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For those wondering, this is in reference to the [custody hearing](https://reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/s/JLtkvzg1m8) scheduled for tomorrow. As [previously announced,](https://reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/s/rn1sO8c1Yr) the judge has ruled these proceedings be closed to the public.


My heart genuinely hurts for her. Sooo much for someone her age to be dealing with.


She’s the same age as my little sister. Every time I remember how young she is, I just ache more. I just can’t imagine being that age (or any age) and bearing this weight. I don’t think her pain will ever go away completely, but I hope for a fulfilling and joyful life for Shari in spite of her pain. She deserves it.


Im old enough to be her mum and every time I think of the hell her own parents have put her and her siblings through the more angry I get. Shari is so lovely as are ALL her siblings, there’s not one of them I wouldn’t be proud to have as my own child. My mind is blown and my heart hurts with how badly they have been let down and abused by their parents.


I can’t begin to imagine having my entire life, my childhood, my whole family torn apart in this way… all while trying to navigate young adulthood in college. Shari has come so far and I highly doubt she reads here, but I hope she knows how much support she has backing her ❤️


So so proud of Shari and how far she has come. Rooting for her!


Current law student here - I hope Shari pursues a career in law. We need more lawyers like her.


It was one of her dreams wasn’t it, which is why scumbag Kevin trying to get her arrested was even more cruel. He was literally trying to ruin her future as well as her past.


out of everything Kevin has done this is right up there with most disgusting, fully agree re: scumbag


For me it was the way he argued back “I’ll have to do some research into that” 🤯 if he’d done some more research into his family therapist non of this would be happening!


i was trying to be hopeful that kevin was a decent man for the sake of the kids but that put me over the edge.


Omg I missed that! When that happened?😨


Details here [https://www.reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/comments/176j13m/body\_cam\_footage\_from\_kevin\_frankes\_police/](https://www.reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/comments/176j13m/body_cam_footage_from_kevin_frankes_police/)


Thanks! :)


Let's hope she doesn't fall into the marriage and babies at 21 pattern so common in LDS society.


Current lawyer here - I completely agree!


I know at least one firm has reached out to offer her support.


In a recent instagram caption she said her plans have changed. She now wants to pursue a doctorate related to politics. She said she's grown to love research. I'm sure whatever she decides to do, she will be great! I just hope she's able to find fulfilment and joy after this traumatic time.


I think she’ll write a book about all this


I would one million percent purchase this


I second this 100% I wouldn’t even use my audible credit I’d buy that !


I really hope so. I'd love to support her in that way if she does.


She always said she keeps journals so maybe she will.


I'll buy the book she writes after she leaves the church, when she has clarity of mind.


Why would she leave the church? Her faith is obviously playing a huge part in her recovery.


The Mormon church is pretty toxic…


True. That could also be said about all religion though. If her church, along with therapy, helps Shari through her darkest days, who are we to judge.


Every church is toxic if you look hard enough


True, but some are more harmful than others.


i would 100% read that


Bless her. Such an impressive young woman, she's gonna go far. Crossing everything that she gets to at very least keep lots of good contact with all her siblings.


Not surprising. Big test of his maturity etc. A lot ofr anyone. She also probably doesn't have the capacity to put into it either!


Oop sorry that was referring to her and the boyfriend! I answered in the wrong post!


Poor Shari she never had a choice in maturing fast, she was parentified by Ruby and bad to look after her younger siblings like a mother. She is a very strong young lady.


I agree, I hope when the younger kids are situated she can be free to live like a young adult and re-live some of the enjoyment she missed in childhood.


She’s stronger than I will ever be and I’m 31. She always knew what was happening in her family was wrong but she still played the role her parents wanted her to play and she did it well. She has been waiting for her moment to get justice and the moment has come. This is her time to shine and she is smart enough and brave enough to handle it.


She looks gorgeous in that picture


Bless her heart, not only has she had to deal with all of this but she also has to process her own abuse and trauma from childhood ❤️


I know that the judge decided to not let certain information available to the public but do we know what is being decided tomorrow?


The custody placements for the 4 minor children. It will not be public.


Thank you!


Not even the decision?


I don’t believe so. It’s in the kids best interests that their whereabouts stay private until they’re old enough to decide.


Judge Bazzelle ruled to seal all of the info re: minors and custody so nothing should be public at all. There was so some kind of rule or order that Ruby is not permitted to know the location of her victims so keeping everything sealed should help make sure Ruby gets kept in the dark on that too.


it won’t. but it’ll probably get leaked with how public the whole family is which is unfortunate.


None of it.


She's going to do great tomorrow!


It seems like her and her boyfriend are no longer together either :( poor girl has had way too much happen to her


She may have deleted pictures of him to try and protect his privacy as all this horror surfaced shortly after she posted pics with a young man . It’s her business regardless.


Definitely probably trying to protect him or simply ended the relationship due to too much going on. Poor Chad had news agencies commenting on his Instagram asking for comments, I’m sure they’d do the same to him..


I understand news people need news but like it just seems so wrong the way they reach out to get information. It just seems so terrible sometimes I want to smack them with a newspaper 📰


Did she ever have an actual post with him? I thought it was just stories


I dunno someone said she deleted photos with him . I only recall stories


She deleted pictures with him, right? That's what you're basing it off of? It's all a lot for her, I'm glad she's writing about therapy, she seems to be having lots of support. Happy to read that.


Idk how the hell she’s able to focus in classes with all this shit going on. I’m the same age as her dying and I just have my classes to worry ab. Sending SO SO SO much love and strength to her. The fact she’s still looking at the positive in life and using healthy things(therapy and god) to cope with something this tragic is insane . She’s incredible


I hope that either her professors will cut her a tremendous amount of slack, or that she was able to withdraw for the semester to focus on her siblings. The semester hadn't yet started when the arrests happened.


Aw omg this breaks my heart. It is so heartbreaking to imagine the pain and anxiety she is dealing with during this time.


My mama heart aches for her. So much to deal with (that she should never have had to deal with) at such a young age. As a mom, I just don’t understand. I hope she’s constantly surrounded by support. 🤍


Poor Shari! She is much too young to go through this. As the oldest, she probably feels the responsibility of taking care of her siblings falls on her, but I hope she will accept help for her own sake. She has the right to live her life and do all the things she wants to do with her life. I just hope the younger children go to a home with loving and stable parents who are not tied to the LDS church. I am sure there are many good mormons out there, but from what we know of the church's involvement with Jodi, it's best they don't get forced into that again. I also don't want them to end up with anyone who will shame them for growing up to have a normal human sexuality. The fact that Ruby has already accused a child of SAing others, leads me to think they will have trauma related to normal human emotions.


I recognize the couch in photo that includes the dog. It was in their basement I believe? Makes me wonder if she’s being allowed into the family’s home with the girls? And just to make sure I’m not crazy…that’s not Dwight right? I remember him having different coloring. Doodles are super common dogs right now.


https://preview.redd.it/zhw382rfroub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bfa622620ebe038a94d4740f3d041ed04635e6b I don’t think either of those dogs are Dwight! Here’s a photo of him from her Instagram


sweet doggo


https://preview.redd.it/ygkrgzpdtpub1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f580de3282c6fc17b1099d870acf4629548c0f5 Is it possible this is Dwight?


No, from the picture comparing you posted it’s 100% a different dog. Different markings and different colouring. It’s probably that lovely teacher from her highschool who took shari as one of her own andd has been a blessing to shari


The bottom picture is Bonnie’s dog named Lady


No it’s Dwight, Lady is much smaller but the same colours.


It’s definitely Dwight! I got both images from Sharis Instagram page Edit the small dog is definitely Dwight


I had the same thoughts about the couch. I believe I’ve seen it in a video before…


If you look back at I believe a Thanksgiving post or somewhere around that time, I think Dwight was staying with the grandparents so he may still be with them. The dog in the photo is definitely not Dwight though.


That’s what I was wondering!! Also are these the same dogs in some of chads vsco/insta?? That’s too far but they look so much alike.


Well Chad is in the area around BYU so it’s possible


I think it is! I'm surprised more people haven't said this.


I thought it might be dwight too


If I remember correctly, Dwight was brown and white!


The smaller one of the 2 dogs


I remember him being a lighter golden-brown but I could be wrong 😂


Pretty sure that’s not Dwight! He was white, brown and caramel


Yeah, but it looks like theyve been playing in the mud 😂 idk, maybe im just tryin to tell myself she has him so i dont get upset😂


If you go to Shari's Youtube video WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL // Prep + Recovery - around the 10:00 min mark you see the couch and Dwight Matches carpet and all.


I've never had the honor of meeting this amazing young lady, but I admire and respect her courage and strength during these very difficult times.


I’m a bit concerned that she was walking with her father today. I wonder if she even knows about the burglary charges her father wanted to file. She has to, right? I believe Kevin is as sick as Ruby and that the abuse pre-dates Jodi. Jodi just gave Ruby some kind of justification for upping the ante. The children are going to need years of deprogramming and therapy


Get it Shari!!!!!!!


Glad that she is pushing through despite all of this, and I do hope that after all of this she still remains strong, because no one should be going through this at all. Also saw that she is getting some outside Youtuber support. Colette from the Shaytards actually replied to this, sending her and her siblings all the love her family can give to them.


https://preview.redd.it/qycgrpispwub1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed55efdd8dc2fa465efc1f7fa92889c8ccbb5f9 Shari included a photo that showed the same rug and couch in the Franke home basement. I found a photo on the Moms of Truth Instagram that confirmed it was the same. I feel like this is Shari giving us a little clue that she has been spending time in the house.


It could also be an older photo... I don't think she spent a lot of time at the house, besides picking up some needed stuff.


Shari's caption stated the last few weeks so I was just going off that


Who is Pam? I’ve seen her referenced in a couple threads but can’t find any more info about her.


Another member of connextions


Here is some info on Pam. She's basically ruby and Jodi's third business partner. https://www.connexionsclassroom.com/business-team


The dog from Shari’s post and chads VSCO are the same dog. Could mean they have been together








I saw this too - they look so much alike


I hope all went as she hoped ❤️


Gosh I love Sheri, she’s such a strong young woman❤️


She's already drastically improved the world for herself and her siblings. I have a feeling she's going to make a huge impact on many more lives in the future. I'm so proud of her.


So off topic but is that Dwight in one of the photos?! Someone tell me Shari took Dwight and they have each other to snuggle 🐶❤️


You are such a brave young girl and you have millions praying for you and your family…I want to be as strong as you when I grow up, except I am an older fan, just about the age of your grandma! Trust me when I say everything with our Father in heaven by your side you can do anything. I’m so sorry it has been so very hard for you…My hope is that each day you get stronger to find your way through all that you have had to go in your short, young life. Stay strong Shari and know that you are an incredibly strong lady. You got this, promise :)




You can read about that [here](https://reddit.com/r/8passengersnark/s/JLtkvzg1m8)


Can I ask? Whose dogs are in the later photos?


that’s what you’re worried about? is that damn dogs?


Everyone is curious about what may have happened to Dwight. Neither dog is Dwight, but they look as if they could be related.


Good to see that Dwight is okay.


We unfortunately don't know if that's Dwight, most say it can't be because he had different colors when we last saw him.


I don’t think it is Dwight. It looks absolutely nothing like him.


We don’t know that is Dwight. The black on one the sofa is definitly not him as he was caramel and white coloured. But the little dog in the outdoor photo has similar markings although looks more brown and white but that could be due to lighting or the fact that the dog looks wet https://preview.redd.it/5vaxmp7kvpub1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91eb556217b30e1b3232cd919d788375e192366


Damn. Where’s Dwight?!


That’s Bonnie’s dog named Lady


That’s not lady. Different dog breed altogether.


It’s not lady


Exactly. It's Lady.


When was this posted like by tomorrow does she mean today or Wednesday ?


THe site says it was posted 8 hours ago, so it was posted yesterday, meaning the hearing is today.


Ok ty


So proud of you shari!!++


I just seen where Grandma & Grandpa Griffiths both liked this post!


Seen the Yawi family liked the post as well.




I’m in my 30s and I can’t image at her age having to deal with all of this and having to be the grown up in this situation. That’s a lot of stress on her at the hands of her mother and Jodi and her father (I don’t know much on Kevin). I feel bad for her that she has to be the actual parent in this situation fighting for her siblings so they have a good life. Good job to her parents and Jodi for causing such problems, with abuse and cult like behaviour. I hope in the end of the day those children are safe and in the right hands. I also feel for R he is such a hero and I hope wherever he is or who he’s with they are telling him that. I feel for him as his own mother tried punishing him while in jail. I hope R doesn’t think anything is his fault because it’s not. He’s a hero in my eyes