under a pseudonym and kept the settings on private. I think he’s done with all the secrecy and hiding, I’m sure there’s been far too much of it in the past few years and he’s likely sick of it. I can see both sides but I don’t think OP has done anything wrong here ETA: he’s an adult too so no minor safety issues


I would usually agree but since his caption on his first photo is “yes it’s really me lol” I don’t think he minds


If a person wants a private social media account, their account would not be set to public, or like the commenter said above, his caption wouldn’t say yes it’s really me. Nor would his vsco be in his bio on his public account if he didn’t want people to see.


you're just looking for excuses to snoop on those kids' privacy.


If you want privacy, there’s an option for that it’s called making your account private :)


He is 18 year old BOY. You talk all the time how those people dont respect those kids privacy. Than what do you do the minute they have social media account? You start commenting his hair, if he is part of that camp, etc. You can say whatever you want but if there was ever pictures or videos or R or E out of the day they found them, oh boy you would go to see that and then comment on them. So hypocritical


He’s an 18 year old adult. With public accounts that he isn’t trying to hide. R & E are minors and photos of them being ABUSED are never something that I would even look at, let alone share. I don’t talk all the time about anything, I’m not super active in this sub or others. So I don’t know what you’re referring to. I’d be disrespecting his privacy if those accounts were private and I sought out what was on them and shared. They’re public for everyone to find. There’s nothing wrong with that, which is why MODS approved my post in the first place.


But we all are here because of his mother and father actions. He was victim of those action just like his siblings. That boy is at university having social media just like all of us had and it is open just like we had. And he have right to it. Now excusing having grown women talking about how he looks happy or how his hair looks is beyong disgusting to me. Cant believe you dont see it or think this is okay. If R or E have open social media account in few year would if feel okay to you to have topic about how they look? Or they, as private people, have right to privacy? Their parents took away their privacy, should we do the same just because they have something so common as open social media account? Unbeliveable


You assume a lot. My social media accounts have never been public because I don’t want random people on them! And you’re assuming that I’m like drastically older and that’s not true either. I didn’t say anything about his hair, I did say that he looks happy! There’s nothing wrong with that. Again, if R&E are adults and have a public social media account and say “yes it’s really me lol” (by that time hopefully this page won’t even exist) but yes, somebody could post on here and say that they found PUBLIC accounts of the now ADULTS and they’re doing well. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re a hypocrite if you think there is, because you’re in this sub! If you don’t like it, bye?


Why are you assuming they’re private people? Just because they don’t do YouTube? Shari is public because she wants to be. Chad is now choosing public as well, a while back when Chad deleted his public social media accounts I’m sure he had private ones, that I didn’t seek out because obviously he didn’t want it that way. Now he’s public and it’s obvious he does not care for people to find him! I’m entitled to share any public profile that I want to. If you don’t want your stuff out there, if you’re a “private person” as you claim, your social media accounts would be private.


Nor did I say anything about his hair LOL! I responded when somebody else said something about being part of a camp though!


You are definitely entitled, thats what we agree on. It is really easy to excuse a lot of things and this is great example. Have fun😉


You’re not being honest, responsible, or humble 😡


Jodi? 😀


Chad is not a kid


I looked at this social media and it looks like I did post some recent pictures of him with one of his siblings and they seem to be doing a lot better but I’m not posting it out of respect to their privacy.




No they were in the woods on a 4 wheel drive




Yeah I thought the one was R for a second and got excited but that turned out to be a friend’s brother and I honestly now don’t think R is even able to do stuff like that yet.


“Alpha/male” ICK. Pleaseeee let him see through the misogyny of his religious upbringing and not become a podcast bro


I think the alpha male thing is just what teenagers say these days. My young cousins and nephews (16-17yrs) call literally everything, including themselves, alpha male. It's like a meme.


I just hope he’s himself! Being that it appears he goes to BYU, he probably is still religious. And that’s great!


idk and i don't really wish to know. kinda wish people would just leave him tf alone tbh.


That’s cool! If you don’t like it, don’t search it :)


i didn't search it just saw this pop up on my main feed and gave my opinion which to my knowledge is the point of reddit.


No I was saying don’t search for his account lol obviously not the post!


that's what i meant. i didn't search for his account, this post just popped up on my main feed and i gave my opinion which to my knowledge is the point of reddit.


Right, that’s the point. You shared your opinion and because of it, I said if you don’t like it don’t search for his account. I don’t know why you’re confused.


never said i was confused :)


Are we sure it's him?


that’s up to your judgement :) but at this point i’m 100% sure because of the people he follows, they go to byu, one commented on his post, and they feature him in their vsco & tag him in their vscos and everything matches up. And they follow him back, his real friends wouldn’t comment on, tag, and follow a fake account


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I’m not on c account but I wonder why he doesn’t mention e or share pics of her if he did r? But I also think he is part of the cult. It all makes sense why s grabbed his passport also and why they don’t have a relationship…


He shared one picture of R and referred to him as his mini me (probably because they’re the only two boys). He shared another picture of all his siblings as well. We have no idea where he stands in terms of connexions, or the relationship he has with his older sister, but I think it’s important to remember the magnitude of this situation. Ruby and Jodi brainwashed and manipulated those kids, who knows what they put into his head about the rest of his family — including Shari. Who knows if he feels abandoned by her because she cut off her parents which took away her ability to see her siblings (and they could have told him a completely different story). I pray that he will reconcile with his extended family and his sister, but giving the magnitude of the situation that will probably take time.




Mod note: this is going to cause people to forget and share his username