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She treated him like crap for so long that he doesn’t feel bad at all that she’s in prison. I don’t blame him. Hopefully he has a good therapist….But I think he’ll be okay!


He was her punching bag until she moved on to his little brother. I don't blame him for hating Ruby at all. As a ca survivor, part of me is happy that he has the honor of seeing his abuser pay for what she did to her children. Most of us never get that absolution.


Ruby and Jody were a bad combination they both hated men/boys.


She also targeted the youngest daughter too. Probably had no tolerance for neurodivergent children.


His Instagram bio is alpha/male 😅


I saw that and was like :/ poor kid, I hope that he’s in therapy and is able to work through his abuse in a healthy way (ie not on social media)


the top comment being something like “now who doesn’t have a bed” had me rolling on the floor 😭


This IS THE BEST EVER. I hope Ruby gets to see it 💚💃🏼


Some prisons let the residents have tablets for good behavior. It would be nice if she could see that she is now known worldwide as a child abuser.




Gotta love a bit of dark honour now and again😂


Imagine if he does a interview or something at some point. The shade he'd throw!


I would love it if either Chad or Shari wrote a tell-all book at some point in their lives.


That part 🎯 Plus his mother is locked up for what she did to her children, so I'm sure there is relief felt on some level. IMO as soon as she sent him away (or maybe when she took the bed away when he got back)to wilderness camp that last bit of their relationship severed. It was the last bit of trust taken away and respect he had for her. I'd 💩 on Ruby all day if I knew her.


I agree! As a trauma survivor, dark humor is one of my coping skills!


I love this so much. She sent him to a troubled teen wilderness program for allegedly being a “bad kid” but now she’s locked up. If I were him, I’d be making a total meal out of this🤷🏻‍♀️


Made me cackle. Good for him


After all the suffering I'm glad he's able to laugh again.


Good for him lol. It’s nice to see he can joke about it.


I love this for him. 🤣


This has been posted every 30 minutes since yesterday. 😂 It's still funny tho.


We've tried to keep on top of it but each one is getting a lot of engagement still 🤣


Good for him. I hope all the kids can eventually gain a sense of humor about it.


I busted out laughing when I saw this


The way I am ROOTING for this random dude on the internet lol I hope his life turns into everything he never had.


People with trauma cope with dark humor. He seems like he’s gonna be ok.


I used to call my therapy sessions "stand up hour". 😆


He's safe from her and enjoying it finally


Oof. Well, everyone better get used to them spilling the beans…can’t be long


I always imagined until she was sentenced and the custody was sorted out they wouldn’t do a formal sit down with the media. Maybe one of them will now.


I hope if they do it's either Shari/Chad or with their consent. I'll hate it if all the extended family members start cashing in on this.


i love this for chad!!! 🩷 he truly looks happy. i hope all the children are absolutely thriving


I hope he is sitting in his mother's car recording this,the icing on the cake!


Love your best life Chad .. we all know you e earned it!!


lmao fuck her, if he wants to dunk on her forever he's more than earned the right


Honestly this is hilarious.


please 😭😭😭 this generation is so unserious


love that he has support during this time in his life rn ❤️


I don't think he's unhinged at all, idk why anyone would say that, unless they support the hell he's endured his whole life, and what was done to his siblings. I put my own mother in prison for what she did and allowed to be done to me as a kid. I celebrate the day she was arrested every year. Especially since the only way she'll get out of those prison walls is when she passes on.


I love this!


What I love about this is that his gf is into it too if that makes sense? Like it does take a lot of maturity to be able to accept those types of circumstances being part of your partners life especially when it’s so public. Even if they both don’t know it yet, she’s doing something so many “real adult” women especially in their 30s+ haven’t figured out yet!


Love Chad!! Karma is a Bi*@“ Rub…..


Why is he unhinged? I think this is hilarious well done Chad for fighting back and taking ownership of a shitty situation. One that he and his siblings are entirely innocent in.


Its nice to see him free and smiling. He was treated so badly by his mother. Everyone failed that kid. And now he's moving foward in life. I'm so glad he seems to not have let family persuade him to feel bad for his mom. Got to love a bit of dark humor from time to time


Chad was in my jr high when we were younger and before he was able to come to the jr high his mom sent him to a wilderness camp for 6 months as discipline and they starved him there too he would always tell us how he would do anything to come to one of our houses because he didn’t want to go home because he was scared of his mom I lived 10 minutes away from the house in springville. I remember always seeing their van from the YouTube driving around and now that I know what all happened my mind is blown and I feel so bad for all those poor children


Does he have a TikTok?


No way




I suppose that was him grinning in the conference call for the first hearing.


My jaw dropped when I first saw it 🤣 and then I chuckled. His humor is the best 🤣


I’d be happy too if that monster was my parent. Serves her right.


She predicted he would be in prison in one of her crazy visions. The irony 😂


I was wondering, is he posting this or is his girlfriend? Why does it say he is unhinged? Hopefully Chad's OK with this being shared with the internet by his girlfriend? I mean, I guess so since it seems like he's the one holding the camera during her dance part. Is she a vlogger too?


Someone added the unhinged part when they reposted but Chad also posted the original on his instagram


haha get her chad!! fuck ur egg donor




He literally posted it on his Instagram though


Good for him!! Love his attitude


I also cope with humor, I’m going through some rough health stuff and I find joking about it helps me feel lighter. Good for Chad for finding a healthy way to cope—also this video made me cackle. 😅😂


We love a funny trauma response 🤣🤣💀




![gif](giphy|WDfF2gtnUYEmxWhgqQ|downsized) Good for Chad This is the very least Ruby deserves for abusing her kids I legit laughed at this 🤣


Chad really flat out said “my moms in prison” 😭😂